2018-2019学年高中英语 Unit 2 English around the world-3 巩固检测试题 新人教版必修1.doc

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2018-2019学年高中英语 Unit 2 English around the world-3 巩固检测试题 新人教版必修1.doc_第1页
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2018-2019学年高中英语 Unit 2 English around the world-3 巩固检测试题 新人教版必修1.doc_第2页
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Unit 2Using Language.单句语法填空1The chairman of the meeting manded that everything _(should)_be_prepared_ (prepare) before the meeting starts.解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:会议主席命令在会议开始之前一切要准备就绪。mand后的宾语从句谓语动词用“should do/be done”,should可以省略。2More safety measures _are_requested_(request) to be taken to improve road safety.解析:句意:人们要求采取更多的安全措施来改善道路安全。request sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事,此处是其被动语态。3I could tell that he was very sad from the _expression_(express) on his face.解析:expression“表情”。句意“从他脸上的表情我可以看出他很伤心”。4They are faced with the same kinds of challenges and problems in life _as_ you are.解析:句意:他们在生活中所面临的挑战和问题跟你所面临的一样。the same. as. “与一样/相同”。5They have left for Shanghai. Why did they change their plan?That is _because_ there will be a snowstorm tomorrow according to the weather forecast.解析:句意:他们已动身去上海。他们为什么改变计划?那是因为根据天气预报明天会有暴风雪。Thats because.那是因为。6Since the road _was_blocked_(block) with heavy snow, the supplies for the supermarket couldnt arrive on time.解析:句意:因为大雪挡住了道路,超市的供货不能按时到达。the road与block是被动关系,此处需用谓语形式。7No pains, no gains; after all, there is no _such_ thing as a free lunch in the world.解析:句意:不劳无获;毕竟,世上没有免费的午餐。no such thing相当于not such a thing。8More and more people have got to know the importance of the English study. Believe _it_ or not, about six people in ten in this city are able to speak English.Thats great.解析:句意:越来越多的人已经开始意识到学英语的重要性。信不信由你,这个城市中十个人中有六个能够说英语。真是太好了。believe it or not “信不信由你。”.完成句子1There _is_no_such_man_ in our neighborhood.我们社区没有这样的人。2London Olympic Games _are_recognized_as_a_great_success_.伦敦奥运会被认为是一个了不起的成功事件。3Vegetables are _playing_an_important_part_in_ helping people keep healthy.蔬菜在帮助人们保持健康方面起着重要作用。4_As_we_all_know_,the Birds Nest is so beautiful that it attracts tourists at home and abroad.众所周知,鸟巢太美了,吸引了国内外的游客。5She has just _bought_the_same_car_ as her brother did last year.她刚买了一辆和她弟弟去年买的一样的小汽车。6The public requested that pany _should_not_make_the_young_students_work_ for them.公众要求这家公司不应该让年轻学生为他们工作。7So many celebrities are crowding to Hong Kong. What has happened?那么多的名人都在涌向香港。发生了什么事。_This_is_because_ the famous singer is to hold a wedding soon.这是因为那位著名歌星马上要举行婚礼了。8The person in charge of the meeting manded that _we_should_work_out_the_result_of_ the election in an hour.大会负责人命令我们一个小时后把竞争结果整理出来。9The scenery in my hometown is beautiful _beyond_expression_.我家乡的景色美得无法形容。10Look! The street _is_blocked_by_a_block_of_stone_.看!这条街被一块石头堵住了。

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