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非谓语动词做宾语补足语 Whatisobjectcomplement 1 Don tmakemedothis 2 Theteachertoldustoreadbooks 3 Isawherdancing 4 Themanagerwantedthelettertyped Objectcomplements 4 作宾语补足语 人 物1 动作1 动作2 人 物2 主语 谓语 宾语 补语 发出 发出 作用在 宾语补足语 1 Don tmakemedothis 2 Theteachertoldustoreadbooks 3 Isawherdancing 4 Themanagerwantedthelettertyped Objectcomplements 1 2 3 todo做宾补 V ing做宾补 V ed做宾补 Contents 常见的接带to的不定式做宾补的动词 tell ask want teach allow expect get demand request invite love hate like prefer wouldlike等 1 2 3 Mymotheroftentellsmetostudyhardatschool MR Fengaskedustodohouseworkathome IwantyoutoteachmehowtolearnEnglishwell 常见的接不带to的不定式做宾补的动词 一感 feel二听 hear listento三让 let make have四看 see watch notice observe半帮助 helpsb todo dosth 某人做某事的全过程或某事发生的全过程 强调事物的发生和结束 1 2 3 Didyouhearmesingasonglastnight Hesawagirlgetonthebus Pleaseletmehelpyou to cleanthewindow 4 Oh pleasedon tmakethebabycryagain V ing形式作宾补 感觉动词 see hear watch observe notice feel catch lookat listento等 使役动词 have get leave keep start send set等 V ing形式作宾补 表示动作的过程 即动作正在进行 尚未结束 宾语与宾补之间是主动的逻辑主谓关系 1 Don tmakeanynoise Don tyouseethechildsleeping 2 Ihearsomeoneknockingatthedoor 3 I msorrytokeepyouwaitingforalongtime V ed形式作宾补 表示感觉和心理状态的动词 see hear find notice feel watch like think等 致使 意义的使役动词 have get leave keep等 1 2 3 着重动作完成 表明动作的结果 它与宾语之间是被动的逻辑主谓关系 Hesawthethiefcaughtbythepolice Shewasgladtoseeherchildtakengoodcareof I mgoingtohavemyhaircut Practice Adoctorfoundlotsofpatientswaitingforhiminthewaitingroom NowitwasBilly sturn What syourtrouble boy askedthedoctor BeforeBillycouldansweraword thedoctormadehimliedownonabed Now letmelistentoyourheartandtakeyourtemperature Billytriedtositup butthedoctorstoppedhim Practice Adoctorfoundlotsofpatientswaitingforhiminthewaitingroom NowitwasBilly sturn What syourtrouble boy askedthedoctor BeforeBillycouldansweraword thedoctormadehimliedownonabed Now letmelistentoyourheartandtakeyourtemperature Billytriedtositup butthedoctorstoppedhim 1 Theyhaveseenthetree fall falling down 2 Annasawherdaughter shout shouting atherfatherwhenshecameintotheroom 3 LucysawTom steal stealing moneyfromanoldladysecretly 4 LiMingsawhisbike repair repaired bythetechnician 5 Jennysawhermother cooking cooked whenshegothome 6 Ihaveseentheflower plant planted inthegarden Practice 1 Theyhaveseenthetree fall falling down 2 Annasawherdaughter shout shouting atherfatherwhenshecameintotheroom 3 LucysawTom steal stealing moneyfromanoldladysecretly 4 LiMingsawhisbike repair repaired bythetechnician 5 Jennysawhermother cooking cooked whenshegothome 6 Ihaveseentheflower plant planted inthegarden Practice 1 see you running people can inthemorning 2 lived amonster there called nian3 hadto she ask drive hermother her school to Practice Makeupthesentenceswiththewordsgivenbelow 1 Youcanseepeoplerunninginthemorning 2 Therelivedamonstercallednian 3 Shehadtoaskhermothertodrivehertoschool Practice Makeupthesentenceswiththewordsgivenbelow summary to do做宾补 doing做宾补 done做宾补 表示事情全过程或一次性动作 该动作已完成 表示一个事实 表示一个正在进行和发生的动作 尚未结束 具有一定的描述性 sb跟done之间是被动关系 Thankyouforyourlistening

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