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2019-2020学年高中英语上学期第13周周训练题双向细目表题号分值考点识记理解简单运用综合运用难易程度11.5动词辨析易21.5动词辨析易31.5时态辨析易41.5名词辨析易51.5形容词辨析中61.5时态辨析易71.5动词辨析中81.5名词辨析难91.5副词辨析易101.5介词辨析难111.5动词辨析中121.5动词辨析中131.5副词辨析难141.5代词辨析易151.5动词辨析易161.5连词辨析中171.5形容词辨析中181.5连词辨析中191.5介词辨析中201.5名词辨析中212细节理解题难222语境运用易232推理判断题易242推理判断题中251.5语境运用易261.5考查副词中271.5考查介词难281.5考查动词时态易291.5考查搭配易301.5考查动词搭配中311.5考查连词中321.5考查形容词、副词中331.5考查时态中341.5考查连词中351.5考查非谓语难第卷第二部分: 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。ACalvin Gillian didnt believe that Norway was the place for an adventurous holiday. However, some friends told him to go there and he loved it.“Im an extreme-sports maniac. Ive traveled to many different countries, but I didnt expect Norway to be a good place for an extreme holiday. Tourists usually visit Norway because of its old Viking history or to go fishing and boating in the famous fjords (峡湾) to enjoy a relaxing holiday, or to go climbing to enjoy the beauty of nature. But I didnt go for fishing; I wanted adventure.“Skiing (滑雪) is the best thing you can do in Norway. Svartisen, the Black Ice glacier (冰川), is wonderful. The ice is not the usual white but a deep blue color, like the sea. However, you have to wear special clothes, because skiing on a million-year-old glacier can be very dangerous.“Then, there is Hunderfossen Family Park or Troll Park. You can go water skiing and ice skating. It is certainly a beautiful place but it is more expensive than visiting other parts of Norway.“I also visited the Holmenkollen Ski Jump in Oslo. The view from the top of the ski jump was wonderful and the ski museum was very interesting. I wanted to try a jump but unfortunately, its only for professional ski-jumpers. Anyway, I was very tired and I needed a break, so I went back to my hotel and got some sleep.“Next year, I am going to take my girlfriend to Norway, too. She is having her holiday in Australia now and she wants to have a different type of adventure for next year.”21. How did Calvin Gillian feel about his trip?A. Bored. B. Relaxed. C. Satisfied. D. Disappointed.22. The underlined word “maniac” (in Para. 2) refers to someone who _.A. has a strong interest in somethingB. has a bad opinion of somethingC. expects things to be successfulD. likes to pete with others23. What did Calvin Gillian do in Norway?A. Ski-jumping. B. Climbing. C. Fishing. D. Skiing.24. Whats the best title for the text?A. Calvin Gillians Holiday PlansB. Travel in Different CountriesC. Historical Places in NorwayD. A Norwegian Adventure BScientists have been working to grow meat “in vitro,” or in a laboratory, for many years. In the laboratory, they mix cells (细胞) from a horse and a pig. They feed the cells to help them increase in number and grow into a small piece of meat.Right now, the meat that scientists have made is very small and looks gray because in vitro meat does not need blood to grow. But this is not its only problem. It takes a long time for the meat to grow and scientists do not know how to make a large amount (数量). It also costs a lot of money to make in vitro meat. Making enough for one meal would cost $250,000.Although producing in vitro meat has many problems, scientists continue to work because in vitro meat would have many advantages. Since we have 7,000,000,000 people on the planet to feed, in vitro meat can help lower the need for the earths resources (资源).Besides, “Moving the production of meat from farms to laboratories would help cut down the huge amount of harmful (有害的) gases produced by farm animals,” says reporter Nick Collins.In vitro meat could solve (解决) many of the problems of animal meat. But can humans eat this in vitro meat? Scientists do not know if it even tastes like real meat. Because of food research laws, they are not yet able to taste their meat. But they hope someday people can buy it in their local market. They say it is real meat and it is just made in a different way.A lot of people are still worried about in vitro meat. However, it will be years before the meat is ready to sell. Kate Shepard, a writer for Mother Jones magazine, says, “It will require hard testing before it can be fed to humans. It is still such a new idea that we do not know yet what health problems it may have. Right now, there are no rules for in vitro meat.”25. What are the scientists trying to find out in their experiment?A. How to get a new kind of animal. B. How to make a new kind of meat.C. How to make animal meat taste better.D. How to greatly increase animals numbers.26. Whats Paragraph 2 mainly about?A. The ways to improve the experiment.B. The bad influence the experiment brings.C. The problems scientists face in the experiment.D. The difficulty in collecting money for the experiment.27. What does Nick think of in vitro meat?A. It stops peoples cruelty to animals.B. It is environmentally friendly.C. It is against the rules.D. It worries him a lot.28. According to scientists, in vitro meat _.A. is safe to eatB. tastes like real meatC. may be successful in the futureD. will soon be available on the marketCCALGARY, CANADA It was one of the most important phone calls Bruce Burrell has ever received, a call warning that a flood (水灾) was headed Calgarys way.“I got a phone call about five in the morning on Thursday from Len McCharles, who was on watch at the time, and he said there has been big flooding in Canmore and its heading this way,” said Burrell, the head of the Calgary Emergency Management Agency.“I got up immediately, turned on the morning news, saw the pictures from Canmore and then called McCharles back. I said open the Emergency Operations Centre.”Burrell was in the EOC for 48 hours straight and it wasnt until Burrell left the centre for the first time that the disaster (灾难) hit him.“Once you step outside and you actually see it and hear it, it paints a pletely different picture from what you thought you would be dealing with.”Calgary firefighters came to help the Calgarians who were influenced by floodwaters. Keal Prince, captain of the Calgary Fire Department remembers how a young boy lost his finger while helping a woman remove debris (瓦砾) out of her house.“As his finger got cut off it went into a fully loaded dumpster (装好的垃圾箱),” Prince said. “People had worked hours to get the dumpster loaded and now theyre working tirelessly, quickly, to unload that dumpster, looking for that finger.”“We had to remove a lot of debris to find that finger. Luckily, the finger was found and it was reattached (重新接上),” Prince added.Burrell is proud of what the city has achieved so far. And he says the city couldnt have done it without hundreds of unsung heroes. “There were a lot of unbelievable things that went on during the flood and I think that is what Calgarians need to be proud of.”29. On the morning of Thursday, Burrell _.A. recognised his house was floodedB. was called to go to Canmore to help peopleC. got to know from others about a ing disasterD. opened his house and found something was wrong30. Hearing what had happened, Burrell _.A. called the centre to collect picturesB. reported the event to the TV stationC. went to the flooded areas immediatelyD. gave orders for work to be started at once31. It seemed that the young boy _.A. was a great helpB. had a happy endingC. looked for his finger for hours aloneD. was hurt while unloading the dumpster32. We can infer from the last paragraph that Burrell _.A. thinks highly of people in CalgaryB. has received praise from CalgariansC. thinks its his duty to protect the cityD. feels the firefighters need more trainingDDebby Harris says she would never have started going to the Glastonbury Festival if her friend who runs a food stall (小吃摊) hadnt needed a hand a few years back. “I thought it would just be all noise, and I never liked rock music.” Now she says she would pay her friend to allow her to work on her stall! “The tickets sell like hot cakes, so its the best way of making sure I can get to the five-day festival in June,” she points out.Nick Hendon has been going to the Cambridge Folk Festival, which takes place over a long weekend in summer at Cherry Hinton Hall, for over twenty years. His favourite festival area is the Club Tent where, as well as the invited artists, members of the audience (观众) can get up and perform. “My wife usually takes part. She has a beautiful voice,” he says proudly.Joan Mitchell does her best to get to the International Eisteddfod, a dance and music festival which takes place every year during the second week of July in Wales. The festival is also famous for the final Sunday Evening Gala concert which usually has some of the biggest names in opera (歌剧) as guest performers. “Ive seen Dame Kiri Te Kanawa, James Galway and Montserrat Caballe, but no one could ever match up to Luciano Pavarotti. He was truly breathtaking!”Graham Crosby tries to get to as many concerts as possible during the eight-week summer season of the Proms festival every year. The Proms is the largest classical (古典的) music festival in the world. “The atmosphere (氛围) is much more relaxed than at other classical concerts. In fact, the audience sometimes behave more like rock fans, jumping up and down to the music, which is really exciting.”33. According to Debby Harris, she _.A. runs a food stall during the festivalB. gets the ticket for the festival from her friendC. doesnt like working for her friendD. doesnt need to buy a ticket to get to the festival34. Who enjoys an event in which festival-goers can take part?A. Graham Crosby. B. Debby Harris. C. Nick Hendon. D. Joan Mitchell.35. Which festival lasts the longest time?A. The Proms festival.B. The Glastonbury Festival.C. The International Eisteddfod.D. The Cambridge Folk Festival.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。The first time I went abroad was when I went to London. It was in the summer holidays about five or six years ago and I went with my friends. 36 , so we decided to travel by coach. We left at five oclock in the morning and the journey to London took about sixteen hours.We stayed in London for three days, in a youth hostel (青年旅社) not far from the centre. 37 . The beds were not very fortable and the bathroom was very small but it had a wonderful view overlooking the Thames. 38 . First, we went to see all the famous sites: Big Ben, Piccadilly Circus, and Buckingham Palace. Then we went shopping in Oxford Street. On the last day my friends and I went to Camden Market. You can buy all kinds of jewellery (珠宝) and clothes there. 39 . It was really sunny in the afternoon, so we went to watch a football game. Unfortunately, I think the ring fell out of my pocket during the game, and I had to buy another one. 40 although the youth hostel was not perfect. Next time, I will stay at the Ritz but I will never feel as excited as I did that first time.A. I really enjoyed visiting LondonB. I bought a silver ring for my sisterC. We were all very excited on the coachD. The plane and train were quite expensiveE. While we were in London we walked a lotF. My friends and I had a big room on the top floorG. Ive been back to London several times since then第三部分: 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。As we grow older, its normal to look back on different stages of life and remember who was there to see you through. For me, I often think about my 41 group of high school friends. 42 some peoples high school friendships gradually end, mine have stuck with me through every bit of life since. And I 43 high school friends are the friends youll build the strongest 44 with.Firstly, they were with you through your embarrassing stages. Whether it was the 45 haircut or the braces (牙箍) you wore, your high school friends 46 you through it all. They told you that you looked 47 when you couldnt go out in public with that hairdo. They built up your self-confidence (自信) to get you through each difficult 48 .Secondly, they 49 the most about you. High school friends know you better than anyone else. They can 50 look at you and know how youre 51 . You can not 52 much from them. They can 53 something is off when youre the slightest bit strange. And theyd rather help 54 the problem at hand than let it go. So even when you dont want to hear it, 55 yourself because theyre not going to stop 56 until youre back to your normal self. You can thank them for it later.Lastly, they make for the best reunions (重聚). Reunions are 57 to organize when friends live across the country. 58 , with high school friends, its easy to enjoy the time together you can often pick up just where you left off, no matter how long ago that was. 59 can be hard to keep, but it 60 seems like hard work with the ones youve known and loved forever.41. A. elder B. fantastic C. clever D. ordinary42. A. If B. Because C. As D. While43. A. plan B. think C. read D. explain44. A. beliefs B. wishes C. opinions D. relationships45. A. great B. short C. bad D. new46. A. helped B. sent C. carried D. allowed47. A. strange B. wonderful C. unhappy D. familiar48. A. situation B. topic C. conversation D. task49. A. love B. remember C. praise D. understand50. A. just B. soon C. ever D. also51. A. performing B. living C. feeling D. changing52. A. hide B. learn C. find D. take53. A. show B. sense C. expect D. agree54. A. create B. avoid C. deal with D. run into55. A. enjoy B. prepare C. teach D. trust56. A. working B. writing C. trying D. studying57. A. easier B. safer C. quicker D. harder58. A. However B. Besides C. So D. Later59. A. Secrets B. Promises C. Records D. Friendships60. A. still B. never C. once D. even第卷第三部分: 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Each day every person in the United States 61. _ (throw) away over five pounds of garbage. There is 62. _ (many) garbage now than ever before and most of it is made up of the packages and cans in which we put our food. The 63. _ (tradition) way of getting rid of solid waste is 64. _ (quick) being out of date. Many cities are experimenting with new ways of handling (处理 ) their 65. _ (grow) piles of garbage.In some cities a machine 66. _ (call) a hydrapulper (水力碎浆机) is being used 67. _ (help) recycle garbage. A hydrapulper is like a huge mixing machine. The garbage is dropped onto an endless moving belt that feeds the machine. At 68. _ same time, water is pumped into the hydrapulper. With a mixing action, the hydrapulper throws out the heavy metal objects 69. _ can later be sold as waste metal. The rest of the garbage paper, food, plastic, and other items falls apart. The waste is then mixed with water and carried to another piece of 70. _ (equip) where glass, sand and small pieces of metal are thrown out.With the hydrapulper, up to 95 percent of the original garbage is made useful again.第四部分: 写作 (共两节,满分35分)第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。This afternoon, I was going home after school when I sudden heard someone nearby crying. I looked around and found a boy sit on the ground. I was wondering that had happened to him. So I went up to a boy and asked him what was wrong. He was pointed to a ball in a deep hole. I want to help him, but the ball was out of my reach. Quite by chances, an idea came to my mind. I quickly fetched some water and poured into the hole. With the water rising, the ball came up in the same time. The boy got back his ball happily but thanked me for my help.第二节:书面表达(满分25分)假设你校英文报的Science栏目现向全校学生征稿,请你根据所给信息写一篇英语短文,介绍国外医疗领域出现的一项新技术,并向该栏目投稿。 注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:唾液样本saliva sample;分析analyse _ _ _ _ _答案21-25 CADDB 26-30 CBCCD31-35 BADCA 36-40 DFEBA 41-45 BDBDC 46-50 ABADA 51-55 CABCB 56-60 CDADB61. throws 62. more 63. traditional64. quickly 65. growing 66. called67. to help 68. the 69. that / which 70. equipment短文改错:71. . I sudden heard . sudden suddenly72. . a boy sit . sit sitting73. . wondering that had . that what74. . to a boy . a the75. He was pointed . 去掉was76. I want to . want wanted77. Quite by chances . chances chance78. . poured into the . into前加it79. . in the same . in at80. . happily but thanked . but andOne possible version: A new technology, called a DNA Test, has appeared in the foreign medical field recently and researchers have made great progress in it. The test is carried out by analysing a persons saliva sample. If you would like to have a try, you will have to spend 125 pounds and wait a period of four to six weeks before the report es out. The result of the test is very useful. It will help to predict some major and serious diseases that you may get in the future and remind you of suitable ways to exercise.


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