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课时训练12Units 5-6(八下)限时:30分钟.语法填空1.Work hard, you may catch up with your classmates soon.A.andB.orC.but2.Find ways to praise the beginners, they will lose heart someday.A.tillB.andC.or3.xx铜仁改编 I called you at eight last night, but you didnt answer.What were you doing?I .A.took a shower B.was taking a shower C.take a sheet 4.Linda has a beautiful . She sings very well.A.lookB.soundC.voice5.xx莱芜改编 Jerry will succeed in working out the problem he gives up.A.if B.because C.unless6.xx自贡 What do you think of the movie FangHua?It is moving and it my grandma the life in the countryside.A.reminds; of B.lets; down C.wakes; up7.xx祁阳模拟 Thanks for your invitation. It will be fantastic your hometown.A.visitB.to visitC.not to visit8.xx长沙模拟 She the book as soon as she it.A.will finish read; getsB.finishes; will getC.will finish reading; gets9.xx苏州改编 Im Daisy, not Jessie.Sorry, I have difficulty peoples names.A.remembering B.remember C.to remember 10.2019原创 I spent a day cleaning up the new house.A.allB.wholeC.entire.词语填空Vincent got up at half past six in the morning.He hurriedly put on his clothes and finished the 11 prepared by Grandma.His grandparents were the only two people 12 with him.As soon as he waved goodbye to them, Vincent 13 out to the small car park(停车场).Dads car was already there.“Good morning, Dad.You are earlier than I expected,” said Vincent.And he got into the car happily.“I 14 you,” Dad smiled and drove off.“Me too.15 can I live with Mum and you again?” asked Vincent.“Ive told you hundreds of times.Mum will be back in two months.We will live together again then.Mum always loves her 16 and she wants to take the chance to meet more clients(客户),” Dad explained. “And her boss told her that she might become the manager.Are you 17?”“Not at all.Is work more important than me?”asked Vincent.“No, of course not.You are the most important to Mum and Dad, 18 we have to work.You will understand us when you grow up,” said Dad as he 19 at the school gate.Vincent got out of the 20.Dad drove off, going back to his office.11.A.breakfastB.lunchC.supper12.A.workingB.climbingC.living13.A.keptB.rushedC.found14.A.missB.askC.beat15.A.WhyB.WhenC.Where16.A.houseworkB.gardenC.job17.A.happyB.healthyC.honest18.A.orB.becauseC.but19.A.movedB.stoppedC.met20.A.houseB.schoolC.car.短文理解Once there was a famine(饥荒) in the town. A rich and kind baker(面包师) sent some bread to twenty of the poorest children. He said to them, “In this basket, there is some bread for you. Each of you can have one loaf(一条面包) every day until the hard days end.”The impatient children couldnt wait to gather around the basket. They shouted and fought for the bread because each wished to have the largest loaf. At last they went away without even thanking the good gentleman. But Shirley, a poorly-dressed little girl, did not join them. Instead, she remained standing modestly in the distance. When the other children left, she took the smallest loaf left in the basket, kissed the gentlemans hand and went home.The next day the children were as rude as before. Poor shy Shirley still took the smallest loaf. When she got home, her mother cut the bread open. Many new shining pieces of silver fell out of it. Her mother was very surprised and said, “Take the money back to the good gentleman at once, for it must have got into the loaf by accident. Be quick, Shirley! Be quick!”But when the little girl gave the rich man her mothers message, he said, “No, no, my child. It was no mistake. I put silver into the smallest loaf to reward you because you are a kind and honest girl. Go home, and the money is yours now.”21.From the story, we know the twenty children lived a life.A.happyB.poorC.rich22.The rich baker gave to the children.A.some bananasB.some booksC.some bread23.When the other children shouted and fought for the bread, Shirley .A.stood modestly in the distanceB.shouted at themC.joined them24.Shirleys mother let her when she saw the money.A.buy some foodB.hide it quicklyC.give it back to the rich man25.The story tells us that .A.its not important to say thanks to othersB.fighting with others can help us get moreC.a kind and honest person will be rewarded.语篇翻译James got home from school. “Hi, Dad,” James said as he walked into the kitchen. “Why do you look sad?” Dad asked. “26.I didnt win the race in the P.E. class today,” he answered.“Son, you cant always win,” Dad replied and gave James a cup of juice. “Youre still a great runner. Maybe youll win next time.”27.“I dont think girls can be fast runners like boys. But Dad, Maria, a girl, won the race,” James said.“You are wrong! 28.女孩们和男孩们跑得一样快。 Girls can also be good at sports,” Dad said.“Girls are good at cooking, not sports,” James said as he drank his juice.“What are you saying, son? Im a very good cook and your mother is a great soccer player. 29.Boys can do anything girls can. Girls can also do anything boys can,” Dad said.“You are still a great runner, whether a girl or a boy beats you in race,” he added.James thought about what Dad said and thought Dad was right.“30.爸爸,你能教我怎么做饭吗?”James asked. “I want to be a good runner and a good cook.” “Sure!” Dad replied.26._27._28._29._30._.书面表达在过去的日子里,我们曾经欢笑,也曾经哭泣。照片,或将这些精彩定格,或勾起你对往事的回忆。某英语网站向你发出邀请,请你根据要求用英语写一篇文章,分享你的照片背后的故事。要求 (1)故事必须原创;(2)80120词,开头已给出,不计入总词数;(3)文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称。参考要点 (1)描述你的照片(时间,地点,人物);(2)分享你的故事(起因,经过,结果);(3)谈谈你的感受(感动,怀念,影响)。This is a photo that is very special to me. In the photo, _参考答案.1.A2.C3.B 解析 考查动词时态。根据时间标志词at eight last night可知是过去进行时,用was doing,故选B。4.C5.C6.A解析 考查动词短语辨析。remind sb.of是固定短语,意为“使某人想起某事”; let sb.down意为“让某人失望”;wake sb.up 意为“唤醒某人”。根据句意可知此处是指让奶奶想起乡村生活。故选A。7.B8.C9.A 解析 考查固定搭配。have difficulty(in)doing sth.意为“做某事有困难”,是固定搭配。故选A。10.B.1115ACBAB1620CACBC.21.B解析 细节理解题。由第一段第二句中的“poorest”可知这20个孩子过着贫穷的生活。故选B。22.C解析 细节理解题。短文第一段提示这位富裕的面包师给孩子们分发的是面包。故选C。23.A解析 细节理解题。由短文第二段中的“Instead, she remained standing modestly in the distance.”可知选A。24.C解析 细节理解题。由短文第三段最后母亲说的话可知雪莉的妈妈让她把钱归还给面包师。故选C。25.C解析 推理判断题。故事最后提示面包师是故意把银子奖赏给雪莉的。故C项“友好诚实的人会得到奖赏”符合短文主旨。故选C。.26.我在今天的体育课上跑步没有赢。27.我认为女孩子跑步不像男孩子跑得那样快。28.Girls run as fast as boys.29.男孩能够做女孩可以做的任何事情。30.Dad, could you please teach me how to cook?.Onepossibleversion:This is a photo that is very special to me. In the photo, I was 10 while my dad looked younger. Look, we are playing ping-pong happily.I used to be a ping-pong player. My dad trained me so hard, though he was tired after a days work. Once, I lost a game and I felt so sad that I wanted to give up. My father said nothing, sitting quietly beside me. The next morning, I found a piece of paper. It said, “Never give up, dear. I am proud of you!”Now, I spend less time playing ping-pong because of my busy study. But I will never forget what my father told me. He is proud of me. How lucky I am to be his daughter!

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