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xx-2019学年高一英语寒假开学检测试题第一节:单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)1. The boy was _ at the _ news.A. disappinted;disappointed B.disappointing; disappointing C. disapponting,;disapponted D. disappointed;disappointing2. I always try to avoid _ others because I hate _.A. embarrassing;making fun of B. being embarrassing;making fun ofC. embarrassing;being made fun of D. embarrassing; to make fun of3. The goods _ from the Internet are cheaper than _ we buy in shops.A. be bought; that B. bought; thoseC. were bought; the onesD. bought; that4. She _ to Mudanjiang in xx. She _ here since then.A. has e; has livedB. came; livedC. came; have lived D. came; has lived5. Whats your attitude _?A. for studying abroad B. to study abroadC. to studying abroadD. towards study abroad6. There are _ cars than there were 5 years ago in our city.A. twice as many asB. twice the number ofC. twice more thanD. more than twice more7. Ive had a headache and I think I _ lie down.A. had to B. am going toC.would D. will8. We cant believe that _a little boy should know _ much about our universe.A. so;so B. such; such C. such; so D. so; such9. I took the doctors advice _ continue taking cocaine.A. in order to B. so as toC. so as to notD. in oder not to10. By the time he_ 20, he_ 1 million pounds. A. is; accumulatedB. was; had accumulatedC.was; has accumulatedD. is; has accumulated11. We were having dinner _ there was a knock on the door.A. whenB. whileC. as D. then12. The children, _had played the whole day long, were worn out.A. all of what B. all of whichC. all of them D. all of whom13. _ is often the case with children, Amy was better when the doccor arrived.A. ItB. ThatC. WhatD. As14. In spite of all _ has been said, I still doubt your intention.A. whatB. thatC. /D. which15. We badly need someone _ can guide us through this tough situation.A. thatB. whomC. whoD.which第二节:阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。Summer Camps in Season!STEM Camp July 10 to August 14, Cost:$18090% of the jobs in the future will require STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) education. We find ways to make learning fun and exciting for students to help ensure their futures. Campers participate in fun and engaging STEM activities! Register:.stemcamp.ca or Call:519-475-6600.Kandalore June 15 to 28, Cost:$2,340The finest traditional camp in Canada, providing the best of both canoe(皮划艇)adventures and in-camp activities. For more than 65 years, Kandalore has given campers the opportunity to know and be themselves. We create a warm and supportive environment where kids can express their unique self, grow in self-confidence and build lifetime friendships. Register:.kandlore. or Call:416-322-9735.ESL Summer Camp June 25 to July 21, Cost:$5,500Pickering College has an exciting ESL summer camp for students aged 12-18 who want to learn English and experience the wonders of summer at our 42-acre campus; students enjoy the excellent dormitory, dining, academic, and social facilities of one of Canadas oldest independent schools. Register:.pickeringcollege.ca or Call:905-175-8900.DEEP Summer Academy August 16 to 26, Cost:$465We provide highly motivated high school students from across the world with the opportunity for advanced study in a variety of engineering, technology, business and science subjects. Organized by University of Toronto, DEEP is one of the most diverse pre-university engineering programs all over the world with scholarships. Register:.outreachengineering.ca or Call:416-946-0816.16.Which number should you call if you want to improve your English?A.519-475-6600.B.416-322-9735.C.416-946-0816.D.905-175-8900.17.When will the shortest camp start?A. On July 10.B. On June 15.C. On June 25. D. On August 16.18.Where can you go if you are interested in the experience of adventure?A. Kandalore. B. STEM Camp.C. ESL Summer Camp. D. DEEP Summer Academy.19.How similar are STEM Camp and DEEP Summer Academy?A. They both offer scholarships for students.B. They provide the same courses for students.C. They both prepare students for their development.D. They are both designed for international students.BHaving good etiquette(礼节,礼仪) at the workplace is very important to be a favorite in an office. However, many people arent aware of the workplace etiquette and this creates a very bad impression in the office. So its important to know some workplace etiquette tips.Among all the workplace etiquette guidelines, the most important is to be punctual(准时的) to your office. Though going late due to an emergency is okay, habitual late ers are never appreciated in any organization. By arriving at your office on time, you show that youre aware of your responsibilities and have respect for the organization. In case you feel that you would be late, call the concerned authority and report the matter to him or her.Also, a proper knowledge of the workplace email etiquette is a must. In the official emails, you need to mention the subject concisely (简洁地), while at the same time include all the important details which are to be shared. You should use good and grammatically correct language while writing emails.A knowledge of telephone etiquette in the workplace is very important as well. While talking on the telephone, be polite and listen to what theyre saying carefully. Only then should you say what you feel. Speak in a voice which would be heard clearly at the other end.The workplace guidelines are important even while youre dining or celebrating with your co-workers. If you get a call in between, receive it after youre permitted by the others by saying “excuse me”. Dont talk loudly while eating. Greet people well and try to make them feel fortable, while being in your pany.These guidelines will help you bee the best employee of a pany. All the best!20. How should you write an official email?A. Write the subject clearly and simply.B. Include all the details in the email.C.Make the language as beautiful as possible.D. Make emails as brief as possible.21. Which of the following is considered NOT acceptable about making phone calls?A. Using polite languages. B. Listening with patience and care.C. Speaking clearly.D. Answering a call as loud as possible.22. In the writers opinion, workplace etiquette _.A. is easy to master B. is considered important by all employeesC. can be helpful in doing your work wellD. will bring you good luck and good salariesCYou may have heard adults say they are unfortable in the morning without a cup of coffee. One reason they may feel that way is that coffee contains caffeine(咖啡因). Caffeine appears naturally in coffee, tea, and cocoa beans, which are used to make chocolate. But now food makers are adding it to many products, from potato chips to water.The US government is especially worried about the problem. Thats why the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is studying the health effects of caffeine on young people. Studies show that too much caffeine can make people nervous and unable to sleep. Whats more, caffeine is habit- forming. Those who consume it regularly and stop suddenly may experience headaches and feel tired.One of the biggest concerns is the large amount of caffeine added to so-called energy drinks, like Red Bull. A 12-ounce can of cola has about 35 milligrams of caffeine. A similar serving of Red Bull contains more than three times that amount.The Institute of Medicine is also working on caffeine-safety measures. “Teenagers should not drink beverages that contain caffeine. They should be aware of caffeines effects on health and on how the brain works. Take, for example, teenagers who consume caffeine to stay awake and study for a test. They will remember less of what they just studied,” said Stallings, a member of the institute.panies that make products with added caffeine claim they do not advertise them to kids. However, there is no law to stop children from buying them. So the FDA needs to set limits on caffeine, especially in energy drinks. As for added caffeine in foods, the government should just say no. If not, the amount of caffeine should be printed on food labels to remind consumers. The government must do that.Doctors say kids should avoid caffeine. If you need extra energy, try these natural boosters: eat right, exercise, and get plenty of sleep.23.What is the US government particularly concerned about?A. The fact that coffee contains caffeine.B. The practice of adding caffeine to foods.C. The measures of avoiding caffeines effects.D. The practice of using caffeine to make chocolate.24.Red Bull is listed in the third paragraph as an example of _.A. caffeines effects on healthB. teenagers addiction to caffeineC. drinks which contain much caffeine D. peoples concern about teenagers health25.Paragraph 5 is mainly about _.A. the measures of protecting teenagers from caffeines effectsB. the process of the governments controlling the use of caffeineC. the governments responsibility of taking care of teenagersD. the risk of buying products containing caffeine nowadays26.The author may agree that _.A. headaches and feeling tired are mon in teenagersB. food makers dont add much caffeine to many products nowC. caffeine is good and useful for teenagers studyD. getting enough sleep can make people energeticDIn a time when a dangerous number of people are overweight, many people seem to have forgotten the most important way to keep healthy and slim-exercise. And as a new study carried out on mice in the lab has shown, exercise done early in life can reward you in your adult years.A team of researchers at the University of California studied the effects of early exercise on adult physical activity, body mass and eating. They found that early-age exercise in mice has positive effects on adult levels of voluntary exercise in addition to reducing body mass.“These results may have an effect on the importance of regular physical education in elementary and middle schools,” said Theodore Garland, a professor of biology, who led the research project. “If kids exercise regularly through their school years, then they may be more likely to exercise as adults, which could have far-reaching positive effects on human health and well-being.”Although the positive effects of early-life exercise lasted for only one week, it is important to note that one week in the life of a mouse is the same as about nine months for humans. “Our results suggest that any positive effects of early-life exercise on adult exercise will need to be kept up if they are to be long-lasting.”His team of researchers found, too, that all mice that had access to early exercise were lighter in weight than non-exercised mice.Garland explained that, in general, exercise will stimulate appetite sooner or later. However, it is possible that certain types of exercise, done for certain periods of time or at certain light levels, might not stimulate appetite much, if at all, at least in some individuals.“If we could understand what sorts of exercise these might be, then we might be able to tailor exercise remendations in a way that would bring the benefits of exercise without increase in appetite, leading to a better chance of weight loss,” he said.27. How long do the positive effects of early-life exercise last for a mouse?A. One day B. One week C. One month D. Nine months28. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the article?A. More study is needed to better understand the effects of different types of exercise.B. Early-life exercise has life-long positive effects on peopleC. Kids should be encouraged to do exercise as early as possible to ensure physical health.D. The new study on mice mainly focused on how exercise affects appetite.29. The underlined word “stimulate” in the last but one paragraph is closest in meaning to _.A. reduce B. improve C. change D. harm30. What is the article mainly about?A. New ways to fight against being overweight. B. The positive effects of miceC. The possible risks of doing exerciseD. The positive effects of early- life exercise.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 What do the worlds most successful people all have in mon?By examining the work habits of over 150 greatest writers and artists and scientists, the researchers including Stanford professor Jeffrey Pfeiffer found that high achievers like Robert Moses turned out to be all alike: Busy! Busy! 31 In a study of general managers in industry, John Kotter reports that many of them work 60 to 65 hours per weekwhich translates into at least six 10-hour days. The ability and willingness to work difficult and tiring hours has characterized many powerful figures. Energy and strength provide many advantages to those seeking to build power.Just Say No!The difference between successful people and very successful people is that very successful people say “no” to almost everything. And thats what gives them the time to acplish so much. 32 And focus means saying “no” to a lot of distractions (分神). 33 Ignore your weaknesses and keep improving your strengths. Dont waste time exploring skill areas where you have little petence. Instead, focus onand build onyour strengths. This means knowing who you are, what you are and what you are good at.Create Good Luck! 34 Theres a science to it. Richard Wiseman studies lucky people for his book Luck Factor, and breaks down what they do right. Certain personality types are luckier because they behave in a way that offers the chance for good opportunities. By being more outgoing, open to new ideas, following the feeling that something is true, and being optimistic, lucky people create possibilities. Does applying these principles to your life actually work? Wiseman created a “luck school” to test the ideasand it was a success. In total, 80 percent of the people who attended Luck School said that their luck had increased. 35 A. Spend enough time to improve your weakness.B. Achievement requires focus.C. On average, these people reported that their luck had increased by more than 40 percent.D. They never stop working and they never lose a minute.E. Busy people are more likely to be lucky.F. Know What You Are!G. Luck isnt magical.第三节:完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文, 从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白的最佳选项。A boy lost his arms in an accident. He had to_36_ the arms of his younger brother. _37_ writing with his toes, he was pletely _38_ to do anything in his life. But when the two brothers both grew up, his younger brother wanted to _39_ from him, living his own life. _40_ he was heart-broken and didnt know what to do.A _41_ disaster befell (降临) a girl, too. One night her mother who suffered from mental illness _42_. So her father went out looking for her mother, _43_ her alone at home. She tried to _44_ meals for her parents, only to overturn the kerosene light(煤油灯)on the stove, resulting in a _45_ which took her hands away. Though her elder sister showed her willingness to take care of her, she decided to be pletely _46_. At school, she always studied hard. Once she wrote the following in her position, “I am _47_. Though I lost my arms, I still have legs. I am lucky. Though my wings are _48_ , my heart can still fly.”One day, the boy and the girl were both invited to appear on a _49_ interview program. The boy told the TV host about his _50_ future at being left on his own. However, the girl was full of _51_ for her life. They both were asked to write something on a piece of paper with their _52_. The boy wrote “My younger brothers arms are my arms” _53_ the girl wrote “Broken wings, flying heart”.It is true that disasters can strike_54_ . But if we decided to be _55_ , the hardship will turn out to be a fortune on which new hopes will arise.36.A.depend onB.live onC.go onD.keep on37.A.Except thatB.Except forC.In addition toD.Besides38.A.unlikelyB.unwillingC.unableD.unfit39.A.divideB.separateC.flyD.run40.A.And B.But C.So D.As 41.A.dangerousB.strangeC.immediateD.similar42.A.lostB.leftC.movedD.disappeared43.A.leavingB.keepingC.havingD.letting44.A.heatB.orderC.prepareD.buy45.A.troubleB.fireC.disabilityD.flame46.A.independentB.self-educatedC.confidentD.brave47.A.miserableB.greatC.unluckyD.lucky48.A.injuredB.weakC.brokenD.wounded49.A.radioB.television C.magazineD.newspaper50.A.ordinaryB.amazingC.uncertainD.poor51.A.prideB.arrangementC.imaginationD.hope52.A.toesB.handsC.mouthsD.fingers53.A.whenB.sinceC.whileD.although54.A.in timeB.on timeC.at any timeD.some times55.A.honestB.friendlyC.cheerfulD.strong第四节:语法填空 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。The first UN Chinese Language Day at the United Nations_56_(observe) on Friday at UN Headquarters in New York in xx._57_the worlds most widely spoken language, it seems appropriate that Mandarin(普通话) has one day every year dedicated(把专用于) to it. This_58_(official)marked day of Mandarin language celebration was set by the United Nations as a way of _59_(celebrate) the languages history andcontributions to the world._60_ is hoped that having one day every yearto celebrate Mandarin will encourage more people around the world to take it up. With China likely to bee the_61_(large) economy in the world, it is important that the wider world bees interestingly more perfect in this wonderful language. Every year UN Chinese Language Day_62_(fall) on April 20. A great way _63_(get) involved in the celebration is to join a Mandarin class or attend one of the Confucius Institutes(孔子学院)_64_are set up by China in countries around the world. The number of people learning Chinese is on_65_increase in Chinas neighboring countries, such as Korea, Japan, and Vietnam.第五节:单词拼写(共10个小题,每小题1分;满分10分)66. We need a lot of e_(设备,装备) to carry out the experiment.67. There was an _(被遗弃的) house in the forest.68. His pain in the disaster is beyond _(记述,描述).69. The island is only a_(可进入的) by boat.70. With the exam _(接近,靠近), everybody felt nervous.71. R_(极少地,稀少地) have I seen such a big snake.72. All the _(参与者,参加者) must hand in a resume first.73. He is one of the most famous _(作曲家) in history.74. Nothing can _(代替) the love of a mother.75. We o_(偶尔,有时) meet for a drink after work.第六节:改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Dear Alice, I was delighted to receive your letter. Thank you on the English dictionary you bought it for me. I received it this morning. There is no doubt which it is of great help to me. Im deep grateful for your advice that I should pay more attentions to practising my spoken English. Ive made up my mind to speak English both in and out of class. Next month Ill take trip to


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