河南省2019年中考英语总复习 第13课时 八下 Units 7-8练习 人教新目标版.doc

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河南省2019年中考英语总复习 第13课时 八下 Units 7-8练习 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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河南省2019年中考英语总复习 第13课时 八下 Units 7-8练习 人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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第13课时 八年级下册 Units 78一、单项选择1(xx江苏扬州竹西中学二模)Do you know the Indian girl Malala?Of course, her makes the whole world shocked and she becomes the youngest winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.Aadvantage BprogressCachievement Dattention2(2019原创)Your dream is great. However, to it needs lots of time and work. Adiscover Bfind Cachieve Dstop3(2019山东青岛李沧一模)WeChat Pay(微信支付) makes our life convenient. We can buy things we dont take any money.Aunless Bafter Ceven if Dso that4(2019原创)Listening to light music is one of ways to relax yourself when you feel tired. Athe more helpful Bmore helpful Cthe most helpful Dthe helpful 5(xx河南漯河临颍二模)You need to walk happiness because it wont happen to you itself.Awith BbeforeCbehind Dtowards6(xx山东青岛中考)Its time to work now.OK. Ill wake Carl up. He for an hour.Ahas fallen asleep Bhas been asleepCfell asleep Dfalls asleep7(xx广东深圳龙岗模拟改编)The students from Shenzhen won the technology award.Hurray! Actually these competitors were all strong, but our students .Afinished BsucceededCpreferred Dincluded8(2019原创) What are you doing?Im doing some about the ancient Silk Road.Aexercise BresearchCinformation Doperation9(2019预测)It is accepted by everyone that knowledge is the most valuable for human beings.Astandard BtreasureCinvention Dinstruction10(2019原创)Everlasting Classics(经典咏流传) on CCTV is a great .You are right. Its very educational.Aproject BchanceCsuccess Dobject二、完形填空(xx山东聊城中考改编)A boy and a girl were playing together. The boy had a lot of small glass 1 . The girl had some candies with her. The boy told the girl that he would 2 her all his balls in exchange for(交换) her candies. The girl thought that was a good 3 But the boy didnt give 4 of his balls to the girl. He kept the biggest and the 5 ball in his pocket and gave the others to the girl. 6 the girl gave him all her candies.That night, the girl had a 7 sleep, but the boy didnt sleep well. He kept thinking whether the girl had 8 some candies from him.You think in the way you do things. If you dont give your hundred percent(百分之百) in a relationship, youll 9 keep thinking if the other person has given his or her hundred percent. This is true for any relationship.Give your hundred percent to everything you do and youll find that you can always 10 a lot of happiness.1A.balls Bcups Cbottles Dglasses2A.lend Bbuy Cgive Dtake3A.answer Bidea Creason Dchoice4A.all Bmost Csome Dany5A.ugliest Bcheapest Cprettiest Dearliest6A.But BSo COr DIf7A.bad Bgood Clight Dheavy8A.borrowed Bstolen Chidden Dbeat9A.always Bnever Cseldom Dsometimes10A.lose Bget Cwant Dleave三、阅读理解(xx四川成都外国语学校诊断改编)The Taj Mahal is a love story, a sad and beautiful one. 1. His wife was a beautiful and bright woman whom he loved greatly. Her title was Mumtaz Mahal: its shortened form Taj Mahal, means “pride of the palace”. In the year 1631 this beloved wife of the emperor died. 2. 3 It took more than twenty thousand men working over a period of 18 years to build the Taj Mahal, one of the most beautiful buildings in the world.The building itself stands on a marble platform 29 meters square and 67 meters high. 4. 5 However, his son put him into a prison in the palace before he could finish, and for the rest of his life, he could only gaze across river at the tomb of his beloved wife.根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺,内容完整。AThe emperor planned to build the same tomb(坟墓) of black marble for himself. It sets on the other side of the river connected by a silver bridge.BHe was so brokenhearted that he thought of giving up his throne. He decided out of his love for his wife, to build her the most beautiful tomb that had ever been seen.CIf it didnt exist, we would easily imagine that the story of its construction was simply a fairy tale. Three hundred years ago, there lived an Indian emperor called Shah Jahan.DTowers rise from each of the four corners. The Taj itself raises another 61 meters into the air. It is an eightsided building made of white marble.EHe organized the best artists and architects(建筑师) from India, Turkey, Persia and Arabia and finally, the design was complete.四、词语运用(xx河南南阳镇平二模)partlosemonthblindforgetsuccessfulfaceupfirstheabovefollowAs we all know, Qomolangma is the highest mountain in the world. Its top is almost nine kilometers 1. sea level. That is very high!Many people have tried to climb to the top of Qomolangma. The 2. people to reach the top were Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay. They stood at the top of Qomolangma on May 29th, 1953. Since then, many people have 3. climbed to Qomolangmas top.One of the successful climbers is Erik Weihenmayer. Like other climbers, Erik 4. strong winds, snow and avalanches(雪崩). However, what really made 5. climb unbelievable is the fact that he is blind. After 6. his vision(视力) at age 13, Erik began climbing at age 16. At the age of 32, he began his climb as 7. of a 19member team. His team wore bells that he could 8. during his climb, and they could warn him of possible dangers. During his climb, Erik was often in danger. However, he made it. It took him about two and a half 9. to reach the top of Qomolangma. Erik became the first 10. person to reach the top of Qomolangma.五、补全对话(xx湖南长沙模拟) A: Jerry, 1. ?B: Yes, I just finished it. But writing a composition is too hard for me. How can you always write so fast and so well?A: First, dont be afraid of writing. Second, try to like reading.B: But reading is not my thing, especially the notebooks. Oh, but I do like novels.A: Thats right! 2. ?B: I like books by O. Henry. They are usually short but with surprising endings.A: 3. ?B: No. I usually read the translated version(版本). I dont feel like reading English. When I read English, Im a slow reader.A: Thats just because you dont read enough English. 4. .B: Oh, I dont know that. Ill try to find the EnglishChinese versions. Thank you so much!A: 5. . I do that to improve my reading speed and increase my vocabulary.六、书面表达(2019原创)你校开展读书月活动,请以“My Favorite Book”为题,并根据以下要点和要求用英语写一篇短文。要点:1书名、作者、语言;2本书的特别之处;3阅读理由。要求:1文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称;2词数80左右。My Favorite Book 参考答案一、15 CCCCD610 BBBBC二、15 ACBAC610 ABCAB 三、CBEDA四、1.above2.first3.successfully4faced5.his6.losing7part8.follow9.months10.blind五、1.have you finished your composition 2Whose book do you like 3Do you usually read the English version 4You can try to read the EnglishChinese versions 5Youre welcome 六、My Favorite BookMy favorite book is I Wish You More. It is written by Amy Krouse Rosenthal in English. Its one of The New York Times bestsellers. Its different from other books. Some books are about one wish. Some books are about three wishes. There are many good wishes in this book. There are wishes for curiosity and wonder, for friendship and strength, for laughter and peace. Its worth reading. I think this sweet and exciting book is perfect.

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