2019-2020学年高一英语下学期半期考试试题 (I).doc

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2019-2020学年高一英语下学期半期考试试题 (I)第一部分 听力(共两节,每小题1.5分, 满分30分)第一节, 听下面5段对话,每段对话仅读一遍。1. What is the man going to do on Sunday? A. Visit his mother.B. Do some gardening.C. Move into a new house.2. What does the man think the building might be?A. An apartment building.B. A hotel.C. A department store.3. Where does the conversation take place? A. In a store.B. In a classroom.C. In a bank.4. When will the next bus e? A. At 6:35.B. At 6:45.C. At 7:00.5. When does the conversation probably take place?A. At 4:30 p.m.B. At 5:00 p.m.C. At 5:30 p.m.第二节, 听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. Whats the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Friends.B. Neighbors.C. Customer and waitress.7. How will Bill and Mary go home? A. By bus.B. By taxi.C. By subway.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. What does the woman want to buy? A. Desks.B. Chairs.C. puters.9. What discount will the woman get? A. 15% off.B. 12% off.C. 10% off.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. How did the man learn about the house? A. He heard about it from his wife.B. He saw it on South Florida Street.C. He read about it in the newspaper.11. How many bathrooms are there in the house? A. Three.B. Four.C. Five.12. What is the mans main concern about the house? A. The size.B. The price.C. The location.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. What do the speakers both agree? A. People need cars to buy groceries.B. Having a car can make people lazy.C. Cars are bad for the environment.14. Why does the woman drive her car every day? A. Driving is convenient.B. Her city has no subway.C. She thinks its cheap.15. What can be said about the man? A. He spends a lot on gas.B. He gets to work by bike.C. He needs to get back in shape.16. Where will the woman probably go next? A. To a gym.B. To the supermarket.C. To a used car market.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. How did Jim feel about going to England? A. Surprised.B. Nervous.C. Sad.18. Where was Shakespeare born? A. In London.B. In Cambridge.C. In Stratford-upon-Avon.19. What was the main job of Shakespeares father?A. He was a writer.B. He was a tour guide.C. He was a glove maker.20. Why did Shakespeare write unusual plays? A. He got a free education.B. He never went to university.C. He traveled around the world.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,每小题1.5分, 满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Chongqing, a metropolis of more than 30 million people in Southwest China, attracts tourists by its delicious food and natural scenery. The city looks fantastic with its skyscrapers, while with some 3,000 years of history, it still keeps local culture and lifestyles.The best seasons to visit Chongqing are spring and fall. The city has long been one of the hottest in China due to its geographic features, summer temperatures there usually above 40.Food tips:Street snacks are available on Haochi, or foodies street in the citys Jiefangbei area. Mouthwatering choices include hot and sour rice noodles, small sweet dumplings and the Chongqing noodle. A local favorite, the flower market noodle with mashed beans and minced pork near the JW Marriott Hotel is highly remended.You could try dinner at Nanbin Road, which runs by the Yangtze. There are dozens of popular restaurants with a view of the river and the Yuzhong Peninsular. Yuxin Sichuan Dish and Yun Sheng Restaurant are good places to go.A humble hotpot shop called Big Dragon, down an alley in Shapingba district, is the go-to place for real foodies and is open until 3 am. The shop opened at least 20 years ago and it has not changed since.If you want a more luxurious restaurant, Bai Le Tian Hotpot might be your place - it is the first known hotpot shop in Chongqing, dating to 1921. The newly-reopened restaurant in downtown Jiefangbei features a 1930s decoration, with a local traditional music played by a live band.Bars to try:Sky bar at Niccolo, the tallest in Chongqing, with a live band; Mr Tipsy Whiskey and Cocktail Bar, cross the Hongya Cave, a posh and quiet place to have a drink and enjoy the river view; and River Terrace at Regent Hotel, with a nice outdoor seating and views of the Jialing River and the city.21. A best schedule to visit Chongqing should be mainly based on _.A. Long cultureB. modern buildingC. fine weatherD. delicious food22. If nice environment is a must for hotpot, you will probably choose _. A. Big DragonB. Bai Le TianC. Yun ShengD. JW Marriott23. Youll have a wonderful view of the whole city at _ while enjoying a drink.A. Sky barB. River TerraceC. Mr Tipsy BarD. Yun ShengB Stephen Hawking, the well-known British physicist and cosmologist whose brilliant mind was able to explore time and space despite his physical disability, passed away on March 14, a sad message for his fans all over the world. Hawking was the leader of research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology(宇宙学) at the University of Cambridge and the most famous physicist of his time, responsible for several breakthrough discoveries in the field of cosmology. Despite suffering from a rare and life-threatening disease known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), his contributions(贡献) to the sciences were super-influential and include his great predictions on black holes and international best seller A Brief History of Time. On Nov 5 last year, Hawking appeared in a video at the xx Tencent WE Summit, a platform launched by Shenzhen-based internet giant Tencent which is designed to inspire creativity and the creation of life-changing technology. In his speech, the British scientist warned that overcrowding and increased energy use could bring a burning end to our world and also encouraged scientists to look for other suitable planets for humans. He also talked about the long-term research project Breakthrough Starshot, which is designed to help humans journey to different planets in search of a second home for humans. In October xx, Tencent held Next Idea in Shenzhen, an innovation petition which calls on global youth to think about future, smart life and artificial intelligence. The event offered a bridge between young minds and Stephen Hawking, taking the most pressing topics and asking the British scientist to give his thoughts.In xx, a girl from Shenzhen studying at the California Institute of Technology was chosen to ask Hawking a question during an event at the university. Students raced to hand their questions to the physicist, who would then answer several of his choosing. The Shenzhen girl, Liu Shiyi, stood out with a question about the time in the future.24. Where would the passage probably e from?A. magazineB. science reportC. newsD. physics journal25. Which of the following is the best title of the passage ?A. Stories of Stephen Hawking and ShenzhenB. Stephen Hawkings achievementsC. Stephen Hawkings lifeD. Stephen Hawking and Tencent 26. Which of the following statements is true ? A. The project Breakthrough Starshot can help humans travel to different planets. B. Tencent WE Summit offered a bridge between young minds and Stephen Hawking. C. Liu Shiyi stood on the platform to ask a question about the time in the future. D. Hawking gave a warning that the earth would be put to an end by overcrowding and increased energy use.27. What does the underlined word “launch” in Paragraph 3 mean?A. send B. start C. move D. introduceCPeople in modern society just cant help to eat. Frequently you eat not because you are hungry, but because you are affected by many other things. How much you eat is strongly affected by how much those around you eat. People eating alone eat least. People eating with one other person eat 35 percent more than they do at home. People dining in a party of four eat 75 percent more. Eating with overweight friends? Youll eat more. Is your waitress overweight? Youll eat more. A wide variety of food? Youll eat more. Believe it or not, plates can decide how sweet dessert tastes. If people ate it off a paper plate, theyd say, “This is good.” If they ate it off a fancy silver plate, they would say, “This is the greatest cake Ive eaten in my entire life.” More importantly, your knowledge about what makes food good or bad also affects how much you eat. You tend to eat more when you think the food is good, and less when you think it is bad. So Grandmas cookies always taste better than other cookies. “Good food” even has a “health-related effect”. If were eating something healthy, we feel that everything in that meal is healthy. Due to this, people often believe that a cheese cake with a salad has fewer calories than the cheese cake alone. Thats perhaps also why eating organic food might turn you into an annoying guy. Your brain may use anything that makes you feel good about your own wisdom to excuse your impolite behavior. Food and hunger affect your judgment as well. Hungry judges give more serious sentences. Kids who dont eat breakfast behave worse than kids who eat their breakfast. People who have low blood sugar are more likely than the average person to have trouble concentrating and controlling their unpleasant emotions.28.What is mentioned as a cause of overeating? A. Suffering from great loneliness.B. Being served by a helpful waitress. C. Being treated to high quality food.D. Eating with many friends.29. According to the passage, an annoying person may be one who _. A. petes with others in making cookies B. is crazy about the quality of plates C. finds any excuse for eating more D. teaches people to stick to cleverness30. According to the passage, people are more likely to make a bad judgment when _. A. they have low blood sugar B. they arent overweight C. they dont feel hungryD. they know little about food31. What would be the best title for the passage? A. Modern People Like to Eat B. What Affects Eating? C. How to Make Good Food? D. Good Plates and Good AppetiteDIn Britain, parents encourage their children to play musical instruments as part of a family tradition and not to raise their social status(身份) as the parents in US do, research says.Prof. Freddy of the University of Oxford found that UK parents did not see musical achievement by their children as character building or useful in getting university places or jobs. Instead, it was usually only those parents who played instruments that encouraged their children to follow suit.This pared with research carried out by other academics in America, he said. “Middle-class parents in the US appear to link cultural practice with other benefits, such as developing some characters and making the way for educational success. Middle-class families are often marked by a pattern of balanced education, in which parents organize music-centered activities for their children, often in addition to school-based musical practice.”Researchers had owed this to parents anxiety over the dropping fortunes of educated Americans. These parents have bee increasingly worried about providing their children with skills and abilities enabling them to stand out from their petitors in the job market.However, for British, no such connection was made between what is considered as an overbearing parenting style and future educational or career possibilities. The parents interviewed here did not connect music with usefulness but rather they focused on the value of music as a family tradition and, to a lesser extent, as something valuable in its own right.One Scottish parent, a chemist, said during the interviews, “Weve got two learning musical instruments. If we think its worthwhile, we try and encourage them, but we wouldnt force them.” A housewife said, “My sons just turned five and I want him to do the guitar because his uncle does it, but its up to him.”In some British families, said Prof. Freddy, “music was even believed to be an obstacle to educational success, or at least not important to it.”32. What do British parents think of music learning?A. Useful for job application.B. Worthwhile as a family tradition C. Beneficial to further education.D. Helpful for character building.33.What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 4 refer to?A. Cultural practice.B. School-based musical practice.C. Balanced education.D. Educational success.34. What can be inferred from the text?A. The future of American kids is not promising.B. American parents hardly link music with success.C. British parents show little concern about education. D. Music learning is a personal choice for British kids.35. What is the text mainly about?A. Why British have a preference for music.B. British and American parenting styles in music education.C. Differences between British and American parents.D. Americans attitude towards music learning第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。It would be wonderful to be able to afford all of that fancy equipment used in the gyms. 36 Now here are some effective exercises that you can do at home , without the need for any equipment. Jumping Jacks 一These are always fun, as they bring back memories of being a kid! 37 Well, surprise- they are also great aerobic exercise, and good for warming up, too. Push-upsWhile they can be hard to do, you can find easier ways to do them. You dont need to pretend youre“Rocky”, and do them with one hand; just do what works for you. 38 Or, do them standing up against a wall. You will be building up arm strength and working out muscles in your chest area. Light weight liftingNo, you dont need to go out and buy expensive weights for this !Just use whatever you can find in your house. Start out with something lighter, such as a can of peas. 39 Step exercisesUsing the steps in your home, you can do repetitions which will strengthen your leg muscles. (Just remember to be careful! ) 40 You neednt join a gym , paying a large amount in membership fees each month. You dont even need the expensive equipment. Use what you have in your house, and work out in the fort of your home. You will be more likely to keep up with the exercise when youre fortable, so just get up and start exercising !A. Now you have no excuses !B. Getting some exercise is important. C. Who has not done jumping jacks for fun as a child?D. And work yourself up to heavier items little by little.E. Nice as it sounds, it just isnt an option for most people. F. Do them on your knees , instead of keeping your legs straight. G. To make these exercises even more fun , you can watch TV while doing them. 第三部分:语言运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:完形填空(共20个小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)I was walking down the road one day 41_ my cell phone rang. A strange voice on the other end spoke to me, “Dad, please e back soon. I miss you so much!” A number would possibly 42 for this. A little while later, the call came once again, so I rudely 43_ , “Youve dialed the wrong number!” and then 44_ . During the following days, I got the same 45 now and then. But I didnt care much about it. Then one day she constantly called me even though I didnt answer, which 46 me that something unusual would happen. Finally I answered the phone and heard a weak voice, “Dad, please e back. I miss you so much! Dad, Im 47 so much pain! Mom said you were too busy to take 48 of me. But, dad, please 49 me again, OK?” The simple 50 was difficult to refuse. I made a 51 kiss on the phone and heard the weak voice say, “Thank youDad, I am sohappy, sohappy” Shortly after this, I became 52 about who had been on the other end of my phone. So I called back, and a woman answered, “Sorry, sir. I am really sorry to have 53 you. My daughter has suffered from bone cancer 54 she was born. And her father died in an 55 a short while ago. I dare not tell her this sad 56_ . Poor babyWhen she couldnt bear the painful cancer treatment, she would cry for her dad, who had always given her 57 to carry on. I really couldnt bear it, so I gave her your phone number”“How is your daughter now?” I couldnt 58 to ask.“Shes 59_ . She passed away with a smile, tightly holding the cell phone”Tears filled my eyes and I was so sad to hear that, 60 at the sky for a long time.41. A. whenB. while C. as D. after42. A. payB. setC. accountD. seek43. A. refusedB. explained C. returnedD. answered44. A. hung upB. took up C. got upD. turned up45. A. number B. call C. telephone D. result46. A. threatenB. warnC. respond D. remind47. A. in B. ofC. on D. at48. A. controlB. attention C. careD. interest49. A. supportB. encourageC. treatD. kiss50. A. mand B. requestC. advice D. suggestion51. A. softB. lowC.loudD. sweet52. A. curiousB. surprisedC. interestedD. amazed53. A. reachedB. warnedC. interrupted D. bothered54. A. whenB. sinceC. asD. after55. A. invitationB. accident C. eventD. experiment56. A. storyB. experience C. newsD. reason57. A. relief B. balanceC. patienceD. strength 58. A. helpB. wait C. expectD. want59. A. goneB. survivedC. passedD. escaped60. A. seeingB. watchingC. staring D. glaring第二节:(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Horace and his wife led a lonely and 61._(dependent) life because their children moved out to work. Every scene in the house reminded them 62._ their children. Now and then, his wife would cry when missing their children. With Christmas approaching, they missed their children 63._(much). Horace thought of an idea to bring their children back on Christmas and asked for 64._(permit) from his wife.He wrote a farewell letter to son and daughter and 65._ letter said that Horace had passed away the other day because of heart trouble. The funeral would be held on the day before Christmas, 66._ was a time for family to get together.After reading the letter, daughter cried sadly, 67._(look) forward to flying home immediately. She called her brother and they decided on the day back home. 68._, when they arrived home, they saw 69._ a table was nicely laid with Christmas candles and dishes. Horace went out from the kitchen secretly and apologized for 70._(lie) to them. The children cried, not for being played a trick on, but for they still had their lovely father.第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)We all know China have various festivals. They can be held in memory for famous people. The Dragon Boat Festival, for instance, in China honors the greatly poet Qu Yuan. In addition, they can be held to get relative together. The Mid-Autumn Day was the very traditional festival which is for family members to reunite. And of all the festivals, the Spring Festival is a most famous. Even Americans know whether Chinese folks dress up that day. People benefit traditional festivals, for they can keep our belief on.第二节 书面表达(满分25分)假如你是李华, 经常给你的美国好友Tom发送email进行交流. 此次邮件的内容主要谈及今年五一节期间大量外地游客涌入重庆, 参观网红景点洪崖洞。作为一个重庆本地人,对此感到十分自豪,重庆在国内很受欢迎。但是, 你也提出了自己的相关建议。要点包括:1,景点应该加强安全措施,以更好迎接大量的游客。 2,增加节日期间交警人员, 维护交通正常运行。 3, 其他建议要求: 1, 文中不要出现真实姓名和学校. 2, 词数, 100字左右. 可适当增加内容. 3, 景点attraction高一下学期期中考试英语试题答案15 BCBBA610 ABCAC1115 ABCAB1620 BACCB21-23CBA 24-27 CADB28-31 DCAB32-35 BCDB36-40 ECFDA41-45 ACDAB 46-50 DACDB 51-55 CADBB 56-60 CDBAC61. independent62. of63, more64, permission65, the66, which67, looking68, However69, that70, lying

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