2019-2020学年高中英语下学期第2周 模块2(一)(词汇与理解)教学设计.doc

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2019-2020学年高中英语下学期第2周 模块2(一)(词汇与理解)教学设计.doc_第1页
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2019-2020学年高中英语下学期第2周 模块2(一)(词汇与理解)教学设计课题选修6模块2(一)(词汇与理解)课时2考点、知识点1.本模块的单词和短语;2.课文文意的理解;学习目标1.学习和识记本模块的生词和短语(一、二、三层);2.结合词汇的学习,理解课文文意(一、二、三层;3.加强阅读理解技能训练(一、二层)。重、难点1.重点:本模块生词和短语的识记和运用(一、二、三层);2.难点:在文章文意理解的过程中,训练阅读理解技能(一、二层)。学习环节和内容学生活动建议教师活动建议调整记录1四会词汇vanish v.消失 stupefied adj.神志不清的,昏昏沉沉的exhaustion n.疲惫 clear v.使清晰tabby n.斑猫 rub v.摩擦,蹭knuckle n.指节,掌指关节 behave v.表现longing n.渴望 scald n.热泪盈眶eventually adj.最后 territory n.领地patrol n.巡逻 mouse-mice n.老鼠pad n.步行,放轻脚步走 bush n.灌木hornbeam n.角树 paw n.爪子pat n.轻打,轻拍 invisible adj.看不见的leap-leapt/leaped-leapt/leaped adj.跳跃 backwards adv.向后2认读词汇alertly adj.警觉地 approach n.靠近spot n.地点,污点v.认出 patch n.小块,斑hedge n.灌木 alarm n.惊恐sniff v.闻,嗅,用鼻吸气 whisker n.胡须twitch v.抽动,颤动 curiosity n.好奇心overe v.战胜 wariness n.谨慎,小心blink v.眨眼睛 truck n.树干3词组在起重要作用play an important part in 因疲劳、厌倦神志不清be stupefied with也许做过某事might have done 放下、记下put down伸出hold out/reach out 朝走过来e up to走开turn away 举止奇怪behave curiously对视而不见be invisible to 竖直,连续on end 站着静止不动stand still 向扩展sweep overStep I Revision & Warming UpCheck the homework. Let the students say some-thing about small talk.Talk about the social skills with the students.T: As we know, as long as a person lives in society, he will municate with others. If he wants to get along well with others, he must know something about social skills. Today we will learn an article about social skills. Before that lets do Activity 1 on page 2.Then check the answers.Step ReadingTask 1:SkimmingT: Now skim the passage and decide what kind of book it is from.T: Good job. Before you read or buy a book, you should form a good habit of deciding whether it is worth reading or buying by reading the title and subtitles or preface. It is very important for you and can save you a lot of time and money.Task 2:ScanningT: Now please read the passage to get the general idea. While reading, divide the whole passage into several parts and find out the main idea of each part.The main idea of each paragraph:Part 1(Paras. 1-2) Introduction to the body of the passage by asking questionsPart 2 (Para. 3) How to do small talkPart 3 (Paras. 4-6) Dos and donts while listeningPart 4 (Paras. 7-8) The social rulesTask 3: After-reading questionsT: Now we have known the general idea and the structure of the whole passage. Next read the passage again and answer the questions in Activity 3.Sample answers:1. Yes.2. Those who talk too much dont give other people any chance of speaking. It shows that they are impolite. So usually people dont like talking with those who talk too much.3. We should not look away from the person whos talking to us.We should not change the subject that is being talked about.We should not finish other peoples sentences for them.4. It is polite and can encourage the other person.5. The quotation from Benjamin Disraeli tells us that one should find the subject that can interest the other and make it easy to go on with the conversation.Task 4:prehending questionsT: In order to understand the passage better, lets answer more questions in Activity 5.Task 5:DiscussionT: From the passage we have learnt something about social skills and some rules. To put them into practice, lets have a discussion about the following situations in Activity 6 on page 4. Work in pairs please.Task 6:PracticeAsk the students to do Activity 4 in VOCABULARY on page 3 and Activities 4-5 in the WORKBOOK on pages 68 and 69. Then check the answers.Step SummaryT: Today we have learnt the passage about social skills which has much to do with our daily life. From the passage we know that social skills are very important when a person is in munication or having a conversation with others. We have also learnt some social rules and how to do small talk. It is necessary for us to learn something about social skills. As you know, we are now working hard to build a harmonious society. But how to construct a harmonious society if we dont know how to behave in municating with others. Especially, in xx the Olympic Games will be held inBeijingin our country. At that time how will we display our good manners to the whole world? So we must learn more about this inside or outside class.Step Homework1. Finish the rest of the exercises in VOCABULARY.2. Learn more about social skills.1.正确理解各英语单词,查阅相关资料并填空;2.通过对新单词的理解和运用,结合自己的情况回答问题1.先让学生熟悉单词;2.使用多媒体完成导入;3.使用多媒体完成阅读理解。课题选修6模块2(二)泛读训练与语言知识运用课时2考点、知识点1.本模块的单词和短语;2.课文文意的理解;学习目标1.掌握阅读文章中出现的重点短语和语言点的用法(一、二、三层);2.利用学案合作探究,积极展示,大胆质疑,学会分析句型和归纳总结知识点(一、二层)。3.培养学生自主学习能力和合作精神(一、二、三层)。重、难点1.重点:重点短语和语言点的理解和运用(一、二、三层);2.难点:句子的分析和知识点的归纳(一、二层)。学习环节和内容学生活动建议教师活动建议调整记录ExtensiveReadingTeaching goals教学目标1. Target language目标语言a.重点词汇和短语trilogy(小说、戏剧、音乐等的)三部曲 fantasy literature奇幻小说kingdom n.王国 revenge v.报仇marry v.结婚 wicked witch邪恶的女巫cottage n.小屋 palace n.宫殿hunt v.搜寻 frog n.青蛙pool n.水塘 put a spell on用咒符镇住punish v.惩罚 fall in love with爱上b.重点句子 But this was the centre of a broad boulevard, and at the side of the boulevard was a line of cafes and small shops./ Just beside him was that bare patch in the air, as hard to see from这两句话都使用了全部倒装结构1.正确理解各英语单词,查阅相关资料并填空;2.深入理解,掌握知识语言点1.先让学生熟悉单词;2.使用多媒体完成深入理解,掌握知识语言点;3.使用多媒体完成深入理解,复习掌握知识语言点并练习。课题选修6模块2(三)语法运用课时1考点、知识点掌握状语从句的用法学习目标状语从句的一般用法(一、二、三层);重、难点1.重点:状语从句的一般用法(一、二、三层);2.难点:状语从句的特殊用法(一、二、三层)。学习环节和内容学生活动建议教师活动建议调整记录GrammarTeaching goals教学目标1. Target language目标语言Analyze the function of ving form in each sentence.Writing an English position is not easy.I suggested asking his brother for some money.The ant queens full-time job is laying eggs.He is fond of skiing.Chinais a developing country.Who is the man talking with your English teacher?Im sorry to have kept you waiting.Seeing from the top of the hill, we find our hometown beautiful2. Ability goals能力目标Enable the students to talk about obligation or lack of obligation.3. Learning ability goals学能目标Help the students learn how to talk about obligation or lack of obligation.Teaching important & difficult points教学重难点How to talk about obligation and lack of obligation.Teaching methods教学方法Generalization.Teaching aids教具准备A puter and a projector.Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式Step I Revision and Lead-inStep Grammar一. v.-ing作状语的用法用作时间状语,相当于when或while引导的从句Hearing the news, they jumped with great joy.(=When they heard the news, they jumped with great joy.)听到这个消息,他们高兴得跳了起来。Turning around (=_),she saw an ambulance driving up.她转过身,看见一辆救护车开了过来。注意:(1)如果强调分词短语所表示的动作与谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生,分词短语前可用when或while等连词。如:While working in the factory (=While I was working in the factory), I learnt a lot from the workers我在工厂工作期间,从工人那里学到了很多东西。When crossing the road (=_),look out for cars.过马路时,留心车辆。(2)在动词的-ing形式前用on,表示“一就”。如On seeing her, he fell in love with her.他对她一见钟情。2.用作原因状语,相当于as, since, because引导的从句。Being poor(=_), she didnt want to buy the coat she liked.因为穷,她不想买那件喜欢的外套。Not knowing the way (=_), she asked a policeman .注意:“现在分词being+名词(形容词)”位于句首,通常是作原因状语。不可以把它用作时间状语。如:Being a senior middle school student, he must work hard.=Because /as he is a senior middle school student, he must work hard.3.用作方式、伴随状语时不能用状语从句替换,但可以改成并列句。She sat at the desk reading a newspaper(伴随).=She sat at the desk and read a newspaper.He sent me an e-mail, hoping to get further information.=_4.用作条件状语,相当于if, unless引导的从句。Work hard, and youll succeed.=If you work hard , youll succeed.= _Turning to the right(=_),youll find a path leading to his cottage.翻译:_5.表示结果(自然结果),相当于so, so that等引导的从句。His parents died, leaving the baby an orphan.The bus was held up by the snowstorm,thus causing the delay.(副词thus强调结果)= The bus was held up by the snowstorm, so that it caused the delay.翻译:_注意:不定式也可以作结果状语,但表示出乎意料的结果。如:He hurried to the post office, only to find it was closed.他急忙跑到邮局,不料却发现已经关门了。6.用作让步状语时相当于though, although等引导的从句Admitting what he said (=_), I still think he hasnt tried his best.尽管我承认他的话,我还是认为他没有尽全力。二.动词-ing形式的否定式动词-ing形式的否定式通常是在v.-ing形式前加not.无论在完成形式还是被动形式里,必须置于v.-ing形式之前。如:Not knowing how to do it, he asked the teacher for advice.Not having finished my work, I am still doing it day and night.Not having been watered for a long time, the flower died.三、v.-ing的时态和语态现在分词的时态分为一般式和完成式两种。一般式(主动doing;被动being done)所表示的动作与谓语动词所表示的动作同时(或之后)发生。完成式(主动having done;被动having been done)所表示的动作则在谓语动词所表示的动作之前已经发生。He hurried home, looking behind as he went.Having lived inShanghaifor years, I know each part of it very well.The large building being built down the street will be a hospital.Task 1:Learn the grammarT: After learning the FUNCTION part weve known how to talk about obligation and lack of obligation. Next, we will specially go into the difference between neednt have done and didnt need to. Lets make out the difference between them. Neednt have done means that you did something, but it wasnt necessary while didnt need to do means it wasnt necessary for you to do something, and you didnt do that indeed or you did. Now lets look at the following examples.Show the following.1. Thats all settled. It neednt to be talked about.Still, she neednt have run away.You need not have gone there yesterday.We had plenty of bread, so I neednt have bought a loaf.They neednt have been punished so severely.2. Oh, mother, really you didnt need to dust them.I think you didnt need to be impolite to her.And you didnt need to feel surprised.So you didnt need to hurry with you homework.Then ask the students to finish Activities 1-4 on pages 6-7. And then check theanswer.Task 2:PracticeT: Now lets go on to finish Activities 1-3 in Grammar in the workbook on pages 67-68.Then check the answer with the whole class.Task 3:SummaryT: Today we have learned to talk about obligation or lack of obligation. Practice them in different occasions.Step Homework1. Review the expressions of obligation or lack of obligation.2. Find some information on email writing.1.观察学习;2.深入理解,掌握知识点的使用要领;3.观察学习,并运用。1.使用多媒体完成深入理解,并练习。2.反复操练。课题选修6模块2(四)泛读与写作课时1考点、知识点泛读与写作,知识总结复习。学习目标【知识目标】(一、二、三层)1.能在阅读中识别新学词汇、短语并正确理解其意义。2.掌握写作技巧。【能力目标】(一、二层)运用本模块所学词汇、短语完成写作。【情感目标】(一、二、三层)激发学生学习奋进的动力。重、难点1.重点:阅读理解,运用本模块学过的句型及短语(一、二、三层);2.难点:完成写作。学习环节和内容学生活动建议教师活动建议调整记录WritingTeaching Goals教学目标1. Target Language目标语言a.重点词汇和短语favour, reception, embassy, look forward tob.重点句子I hope you and your family are well.I have a favour to ask.I wonder if you would be kind enough to answer these questions.2. Ability goals能力目标Enable the students to write an essay about an important event in life.3. Learning ability goals学能目标Help the students learn how to write an email.Teaching important & difficult points教学重难点How to write an email.Teaching methods教学方法Task-based method.Teaching aids教具准备A puter and a projector.Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式Step I Revision and Lead-inGirl: Ive just finished reading a _ book.Boy: Whats it called?Girl: Well, actually its a trilogy. Its called His Dark Materials.Boy: Oh, yes, isnt it _?Girl: Yes, it is. It takes place in several different worlds and its really exciting! I love fantasy literature. One day I might try and write a fantasy _.Boy: Youre joking!Girl: No, Im not, I think its very easy to _ fantasy stories.Boy: No, it isnt.Girl: Yes, it is. I could tell one right now.Boy: Go on then!Girl: Ok. Um _ A king goes _ and es to a _. A beautiful woman es out and on seeing her, the king immediately falls in love with her. But he doesnt know that shes a witch-a very_. Now you continue.Boy: Me?Girl: Yes,_, its easy.Boy: Ok So the king takes the woman back to his _and he marries her, not knowing who she really is. While hes sleeping, the witch _him and everyone in the palace, so that they dont wake up.Girl: Well done! _, its easy. Ok, Ill go on. The witch puts a spell on all the kings advisers and bees the _ of the land. She controls all the soldiers with her_, and everyone in the land has to bring her half of everything they have.Boy: Um, all rightThe Kings brother, whose name is Argon, rules a _kingdom. On hearing what has happened, he decides to _the witch. Before leaving his kingdom, he calls his son to him and says, “ If I die, you must_.” His son, who is handsome and _, says he will do this.Girl: So the kings brother goes to war with the witch, but he and almost all his men are killed. But _, his son isnt killed.Boy: Oh, good! Let me thinkOK, so the kings son, whos called Ferdinand, returns to his home. Hes now the new _, of course, and he feels terrible because his father and most of his _ are dead. After thinking about the situation for several months, he decides that hell have to kill the witch himself. Now its your turn.Girl: UmIm stuck, I cant think what to sayoh, I knowOne afternoon, while sitting _, Ferdinand sees a _. The frog jumps out of the water and says, “ Oh King, I will tell you how to kill the wicked witch.”Boy: Oh,_! Were late for our history lesson! Well have to continue another time. Can I borrow the first book of His Dark Materials? Id love to read it.Girl: Yes,_. Here it is.Boy: Great, thanks! Lets go!1.阅读。2.复习知识点;3.复习短语句型,并写作文。1.使用多媒体完成深入理解,培养学生兴趣,陶冶学生的情操。2.反复复习,写作文。

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