江苏省南京市中考英语语法复习 比较级最高级.doc

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中考语法比较级/最高级一、形容词/副词的比较等级- 基本用法大多数的形容词都有三个级别:原级、比较级、最高级。 形容词的比较级(-er)和最高级(-est)的构成a. 规则变化之口诀:直接加;去e加;双写加;变y加; more/ most b. 不规则变化 根据口诀记忆:一分为二共两个,一是远来一是老,合二为一共三对,坏病两多并两好,还有一词含双意,只译少来不译小。比较级前的修饰语(7个)2个“甚至,更加”_, _; 2个“一点儿”_, _;3个“多”_,_ , _二、形容词的比较等级 - 常见句型1 A=B 意思是(与一样) as + adj./adv. + as 其否定形式A B 为not so/as+adj/adv+as;其同义句为the same asA B 或A B 意思是(比更) 比较级 + than 表示程度的递增 意思是(越来越) 比较级+ and+比较级 表示两种情况同时变化 意思是(越越)The+ 比较级+ , the+ 比较级 表示两者中更.的那一个the+ 比较级 + of the two 表示最高级,意思是最.的那一个the+ 最高级 + in/of 表示 (是最之一) +one of the+ 最高级 + n.(pl.) 比较级表达最高级意义, 比较级 + than + any other +n. (单数) 注意区分与两个句型的区别:比较级+than+any+名词,比较级+than the rest of the +可数名词复数 not+比较级 也可以表示最高级的概念。三、特殊考点数量比较级 比.多只有more,比.少有less和fewer。比较“少”的情况注意可数不可数的问题。副词比较级对于形容词加ly变成副词的情况,该副词通常加more构成比较级副词的最高级可以加the,也可以不加the附比较级的拓展知识点:X times +as+adj+as,表示A是B的X倍X times+比较级+than,表示A比B大/小X倍xx年一模真题组小结:xx年的一模试卷中考察了2个原级比较的句型、1个the+比较级.the+比较级.的句型、1个最高级基本句型、1个比较级加not表示的最高级句型、和1个数量最高级句型。原级、比较级和最高级句型都有考察,可以看出模拟题出题类型多样化。同时,原级比较时,与形容词副词辨析一起考察,数量的比较时,与名词的可数不可数辨析一起考察。【xx高淳一模】1. The model Sydney Opera House looks _ the real one in Australia.A. as wonderful asB. as wonderfully asC. so wonderful asD. so wonderfully as考点:原级比较A 本题考查原级比较的句型,且考察形容词副词的辨析【xx溧水一模】2.Many people believe that the a person reads, the wiser he will become.A. many B. much C. moreD. Most 考点:比较级C 考察the+比较级.the+比较级.的句型【xx建邺一模】3. I hear its not easy to get a ticket for Zootopia. Exactly. The film is the _ this year.A. more exciting B. less excitingC. most excitingD. least exciting考点:形容词最高级C 考察最高级的句型,且考察语境理解。【xx联合体一模】4. Cherry blossom(樱花) in Jiming Temple is as as that in Japan. A. more beautifulB. beautifully C. beautifulD. more beautifully考点:形容词原级C 本题考查原级比较的句型,且考察形容词副词的辨析【xx江宁一模】5. This Western restaurant sells the best pizza in Nanjing. You cant find pizza in the city. A. delicious B. more deliciousC. the most deliciousD. less delicious考点:比较级与最高级B 考察not+比较级表示最高级的含义。【xx秦淮一模】6. To our surprise, our monitor picked the _ apples of the four this morning.A. fewer B. less C. fewest D. least 考点:形容词比较级C 考察数量的最高级。xx年一模真题组小结:xx年的一模试卷中考察了1个原级比较、1个比较级加not表示的最高级句型、4个比较级句型。可以看出,原级比较时,仍然是与形容词副词辨析一起考察。【xx年 玄武一模】 7. Cindy thinks she studies as _ as her friend Daniel. However, she always gets lower marks than him. A. harder B. more hardly C. hardly D. hard答案 D 形容词副词比较级 考察原级比较,且考察hard与hardly的区别【xx年 玄武一模】8. How was your exam the day before yesterday? Oh, I couldnt feel _. I made few mistakes in it. A. worse B. worst C. better D. best 答案 C 形容词副词比较级 not+比较级表示最高级【xx年 建邺一模】9. When learning English, which do you think is _, pronunciation or grammar?Grammar, and it really worries me.A. more difficult B. less difficultC. the most difficult D. the least difficult答案 A 形容词副词比较级 比较级的基本句型【xx年 联合体一模】10. Yummy! The salad is so nice. Quite right. And it will have a taste with some cheese.A. goodB. wellC. betterD. best答案 C 形容词副词比较级 比较级的用法【xx年 鼓楼一模】11. I prefer to go to school by underground. Its much _ because the traffic is too heavy on the road in the morning. A. quick B. quicker C. cheap D. cheaper【答案】:B 比较级的基本用法【解析】:比较级和句意理解的考查。much后面跟比较级,排除AC选项。由后面的句意:早上地面交通非常忙碌,得出前面应填quicker,表示乘坐地铁会更快些。【xx年 秦淮一模】12. -We should always consider how much we have done for our society.-I quiet agree. It is _ for us to give than to receive. A. less important B. more important C. the least important D. the most important 【答案】B【解析】考查比较级/最高级。出现比较级标志than,排除CD。我们应该考虑自己给社会贡献了多少。给予比索要更重要。因此选择B。xx年一模真题组xx年的一模试卷中考察了2个原级比较的句型、1个最高级基本句型、1个比较级加not表示的最高级句型、和1个比较级的用法。原级、比较级和最高级句型都有考察,可以看出模拟题出题类型多样化。同时,原级比较时,与形容词副词辨析一起考察,单纯考察比较级,与语境结合考察。另外一点要注意的地方是比较级的考察中常会出现一对反义词,因而理清题干的意义,把握住选项的正向和反向,对于解题有很大的帮助。【xx年 鼓楼一模】16.There will be no winner in the trade war between China and the US.I agree. If we cant avoid it, the situation will getas time goes on.A. badB. badlyC. worseD. worst答案 C 形容词比较级【xx年 溧水一模】17. According to Forbes, Amazons CEO, Jeff Bezos is now the _ person in the world. A. wealthiest B. wealthier C. wealthy D. most wealth答案 A 最高级【xx年 建邺一模】18. Millie studies as _ as her friend Simon, and they both have made great progress.A. hardlyB. more hardlyC. harderD. hard答案 D 原级比较【xx年 秦淮一模】19. What do you think of Lesson Nine and Lesson Ten? Lesson Nine is Lesson Ten. Its much more difficult, I think. A. easier thanB. not so easy asC. as difficult asD. less difficult than答案 B 原级比较【xx年 联合体一模】20. Roger Federer is a great tennis player. I agree. I think no one else plays _ .A. goodB. wellC. betterD. best答案 C not

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