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xx-2019学年高二英语上学期寒假作业(VI)第一节 阅读理解A Business writingDelivery method: Online, VideoPrice: 49About the course: Many people get blocked when forced to put their thoughts into words at work. This course gives you the tools and techniques to improve your writing, whether its a two-line email or a two-hundred-page report. Travel writing coursesDelivery method: Classroom, SeminarPrice: 115 (full day); 125 (evening class)About the course: Do you want to be a travel writer? Then e along to a one-day travel writing workshop or a four-week travel writing evening class. The courses help participants to write travel features and publish them in newspapers, magazines or on websites. Pre-sessional programmes in EAPDelivery method: Classroom, SeminarPrice: Starting from 1,250About the course: Our five pre-sessional programmes in English for academic purposes are intended for international students who plan to study at Aston University. These programmes aim to equip you with the language and academic skills necessary for success in your future chosen subject area. MasterclassDelivery method: Classroom, SeminarPrice: Starting from 335About the course: Whether you write fundraising letters, or for your website(s), this course will help you gain the ideas, knowledge and skills you need to write fundraising copy that produces more impressive and profitable results.21. How is the business writing course different from the others?A. It is delivered online.B. It offers evening classes.C. It focuses on report writing.D. It is hosted by Aston University.22. What can pre-sessional programmes in EAP help students do?A. Choose a suitable college student.B. Prepare themselves for university.C. Go to world-class universities.D. Only improve their academic skills.23. Which course fits John if he hopes to write inspiring words for fundraising activities?A. Pre-sessional programmes in EAP.B. Travel writing courses.C. Business writing.D. Masterclass.BLike to watch TV or play with your phone while you eat your dinner? Watch outit could make you pile on the pounds. Not paying attention to our food makes us tend to more snacking later.Over a series of experiments were carried out by researchers. For the first experiment,39 normal-weight young women were randomly assigned to one of three experimental conditions: a high-distraction group, a low-distraction group, and a no-distraction group. Each person was given the same 400-calorie lunch consisting of several food items presented in a fixed order, and instructed to eat all of the items.In the high-distraction group, the women were told to play a puter game while eating, and that they would win money if they did well. In the low-distraction group they were just told to play the game while eating; and in the third group they were just told to eat their lunch. Later in the afternoon, each participant had access to a variety of biscuits on a plate, and the amount each person ate was assessed by weighing the plate before and afterwards.There was a significant difference between the groups. Those in the high-distraction condition ate 69 per cent more snacks than the no-distraction group, and those in the low-distraction group eating 28 per cent more (than those in the no-distraction group) .A second experiment, involving a further 63 people, was similar, but involved watching TV (in the distraction condition) and eating soup and bread. This found that those who watched TV while eating their lunch ate 19 per cent more biscuits later on than those who had eaten their meal without any distractions.A third experiment was also carried out, in which 45 normal-weight people were allocated to three groups. The first listened to an audio clip instructing them to imagine they were watching themselves eatmaking them extremely focused on their own food intake. The second listened to a clip instructing them to imagine they were watching a celebrityspecifically David Beckhameat (making them still focused on the food, but to a lesser degree);the third, which was the control group, just ate their lunch in silence. When all participants were given access to biscuits later, those in the self-imagining group-i.e. those who had really paid attention to what they were eatingate far fewer than the other groups.24.Why does eating dinner with a TV or a smartphone make us fat?A. Because were more likely to snack later on.B. Because were paying more attention to our eating.C. Because food is being more delicious while were playing.D. Because we need more calories while playing.25.What is TRUE about the three experiments?A. The low-distraction group ate the most snacks in the first experiment.B. Non-distracted members ate more biscuits later in the second experiment.C. Participants extremely focusing on eating ate far fewer in the third experiment.D. Each person was told to watch TV or play a game.26.What would be the best title for the text?A. Eating attentively doesnt help control appetite. B. Attentive eating increases later snack intake.C. Focusing on food increases later snack intake. D. Distraction leads to more snacking later.第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每题1分,满分20分)A small boy at summer camp received a large package of cookies (饼干) in the mail from his mother. He ate a few, and then 41 the rest under his bed. The next day, after lunch, he went to his tent to get a cookie. The box was 42 .That afternoon a camp teacher, who had been 43 of the theft (失窃), saw another boy sitting behind a tree eating the stolen 44 . “That young man,” he said to himself, “must be taught not to 45 .”He returned to the group and met the boy 46 cookies had been stolen. Billy, he said, “I know who stole your cookies. Will you 47 me teach him a lesson?”“Well, yes 48 arent you going to punish him?” asked the puzzled boy.“No, that would only make him 49 you,” the teacher explained. “I want you to call your 50 and ask her to send you another box of cookies.”The boy did 51 the teacher asked and a few days 52 received another box of cookies in the mail.“Now,” said the teacher, “the boy who stole your cookies is down by the lake.” Go down there and 53 your cookies with him.“But,” protested (抗议) the boy, “hes the 54 .”“I know. But 55 it - see what happens.”Half an hour later the camp teacher saw the two e up the hill, 56 . The boy who had stolen the cookies was 57 to get the other to accept his jackknife (折叠小刀) in 58 for the stolen cookies, and the victim was just 59 the gift from his new friend, saying that a few old cookies werent that 60 anyway.41. A. raisedB. placedC. gaveD. offered42. A. brokenB. destroyedC. missedD. gone43. A. warnedB. remindedC. spokenD. told44. A. cookiesB. applesC. cakesD. grapes45. A. apologizeB. robC. stealD. shout46. A. whoB. whoseC. whomD. which47. A. watchB. permitC. helpD. allow48. A. orB. soC. andD. but49. A. hateB. loveC. missD. respect50. A. fatherB. motherC. sisterD. grandma51. A. sinceB. ifC. whenD. as52. A. pastB. agoC. laterD. before53. A. shareB. discussC. devoteD. spread54. A. friendB. thiefC. ownerD. winner55. A. tryB. forgetC. enjoyD. believe56. A. face to faceB. heart to heartC. eye to eyeD. arm in arm57. A. failingB. managingC. decidingD. trying58. A. paymentB. returnC. orderD. thank59. A. acceptingB. throwingC. refusingD. praising60. A. simpleB. importantC. stupidD. harmful第一节短文改错(共10小题;每小题l分,满分10分)Nowadays Senior 3 students are general faced with a lot of pressure, which is rather mon. To reduce it, the followed suggestions may help. First of all, know exactly what lead to your pressure, and then you can take measures to deal with it. Secondly, set up a goal what is not too high, in another words, dont put too much pressure on yourself. Thirdly, find a way to relax you occasionally. For example, you can listen to music, go swim or just simply go walking. Eventually, make friend with others, such as your classmates, your teachers, and your parents. They will understand you and e to your help when you are really in the trouble.In word, never get yourself stuck in the pressure for Impossible is nothing . 书面表达 将范文公正写在作文纸上假如你是李华,下周是你的美国笔友Tom的生日,你给他寄了一盒中国茶叶作为礼物。请你给他写一封信,要点如下:1. 向他表达生日祝福;2. 介绍中国的茶文化(4000多年历史、种类繁多、好处等)Dear Tom, How time flies! Next week is your birthday. Happy birthday to you! Ive sent you a can of tea as a gift, which I hope you will like. Now I will introduce Chinese tea culture to you.Chinese tea has a history of more than 4,000 years. Generally speaking, therere many kinds of tea in China, including green tea, red tea and so on. Drinking tea has many benefits. For example, it can make people relaxed. Besides, it has been proved that tea is beneficial to peoples health. No wonder tea is being increasingly popular with people around the world.I hope you will love Chinese tea and tea culture. Happy birthday and every day!_阅读ABD ACD 完型:41-45 BDDAC 46-50 BCDAB 51-55 DCABA 55-60 DDACB1.generalgenerally 2. followedfollowing 3. leadleads 4.whatthat/which5. anotherother 6.youyouself 7.swimswimming 8. friendfriends9. in the trouble去掉the. 10. In word中间加a

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