广西2019中考英语一轮新优化 Grade8 Book1 5-6习题.doc

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广西2019中考英语一轮新优化 Grade8 Book1 5-6习题.doc_第2页
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Grade 8Book 1 Units561(xx贵港) Walk along the road and you can find the subway station _easily_(容易地)2(xx贺州) Now all the students are writing_ down their resolutions and plans for the coming year in class.3(xx柳州) Please try to _describe_(描述) exactly what the man looks like.单词拼写1What _wild_(野生的) animals do you like best, Peter?2In the _beginning_(起初,开始),Xi Wang drank her mothers milk.3As a _result_(结果), pandas may not have a place to live or food to eat.4We should take _action_(行动) right away.5It is a _perfect_(完美的) place for some rare birds.6Many birds live in Zhalong all year round, _while_(然而) some go there only for a short stay.7This will _lead_(带领) to less and less space for wildlife.8Now the Chinese _government_(政府) has made laws to prevent all these things in Zhalong.9Do you know the _importance_(重要性) of English study?10The hotels always _provide_(提供) good service for all kinds of people.11They told me they all enjoyed their _stay_(逗留) in Beijing last month.12Mr.Wu got an application from David, and he _accepted_(接受) it finally.13. _Sadly_(令人伤心地是), I lost my mobile phone last Sunday.14He can see the words on the blackboard _clearly_(清晰地) with his new glasses.15The _natural_(自然的) world is full of amazing things.词形转换1The little boy is crying because he saw the tigers.He may _be_(be) afraid of them.2At four months old, she started _to_go_(go) out for the first time.3When she was 20 months old, she learnt _to_look_(look) after herself.4Many wild animals are now in danger because of _hunting_(hunt)5Take a notebook with you in order _to_write_(write) down what you see.6Max tells funny jokes and makes me _laugh_(laugh)7We ask people _not_to_catch_(not catch) birds for any reason.8I often help my mother _(to)_do_(do) the housework after school.9Well never forget your _kindness_(kind) to us.10Many wild animals _living_(live) areas are becoming farmlands.11I didnt understand him in the _beginning_(begin)12Listen! How _happily_(happy) they are singing and dancing!13It is dark in the room.I cant see the words _clearly_(clear) on the blackboard.14Some people want to change the wetlands _to_make_(make) more space for buildings.


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