2018-2019学年高中英语 课时分层作业4 Unit 5 Rhythm 北师大版必修2.doc

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课时分层作业(四)语言知识练习固基础.单句语法填空1He was disappointed to see(see)the results of the exam.2Teachers should impress the children with the virtue of telling the truth.3After the performance(perform),Im eager to show you around some places of interest.4She was awarded(award)a scholarship to study at Oxford last year.5I am deeply impressed by the great changes that have taken place in our country over the past three years.6The doctor tried to do an experiment to find out the effect of the medicine on the mice.7How did you happen to e across the old coin?8To our great disappointment(disappoint),it rained on the day of the picnic. 9Every one of us in the hospital hoped that he would pick up after a few days treatment.10These foreigners will be used to living(live) in Taiyuan.单句改错1Whatever hungry I am,I never seem to be able to finish off this loaf of bread.WhateverHowever2Judging by his own standards,Mr.Sarokzys first year was disappointed.disappointeddisappointing3The film had great effect on her.had后加a4I like music when he likes sports.whenwhile5His school education adds up only one year.up后加to高考题型练习提能力.阅读理解“Folk singers are more like poets than singers,” Li Yahe,a music businessman,once told China Youth Daily.That saying perfectly describes Zhang Lei,the 34yearold champion of the fourth “Voice of China” singing petition,which ended on Oct 7.Critics thought Zhangs success as a victory for folk singers.The Voice of China used to attach great importance to singing skills and vocal techniques,which are not necessarily what folk singers are good at. “Folk songs are more about emotions and storytelling,” said Li.Folk is one of the oldest musical styles. It dates back to ancient times,when people sang about their everyday lives and the society around them.A powerful eback Folk music became popular again in the Western world in the 1960s. During social revolutions,many young Westerners turned to the simple rhythms of folk. Pioneers included US singer Bob Dylan,whose songs are reflections of some social issues like the Vietnam War. Singers at that time used traditional folk instruments like the banjo,the upright bass,the mandolin and the piano. In the late 1970s,folk music was introduced to Taiwan. The rise of singers like Lo Tayu and Chyi Yu popularized folk music,particularly among young Chinese people. At that time,folk tunes were based on simple song structures,with pleasant chord progression and pretty lyrics,just like during old times. But they focused more on the dreams and sorrow of youth than on politics. This continued to be the case when the folk “wave” swept Chinese mainland in the 1990s. Folk pioneers Sadly,it didnt last long in China. Folk gave way to pop in the late 1990s,when people started living more fastpaced lives. But that didnt mean folk music had disappeared from the music world entirely. “The drop in the popularity of folk songs is because the business mode of the music industry is outdated,not because of the music itself,” folk singer Song Ke once said. He was right. Recent years have seen folk songs gaining popularity,with the appearance of singers like Li Jian and Song Dongye. “The popularity of the Internet has shocked the traditional profit model in music industry,” Lu Zhongqiang,manager of 13Month,a music recording and publishing pany,told Tencent Entertainment.“Notsowellknown music starts showing its strength when the production of mainstream music is declining,” he added. 【语篇解读】本文主要讲述的是中国民间音乐的发展历史与状况。1Which would be the best title of the passage?AThe History of Folk MusicBFolk Music PioneersCThe Folk Music IndustryDThe Voice of ChinaA主旨大意题。本文主要讲述的是中国民间音乐的发展历史与状况,作为文章的标题,应选A合适。2The underlined word “it” in the last but four paragraph means Athe popularity of folk musicBthe focus of folk musicCthe tradition of folk pioneersDthe new model of pop music A猜测词义题。根据it前一段的内容This continued to be the case when the folk “wave” swept Chinese mainland in the 1990s,可知所讲的是它的流行,故可知应选A。3Which statement is true according to the passage?AThe Voice of China is very popular among young Chinese people.BFolk music once was a way to voice opinions about social issues.CFolk songs are more about expressing emotions than storytelling.DOutdated music mode is what leads to the decline of folk songs. B细节理解题。根据第五段中的Pioneers included US singer Bob Dylan,whose songs are reflections of some social issues like the Vietnam War,可知B选项的意思与之相符,故选B。4Which word can best describe the attitude of Lu Zhongqiang towards folk music?AObjective.BConfident.CCritical.DWorried.B推理判断题。根据文章最后两段中Zhongqiang所说的话,可知他对民间音乐的前景是有信心的,应选B。.阅读七选五Many people,including me,have been talking about how to listen.But as a leader,employee,family member or friend,there will be times you need to clearly state what you believe and what you want to happen next.How you speak up will determine how seriously people take you. 1 Speak for yourself.Use the word “I” when you state your point of view and suggestions for action.Own your opinion. 2 Summarize(总结) your story to show your reason. 3 Dont explain everything.You will lose those people who need you to get to the point quickly.When you practice,explain yourself,and then cut your story in half. 4 This is where you paint the picture of the best possible ending if your request is honored.Make sure it is a vision that will appeal to those you are speaking to and it also relieves their pain and helps with their goals.Let them call you names.There will always be people who find fault with you,your voice,or your style. 5 dont give in because of their behaviors.Let them call you whatever they like.Most people regret what they didnt say more than what they did.Dont hide or tell yourself that now is not the right time.Think it through and then clearly make your case for change.ADont include every detail.BTell people what you believe.CDescribe the desired oute.DDetermine how you want to show up.EAsk if there is anything they dont understand about what you are saying.FWith a sense of how you want to show up,organize your words by these rules.GThere will always be people who spend their time looking for what they can attack.【语篇解读】本文主要介绍的是表达自己的想法时需要遵循的几条组织语言的规则。1F此处的句子应该承上启下,G项“如果你想要知道怎样去表达自己的想法,可以遵照以下几条规则来组织你的语言”符合语境。2B根据段落主题句Speak for yourself和后面的内容可知,B项“告诉人们你所相信的是什么”符合语境。3A根据段落主题句Summarize your story to show your reason和后面的Dont explain everything可知,概括你的故事去表明你的理由,不用把所有的细节都讲出来,不用解释每一件事。4C根据后面的the picture of the best possible ending和relieves their pain and helps with their goals可知,本段主要谈论的是“描述你所期望的结果”。5G根据段落主题句Let them call you names可知,G项“总有一些人花费大把时间就为了找到能攻击你的地方”符合语境。 .语法填空If you visit a country in Asia you may see a lot of street signs with “KTV” 1. (write) on them.These signs are advertising KTV bars.KTV bars are places 2. people can do karaoke(卡拉OK)Karaoke is an 3. (active) where people sing famous songs.The words to the songs are shown on a TV screen and people sing 4. (it) out loud.Karaoke was invented in Japan in the 1980s and became popular around the world in the 1990s.The global karaoke market 5. (think) to be worth $10 billion.Inside KTV bars are many karaoke rooms.The karaoke rooms are decorated with party lights and 6. (fort) sofas.You choose the songs you want to sing by using a touchscreen puter 7. an app on your phone.You can also order food and drinks inside the karaoke room.The price of renting a karaoke room 8. (depend) on the quality of the KTV bar and how many hours you want to use the room for.Some KTV bars are expensive as the karaoke rooms are big and well decorated.Other KTV bars are 9. as the karaoke rooms are small and have less decoration.Karaoke is 10. (real) an interesting activity because you can do it with your friends,family and colleagues.【语篇解读】本文主要介绍的是在亚洲非常受欢迎的KTV歌厅。KTV歌厅就是人们可以唱卡拉OK的地方。1written此处为with的复合结构,宾语“KTV”与动词write之间为被动关系,故要用动词的ed形式作宾语补足语。2where先行词places在定语从句中作地点状语,故要用where。3activity卡拉OK是一种休闲活动。根据前面的修饰词an可知,此处要用名词形式。4them此处指代前面的The words to the songs,故要用复数them。5is thought主语The global karaoke market与动词think之间为被动关系,且描述的是一个事实。故要用一般现在时的被动语态形式。6fortable修饰名词sofas,作定语,要用形容词形式。fortable令人舒适的,令人放松的。7or你通过使用一个触摸屏电脑或手机上的应用程序来选择你想要唱的歌曲。根据句意可知,此处为选择关系,故要用or。8depends句子的主语the price为单数,故谓语动词要用单数第三人称形式。9cheap/inexpensive根据语境可知,此处对比说明KTV歌厅,expensive的反义词为cheap或inexpensive。10really卡拉OK真的是一项有趣的休闲活动。此处为句子的状语,故要用副词形式。

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