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2019-2020学年高二英语上学期第一次诊断性检测试题第一节听下面5短对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒汇总的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where is the book store now?A. Across the street B. Inside a theatre C. At the end of the street2. What is the woman going to do on Saturday?A. Go to an art exhibition B. Go to Mexico C. Go to a concert3. How is the weather now?A. Cloudy B. Sunny C. Rainy4. What does the man think of the movie? A. Long B. Boring C. Wonderful5. What are the speakers talking about? A. A classmate B. A teacher C. An exam第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答6、7题6. What is the man doing? A. Listening to a CD B. Borrowing a CD C. Shopping for a CD7. How much is the CD Eighteen-O-Five now? A. $9 B. $10 C. $12听第7段材料,回答8、9题8. What does the man usually do in the health club? A. He rides a bicycle B. He goes running C. He does weightlifting9. How often does the man expect to go to exercise? A. Once a week B. Four times a week C. Every day听第8段材料,回答第10至12题10. What is the relationship between the speakers? A. Classmates B. Co-workers C. Husband and wife11. What does the woman say about Giannis? A. It is not far B. It is hard to get a table C. Its pizzas are expensive12. Where will the speaker probably eat tonight? A. At home B. In the Italian restaurant C. In the Indian restaurant.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题13. What is the woman probably? A. A job hunter B. A shop owner C. A headmaster14. Why does the man want to make money? A. to take a trip B. To buy a camera C. To pay the university fee15. why does the man want to make money? A. Quick service B. Friendly attitude C. Great patience16.What will the woman do? A. Introduce the man to others B. Ask Simon about the man C. Wait for Simons call听第10段材料,回答第17至20题17. When was Tallweorth Bridge built? A. In 1832 In 1956 In 196518. Who paid for Tallworth Bridge? A. An engineer B. A teacher C. A farmer19. What do the listeners need to do for the visit? A. Pay two dollars B. Bring a camera C. Prepare food and drink20. What does the speaker tell the listeners in the end? A. The reason for building Tallworth BridgeB. The lunchtime in the museum C. The date of the visit.第一节 (共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的ABCD四个选项中,选出最佳选项. ADear Mary, How are you? I saw you posted some wonderful photos of the coastline near your hometown. Youre really getting into your photography! Right now Im taking a break from social media(媒体)to write you an email. Remember you said youd like to e over to the UK sometime this year? Well, I was thinking that this year you might like to e to the Edinburgh Festival with me in August. Ive got an aunt with a flat in the city centre who could put us up. Do you know much about the festival? Its very famousthe biggest, most popular arts festival in the world! There are lots of things going onart exhibitions(展览), concerts of all kinds, modern dance, a book festival, etc. The thing its most famous for is the newest and most exciting theatre. People e from all over the world and perform(表演)in their own language.In Scotland you have the best of both worlds: culture and wild land. After the festival, we could hire(租)a car and go up to some of the islands off the west coast, like Skye. The weather can be changeable in August, but the landscape(风景) is beautiful, with empty beaches and rocky mountains. Its the perfect place for you to take photos. Afterwards, we could head back to the east coast and visit my friend Rob in St. Andrews. Its really pretty and Robs enjoyable to be with. Youd get on well with him.So, why dont you have a think about it and then get back to me? Take your time, theres no rush. Speak to you soon, Sophie21.What is the best known activity at the Edinburgh Festival?A. Modern danceB. Art exhibitionsC. Performances of playsD. Different kinds of concerts22. What does Sophie suggest doing straight after the festival?A. Seeing her friend Rob in St. AndrewsB. Driving along the east coast of ScotlandC. Taking photos while climbing mountainsD. Visiting islands along the west coast of Scotland23. Why did Sophie send this email to Mary?A. To invite her to visit ScotlandB. To talk about her holiday planC. To take a break from social mediaD. To introduce the Edinburgh Festival BSchoolgirl Lorna OBrien was in her kitchen when she looked out of the window and was terrified at what she saw. “Help!” she shouted. “Theres smoke and fire ing out of the kitchen window opposite.” Her father, John, ran across to the house while her 15-year-old brother Paul called the fire service. Lorna, 16, rushed across and caught up with her dad, who had just kicked open the front door. They looked upstairs where they saw smoke ing out of the top flat. Lorna followed her father into the flat, where they found a pan(平底锅)on fire in the kitchen and the young mother, Mane Linn, who had been asleep, passed out(失去意识)in the smoke-blackened sitting room. Lornas dad threw a wet cloth over the pan and then turned off the stove(炉子)before starting to help Mane through the smoke down the stairs to safety.Suddenly Mane started crying, “My baby, my baby!” “Wheres the baby?” asked Lorna. “In the bedroom,” Mane shouted back. While John pulled the crying mother from the house, Lorna, without a thought for her own safety, turned back to search for the baby. She found the little girl, 14-month-old Ann, lying with her eyes closed.Lorna quickly took the baby, rushed downstairs through the fire and smoke. “It didnt cross my mind at the time that I was near to dying when I rushed through the smoke,” said Lorna. “I was just thinking of the baby. Even after I came out of the house, I wasnt frightened.”When help arrived, baby Ann and her mum were taken to hospital for treatment. It was only when Lorna got back into the safety of her own house that she realized the danger she had faced. “ I started shaking all over and thought of what could have happened to me,” she said.24. What did Lornas dad choose to do first when he entered the flat?A. Put out the fireB. Turn off the stoveC. Open the windowD. Help Mane downstairs25. What was the cause of the fire?A. Mane fell asleep while cookingB. Ann was careless when playing with fireC. Mane suddenly passed out while cookingD. There was something wrong with the stove26. Which of the following can best describe Lorna when she saved the baby?A. Careful B. Patient C. Brave D. Clever27. How did Lorna feel after returning to her house?A. Worried B. Frightened C. Proud D. RelaxedYa Ming had taken me under her wing after hearing me speaking Chinese in a hotel in Lijiang. She had been hitchhiking(搭便车旅行) around China for months. She invited me to travel with her, which was how we ended up on the side of the road looking for a ride to the Tiger Leaping Gorge. Within 20 minutes, we had our first ride. The driver couldnt take us all the way and ended up dropping us at a freeway crossroads. As a new hitchhiker, I thought that would be the end of our luck, but almost immediately we got another ride.Our most unforgettable ride was when a twenty-something kid picked us up. He couldnt take us the whole way so his uncle bought us lunch and a bus ticket for the rest of the journey. He felt it was his duty to help us find a way to plete our trip. It brought tears of joy and thankfulness to my eyes. This was the first time I understood how guests are respected in China.A few weeks later, we said goodbye. I bought we had been so lucky because we had been a local and a foreigner traveling together. But now Ya Ming was no longer around to do the talking, nor did I have someone to depend on if something went wrong. When I stood by a highway in Sichuan, I knew all about the difficulties before me. Now I was just a strange foreigner on her own who suddenly had to manage with poor Chinese.After about 30 minutes, a couple picked me up and took me the whole eight hours to Chengdu. We ate lunch on the way, and they refused to allow me to pay for any of it, which I had e to learn was typical of Chinese culture. This made me believe that people weren t being friendly because of Ya Ming.28. What do the author and Ya Ming have in mon? A. They both are foreigners. B. They both live in Lijiang. C. They both are hitchhikers. D. They both speak Chinese well.29. What can we learn about the authors trip to the Tiger Leaping Gorge? A. It was rather tiring. B. It was very smooth. C. It was full of danger. D. It was heart-breaking.30. What was the main cause of the authors difficulties mentioned in Paragraph 3? A. She lost her way. B. She had little money left. C. She was unable to find her friend. D. She was a lone foreign traveler in China.31. What did the couple do when taking the author to Chengdu? A. They dropped her halfway. B. They lent her some money. C. They offered her a free lunch. D. They taught her about Chinese culture.D Charles Darwin lived an unusually quiet life. In 1842, Darwin and his wife Emma moved from London to Kent in southern England to have as little disturbance(烦扰) as possible. They already had two children then, and would go on to have eight more in the country. Darwin had very regular(有规律的)habits. He rose early and went for a walk. After breakfast he worked in his study until 9:30 am, his most productive time of the day, and then read his letters lying on the sofa before returning to work. At midday he would go for another walk with his dog, stopping at his greenhouse to inspect(查看)his experiments. Then he would go for another walk around an area of woodland. While walking on his “thinking path”, Darwin would consider his unsolved scientific problems. After lunch he read the newspaper and wrote letters. His network of friends provided information from all corners of the world. The Darwins were not very strict parents and the children were always seen running wild. Their father worked patiently to a background of playful shouts and little footsteps walking past his study door. After dinner Darwin played backgammon(a game for two people to play)with his wife. He once wrote, “Now the result with my wife in backgammon stands like this: she. has won only 2,490 games, while I have won, hurrah(a cheer of joy or victory), hurrah, 2,795 games!” Although he had poor health, Darwin continued to publish a lot of creative works until his final book in 1881. He died the following year, aged 73. Rather than a quiet space in the local churchyard, which he called “the sweetest place on Earth”, Darwin was given a state funeral(国葬)in Londons Westminster Abbey.32. Why did the Darwins move to Kent?A. To do more experimentsB. To cut their cost of livingC. To enjoy more peacefulnessD. To be together with their children 33. What did Darwin do every day?A. He studied in the woodsB. He started to work at 9:30 amC. He wrote letters in the morningD. He examined his experiments34. What did Darwins children probably think of him?A. Strict B. Sweet C. Cold D. Brave35. What is this text mainly about?A. Darwins scientific achievementsB. Darwins unusual state funeralC. Darwins personal lifeD. Darwins large family第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Ussery started driving 20 years ago and now transports(接送)more that 35 special-needs students from the Metro School area. Parents say you can set your watch by her. _36_ She is always full of true kindness and has a smile for everyone.Ussery takes her job very seriously. “There is no one more important than your kid,” she said. “And the person thats taking care of your kid needs to show love and patience. I never forget that. _37_”Usserys kindness and patience are matched by her dedication(致力) to safety. “I have to be patient not only with the kids, but with traffic,” she said. “_38_ When I am picking their children up,my first consideration is to get them to and from school safely.”Many of her passengers are in wheelchairs and she often deals with emergencies(突发状况) such as sick students. _39_ “I had one student who missed some school and I started texting his mom to make sure he was OK,” she said.Ussery thanks her colleagues(同事) for helping her succeed. “They are always open and willing to help out. It makes my job easier.”_40_ “I love my relationships with the children. I miss them over the summer. To do this job as long as I have, you must love it.”A. Ive never had an accidentB. We are special drivers in this areaC. Her own son attended Metro SchoolD. I treat each of these children like theyre my ownE. She appears at your front door at the same time every dayF. Loving her job makes it easy for Ussery to e to work every dayG. She keeps close relationships with all of the students and their parents第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 I live in Rumbek, South Sudan. Here girls face many barriers(障碍) to 41 . Some girls cannot 42 to attend school because their parents cannot meet the costs, and there is also 43 housework for girls, which eats into their time. Some parents, through ignorance (愚昧), just dont 44 their daughters to go to school.Another 45 is that girls can be married off early, often by 46 . We dont have the 47 to choose the person we wish to marry. Our parents 48 us to the one who pays the highest price in cows. Now more people are going hungry and marrying off girls to get cows to 49 . This happened to me. My parents married me off when I was studying , and I hid to 50 school.Luckily, my brother 51 me a lot. He brought me to a 52 centre for girls who have dropped out of school. Accelerated Secondary Education for Women (ASEW). ASEW 53 to help girls finish school.When I 54 ASEW, I saw that the headteacher was a woman and that 55 me. ASEW was a school without punishment and school fee(学费). It was a day school, not boarding school(寄宿学校), that gave me 56 to help at home. The curriculum(课程) was 57 so we could plete our education more quickly. It was also 58 , protected from outsiders. It is extremely dangerous for women and girls 59 there is fighting all around Rumbek.At ASEW, I studied hard and passed with a high score of 77 per cent. I wish other girls could have 60 like me, to go back to school. 41A.educationB.workC.successD.munication42A.waitB.affordC.refuseD.promise43A.heavyB.easyC.littleD.dangerous 44A.inviteB.orderC.allowD.train45A.partB.difficultyC.ideaD.problem46A.mistakeB.forceC.lawD.mature47A.abilityB.rightC.patienceD.energy48A.lendB.showC.give D.introduce49A.studyB.moveC.hideD.live 50A.leaveB.attendC.startD.finish51A.taughtB.boughtC.toldD.helped52A.shoppingB.learningC.researchD.health53A.wantsB.prefersC.stopsD.remembers54A.looked forB.came to C.heardD.suggested55A.worriedB.satisfiedC.savedD.encouraged56A.timeB.moneyC.powerD.courage57A.added upB.broken upC.speeded upD.mixed up58A.freeB.beautifulC.largeD.safe 59A.asB.unlessC.thoughD.before60A.dreamsB.skillsC.chancesD.duties第二节(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。I e from London in England61. _very big city! Over 8 million people live in London, and its always busy with 62._ (tourist) from other places too. So moving to a little town with only 15000 people was a big change for me! I am living in a little countryside town in Germany at the moment. I thought I would always enjoy 63. _ (live) in a city, but it turns out there are many good things about the countryside.In the countryside, the towns are much 64._ (small) and so everyone knows each other. Thats nice because people are very 65._ (friend)! At home in London, I dont even know my neighbors!Another nice thing about the countryside is that it is very green and there 66._ (be) lots of fresh air. I like nature, and Id like 67._ (see) how the seasons change the trees.When I walk through the little town here, it is often still and quiet, and theres a feeling of peace 68._ doesnt exist in London. In London there are always people around, even in the middle of the night. Up to now I 69._ (be) here for over 6 months, and I have got used 70. _ the peaceful life here.单词填空1. Now _ is possible to send a letter to someone anywhere in the world without putting a stamp on the envelop.2. I think everyone can make _ difference to society.3. Its said that film has a much shorter history, especially when _(pare) to such art forms as music and painting.4. You may refer to your _(refer) book after having finished your homework.5. To be honest with you, the result is not at all _(satisfy).6. The young gets used to _(take) up the corner to play the violin.7. I am very _(grate) to all of you.8. We managed to find an approach to _(solve) pollution.9. It is no use _(talk) with him about the accident.10. The trees _(blow) down in the storm have been moved off the road.写作假如你叫李华,是一名高中生。最近,你校将接待一批来自美国的交换生,学校现在征集寄宿家庭。请根据下面的写作提纲,写一封申请信。内容包括:1. 个人情况(年龄,性别,性格和爱好)2. 英语水平3.家庭条件4. 相关经历注意:1. 词数100左右2. 可适当发挥,以使行文连贯Dear sir/Madam_1CABCA CACBC BABA BACBC21-40 CDAAA CBCBD CCDBC EDAGF4160ABACD BBCDA DBABD ACDAC61.a 62.tourists 63.living 64. smaller 65friendly66.is 67. to see 68.that/which 69. have been 70. To71.it a pared reference satisfying76.taking grateful solving talking blown Dear Sir/Madam, I am Li Hua, an 18-year-old girl from Senior Three. I hear some American Students are ing to study in our school for two weeks. I am writing to apply for the opportunity to bee a host family. The following are our advantages. First, Im open-minded and like to make new friends. Second, my parents speak English so fluently that they have no difficulty municating with native speakers. Third, we have a large apartment where there is an extra room for a guest. More importantly, last month we received two American students, through which we gained a lot of experience. I think it a chance to improve my English and learn about new culture. Please give us a chance. Looking forward to your reply. _

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