八年级英语下册 Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents(第2课时)教案 人教新目标版.doc

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第4单元课 题Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents?Section A (2)课时安排共(2)课时课程标准 P19.理解并运用恰当的语言形式具体事件和具体行为的发生、发展过程。 学习目标1.通过自读及图片展示,4/5的学生能准确辨别出get on with; relation, communication, argue, cloud, elder, instead, whatever, nervous, offer, proper, secondly, communication, explain, clear 等单词;2.通过运用skimmimg,skinning等阅读技能,2/3的学生能准确找到相关信息并正确完成相应的练习。3.通过小组讨论,2/3的学生学会如何面对并且理性地去解决。教学重点1)学会本部分出现的生词和词组,达到熟练运用的目标。2) 阅读短文,获得相关的信息。通过阅读练习,来提高阅读能力。教学难点1) 阅读短文,获得相关的信息的能力。2) 理解并运用所学的词汇及表达方式。教学方法小组合作,情景创设 教学准备彩色粉笔,ppt课前作业通过问答一些有关家庭生活的问题来导入正题:1. Can you get on well with your family?2. Are the relations between your parents good?3. Do you have any brothers or sisters? Can you get on well with him/her?教学过程教学环节课堂合作交流二次备课(修改人: )环节 一Step 1 Revision Some Ss give some problems. Other Ss give advice. Problems and advice:2.Role-play the conversation of 2d. 课中作业1. relation n. 关系;联系;交往e.g. 他们的关系看起来很亲密。_2. argue v. 争吵;争论e.g.那对夫妇开始就孩子的教育问题争吵。_3. proper adj. 正确的;恰当的e.g.太晚了,去看朋友不合适。_4. nervous adj. 焦虑的;担忧的e.g.不要紧张。就是个小测试而已。_环节二tep 4 ReadingWork on 3a: 1. Tell Ss to read the article in 3a quickly and try to find the answers to these questions: Whats Sad and Thirteens problem?How does he feel at home?方法指导:带着问题,然后快速阅读短文,争取在较短的时间内,找到答案。学生们,按老师指导的方法进行阅读,并快速回答这两个问题。最后,教师让部分学生回答答案,并校对答案。2. Ss read the article again and fill in the chart. 学生们认真阅读短文,并在表格中填出男孩Sad and Thirteen面临的问题,并填写出罗波特先生所给出的建议。和同学们一起校对答案。3. Ss read the article again and fill in the blanks.课中作业Work on 3b: 1. 让学生们讨论罗波特先生对问题的建议,并发表自己的看法。2. 学生们分小组讨论,发表自己的意见,由小组长汇总。3. 让小组长并汇总的意见和其他同学汇报。S1: I agree with his advice. Because more communication can make family members understand each other better and know about the feeling they have.S2: I dont agree with his advice. I think their parents should fight any more. They should care more about their children and spend more time with them. 环节三Work on 3c 1. 告诉学生们本学习活动的要求:找出短文与下列词汇意思相同的句子。 2. 让学生们先读3c中的词汇,理解其意思,然后再在短文找出与其意思相同的词汇或词组。3. 方法指导:根据上下文的意思,来确定词汇或词组的意思。4. Check the answers。课中作业 让学生们用这些词汇或词组造句子。make sth. clear explain Can you explain to me how to do this math problem? talk_ _not allow _ _worried _ _get along with_ _课后作业设计: 用括号中单词的适当形式填空。1. All the _ (communicate) with the outside world was broken.2. Jim is a doctor. His _ (old) brother is an engineer. 3. After high school Mike got a job instead of _ (go) to university.4. Its very kind of you to offer _ (help) us on the weekend. 5. Firstly we dont have much money, _ (second) we are too busy. 选词填空 instead, argue, nervous, proper, explain 1. My cousin is _ in front of strangers.2. He could not come up with a _answer. 3. The TV shows are boring. Why not play cards _?板书设计:Unit4 Why dont you talk to your parents?Language points1. My problem is that I cant get on with my family.get on with 和睦相处;关系良好 相当于 get along with 2.instead 是副词,常置于句子末尾。instead of 是介词短语,后接名词、代词、动名词等。 3. whatever pron. 任何;无论什么 相当于 no matter what 4. offer sb. sth. 或offer to do sth.5. Secondly, why dont you sit down and communicate with your brother?communicate v. 交流;沟通communicate with sb. 与某人交流6.explain sth. (to sb.)(向某人)解释某事教学反思:

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