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xx-2019学年高中英语上学期第2周周训练题双向细目表题号分值考点识记理解简单运用综合运用难易程度11.5动词辨析易21.5动词辨析易31.5时态辨析易41.5名词辨析易51.5形容词辨析中61.5时态辨析易71.5动词辨析中81.5名词辨析难91.5副词辨析易101.5介词辨析难111.5动词辨析中121.5动词辨析中131.5副词辨析难141.5代词辨析易151.5动词辨析易161.5连词辨析中171.5形容词辨析中181.5连词辨析中191.5介词辨析中201.5名词辨析中212细节理解题难222语境运用易232推理判断题易242推理判断题中251.5语境运用易261.5考查副词中271.5考查介词难281.5考查动词时态易291.5考查搭配易301.5考查动词搭配中311.5考查连词中321.5考查形容词、副词中331.5考查时态中341.5考查连词中351.5考查非谓语难第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AMeganWhen I was younger, I spent all the money I got. After a couple of years, I began wondering why I didnt have any savings. Things had to change. It was then that I opened a bank account (账户). Even saving just a tiny amount each month can make quite a difference, so my advice would be for children like me to open an account and start saving.JamieMy advice is“be strict and know what youre spending”. I keep a budget (预算) so that I know exactly how much money I can spend on clothes, how much on going out with my friends and how much I need to save. I now work at the weekend, so I dont have to ask my parents for pocket money.LauraI always get pocket money from my parents. I would buy a coffee here or a sandwich there, and even though that only means two or three pounds a time, it soon increases in amount. One day I made a list of all the things Id bought that week and it really surprised me. Id spent 30 pounds on, well, nothing really! If I could give anyone advice, I would tell them to always ask themselves, “Do I really need this?”OliviaMy dad lost his job recently, so my pocket money stopped. Now Im doing a part-time job on Tuesdays and Fridays. It isnt a lot, but it is enough. Not only have I bee more responsible about money and how I spend it, but I feel good that Im working for it and not just relying on my parents. My advice to anyone is not to expect money to always be there and make sure you save enough for a rainy day.21. According to the text, Megan _.A. has always spent money wiselyB. finds it hard to save any moneyC. puts some of her money in the bankD. doesnt have to worry about money22. The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 probably refers to the money _.A. Laura saved on foodB. Laura spent on unimportant thingsC. Laura received from her parentsD. Laura borrowed from her friends23. Both Jamie and Olivia _.A. have a part-time jobB. get a lot of pocket moneyC. have opened a bank accountD. spend a lot on clothes24. The text is mainly about _.A. making moneyB. borrowing moneyC. raising money D. managing moneyBBefore January xx, young girls couldnt play soccer in Katutura, a black township in Namibia, Africa. They had no soccer balls, no playing field, no shoes, and no leader. Each day, girls and boys gathered at the Nordkamp Center after school. Most of the boys would play soccer in a nearby dirt field while the girls remained at the center to jump rope or read books.Center director Mary Beth Gallagher loved soccer and knew that the girls would love it, too. So she organized a girls team with players under the age of 12. She knew it would be the youngest girls soccer team in the whole country. Because they had no other girls teams to pete with, Mary Beth arranged (安排) matches against the boys teams. The boys were bigger and stronger, but the girls didnt back down.Soon news spread about the Nordkamp girls team. An American soccer team from New York heard about them and immediately sent all their uniforms and shoes to their “soccer sisters”. When the bright orange uniforms arrived, the Nordkamp girls danced happily.“You look like pumpkins,” Mary Beth said.A girls voice called out, “If we are pumpkins, were beautiful pumpkins.”With their new name the Pumpkins, the experienced team was ready for a big match.On December 1, xx, the Pumpkins gathered and walked in a big orange line to a field near the Nordkamp Center. Their first opposing (对抗的) team laughed at the young players, but they didnt laugh for long. They quickly found out just how good the Pumpkins were. The Pumpkins beat that first team and then the next. These girls became famous, and their story was also encouraging to others in Namibia.25. Before January xx, in Katutura _.A. kids preferred jumping rope to soccerB. there was no girls soccer teamC. boys had no place to play soccerD. girls often played soccer with boys26. As for the idea of girls playing soccer, Mary Beth might _.A. think little of itB. be doubtful of itC. feel hopeful about itD. be uncertain about it27. Why was the Nordkamp girls team called the Pumpkins?A. Because of the color of its uniforms.B. Because of the heights of its players.C. Pumpkins are its players favorite food.D. Pumpkins always bring people good luck.28. What can we learn from the girls story?A. All time is no time when it is past.B. A friend in need is a friend indeed.C. Where there is a will, there is a way.D. Self-trust is the first secret of success.CWhen a golfer plays on any golf course, he or she expects the course has a lot of hazards (障碍区) like sands, woods, and ponds of water. There is one special golf course, though, where along with these hazards that stand still, the player must expect to pete against hundreds of moving hazards. The golf course is on Christmas Island. The island is an area of Australia in the Indian Ocean, the third largest ocean in the world, lying between Africa and Australia. The moving hazards are bright red, four-and-one-half-inch (11.4cm) crabs (螃蟹).Over 150 million of these brightly colored crabs live in the islands rainforests. Every year, starting around November, the crabs migrate (迁移). They leave the rainforest and make their way to the ocean. They arrive at the coast after one to three weeks. But the males return to the rainforest earlier than the females, who return about two weeks later after producing up to 100,000 eggs.On Christmas Island there is a golf course built on the crabs migration route. During the migration season, there are hundreds of red crabs moving on the course. The rules of the Christmas Island Golf Club say that all players must treat the crabs as they would treat any other hazard. They cannot move them, and they must play around them. If a walking crab happens to knock a ball while it is on the green, hitting it into a hole, the ball is considered “in”.Just as the golfers must pete against a moving hazard, so must the crabs. People have built roads that run through the crabs migration route. Unluckily, up to two million crabs are killed by passing vehicles every year. People are trying to reduce the number by putting up “Crab Crossing” signs and closing certain roads during the migration season.29. What do we learn about the red crabs?A. They arrive in the rainforest in November.B. They spend most of their year in the ocean.C. The females spend two more weeks on the coast.D. The males start to migrate earlier than the females.30. The rules of the Christmas Island Golf Club _.A. attract more golf playersB. can help protect the crabs C. often make golfers confusedD. cause the crabs much trouble31. By saying “Just as the golfers . so must the crabs”, the author means _.A. the crabs must face danger on the roadB. the crabs are quite perfect moving hazardsC. golfers like peting against moving hazardsD. golfers find it hard to play on Christmas Island32. Which can be the best title for the text?A. Christmas IslandB. Great migrationC. Crab CrossingD. Crab hazardsDThe human brain contains 10 thousand million cells (细胞) and each of these may have a thousand connections. Such great numbers used to discourage us and cause us to stop thinking about the possibility of making a machine with humanlike ability, but now that we have grown used to moving forward at such a speed we can be less sure. Quite soon, in only l0 or 20 years, perhaps, we will be able to build a machine as plex as the human brain, and if we can we will. It may then take us a long time to make it as intelligent as the human brain by properly programming it.I think it is certain that in decades, not centuries, machines of silicon (硅) will arise to pete with their human ancestors. In a real sense they will be able to reproduce themselves. Silicon will have endedcarbons long control. And we will no longer be able to consider ourselves to be the finest intelligence in the world.As the intelligence of robots increases and their cost goes down, we may achieve a lot with their help, first on the earth through their ability to plete any kind of work in harmful environments. In the end, deserts may turn into gardens. Further ahead, by a bination of the great wealth this new age will bring and the technology it will provide, the creation of a huge, man-made world in space, home to thousands or millions of people, will be within our power.33. In the authors opinion, the human brain _.A. is plex and intelligentB. is too plex to be reproducedC. may change a lot in 10 or 20 yearsD. will soon be replaced by machines34. The underlined word “carbon” in Paragraph 2 stands for _.A. human beingsB. an old machineC. an ocean animalD. intelligent robots35. In the last paragraph, the author mainly _.A. talks about the intelligence of robotsB. explains how to create a world in spaceC. describes what our future life might beD. shows his worry about the environment第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。How parents can help children with reading skillsMaking sure that your children read well can help them perform better in school and increase their confidence in their ability to municate well. The following ways can be very helpful.Have your children read to you.Have your children choose their favorite book and sit down to read with you each evening.36It doesnt matter whether that starts after dinner or around the time your children go to sleep.Stock (储备) your house with reading materials.37It is reported that children who have different kinds of books and magazines to choose from at home actually score higher on standardized tests.38Researchers suggest having your children read signs on the road, menus, game directions, movie listings and other daily things. This will help your children try to understand the importance and applicability (适用性) of being able to read well.Pay attention to reading problems.See how well your children can sound out words, understand what they have read and use reading context (上下文) to understand the meaning of new words.39For example, you can take them to reading learning centers.Use other reading tools.40Take games as an example, try to use them as much as you can, since they can make children look forward to and enjoy the process of improving their reading ability.A. Read wherever it is possible.B. Take your children to a library.C. Make reading an important part of each day.D. Keep some reading materials available in your house.E. Games, textbooks and books on tape are good choices.F. If your children have difficulty reading, get them some help.G. You should watch your childrens progress with their reading skills.第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Have you ever traveled around by bike? This spring my older brother and I41the busy city and spent a long weekend42in the countryside. Our speed was only around 14 kph, but we didnt43. We hadnt e to break any speed records,44. All we wanted was some45air and a break from schoolwork. We really46ourselves while cycling along traffic-free country paths. There was plenty of sunshine,47it was quite cold,48in the mornings. The good news was that soon we49as we rode along. Our only50was when my brakes (刹车) started making a terrible noise. But I didnt care as it gave us an51to visit a cafwhile a bike mechanic (机修工) had a look at it. Every few kilometers there was a52where we could talk with local people. One of the women was very53and showed us the way when we got lost. On Saturday night we were54at 2 a.m. by some young people. They kept singing loudly in the next room, which made us55all night. We felt very56when we got up the next morning. Soon we57. We were more cheerful on the way when the sun came out.58, things like that happened only once. Anyway I still like traveling around by bike its59and its fun. If youre looking for a short break thats active and cheap, then cycling is a great60!41. A. left B. visited C. found D. reached42. A. paintingB. studying C. teaching D. cycling43. A. regret B. mind C. fail D. realize44. A. at last B. as well C. after all D. at most45. A. fresh B. thin C. cool D. dry46. A. hurt B. hated C. changed D. enjoyed47. A. but B. so C. or D. unless48. A. probably B. especially C. specially D. immediately49. A. came back B. gave up C. warmed up D. calmed down50. A. wish B. problemC. decision D. memory51. A. order B. opinion C. excuse D. explanation52. A. city B. lake C. school D. village53. A. friendly B. honest C. stupid D. nervous54. A. saved B. paid C. woken D. greeted55. A. excited B. sleeplessC. speechless D. frightened56. A. shy B. busy C. bored D. tired57. A. set off B. called backC. settled down D. broke down58. A. Strangely B. DoubtfullyC. Luckily D. Naturally59. A. true B. simple C. difficult D. dangerous60. A. goal B. dream C. result D. choice第卷第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。What future robots will be like is only a prediction, but judging from developments in recent years, we can say 61. _ sure that there will be different types of robots, all having skills 62. _ meet their tasks in the future.Humanoid (类人的) robots will likely be the most difficult to make, because to build a creature similar to man is 63. _ huge challenge. However, scientists have developed special materials. They react to electric currents much like those in the human body, making 64. _ possible to make more humanlike robots.Modular (模块化的) robots can change their shape when 65. _ (perform) a specific task. This will allow a robot 66. _ (be) able to perform all kinds of jobs.Entertainment robots will be profitable (赢利的) in the near future. Toys for education and play 67. _ (expect) to take control of the market. And robots 68. _ (use) for sports have been developed with the creation of the RoboCup soccer challenge and the success of such TV programs as Robot Wars.Some scientists predict that in the middle of the twenty-first century, robots 69. _ (work) in agriculture, medicine and household care. However, it is also known that the technology to 70. _ (eventual) send quality robots to these markets is still lacking.第四部分:写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。When you are in public places, you will see many smokers. And most of them were young people and even middle school student. Why do so many people enjoy smoke? Someone once told me that it made him relaxing. In fact, smoking is the bad habit. It does greater harm to our health. For smokers, it is a waste of money, and cause all kinds of diseases. Besides, many fires caused by careless smokers. So never to get into the habit of smoking, but try to stop smoking if you have the habit.第二节:书面表达(满分25分)假定你校要举行英语演讲比赛,主题为My Job in the Future。请你用英语写一篇演讲稿。注意:词数100左右。_参考答案21-25 CBADB 26-30 CACCB31-35 ADAAC 36-40 CDAFE 41-45 ADBCA46-50 DABCB 51-55 CDACB 56-60 DACBD61. for 62. that / which 63. a64. it 65. performing 66. to be67. are expected 68. used69. will be working 70. eventually短文改错:71. . were young people . wereare72. . school student. studentstudents73. . enjoy smoke? smokesmoking74. . made him relaxing. relaxingrelaxed75. . the bad habit. thea76. . greater harm . greatergreat77. . cause all kinds . causecauses78. . many fires caused . fires后加are79. So never to . 去掉to80. . but try to stop . butandOne possible version:Hello, everyone!I want to be a puter game designer in the future, because I want to design many educational games which provide both entertainment and knowledge for teenagers. As we all know, most of the puter games today are just for entertainment or excitement, so when teenagers bee addicted to them, their studies will be seriously influenced. My new games will be closely connected with the lessons at school. Playing my games will help teenagers review the knowledge they have learned at school. Im studying hard and I will continue studying hard in order to get my dream job in the future.Thank you!部分解析阅读理解:A篇(日常活动)本文是应用文。文章主要介绍了四位青少年是如何理财的。21. C。细节理解题。由第一段中的I opened a bank account和Megan给出的建议可知,她现在会把一部分钱存进银行,故选C项。22. B。篇章结构题。由该段中的I would buy a coffee here or a sandwich there, and even though that only means two or three pounds a time可知,这儿买一杯咖啡,那儿买一个三明治,即便是一次只会用掉两三英镑,可是这些钱累计起来就是一大笔,所以it在此是指花费在那些并不重要的东西上的金钱,故选B项。23. A。细节理解题。由第二段中的I now work at the weekend和第四段中的Im doing a part-time job on Tuesdays and Fridays可知,他们俩都有一份兼职工作,故选A项。24. D。主旨大意题。由文中四位青少年所讲述的亲身经历和他们所给出的建议可知,本文主要是谈论如何理财的,故选D项。B篇(周围的人)本文是记叙文。文章主要讲述了来自纳米比亚的一支女子足球队的故事。25. B。细节理解题。由第一段中的They had no soccer balls, no playing field, no shoes, and no leader和第二段中的So she organized a g


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