2018-2019学年高中英语 Module 6 The Tang Poems Section Ⅲ Integrating Skills课后演练提能 外研版选修8.doc

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2018-2019学年高中英语 Module 6 The Tang Poems Section Ⅲ Integrating Skills课后演练提能 外研版选修8.doc_第1页
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2018-2019学年高中英语 Module 6 The Tang Poems Section Ⅲ Integrating Skills课后演练提能 外研版选修8.doc_第3页
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Module 6 The Tang Poems Section Integrating Skills03 课后演练提能夯实基础知识. 单词拼写1. Further investigation r_that he was guilty.答案:revealed2. The elevator d_ slowly to the ground floor.答案:descended3. He just g_ at those cheap goods in the shop, not showing much interest in them.答案:glanced4. The people shouted in c_, “Long live the King!”答案:chorus5. I know the arrival time of the flight but I dont know its d_ time.答案:departure6. He has suffered from a _(紊乱) of the digestive system.答案:disorder7. Reading adventure stories quickened my _(想象力)答案:imagination8. I dont think we can afford the _(开支)答案:expense9. My mother is a _(谨慎的) driver. She never does any dangerous driving.答案:cautious10. I have no idea of what is in fashion, so my choice is quite _(任意的)答案:arbitrary. 选词填空approve of, appeal to, cater for, take on, deal with, glance at, correspond with, be addicted to1. He _ the envelope and recognized his uncles handwriting.答案:glanced at2. He _ his friends for support.答案:appealed to3. We should try our best to _ the needs of the customers.答案:cater for4. It is said that Mr. Franklin often forgets to have lunch in his lab because he seems to _ the experiment he is conducting.答案:be addicted to5. I dont _ smoking and drinking, which are harmful to health.答案:approve of6. The government must now _ the problem of high unemployment.答案:deal with7. Our website is _ a new look.答案:taking on8. The girl has been _ her boyfriend in the past two years.答案:corresponding with. 完成句子1. 萨姆告诫他不要草率作决定。Sam _ him _ _ a hasty decision.答案:cautioned; against making/not to make2. 已经证明了人类在50万年前就生活在那儿。It _ _ _ that man lived there 500,000 years ago.答案:has been proved3. 调查表明32%的学生支持这个计划,54%的反对,剩下的未表态。The survery shows that 32% of the students _ _ the plan, 54% _ and the rest are undecided.答案:approve of; disapprove4. 他们希望这一新证据能证明她无罪。They hope this new evidence will _ _ _.答案:prove her innocent5. 据透露这家公司去年亏损2000万英镑。_ _ _ that the pany made a loss of 20 million last year.答案:It was revealed6. 这些货物与我的订货单不符。These goods _ _ _ my order.答案:dont correspond with7. 他以牺牲健康为代价完成了这项工作。He finished the job _ _ _ _ _ _.答案:at the expense of his health8自驾游最近几年吸引了许多人。The selfdriving tour _ _ _ _ _ in recent years.答案:has appealed to many people. 单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1. If only the patient _(receive) a different treatment instead of using antibiotics, he might still be alive now.答案:had received2. Though _(caution) against danger ahead, he still went on.答案:cautioned3. _(glance) round the room, she left without hesitation.答案:Glancing4. We thought the examination would be difficult, but it _(prove) easy.答案:proved5. So far there is no proof _ people from other planets do exist.答案:that6. Mr. Johnson has appealed _ the public _ any information about his missing daughter.答案:to; for7. Youd better have your hair cut. Our school does not approve of students _(wear) longhair.答案:wearing8. His desire for knowledge _(reflect) in his recent talk show.答案:is reflected9. He may win the petition, in _ case, he is likely to get into the national team.答案:which10. Influenza H1N1 is an illness that can result in death unless _(treat) in time.答案:treated提升实战能力. 阅读理解Office workers who spend all day behind their desks should consider working standing up instead, according to a new research.Staying on your feet for an extra three hours a day would burn off 8 pounds (3.6 kg) of fat each year, according to exercise scientist John Buckley from Chester University. He said there is no need to sit down so much and those feeling tired would do well to push their chairs away during the day.Dr. Buckley added that people could work at desks higher than normal puter to answer emails and type documents. An upright working posture was championed by author Ernest Hemingway who wrote on a typewriter at a special chestheight desk. In a letter in 1950, Hemingway wrote, “Writing and travel broaden your ass if not your mind and I like to write standing up.”Dr. Buckley, from the department of Clinical Sciences and Nutrition at Chester University, said that working standing up will reduce obesity and improve circulation. Standing up for three hours will consume 144 calories, he claims. “People are sitting down at work, then sitting in the car and then sitting down in front of the television,” Dr. Buckley told BBC News. Dr. Buckley is part of a group of experts working with Englands chief medical officer on ways to deal with obesity.A study late last year made a strong connection between too much sitting down and an increased risk of diabetes(糖尿病). Meanwhile, a major Australian study published in March 2012 found sitting down too long increases your risk of dying within a few yearseven if you are already physically active.It found adults who sat 11 or more hours per day had a 40 percent increased risk of dying in the next three years pared with those who sat for fewer than four hours a day.Dr. Buckley concluded making small changes in the workplace such as standing at your disk can make longterm improvements to your health.研究表明,人长期坐着不仅容易生病,而且会过早地死亡,所以专家建议,要尽可能地减少坐着的时间,增加站立的时间,这样不仅有益健康,也会有明显的减肥效果。1. Standing for about three hours may _.Amake you very tiredB. help lose some weightC. use up most of your energyD. leave your chairs in good condition答案:B细节理解题。根据第二段第一句可知,站立能产生减肥效果。2. The underlined word “championed” in Paragraph 3 probably means _.AdesignedB. drawnC. explained D. supported答案:D词义猜测题。根据画线词后的who wrote on a typewriter at a special chestheight desk及本段最后一句可知,海明威支持站着工作。由此可以推知,该词有“支持”之意。3. What Dr. Buckley told BBC News suggests that nowadays people _.Awatch TV every dayB. enjoy driving to workC. like sitting too muchD. are usually very busy答案:C推理判断题。根据第四段第三句可以推知,现在的人们太喜欢坐着。4. What would be the best title for this passage?AThe Difference Between Sitting and StandingB. Tips to Work Better in the OfficeC. Some Bad Habits in the OfficeD. The Advantages of Standing答案:D标题概括题。本文主要讲述了长期坐着的危害,其目的是告诉读者站立的好处,故D项为最佳答案。. 七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。How to Read a BookBooks can be your best friends. _1_ They can introduce you the things you may never see. But do you know how to read them in order to get the fullest enjoyment possible? The following tips should help.1. Find a book. Look in the library or in one of the large bookstores. You could also ask friends if you could have a book at their book shelves. Search the shelves until you find a book that looks good. Read the first page to see how it reads, and the cover text on the back of the book, if it has any. _2_2. Buy or borrow it and take it home. Do not start to read it until you have the time. _3_ And set aside time to do nothing else but read, as it can be, at times, suspenseful(悬疑的), exciting and relaxing.3. Get fortable on the couch. Have a lamp behind you, lighting the area where you are reading. Make sure the television is off and that anything else that could distract you has been attended to. _4_4. Start the book by turning the pages and really enjoy it. Do not think about anything else but what you are reading. Put yourself into the action or location in the story. Once you concentrate pletely, it will be difficult to put the book down. And remember that reading is not running your eyes over a book. _5_ However, if you need to read the book quickly, then you do not need to pay attention to every word.A. If you are busy doing other things, you should wait until you have finished them.B. Get warm if you are going to be sitting still for a few hours.C. If you are already concentrating, then buy it or borrow it.D. They can take you to places where you may never go.EYou should read it actively and enjoy it pletely.FTry to imagine the story in your head.GOtherwise, you will miss it.相信很多人都喜欢读书,全身心翱翔在书海中是一件多么惬意的事情,但是该怎样充分享受这份愉悦呢?本文就如何读书给出了几点建议。1. D文章开头提到书籍是我们最好的朋友,下文说明书可以展现给我们从未见过的东西,故D项(书可以带你去从未到过的地方)符合题意。2. C上文介绍怎么选取适合自己的书籍,故C项(如果你选好一本书,那么别犹豫买下它或者借到它)与上文保持逻辑上的顺承关系。3. A上文提到将选好的书带回家,如果你有时间,再开始阅读。下文接着说要专门留出时间阅读,故A项(如果你正忙于其他的事,请忙完再开始读书)符合题意。4. E本段主要介绍读书的环境:找一个舒服的沙发,在适宜的灯光下,确保电视关闭,排除掉一切可能干扰你的事情。这些准备都是为了让自己完全投入到书的海洋,故E项(你应该积极充分地阅读)符合题意。5. F上文提到读书时不是眼睛在书页上来回扫视,而是你的脑海里应该闪现书中的故事情节,故F项符合题意。. 书面表达假设你是李华,你们学校的外教老师Mr.Hans组织英语小组同学周六下午去他公寓交流阅读莫言小说蛙(Frog)的读后感,你因故无法参加。请按下列要求用英语给他写一封100个词左右的信件。内容应包括:1表示歉意;2解释缺席原因;3询问借阅讨论摘要的事宜。Dear Mr.Hans,_Best wishes!Yours,Li HuaOne Possible Version:Dear_Mr._Hans,I really regret to say that I cant attend the lecture to share thoughts about Frog by Mo Yan in your apartment this Saturday afternoon, and Im writing this letter to express my deep regret.The reason for my absence is that I have to meet an English teacher from Australia at the airport this Saturday afternoon. The plane is due to arrive then and it is impossible to rearrange my time. It is really a pity that I will miss such a valuable opportunity to share my thoughts about Frog with you.I wondered if you could send me a summary of the discussion next Monday, for I believe it will be very interesting. I promise to return it as soon as possible.Im truly sorry for my absence and hope you will accept my apologies. Thank you!Best_wishes!Yours,Li_Hua

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