2018-2019学年高一英语3月月考试题 (III).doc

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2018-2019学年高一英语3月月考试题 (III)第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A21. How much time do you need to babysit Marys two boys each week?A. 5 hours. B. 14 hours C. 10 hours. D. 40 hours.22. Which ad requires the jobhunters to work on Monday mornings?A. Ad A. B. Ad B. C. Ad C. D. Ad D. 23. What is a necessity for people to get these jobs?A. They should look after Marys two young boys on weekends.B. They need to municate in a certain foreign language when working for the City Museum shop.C. They should have newspaper delivery work finished by 8:30 a.m.D. They are supposed to work fulltime just on Saturdays in the Munchies Caf.B Are Happy Meals Really Happy?Dont we all know a “Happy Meal” when we see one-the famous boxed meal that includes a hamburger, kid-sized French fries, fruits and milk, served with a toy thats extremely popular with children who love to collect them?A Happy Meal is a form of kids meal sold at a certain fast-food chain since 1979. A toy is included in the meal, both of which are usually contained in a box or paper bag. However, collectors of these little toys will not get them any longer, since the pany will replace toys with books and each of these books will mainly pass on nutritional messages.Happy Meals are extremely popular with kids, especially for their collectable toys, when you consider that over 1.3 billion of these packages are sold each year. These packages have been very controversial. Health supporters believe that drawing kids to these meals with toys is a clever way of promoting unhealthy food choices. They see it as an advertising a strategy of “catching its customers young”-a move that has paid off very well for the fast-food pany.Child development experts say that food habits get formed in children by age six and continue through to their adult life. Fatty and sugary foods such as those served in Happy Meals are believed to play a big role in growing health problems such as obesity and diabetes. Public health care costs have gone up and untold amounts of money have been spent on coping with these health problems. On November 2, xx, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors passed a law requiring that childrens meals sold in restaurants must meet certain nutritional standards before they could be sold with toys, to overe the problem of childhood obesity-in other words, the State of California tried to ban the toys in Happy Meals. However, it was strongly opposed by some as being heavy-handed, and the ban was thrown out by the government.While some people believe that the fast-food pany, with its large following of children, can create a powerful message through the books, others believe its actions are contradictory. Anyway, the pany is trying to spread the message of nutrition while it is serving food that is anything but healthy.24. The aim of the question raised in Paragraph 1 is_.A. give a surprise to the toy lovers B. get readers attention to the articleC. call on readers to buy boxed meals D. make readers think about the answer25. Books will be added into Happy Meals to _.A. introduce the use of the toys B. increase the cost of the mealsC. help kids learn about nutrition D. spread the message of fast food26. According to Paragraph 3, Happy Meals_.A. have achieved the desired resultB. help the customers stay youngC. cost more money than ordinary mealsD. receive approval from health supporters27. What is the authors opinion about Happy Meals?A. They bring much fun to children.B. They teach children a lot about nutritionC. They do no actual good to childrens health.D. They are popular with the young and the old.CYoung Americans Are Less Wealthy Than Their Parents The cost of living in the United States is going up, notes writer Alissa Quartz. As is reported in New York Post, Quartz points to “the costs of housing, education and health care in particular.” At the same time, a new study, the report of which is called “The Fading American Dream” found that half of Americans born in the 1980s are falling behind their parents economically. These findings show that many younger adults are experiencing “downward mobility.” In other words, they are not doing as well economically as their parents were at the same age. The idea of downward mobility is especially troubling for Americans, writes Robert Samuelson in The Washington Post. He says most U.S. citizens believe that, over time, the amount of money they earn will rise and life will get easier. Alissa Quartz wrote a book about the financial difficulties of Americans. In the book, Quartz tells about teachers who are struggling to pay for regular costs. One high school teacher drives for ride sharing service Uber at night to earn more money. He corrects students papers between riders. A college professor turned to government assistance to feed her child and pay for a doctor. Quartz says even lawyers increasingly cannot earn an ine that enables them to meet their needs. The problem of decreasing ines in their field is made worse by debt they may have from law school. Quartz and the economists who studied these issues say many things have led to lower ines and downward mobility. The economic recession of xx to xx is partly to blame, they say. Modern technology also plays a part. Quartz says robots threaten to reduce the earnings of health care workers, reporters, and people who work at supermarkets, drug stores and tax preparation services. In The Washington Post, Robert Samuelson noted that poor schools, a weak housing industry and too many government rules are also to blame. With all these things, and more, partly responsible, what is the solution? These experts say the answer is plex. But all point to one issue that needs to be examined: economic inequality. Quartz writes that while America is one of the richest countries in the world, it also has one of the biggest divides between the wealthy and the poor. The researchers in “The Fading American Dream” study make a similar observation. They say raising GDP will not significantly improve the economic situation of most Americans. A higher GDP may help only those who are already doing well. Instead, the economists say, the United States could try to repeat something Americans born in the 1940s experienced. As those children grew up, they almost all benefited from a better economy. 28. The author mentions two reports in Paragraph 1 in order to _. A. explain the results of two researches B. introduce his opinions about the issueC. attract readers attention to health care D. lead to the topic of downward mobility29. Whats the main idea of Paragraph 4?A. The causes of downward mobility. B. The influences of government rules. C. The negative effects of modern technology. D. The results of economic recession in America.30. The author indicates in this passage that_.A. raising GDP will greatly help the poor B. American economy has a bright futureC. young Americans will repeat their parents experienceD. its vital to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor31. We can learn from the passage that in America, _.A. people miss the good old days in the 1940s B. people are suffering from a worse economy C. people are pessimistic about future economyD. people plain a lot about economic changesD Its at this time of the year that marathon recovery, not marathon training, starts to take center stage. Research indicates that the muscle damage from running a marathon can last up to two weeks. The research also indicates that muscle soreness(肌肉酸痛)is not a good indicator of muscular healing. In other words, just because you arent sore anymore doesnt mean that you are fully healed. This is the danger for marathon runners: post-marathon muscular soreness fades after a few days but minor damage within the muscle cells remains. If you return to full training too soon running more and faster than the tissues are ready for you risk delaying full recovery and the chance to get ready for your next goal. The solution, it appears, is to recognize(and accept)that the muscles will take a while to heal and to be prepared to take it easy for the first couple of weeks (even longer if youre particularly sore after your marathon). While the research isnt very promising when it es to things to do to reduce soreness and aid healing, a couple of concepts appear to help. First, providing gentle blood flow to the area helps bring healing nutrients into the muscles and also helps to remove waste products and damaged tissue. Walking and gentle massage(按摩)can help, particularly in the first few days after a marathon. Once muscle soreness has significantly reduced(usually two to four days after the race), light jogging can mence. Just be mindful to run very slowly. No runner wants to get super fit and then lose that during the recovery process. But since you must reduce your training load following your marathon, it can be difficult as to how much and how soon to insert running into your post-marathon training. 32. When should marathon runners return to full training?A. About half a month after the petition. B. A few days after soreness disappears. C. Before the tissues recover pletely. D. Before the next game draws closer. 33. How can marathon runners reduce their muscle soreness?A. Through family care. B. By doing gentle exercise. C. Through medical treatment. D. By removing damaged tissue. 34. Which of the following best explains “mence” underlined in paragraph 3?A. Fit. B. Heal. C. Start. D. Mend. 35. What can be a suitable title for the text?A. Recovery after Marathon B. Soreness with SportsC. Healing Muscle Soreness D. Reducing Training Load第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Are you truly happy? Do you ever know what it means to be happy and what it takes to achieve happiness? 36 The following are a few tips that I follow to create happiness in my life.Make a plan for achieving goals that you believe will make you happy. Your moods will very likely increase if you are going after something you value.Surround yourself with happy people. It is easy to begin to think negatively(消极地) when you are surrounded by people who think that way. 37 When something goes wrong, try to figure out a solution instead of being absorbed in self pity. Truly happy people dont allow setbacks( 挫 折 ) to affect their mood because they know that with a little thought they can turn the things back to their favor. 38 These few minutes will give you the opportunity to focus on the positive things in your life and will lead you to continuous happiness. 39 Whether you treat yourself to lunch, take a long, relaxing bath or simply spend a few extraminutes on your appearance, you will be subconsciously(下意识地) putting yourself in a better mood.Finding the humor in situations can also lead to happiness. Find a way to make light of a situation that would otherwise make you happy.Keeping healthy is another way to achieve happiness. 40 A. There are some tips in life that lead to happiness.B. Its also important to take some time each day to do something nice for yourselfC. On the contrary, if you are around people who are happy,their emotional state will be easily passed to you.D. Being overweight or not eating foods containing nutrition have a negative effect on your mood.E. What makes one person happy may be very different from what makes someone else happy.F. These are important questions for anyone who is seeking happiness to ask themselves.G. Spend a few minutes each day thinking about the things that make you happy.第三部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。My father is my hero. One of my most precious 41 is watching my dad save a drowning girl in a swimming pool.I was 42 about 9 years old then. We were on vacation in Mexico. One day, we were staying at a campground that had a 43 there. The water there was so green that you couldnt 44 it. There werent many people near the pool because the water wasnt 45 , but there was a group of local teenagers- several boys and a girl at the bank.The boys were trying to make the girl jump in the pool. I could 46she didnt want to, she wasnt wearing a bathing suit, 47, she was just wearing heavy Levi jeans and boots. Then a few of the boys 48 her and threw her in. She 49 like a brick.The water 50 over her and became still again. The boys became silent and just 51 the water. Then a lady vacationer who was on a lounge chair( 躺 椅 ) sat up and 52 . “Shes drowning!” My dad was sitting in a lounge chair near the deep end. The next thing I saw was that the 53 flew through the air, jumped from the lounge chair into the pool. His glasses flew off to the bank and some coins came out of his pockets into the water where he 54 into the green pool.And then the water became calm again and everyone was 55, just staring at the spot where he56. Then my dad suddenly appeared. 57 their mistake , the boys helped my dad pump water out of the girl .Some of the boys helped the girl home and the rest spent quite a while in the pool diving for 58 and handing them to my dad. I learnt years later that the girls parents had a celebration 59 my dad, but that was the day that my dad became my 60.41. A. dreamsB. memoriesC. reports D. examples42. A. probablyB. curiouslyC. proudlyD. surely43. A. streamB. riverC. poolD. lake44. A. get throughB. go throughC. break throughD. see through45. A. invitingB. frighteningC. misleadingD. boring46. A. promiseB. imagineC. governD. tell47. A. BesidesB. ThereforeC. InsteadD. Still48. A. grabbedB. persuadedC. invitedD. ordered49. A. floatedB. struggledC. sankD. looked50. A. closedB. fellC. tookD. roared51. A. watched overB. looked overC. stared atD. glared at52. A. arguedB. warnedC. whisperedD. yelled53. A. boyB. girlC. ladyD. man54. A. fellB. doveC. carryD. run55. A. quietB. happyC. excitedD. confident56. A. layB. disappearedC. shoutedD. rested57. A. Careful withB. Aware ofC. Curious aboutD. Delighted at58. A. clothesB. pocketsC. glassesD. coins59. A. againstB. withC. forD. of60. A. trainerB. burdenC. heroD. guide第二节 语法填空 (共10题,每题1.5分,满分15分)In recent years, learning Chinese _61_ (bee) popular among people around the world. Last month, I received an email from my cousin Jack in Canada. He said he was enthusiastic_62_Chinese, and asked me to find him some books_63_(intend) for Chinese beginners. I was very pleased to do_64_ a favor. So I went from one bookstore to_65_, hoping to find something suitable for him. _66_(final) I selected a set of Chinese textbooks among _67_(vary) similar ones. Then I went to a post office to have them delivered by air without delay. Several days later, I received Jacks email,_68_(say) that he really appreciated the books I had sent. Im very glad that Jack is beginning to learn Chinese just like many other _69_(foreign) abroad, _70_I know it may be an enjoyable challenge for him.第四部分写作(共两节,满分 35分) 第一节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10 分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Dear John,I am sorry to know that you feel unhappy in new class. One of the reasons is that you have just left your home and arrived in a new country that everything is unfamiliar to you. You havent had enough time to get used to all the surrounded things and you feel a little anxiously about the life ahead of you. I believe you will get over these difficulty. To start with, spending some time learning about Chinese culture. Besides this, you can also try your best to learn Chinese so when you can be easily understood by our classmates. I hope you can be adapt to your new life at no time.Yours,Li Hua第二节 书面表达 (满分25分)假如你是李华,来自阳光中学,你校乒乓球队应邀去澳大利亚一所中学参加中学生乒乓球友谊赛。请你给举办学校的联系人Mr.Williams写一封邮件询问相关事宜,要点如下:1.接受邀请,表示感谢;2.询问食宿、交通及比赛日程等方面的安排;3.提出相关建议。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.开头语和结束语已为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear Mr.Williams,I am Li Hua,a student from Sunshine Middle School._ Thank you for all your help and look forward to your reply.Yours,Li Huaxx 年高一下学期三月月考试英语参考答案阅读理解+完型填空21222324252627282930CBBBCACDAD313233343536373839404142434445BABCAFCGBDBACDA464748495051525354555657585960DCACACDDBABBDCC【答案】61. has bee 62. about/over 63. intended 64. him 65. another 66. Finally 67. various 68. saying 69. foreigners 70. but短文改错Dear John,I am sorry to know that you feel unhappy in new class. One of the reasons is thatyou have just left your home and arrived in a new country everything is unfamiliarto you. You havent had enough time to get used to all the things and youfeel a little about the life ahead of you. I believe you will get over these. To start with, some time learning about Chinese culture. Besidesthis you can also try your best to learn Chinese so you can be easily understood by classmates. I hope you can adapt to your new life no time.Yours,Li Hua书面表达Dear Mr.Williams,I am Li Hua,a student from Sunshine Middle School.We are delighted to accept the invitation to play a friendly table tennis match,which will no doubt strengthen our friendship.I am writing to know more about the arrangements.Since it is the first time for us to go to Australia,wed like to know the details about the acmodations so that we can make some preparations in advance.We prefer to live in host families to experience local culture.Besides,is it possible for you to pick us up at the airport after our arrival?Also,I would appreciate it if we could work out a proper schedule for both sides.Thank you for all your help and look forward to your reply.Yours,Li Hua【解析】这是一篇提纲类作文。文章内容要点已经给出。同学们在写这篇文章时,要注意以下几点:1. 通篇以一般现在时态为主。2. 要点要齐全。但是不要对要点进行简单的罗列翻译。可以使用适当的连接词,使上下文行文流畅,衔接自然流程。3. 注意语气。既然该文是询问相关事宜,所以要注意语气应该比较客气,不要采用命令式的语气。该文的写作难点在第二条内容上:询问食宿、交通及比赛日程等方面的安排。很多同学容易用三四个问句将该内容表达出来。这样写的话,很容易造成句式单调,给人一种“翻译句子”的感觉。还有部分同学会用一句话将整条内容表达出来。这样会给人造成内容枯燥,表达不丰满的感觉。写这部分内容时,学生可以采取陈述句,疑问句结合;简单句,复合句结合的方法。【范文亮点】1. 范文采取了定语从句(which will no doubt);状语从句(since it is the first time; so that we can ); It is + adj. + to do (is it possible for you to pick )等句式。2. 文章采用了strengthen;make some preparations;work out;pick up;in advance等高级单词或短语。3. 文章上下文衔接自然,采用了Besides,Also等连接词,使行文条理清楚。4. 陈述句、疑问句交叉使用,整篇文章行文灵活自然,不呆板。B【答案】24. B 25. C 26. A 27. C【解析】本文为议论文。本文主要针对麦当劳的开心乐园餐是否有益健康进行了探讨。【24题详解】推理判断题。根据文章第一段的疑问句可以判断出,作者提出这个问题的目的是引起读者的兴趣和注意,因为以前开心乐园餐中含有一些儿童玩具,而第二段说要用书代替这些玩具。故B选项正确。【25题详解】细节理解题。根据第二段中的each of these books will mainly pass on nutritional messages.可知,每一本这样的书均可以给孩子传递一些营养方面的信息,也就是帮助孩子学到更多的关于营养的知识。故C选项正确。【26题详解】。推理判断题。根据第三段中的They see it as an advertising a strategy of “catching its customers young”-a move that has paid off very well for the fast-food pany.可知,人们认为这是一种广告策略,旨在“吸引年轻顾客”此举对这家快餐公司来说收获颇丰。开心乐园餐应该是达到了预期的效果。故A选项正确。【27题详解】推理判断题。根据


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