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Unit 3 Animals are our friendsLesson 15 The zoo is open 教材分析Inthislesson,thestudentsneedtograsp theusefulwordsdangeranddangerous;2.ThestudentsneedtolearnhowtowritetravelnotesinEnglish. 教学目标【知识与能力目标】Inthislesson,Iwillimprovethestudentslanguageabilitybypracticingandcommunicating.【过程与方法目标】Afterlearningthislesson,thestudentsneedtoknowthatanimalsareourfriendsandweshouldloveanimals.【情感态度价值观目标】HowtowritetravelnotesinEnglish. 教学重难点【教学重点】Talk about the animals in the zoo.【教学难点】Afterlearningthislesson,thestudentsneedtoknowthatanimalsareourfriendsandweshouldloveanimals. 课前准备 图片,PPT 教学过程Step 1.Analysis of the student.Homework check.Review: Ask some Ss to talk about the animals in lesson 14.We learned about some special animals and we knew the difference between the animals and the pets.Step 2. Lead in.(引入)Greet the students in English and make sure they can response correctly.Do the duty report: a student on duty can say whatever he/she likes to say.Come to “Think about It!”What animals do you think are dangerous? Why?What rules should we obey at the zoo?Step 3. New lesson.(新课) No. 1 Prepare lessons before class.Come to the vocabulary.Teach the new words and phrases. Make sure the Ss can read it correctly.No. 2 Text: Give them some time to read the text themselves. Then let them act out the dialogue in groups. Correct their pronunciation when necessary.At last, the teacher explains the text in Chinese, make sure the Ss can understand the meaning of text.No. 3 Important phrases:go to the zoo arrive at go through point to take photos wake uplots of instead ofNo. 4 Project: Were going to the zoo!Have you ever visited a zoo? Write a story about trip to the zoo. Dont forget to answer these questions:When did you go to the zoo?Who went to the zoo with you?What animals did you see?What animals did you like best? Why?Did you feed any animals?Are zoos good for animals? Why or why not?No. 5 Finish “Lets Do It!”Step 4. Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Make the Ss listen the text, then let them read follow the tape.Step 5.Summary. (小结)Sum up the text what we learned, the new words, phrases, and sentences.Sum up the grammar.Step 6. Homework.(作业)Finish the activity book and the practice.Copy the new words and phrases twice.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)The new words, the master phrases, important sentences.The grammar and practice.略。

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