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2019-2020学年高一英语上学期期中试题(无答案)听力(略)第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项Whether you rely on your bike for transportation or exercise, youll enjoy these fun facts on this two-wheeled vehicle.In 1817, Karl von Drais, a German, invented a horseless carriage that would help him get around faster. The two-wheeled, pedalless device moved by pushing your feet against the ground. The machine became known as the “draisine”, and led to the creation of the modern-day bicycle. The term “bicycle” was not introduced until the 1860s, when it was coined in France to describe a new kind of two-wheeler with a mechanical drive.Orville and Wilbur Wright, the brothers who built the first flying airplane, operated a small bike repair shop in Dayton, Ohio. They used their workshop to build the 1903 Wright Flyer. Fred A. Birchmore, 25, circled the globe by bicycle in 1935. The entire trip, through Europe, Asia, and the United States, covered 40,000 miles. He pedaled about 25,000 miles. The rest was traveled by boat. He wore out seven sets of tires.In the 1980s, bicycle delivery services developed into an important industry, especially in cities, where the couriers(快递员) earned a reputation(名声) for their high speed and traffic-weaving skills.Americans use their bicycles for less than one percent of all urban trips. Europeans bike in cities a lot more often-in Italy 5 percent of all trips are on bicycle, 30 percent in the Netherlands, and 7 out of 8 Dutch people over age 15 have a bike.The Tour de France is one of the most famous bicycle races in the world. Established in 1903, it is considered to be the biggest test of endurance out of all sports. Lance Armstrong, an American cyclist, is the only rider to have won 7 titles after surviving cancer.21. The underlined word “coined” in the second paragraph can be replaced by _.A. bought B. discovered C. printed D. created22. Who made the most important contribution to the bike?A. Karl von Drais. B. The Wright brothersC. Fred A. Birchmore. D. Lance Armstrong.23. The couriers in the 1980s in the cities preferred the bike because it was _.A. beautiful and produced no noise B. a symbol of fashion and wealthC. cheap and could be moved about easilyD. fast and rarely affected by traffic conditions (B)Monkeys are very similar to us in many ways. Most have ten fingers and ten toes, and brains much like ours. In fact, Charles Darwins theory of evolution says that monkey and humans share a mon ancestor. We enjoy watching them because they often act like us, and we also love to use many expressions about monkeys in almost every language. This is why many monkey expressions are about tricky people or playful acts.Monkeyshine is one of the expressions to show tricks or foolish acts. The meaning is clear if you have ever watched a group of monkeys playfully chasing each other: pulling tails, stealing food, doing tricks.Monkeying around with something means that you do not know what you are doing. When you feel like doing something but have no firm idea of what to do, you are monkeying around. It is just a way to pass the time.Monkey business usually means secret, maybe illegal activities. You may e across a new report that there is monkey business involved in building the new airport, with some officials getting secret payments from builders.Monkey suits are mon names for clothes or uniforms soldiers wear. In earlier years in many American cities, you would find men playing musical band organs on the street. Dancing to the music would be the mans small monkey that was dressed in a tight-fitting, colorful jacket similar to a military uniform. So, people began to call a military uniform a monkey suit. 24. Which of the following is NOT true about the similarities between human and monkey?A. Most monkeys have ten fingers and toes.B. Monkeys have the same brains as humans.C. Monkeys often act like humans in many ways.D. Monkeys are humans closest relatives in species.25. According to the passage, an idle(闲散的) wander on the street can be described as_.A. monkeyshine B. monkeying aroundC. a monkey suit D. monkey business26. Monkey suits are monly used to call military uniforms because they _.A. are created particularly for soldiers uniforms.B. are originally designed for American soldiers.C. share typical features with military uniforms.D. make American soldiers look like monkeys.27. Most monkey expressions are _.A. used only in western cultures. B. used on some formal occasions.C. about tricks and naughtiness(淘气). D. about terrible funny behaviors.(C)The decisions that we make shape us throughout our lives. No matter what decisions we make, good or bad, each one puts us on a new road in the future. Make a bad decision? No problem. Learn from the decision and make another decision to get on a different path. This is advice that I got from Tony Robbins in his book Awaken the Giant Within. This is a book that I remend to anyone waiting to develop a fire within to make changes in their life. It helped me to understand how fear of making poor choices was hindering me from being the great man who I am today. Now I am not saying that I am a well-known person in any particular circle. But I am the king of my castle working hard and trying to make good decisions in regard to the paths that I have chosen. I am a great man in the eyes of my wife and my children. And that is all the recognition that I need in my lifetime. And I know that my past failures have been the building block that I continue to build my career and self-image in my munity that I live in. Ben Lerer, cofounder and CEO of the Thrillist Media Group, is a good example of this. In an article on the Fast pany website, Lerer talks about this very subject. He says, ”I have to make some really tough decisions but finally, I think the best panies are those that can recognize when something isnt going right, and fix it, instead of just turning a blind eye because its easier.” Great people make decisions. When a decision does not have the desired result, make a different decision. It does not get any simpler than that.28. From Tony Robbins book Awaken the Giant Within, the writer knew.A. making a bad decision is very terribleB. making decisions helps us bee a great manC. being afraid to make a bad decision is very naturalD. learning from the bad decision can help make a new choice29. The underlined word“ hindering” can be replaced by .A. stopping B. stealing C. preserving D. requiring30. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?A. A bad decision has a bad effect on peopleB. The best pany can admit and correct a bad decisionC. People should learn how to make a good decisionD. Making a decision is much simpler than changing one31. What could be the best title of the passage?A. Overe Your Fears B. Take Action C. Make decisions D. Trust Yourself(D)What about the effect of long working hours on your weight? A new paper, written by Joelle Abramowitz, an economist, has some surprising results. She starts out by showing a simple graph: those who work longer are easy to be bigger. That seems interesting, but is not as good as expected. After all, there may be other factors that mean that hardworking people tend to be overweight. So Ms Abramowitz uses other methods, which allows her to control a variety of other factors, like ine. Her results have a few surprises: those with a college degree are likely to be slimmer(苗条). Rather depressingly, marriage results in women getting thinner, but men fatter. She shows that for workers in “non-strenuous(不繁重的)” jobs, like secretarial work and accountancy, ten additional hours spent working per week are connected with an increase in body size index 0.4 for women and 0.2 for men. That translates, on average, into an increase of 2.5 pounds and 1.4 pounds respectively(各自地). Unsurprisingly, for those whose jobs require a bit of physical effort, the effect no longer holds. So why do long hours result in weight gain? Only 20% of American jobs are even mildly stressful, pared to 50% in 1960. In 1960, a tenth of the American workforce was involved in agriculture, but today its more like 1%. More time at the desk means less movement. Busy people may have less time to prepare good meals, instead choosing a take-away. (management consultants, in my experience at least, tend to be rather knowledgeable about fancy restaurants near them). They exercise less. And workaholics sleep less: inadequate shut-eye is associated with weight gain.Women gain more weight than men, Ms Abramowitz reasons, because they tend to replace(替换) work for health-improving activities like exercise. However, men are pretty sedentary, whether or not they work long hours. So maybe desk-jobbers should include a bit of physicality in the daily hard work. Standing up while working is one choice.32. What can we know about Joelle Abramowitzs graph?A. The author thinks its puzzling. B. Many people dont think its good. C. It includes many factors on fatness D. It shows people working long put on more weight.33. What kind of people tends to put on weight according to the passage?A. People who feel depressed. B. People who have college degrees.C. People who work on secretarial work. D. People who often eat in fancy restaurants34. pared to the past, _. A. Americans are fatter because of lack of exercise B. Americans are fatter because of improvement of life C. Americans bee fatter because of less stressful work D. Americans men are more likely to put on weight than women.35. According to Joelle Abramowitz, which of the following statements is Correct?A. The longer you work, the thinner youll be. B. Women get fatter while men get thinner after marriage.C. Women gain more weight than men because they replace work for taking exercise.D. Today, there is still 10% of the American workforce involved in Agriculture. 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Nowadays, many people love to travel. It is very mon for people to go on a trip at any time. 36 Perhaps, the reason for its present popularity is that more people have e to realize the benefits of traveling. Traveling provides a good many opportunities for fun, adventure and discovery. When we visit other countries, we gain a better understanding of the people living there. We learn their cultures, history and background. We discover the similarities they have with us. 37 It is interesting to learn from people with different backgrounds.Traveling helps to enrich our lives. 38 When we visit interesting places, we discover and learn many things. We discover new people, surroundings, plants and animals. If we want to make our travel more exciting and challenging, we can plan our own tour and select the specific places we want to visit.Traveling is refreshing. It is a psychological(心理的) necessity, especially for people who have stressful jobs. 39 Staying at home during the weekend is not enough to make some people feel relaxed. 40 It helps them to handle the stress they experience at work better. After the break, they feel more energetic in their work. For many working adults, regular getaways help them keep their energy and enthusiasm they require for their work. Without these breaks, they may suffer from work burnout.A. Years of hard work finally pay off.B. We also get to know their differences from us.C. It increases our knowledge and widens our vision.D. Some even consider traveling as part of their lifestyle.E. In todays society, many people suffer great stress at work.F. Taking periodic (定期的) trips produces better results for them.G. It is indeed a joyful thing to share the experience of a special trip with others.第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Years ago, if a teenager had some problems in her life, she might go home and write in her diary. Now, a teenager with 41 problems might go onto the Internet and write about them in a blog (博客). In many ways, a diary and a blog are very 42 .So, what makes blogging different from writing in 43 diary? The biggest difference is that blogging is much more 44 than a diary. Usually, a teenager treats her diary like a book full of 45 that she does not want to 46 . Its interesting that someone who writes in a blog 47 a diary will probably write nearly the same information. I have a little sister, and sometimes I go online to read her 48 . She writes about things like waking up early for swimming practice and not studying enough for her chemistry test. 49 I was at her age, I wrote about the same things, but 50 in my diary. Then, after I had finished writing, I would hide my diary in a secret place because I was 51 that my sister might read it! The biggest 52 with blogging is that anyone can read what you write. If I was angry with a friend during high school and wrote something 53 about her in my diary, she would never know. 54 , if my sister ever wrote something bad about a friend, that friend 55 read her blog and get angry. There are also 56 to blogging, of course. If I was feeling sad one day and wrote in my diary, “Nobody cares about me.” 57 would know about it. However, if my sister wrote the same sentence in her blog, her best friends would 58 respond and tell her how much they 59 her. Blogs help people stay in 60 with their friends and to hear what the people around them are doing. 41. A. the sameB. troublesomeC. difficult D. daily42. A. familiar B. specialC. similar D. different43. A. a personalB. an ordinaryC. a mon D. a traditional44. A. attractiveB. publicC. convenient D. quick45. A. thoughtsB. puzzlesC. mysteriesD. secrets46. A. tell B. shareC. publishD. solve47. A. instead ofB. as well asC. in favour of D. in spite of48. A. blogB. diaryC. report D. web49. A. AlthoughB. SinceC. When D. Because50. A. onlyB. alreadyC. stillD. never51. A. angryB. hopelessC. gladD. worried52. A. problem B. doubt C. trouble D. mistake53. A. hardB. bad C. meaningfulD. funny54. A. Besides B. However C. ThereforeD. Then55. A. should B. willC. mustD. might56. A. reasons B. disadvantagesC. shortingsD. advantages57. A. everyoneB. no oneC. anyoneD. someone58. A. happily B. especiallyC. quicklyD. willingly59. A. likeB. missC. needD. help60. A. friendshipB. touchC. debate D. mind第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。My wife abandons 61_(she) to buying things on the Internet. It seems that she cant control herself well. It is the fourth time that she 62_(shop)online for hours. I have already reminded her to think twice, but my wife paid little attention to my 63_(react) and replied, “With the New Year 64_(approach), preparation is necessary.” I cant put up 65_ her behavior. In most cases, the things 66_(buy) on line arent good value for money. Maybe she just enjoys the process of online shopping.Nowadays, with the development of technology, online shopping 67_(bee) more and more convenient. Those 68_ stay at home can buy whatever they want. In the meanwhile, it causes 69_ number of problems. One of them is more spending than before, because people are 70_(easy) attracted by the discount.第三部分:写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 One day, on my way home after school, I found out a bag lying on the road, I picked it up. There was many money and a business card in the bag. From the card I know something about an owner, including her phone number. I realized I could get in touch the owner. So I called the owner, telling her about the matter. Then I waited at the bus stop. It was not long after the owner arrived, and I gave the bag to her. So exciting and thankful to me was the owner that she took out some money to reward me, and I politely refused it. Then I walked back home, felt very happy and pride.第二节:书面表达(满分25分)实现有效沟通,建立良好人际关系,不仅要善于言表,更要学会倾听。请你根据下表中所提供的信息,写一篇题为“Being a Good Listener”的英文讲演稿。为何倾听表示尊重,增进理解,建立良好的人际关系谁来倾听家长倾听孩子理解孩子,消除代沟.老师倾听学生了解学生,满足需求.同学相互倾听增进友谊,互帮互助.怎样倾听(请考生联系自己拟定内容,列举至少两点。)注意:1. 对所给要点,逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译。2. 词数100 左右。开头和结尾已经写好,不计入总数。3. 讲演稿中不得提及考生所在学校及本人姓名。代沟:generation gap Good afternoon, everyone! The topic of my speech today is “Being a Good Listener”._ Thank you for your listening!

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