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题型加练二单项填空(一)1(xx江西模拟二)Why not buy a small house first if you dont have enough money?Thats a good . Thank you.Awish BsuggestionCcompetition Dtrade2(xx安徽合肥三模)It is accepted by everyone that knowledge is the most valuable for human beings.Astandard BtreasureCinvention Dinstruction3(xx安徽安庆桐城四模)Which hat would you like, the blue one or the red one? . I like the yellow one instead.AEither BNeitherCBoth DAll4(xx江西宜春模拟)Has John done the dishes yet?You cannot him to do such a thing.Awant BexpectChope Dwish5(xx湖北武汉中考)I football quite well, but I havent had time to play since the new year.Awill play Bhave playedCplayed Dplay 6(xx浙江温州中考)Ive ordered some flowers for grandma and they will arrive two hours.Ain Bafter Cover Dfor7(xx安徽池州贵池三模)The teacher asked the students to a story about a trip to the moon.Agive up Bturn upCcut up Dmake up8(xx安徽合肥三模)Life is becoming convenient with the Internet.Thats true! Almost everything be done online.Amust BwouldCshould Dcan9(xx安徽滁州明光二模)Ben, could you tell me Chinese skater Wu Dajing won the mens 500meter event at the xx PyeongChang Winter Olympics?On February 22nd.Ahow BwhenCif Dwhy10(xx安徽滁州明光二模)Have you seen the movie Youth(芳华) which is directed by Feng Xiaogang?Yeah, its so that I want to see it again.Ameaningful BprivateCboring Dterrible11(2019原创)The boy wanted to be an engineer when he was a child, in the end he became an actor.Aand Bso Cor Dbut12(xx安徽合肥三模)Would you like to take a walk in the Baohe Park with me tonight?Certainly, Im too busy.Auntil BifCunless Dor13(2019预测)I can see the words clearly on the blackboard without my glasses.Thats too bad. Youd better protect your eyes.Ahardly BreallyCfinally Dactually14(xx安徽马鞍山二模)Hong KongZhuhaiMacao Bridge already. However, we dont know what time it will be open to traffic.Ais built Bwas builtCwill be built Dhas been built15(xx安徽合肥三模)Do you think that Kate can win the writing competition? . Every dog has its day, right?AI am afraid not BYou got itCYes, I think so DSounds impossible(二)1(xx安徽滁州明光二模)Mom, can I go to the theater with my friends tonight? . You will have an important exam tomorrow. You must prepare for it.AI think so BOf courseCNo way DNot at all2(xx安徽马鞍山二模)Why are you still waiting in line?Ive missed my .Aplace BorderCturn Dtime3(xx江苏盐城模拟)The book Three Days To See is well worth reading, so he advised me to buy Ait Bthat Cone Dthis4(xx安徽滁州明光二模)What do you know about the Hong KongZhuhaiMacao Bridge, Kose?Its the worlds longest sea bridge, and it Chinese people about eight years to build it.Acost BpaidCtook Dspent5(xx上海黄浦二模)It is still unknown how AI(人工智能) the way of our life as well as the world.Achange BchangedCwill change Dwas changing6(2019预测)Remember to spend some time your loved ones. Because they are not going to be around forever.Afrom BwithCon Din7(xx安徽马鞍山二模)Do more exercise and from sugar and fat food, then youll be fitter.Asend away Bstay awayCgive away Dtake away8(xx山东潍坊模拟)Listen! Is Lily singing in the classroom?No. It be Lily. She has gone to Paris.Amay not BneedntCcant Dwont9(xx安徽安庆桐城四模) do you think of the book I bought yesterday?I think it is worth reading.AWhat BHowCWhich DWho10(xx天津月考)Are you satisfied with the result of the exam?Not at all. I cant have .Aa worse one Ba better oneCthe worse one Dthe best one11(xx甘肃白银中考)Never put off tomorrow what you can do today.Abefore Buntil Cwhen Das12(xx上海虹口二模) the manager isnt here, may I leave him a message?AIf BAs soon asCAlthough DSince13(xx重庆中考A卷)I cant hear the teacher with so much noise outside.Aclearly BslowlyCwarmly Dbravely14(2019预测)What do you think of the latest documentary Amazing China?Its wonderful. Millions of families by it during that time.Aattracted Bare attractedCwere attracted Dwere attracting15(2019预测)Would you like to come over for dinner? .AYes, I would BSorry, I wouldntCMy pleasure DIll be glad to(三)1(xx安徽池州贵池三模)Im sorry I broke the glass. . Be careful next time, please.AYou careless manBHow can you be so carelessCIm afraid notDIt doesnt matter2(xx广西南宁月考)He feels lonely because has visited him since he moved to the town.Aeverybody BnobodyCsomebody Danybody3(xx安徽池州贵池三模)How do you like the of the restaurant?Great. The waiter is really friendly.Aadvice BfoodCservice Dmenu4(xx贵州黔西南州兴义模拟)Hi, Jane, tell you a piece of good news. I America tomorrow.Wow, have a good trip!Awill leave to Bleaves forCam leaving for Dgoing leaving for5(xx安徽马鞍山二模)I cant tell you how fantastic the film Secret Superstar is! Its the one I have ever seen.Abetter BbestCworse Dworst6(2019预测)The teacher speaks very loudly all the students can hear her.Abecause Bso that Csince Dwhen7(2019预测)As the story , the secret of the castle is discovered little by little.Adevelops BbeginsCends Dhappens8(2019预测)Mr. Right had to sell the house even though it was his own wishes.Abelow Bover Cabove Dagainst9(xx江西模拟一)You failed in the exam again. I think you spend more time on studying.I think so. I will put my heart into English from now on.Aneed BcanCshould Dmight10(2019原创)You look today.Yes. I stayed up late last night to study for my test.Ahappy BexcitedCtired Dsmart11(2019湖北襄阳襄州模拟改编)Dad, could you tell me I can use the watchphone?Sorry. You can read the instructions.Ahow BwhenCwhere Dwhy12(xx安徽合肥三模)If more trees , our city will be more beautiful.Awere planted Bare plantedCwill be planted Dhave been planted13(xx黑龙江哈尔滨道外模拟改编)How can we forgive(原谅) someone who has hurt us?We need time and understanding.Apossible BpossiblyCmainly Dmain14(xx江苏徐州测试)Whos the most modest boy in your class?Jack. He never in public.Ashows off Bgets offCtakes off Dturns off15(xx安徽安庆桐城四模)Can you lend me some pocket money? . You havent given back the money you borrowed last month.ANo problem BNo doubtCNo way DNo hurry(四)1(xx安徽马鞍山二模)I will give you a gift if you keep the secret for me.OK. AIts a deal BJust sosoCOf course not DIm afraid so2(xx江苏苏州常熟一模)In some countries, people eat with chopsticks, while in , knives and forks.Aanother BothersCthe other Dall3(2019原创)Nancy was born in Australia, she was raised in China.Aso BifCor Dbut4(xx湖北襄阳襄州模拟)Please Sandy to turn off the lights when she leaves the office. She always forgets to do that.OK. I will.Aallow BagreeCencourage Dremind5(xx湖北黄石4月调研)Johnson wont answer the phone if he the number.Aknew Bdoesnt knowCwill know Ddidnt know6(xx湖北鄂州中考)What do you often do classes to relax yourselves?We often do some running or listen to music.Ain BthroughCbetween Damong7(2019预测)Look! Here comes Cindy! She is always full of So she is. Because she takes a lot of exercise every day.Acourage BprideCenergy Dknowledge8(xx安徽池州贵池三模)The latest traffic rule shows that cars cross the road until all the people have passed by.Yeah, I got it from the newspaper this morning.Acant BmustntCneednt Dcouldnt9(xx安徽池州贵池三模)Mary, could you tell us your brother is?Certainly, he is a doctor.Awho Bwhat Cwhen Dwhere10(2019预测)How do you like the documentary A Bite of China ?Wonderful! I like it very much, many viewers think its not so attractive.Abecause BifCunless Dthough11(2019预测)Are there any changes in your school?Yes, of course. Football lessons last term.Aare taught Bwere taughtChas taught Dhad taught12(xx安徽马鞍山二模)The soup tastes terrible because I put too much salt into it Asimply BexactlyCcarelessly Dproperly13(xx广东深圳宝安二模改编)When and where did the accident ?It happened just opposite the bank. Luckily, only the car was damaged but nobody was hurt.Atake up Btake offCtake place Dtake on14(2019预测)As China grows stronger and stronger, Chinese in more and more schools out of our country.Ateaches Bis taughtChas taught Dwas taught15(xx湖北黄石4月调研)Have you got yourself ready for the finalterm exam, Jane? . Everything is OK, Mum.ADont lose heart BDont worryCDont take care DDont give up(五)1(xx安徽合肥三模)Its a little cold. Would you mind closing the door? . I will do it at once.AForget it BNo, you cantCNot at all DOf course2(xx浙江温州中考)Betty kept silent at first soon she joined the other girls, chatting and laughing.Aso BbutCor Dbecause3(xx江西中考)The food is very delicious in that restaurant. We could go and it.Asell BhelpCproduce Dtry4(xx山东滨州中考)More and more foreigners are becoming interested in Beijing Opera.Thats true. Its an important part of Chinese Aculture BinventionCcustom Dinfluence5(2019原创)Bill, you speak Chinese?Yes, but only a little.Amust BneedCmay Dcan6(xx广西贵港港南二模)Mr. Robinson and Mr. Smith will give a speech in the gym in Guigang.Really? Im excited. I look forward meeting them.Aat BfromCfor Dto7(2019原创)Did you see a man in black pass by just now?No, sir. I my car.Awash BwashedCam washing Dwas washing8(xx安徽池州贵池三模) the scientists hard work, Tian gong II was launched successfully.AAs for BThanks toCInstead of DAccording to9(xx广东湛江霞山模拟)Whos the little baby in the photo, Li Ying?Its me. This photo fourteen years ago.Ais taken BtookCtakes Dwas taken10(2019预测)What do you think of our performance on the New Years Evening Party?Perfect! I dont think I can see a one.Aworse BgoodCbetter Dbad11(xx山东东营中考)What a mess! The sharing bikes are thrown everywhere.Lets collect and put them in the right place they can be used conveniently.Aunless Bso thatCbecause Dso long as12(2019预测)The match was really fantastic, when Smith scored in the last minute. Aprobably BexactlyCespecially Dmostly13(xx山东东营中考)The Chinese Skyeye and Highspeed Train interest people a lot because of them are leading the world in science and technology.Aboth BeachCeither Dneither14(xx湖北孝感孝南一模)Dont you find it hard to realize our dreams?Perhaps, but dreams will come true without doubt as long as we them.Aturn off Bstick toCcut down Dshow up15(2019原创)Sorry, Liz. I think I was a bit rude to you. , but dont do that again!AGo aheadBForget itCIt dependsDWith pleasure(六)1(xx安徽安庆桐城四模)I cant go with you today. There will be a test tomorrow. . We can make it another time.AIt doesnt matterBMy pleasureCYou cant be seriousDSorry to hear that2(xx天津和平模拟)No one can be successful hard work.Athrough BforCwithout Dwith3(xx安徽池州贵池三模)Oh, the traffic is so heavy.Lets change way to the airport.Aother BothersCthe other Danother4(2019原创)Hurry up, stand in line on the playground as soon as possible.Aand Bbut Cso Dor5(2019预测)Of the two shirts, Id like to choose the one to save some money for a cap.Acheaper BcheapCexpensive Dmore expensive6(xx江西中考)We a party for Kate. Its supposed to be a surprise.Awere having BhadCwill have Dhave had7(2019原创)When he heard a cry for help, he ran out as as he could.Aquietly BquicklyCloudly Dslowly8(xx江苏南通中考)It is almost half a year workers started building the underground Line 1 in Nantong.Awhen BsinceCbefore Dafter9(2019原创) did your mother come home?Three hours ago.AWhy BWhenCHow DWhere10(2019预测)Tommy is really a boy.Yes, he always has many new ideas.Afriendly BfunnyCcreative Dserious11(xx江西中考)Could I speak to Paul? I phoned Sorry, he is still in his meeting.Alate BearlierCearliest Dlater12(2019原创)Is this your sisters new car?No. She has it for a long time.Ahad BjoinedCbought Dborrowed13(xx江苏连云港中考)How amazing this robot is!Wow, it has video cameras in its eyes, so it “see” and interact with people.Amay BcanCmust Dshould14(xx江苏连云港中考)Im sorry to on you, but there are one or two things I dont understand.It doesnt matter.Acut down Bcut outCcut in Dcut off15(2019预测)I am going to have a job interview tomorrow morning.Well, Ahave a good time! BIm happy to hear that.Cgood luck to you. Dcongratulations!参考答案(一)15 BBBBD610 ADDBA1115 DCADC(二)15 CCCCC610 CBCAA1115 BDACD(三)15 DBCCB610 BADCC1115 ABBAC(四)15 ABDDB610 CCBBD1115 BCCBB(五)15 CBDAD610 DDBDC1115 BCABB(六)15 ACDAA610 CBBBC1115 BABCC

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