2019届高三英语上学期开学考试试题 (I).doc

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2019届高三英语上学期开学考试试题 (I)一、听力(每小题1分,共20分)第一部分 听对话回答问题1. When is Marys birthday?A. B. C. 2. What are they talking about? A. B. C.3. What does Lily often do on Saturday? A. B. C. 4. How does Toms father usually go to work?A. B. C. 5. Where are the two speakers talking?A. Outside a shop. B. Inside a shop. C. Far from a shop.6. How old is John? A. Seven years old. B. Twelve years old. C. seventeen years old.7. What does the man tell the woman to do?A. Drive left. B. Drive two kilometers north.C. Drive two kilometers south and turn left.8. Whats Mikes new telephone number?A. 5557 6188B. 5577 6188C. 5557 21689. What does the man want to do tomorrow? A. To climb the mountain. B. To go swimming.C. To go shopping.10. What does the woman think about the mans hat?A. Its very nice.B. It doesnt go well with his suit.C. She likes the style of the hat.第二部分 听对话和短文答题听第一篇对话,回答第1112小题。11. Why are they planning a barbecue?A. They have not seen their friends for a long time.B. They would like to visit the New Forest Park.C. The spring weather is just right for a barbecue.12. What are the things that they neednt buy?A. Some fresh fruit for dessert.B. Some meat and snacks.C. Barbecue forks and drinks.听第二篇对话,回答第1315小题。13. Where are the two speakers talking?A. In a bookshop.B. In a clothes shop.C. In a restaurant.14. Why doesnt the woman buy the first one?A. It is too big.B. It isnt beautiful.C. It is not big enough.15. How much money will the man give back to Mrs. White?A. 30 dollars. B. 40 dollars. C. 100 dollars.听一篇短文,回答第1620小题。16. When will John e back home?A. At 6:00. B. At 6:30. C. At 7:30.17. Which bus should Nick take?A. The No.36. B. The No.37. C. The No.38. 18. What will Nick see when he gets off the bus?A. A school. B. A hospital. C. A park.19. How long does it take Nick to walk to Johns home from the bus stop?A. 5 minutes. B. 10 minutes. C. 15 minutes.20. What colour is Flower Building?A. Yellow. B. Green. C. Red. 二、单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)21. The Whites _ in the park two hours ago. A. were B. is C. will be D. are22. The new teacher doesnt know all her _ names. A. students B. students C. students D. student 23. We are all tired. Lets _ a rest. A. to stop having B. stop having C. to stop to have D. stop to have 24. Walk _ the road and turn left _ Park Road, and you will find the shop _ your right.A. down; in; on B. along; to; inC. down; into; onD. on; into; in25. Our school is big, but _ is bigger than _.A. their; ours B. theirs; ours C. theirs; them D. theirs; our26. Listen to me! I have _ to tell you.A. anything important B. important anything C. something important D. important something27. It _ him about 15 hours _ from Suzhou to Beijing by train last Sunday.A. spent, travelling B. takes, to travel C. cost, travelling D. took, to travel28. Its time _. A. for we sleep B. for us sleep C. for us to sleep D. for our sleep29. Did you _ _ yesterday afternoon?A. go, swimmingB. went, swamC. go, swamD. went, swimmed30. Who _ your cat when you are away? A. looks for B. looks at C. looks after D. looks up31. My mother usually me the zoo on Saturday.A. brings; withB. takes; with C. takes; to D. bring; to 32. _ people e to Wuxi every year. About _ of them are from the USA.A. Millions of; three thousands B. Million of; three thousandC. Millions of; three thousandD. Million of; three thousands33. We are happy _ you _ the party for our friends from Canada.A. invite; toB. inviting; to C. to invite; go to D. to invite; to34. _are you going to finish your homework? In about 15 minutes.A. How often B. How soon C. How long D. How far35. Im going to Xinjiang for a holiday tomorrow._.A. Best wishes!B. Oh, really? C. Have a good time!D. Good luck!三、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)Many people like to keep dogs. They call their dogs Baby or other beautiful names, 36 I call my dog Little Kid. When l went to 37 his license(许可证),I met one of my friends. I told him I would like to have a license 38 Little Kid and he said, Id like to have 39 for my kid (孩子), too. Then I told him, But this is a dog. When I got married(结婚) and went on my honeymoon(蜜月), I 40 the dog with me. I told the hotel worker that l wanted a 41 for my wife and me and a room for Little Kid. He asks, Why dont you and your kid 42 in a room? Then I said, You dont understand. Little Kid is my dog. My wife doesnt 43 him. When my wife and I separated(分开),we went to court(法庭)I said, Your Honor, I only want to have my Little Kid.” The judge(法官)said, You are a good 44 .”Then I told him, Little Kid is my 45 dog. He isnt my son.”( ) 36. A. and B. or C. but D. so( ) 37. A. write down B. ask for C. look for D. put up ( ) 38. A. in B. with C. about D. for ( ) 39. A. it B. one C. him D. her ( ) 40. A. took B. helped C. had D. wanted ( ) 41. A. house B. family C. room D. desk ( ) 42. A. study B. play C. eat D. stay ( ) 43. A. like B. take C. help D. want ( ) 44. A. father B. mother C. wife D. husband ( ) 45. A. lucky B. brave C. favourite D. careful四、阅读理解I阅读下列短文,选出最佳选项。(共15小题,每小题2分,计30分) Online shopping has bee something very mon for young people. However, its not easy for old people. Therefore, buy-for-you shops, are being popular among the old.Mr. Li, a 65-year-old man, is crazy about this way of shopping. He says, I cant use the Internet. After I happened to find a buy-for-you shop, I decided to try. Finally I got what I wanted. I was so happy. The shopkeeper Mu Lan says she started the business of offline buy-for-you in order to help people like Mr. Li. In only about ten days since the start of the business, she has received more than 20 orders from customers. Mu Lan is not the only one who finds the large need of offline buy-for-you business in the market. In her city, over 300 such shops opened their doors only in April. In order to attract more customers, they have opened their shops in munities. And they charge a suitable service fee(费用). For example, when buying things that cost less than 200 yuan for customers, they usually get 5 yuan as service fee. What if there is any problem with the ordered thing, lets say, like a quality problem? The shopkeepers say they will deal with any quality problems if people use their buy-for-you service.46. What is offline shopping?A. Buying things in a mon store.B. Buying and selling things on the internet.C. Selling things on the internet for the old.D. Buying things on the internet for the people who cant use the internet.47. Why do many old people like offline shopping?A. They dont like going shopping.B. They are good at buying things on the internet.C. They dont like buying things online themselves.D. Offline shopping makes it easier for them to shop online.48. Whats the meaning of the underlined word charge in the fourth paragraph?A. ask for some money B. spend some moneyC. lend some money D. borrow some money49. Which of the following is NOT true about buy-for-you shops?A. They usually in the neighbourhood.B. They get 5 yuan as service fee usually.C. They dont care about the quality.D. They are popular among old people.50. We can know from the passage that_.A. Mr. Li is crazy about shopping onlineB. offline buy-for-you business is in great needC. Mu Lan is the first one who has an offline buy-for-you storeD. there are about 300 buy-for-you stores in Mu Lans city(B)Today, people want to keep healthy through sports and exercise. But some of them have some wrong ideas about it.“A plate of chicken is a good meal before games because it has much energy.”In fact, the best meal before games should have carbohydrates(碳水化合物). Food like potatoes, bread, bananas are rich (富有的) in it, but chicken and meat are not. “The best time to exercise is early in the morning.”No. Morning is a good time to exercise, but it may not be suitable for you. If an afternoon or evening period is suitable for you, and you enjoy the feeling of getting healthier, you can choose any time to exercise. So there is no fixed time for you to exercise.“If you drink water when you exercise, youll feel tired.”The fact is that you must have some water during breaks (休息时间) when you exercise. And after exercising, you must have enough water. If you dont drink enough water, then you may feel tired.“Exercising every day is quite important.”Wrong. Too much exercise is bad for our health. You need to give your body a day of rest. 51. Before games it is good for you to eat _. A. bananas B. chicken C. meat D. beef52. The underlined (划线的) word “fixed” probably means (意思是) _. A. 重要的 B. 困难的 C. 固定的 D. 简单的53. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Dont drink water when you exercise, or youll feel tired.B. Evening is the best time to exercise because its always cool. C. You should eat enough meat because they can give you energy before games.D. Exercising too much is not good for us.54. The writer would like you to_.A. eat much meat before exercising B. drink enough water after exercisingC. take exercise only in the morning D. exercise every day55. Which of the following will be the best title (标题)?A. Results (结果) of sports and exercise. B. Best time for sports and exercise.C. Reasons for sports and exercise. D. Wrong ideas about sports and exercise.(C)On a Friday night, a poor young violinist (小提琴演奏家) was playing his violin at the entrance(入口) of the subway station. The music was so great that people put some money into his hat. The next day, the violinist came to the entrance again. He put down his hat as usual. Beside the hat was a piece of paper with some words on it: A George Sang has put an important thing into my hat by mistake. Wele to claim(认领)it.” After a while a man named George Sang ran here quickly and got back his important thing. The important thing was a lottery ticket(彩票).Sang bought it and won a prize of $500,000. But when he gave$50 to the violinist for his wonderful music, he threw the lottery ticket, too. The violinist was a college student. That morning, he was going to Vienna for his education. However, when he found the ticket, hecancelled the flight and returned to the entrance. He said, Although I dont have much money, I live happily. If I lose honesty(诚实), I wont be happy forever.56. The young man played the violin for _ at the entrance the next day. A. moneyB.honesty C. food D. fun57. George Sang put_ into the violinists hat on a Friday night. A. money B. a lottery ticket C. money and his lottery ticketD. nothing58. The underlined word cancelled means _. A结束 B延误 C预定 D取消59. George Sang must be very _ to see the young violinist the next day. A. happy B. sorry C. worried D. sad60. Whats the best title for this passage? A. The Meaning of Honesty B. The wonderful Violin Play C. A George Sang and A Lottery Ticket D. A College Student第II卷(非选择题,共45分)五、词汇(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)(A)根据句意和中文注释,在答题卷相应的横线上,写出单词的正确形式。61. -Do you know the _ (首都) of France? -Yes, its Paris.62. Dont you know this new _ (男服务员,侍者) name?63. Edison is one of the greatest _(科学家)in the world.64. Do you know any (信息) about your sisters school?65. There are three _ (视频) shops in the street, you can go there to find your favourite.66. Now I am not _ (害怕) of snakes.(B)根据句意,在答题卷相应的横线上,写出所给单词的适当形式。67. My mother tells me not to play on the road. Its very (danger).68. Look! The police are _searching the bushes. (care)69. Today he is the _ (three) to e to our class.70. Your camera is not as expensive as (she), but it works well, too.六、动词填空(本题共8小题,每小题1分,满分8分)。71. Remember ( not take) any books out of the library.72. The exchange students are looking forward to (watch) the local opera.73. Jim often (fix) the broken machine for his neighbours.74. -Where is your cousin, Merry? -He (check) my puter over there.75. Follow me, or you (get) lost.76. Never (cross) the road when the lights are red.77. Look at the clouds in the sky. I think it (rain).78. A few years ago, Mr. Li (teach) us English. Now he retires (退休).七、短文填空:根据首字母提示及上下文语义,请将单词的完整形式填写到对应空格上(本题共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)。Food is very important. Everyone needs to e_79_ well if he or she wants to have a strong b_80_. Our minds also need a kind of food. This kind of food is k_81_. We begin to get knowledge even when we are very young. Small children are i_82_ in everything around them. They learn s_83_ while they are watching and listening. When they are getting older, they begin to r_84_ story books, science books, anything they like. When they find something new, they love to ask questions and try to f_85_ out answers. What is the best w_86_ to get knowledge? If we learn by ourselves, we will get the most knowledge. If we are always getting a_87_ from others and do not ask why, we will never learn well. When we study in the right way, we will learn more and understand b_88_.八、句型转换:按括号内要求完成下列句子,每空格限填一词。(每空0.5分,共7分)89. Ill play games and watch TV this weekend.(改为否定句) I _ play games _ watch TV this weekend.90. Its ten minutes on foot from my school to the bus stop.(对划线部分提问) _ _ is it from your school to the bus stop?91. Our school is more than 150 square kilometers in size. (同义句转换)Our school has _ _ _ _ 150 square kilometers.92. I go to school in my fathers car every day. (同义句转换)My father _ _ to school every day.93. Sandy often finishes doing her homework when it is 11 oclock at night. (同义句转换) Sandy often _ her homework _ 11 oclock at night.94. My sister got up too late this morning. (改为一般疑问句) _ your sister _ up too late this morning?九、书面表达(共1小题,计10分)假如你是Millie,你想邀请你的好友Kitty来参观你的新家。请根据下面提供的信息,用英语写一篇邀请信。要点:1. 我家位于市中心,周围绿树环绕,闻到花香; 2. 邻居们善良、乐于助人,我们住在像这样的社区很幸运; 3. 路线:沿着人民路走,在第二个十字路口向右拐,直走,你会看见一所学校。我家在学校隔壁;4.有很多事可做,我们将,很期待见到你。注意:1. 短文应包括所给要点,要求意思连贯、语句通顺。 2. 词数:70左右。信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数; 3. 第4点须用一到二句话展开合理想象。Dear Kitty, I am very happy to invite you to my new home. _Best wishes! Yours,Millie盐城市田家炳中学xx高三第一学期期初考试英语试题参考答案一、听力部分 (本题共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)15 BACCA 610 CBAAB 1115 CABCA 1620 BAABC二、单项选择(本题共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)2125 AADCB 2630 CDCAC 3135 CCDBC三、完形填空(本题共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)36-40 CBDBA41-45 CDAAC四、阅读理解(本题共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)4650 DDACB5155ACDBD 5660 BCDAA五、词汇(本题共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)61. capital 62. waiters63. scientists 64. information 65. video66. afraid 67. dangerous68. carefully69. third 70. hers六、动词填空(本题共8小题,每小题1分,满分8分) 71.not to take 72.watching 73.fixes 74.is checking 75. will get 76.cross 77.is going to rain 78.taught七、短文填空(本题共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)79. eat 80. body81. knowledge 82. interested 83. something/skills84. read 85. find86. way87. answers 88. better八、句型转换 (本大题共7分,每格0.5分)89. wont, or90. how far 91. an area of over 92. drives me 93. does, until 94. Did, get九、书面表达(本大题共10分)Dear Kitty,I am very happy to invite you to my new home. My home is in the city centre. There are many green trees around it. You can smell the flowers. The neighbours are kind and helpful. We are lucky to live in a neighbourhood like it/this. Walk along Renming Road, turn right at the second turning.(Take the second turning on the right). Walk straight on, and youll see a school. My home is next to it. There are lots of things to do. We will sing and dance together. We will have a good time. ( 自由发挥一两句 ) (78words)Best wishes!Yours, Millie

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