2018-2019高中英语 Unit 1 Lifestyles 5 Communication Workshop,Culture Corner and Bulletin Board习题 北师大版必修1.doc

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2018-2019高中英语 Unit 1 Lifestyles 5 Communication Workshop,Culture Corner and Bulletin Board习题 北师大版必修1.doc_第1页
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2018-2019高中英语 Unit 1 Lifestyles 5 Communication Workshop,Culture Corner and Bulletin Board习题 北师大版必修1.doc_第3页
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munication Workshop,Culture Corner and Bulletin Board即时检测一、语法填空1I am busy doing my homework the moment.I am afraid I cant go out with you.答案:at2They stayed in the USA the Christmas and experienced a pletely Western style holiday.答案:over/for/during3He wanted to give people a good impression this special occasion.答案:on4She played a major part the success of the plan.答案:in5Just five minutes exercise a day could make a difference your health.答案:to6We are looking forward having a party.答案:to7Language is the key understanding those around you.答案:to8They all have one thing in montheir love the theater.答案:for二、用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空be supposed toplain.aboutsuffer fromact outadd upswitch overdepend onprevent.fromtake upprepare for1She spent all morning numbers.答案:adding up2We must the rivers being polluted.答案:prevent;from3I finish my homework before going out with you.答案:am supposed to 4The children started to the whole incident.答案:act out5Writing most of his free time.答案:takes up6The living cost you pay where you live.答案:depends on7Their business has lack of investment.答案:suffered from8They are always bitterly the injustice of the system.答案:plaining;about9Im tired of this programme; to another channel please.答案:switch over10The captain told the men to sailing.答案:prepare for三、补全对话(有一项多余)A:Do you know much about puters?B:1.A:Ive just been reading an article about them.They are used for all sorts of things now.B:2.A:Yes,but theyre used for other things too.Do you remember when we went to buy our tickets for the flight to Greece?B:3.A:The man asked where we wanted to go,and then he typed out the information on a form and waited for a reply.A few moments later he gave us our tickets.B:Of course.His machine must have been connected to a puter.A:4.A.For accounting systems and things you mean?B.Not a great deal.C.Thats right.D.No problem.E.Yes.答案:1.B2.A3.E4.C四、完成句子1今晚很可能有场暴风雨。A storm tonight.答案:is likely to e2重感冒让他一夜未眠。The bad cold the whole night.答案:kept him awake3直到最近我才知道克隆羊是什么样子。Not until quite recently what a clone sheep was like.答案:did I know4我们希望你能提出一个比这个更好的计划。We hope you than this one.答案:can e up with a better plan5水很冷,但不管怎样我还是在河里游泳了。The water was cold but I in a river.答案:had a swim anyway五、阅读理解More people are working than ever before in France.In cities the traditional leisurely(休闲的) midday meal is disappearing.Offices,shops,and factories are discovering the great efficiency(效率) of a short lunch hour in pany lunch rooms.In almost all lines of work,emphasis now falls on ever-increasing output.Thus the “typical” Frenchman gains in material forts and ease of life.What he loses to some extent is his sense of personal uniqueness,or individuality.Some say that France has been Americanized.The so-called Americanization of France has its critics(批评).They fear that “assembly-line(流水线) life” will lead to the disappearance of the pleasures of the more leisurely (but less productive) old French lifestyle.What will happen,they ask,to the cultivation(培养) of the good things in lifeto enjoy the smell of freshly picked apples,a stroll by the river,or just happy hours of conversation in a local caf?Since the late 1950s,life in France has indeed taken on qualities of rush,tension,and the pursuit of material gains.Some of the strongest critics of the new way of life are the young,especially university students.They are concerned with the future,and they fear that France is threatened by the success of this petitive,goods-oriented culture.Occasionally,they react against the trend with great violence.In spite of the critics,however,countless Frenchmen are mitted(承诺) to keeping France in the forefront of the modern economic world.They find that the present life brings more benefits,conveniences,and pleasures than that of the past.They believe that a modern,industrial France is better than the old one.1Which of the following is NOT a feature of the new French way of life?A.Shorter lunch hour.B.Greater output.C.Material forts.D.Leisurely caf talk.解析:第一段中讲述了法国新的生活方式带来的变化,其中包括“a short lunch hour”“ever-increasing output”和“material forts”,它们分别对应A项、B项和C项。而D项则是法国人以前的生活方式。答案:D2The passage suggests that .A.the French all agree with pursuing material gainsB.its now unlikely to see a Frenchman enjoying a stroll by the riverC.the French are fed up with the smell of freshly picked applesD.great changes have occurred in the lifestyle of Frenchmen解析:综观全文可知,法国人的生活方式发生了翻天覆地的变化。答案:D3Which of the following is TRUE about the critics?A.Critics are greater in number than people enjoying the new way of life.B.Student critics are greater in number than critics in other fields.C.Student critics sometimes resort to violent means against the trend.D.Critics are concerned only with the present and not the future.解析:由第三段中的“Some of the strongest critics of the new way of life are the young,especially university students.Occasionally,they react against the trend with great violence.”可知答案为C项。答案:C4Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage?A.Changes in the French way of life.B.Criticism of the new lifestyle.C.The Americanization of France.D.Features of the new way of life.解析:全文主要讲的是法国人生活方式的变化。答案:A六、语篇填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Thirty years ago,munication wasnt so convenient.And my grandparents wrote letters to their friends and relatives.They also wrote to each other because Grandpa worked in the city and Grandma lived in the country.It 1.(take) about one week to deliver a letter.When Grandma asked questions in her letter,she had to wait more than two weeks to get the 2.(answer)!If they had anything 3.(urgency) and to deliver 4.(immediate),they had to send telegrams.The telephone became popular in 5. early 1990s.But not until 1998 did my dads family have a telephone.Although it was much 6.(fast) than writing letters,it was still inconvenient.Once my dad arrived home late 7. he helped a granny on his way.My grandparents were very worried because they couldnt get in touch 8. him.Then my dad bought his first mobile phone in 2002.My favourite munication tool is the mobile phone.I have used it since my sixteenth birthday.My parents and friends can find me where I am.Its very convenient,but at the same time it is easy 9.(get) bothered,especially when I want to stay alone.Sometimes I have headaches after 10.(talk) on the mobile phone for a long time.答案:1.took2.answers3.urgent4.immediately5.the6.faster7.because8.with9.to get10.talking


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