江苏省苏州市昆山市七年级英语下册 Unit 5 Amazing things Grammar部分精练 (新版)牛津版.doc

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江苏省苏州市昆山市七年级英语下册 Unit 5 Amazing things Grammar部分精练 (新版)牛津版.doc_第1页
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江苏省苏州市昆山市七年级英语下册 Unit 5 Amazing things Grammar部分精练 (新版)牛津版.doc_第2页
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江苏省苏州市昆山市七年级英语下册 Unit 5 Amazing things Grammar部分精练 (新版)牛津版.doc_第3页
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7下 Unit5 Grammar部分精练一、写出下列动词的过去式。1. work _ 2. sit _ 3. cost _ 4. buy _ 5. drop _ 6. live _ 7. do _ 8. spend _ 9. notice _ 10. carry _ 11. hurry _ 12. leave _ 13. teach _ 14. make _ 15. study _ 16. give _ 17. hope _ 18. find _ 19. have _ 20. plan _21. stop _ 22. go _ 23. know _ 24. get _ 25. come _ 26. write _ 27. worry _ 28. use _ 29. put _ 30. nod _二、用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。1. Last Sunday morning, Jack and Lucy _ (go) to the park together.2. I _ (be) fifteen last year and I _ (be) sixteen now.3. She _ (put) on her coat and went out without any words.4. He _ (visit) his grandparents three days ago.5. The children _ (be) in the USA last week.6. Today _ (be) Saturday and yesterday _ (be) Friday.7. Jim always _ (practise) speaking Chinese in or out of class.8. Lei Feng _ (do) many good things in his life.9. Jack with his parents _ (shop) at the moment.10. Mr. Hu _ (hear) somebody knock on the door a moment ago.11. My mother and I _ (go) shopping yesterday afternoon.12. There _ (be) a bird show in the museum next Monday.13. We _ (enjoy) our visit to the zoo on April 20th in xx.14. He _ (not see) the sign and couldnt find the way in the park.15. _ you _ (go) to the Funny World Museum yesterday?Yes. What an interesting place it is!三、单项选择。( )1. When I was young, I enjoyed _ up early. But now, I _. A. got; dont B. getting; dont C. getting; didnt D. got; didnt( )2. _ your father fond of football?No. But he _ crazy about it years ago. A. Is; is B. Was; is C. Was; was D. Is; was( )3. Lucy, you are late again.Sorry, Mr. Wu. I _ up early enough this morning. A. didnt get B. dont get C. doesnt get D. wasnt get( )4. How was your weekend?Great! We _ a picnic by the lake. A. have B. are having C. had D. will have( )5. Did you _ the screen carefully?Yes. But we didnt _ anything unusual. A. see; see B. look at; look C. look at; see D. see; look at四、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。1. 前天我们在公园里拍了许多照片。 We _ a lot of _ in the park _ _ _ _.2. 三天前我见到了他。 I _ him three days _.3. 我1990年出生在香港。 I _ born in Hong Kong _ _.4. 你爸爸以前是教师吗? _ your father a teacher _?5. 上周六你去海边了吗? _ you _ to the beach _ Saturday?五、任务型阅读。Andys uncle Don had a small farm. One Friday, he invited Andy to help him pick (摘) grapes on his farm. Andy lived in the city, but he wanted to visit and play with his uncles son, Gary. So he went to the countryside.Andy went there by train and arrived early on Saturday morning. Gary and he started to pick grapes at nine in the morning. Picking grapes was really hard work, especially (特别地) in the hot sun. In the afternoon, Andy felt very tired.“Lets go fishing,” Gary said.They went to a river and jumped into the water to have a swim.Then they began to fish. In the evening, Aunt Helen asked Andy what he would like for dinner.“How about fish?” she asked.“Good,” Andy answered with a smile.NamesIntroductionsAndyHe lived in the (1) _, but he wanted to visit and play with his uncles son in the country.DonHe had a small farm and grew a lot of (2) _ there.(3) _He is Dons son. He swam and (4) _ with Andy on Saturday afternoon.HelenShe is Andys aunt. She cooked (5) _ for dinner.Unit5 Grammar部分精练一、1. worked 2. sat 3. cost 4. bought 5. dropped 6. lived 7. did 8. spent 9. noticed 10. carried 11. hurried 12. left 13. taught 14. made 15. studied 16. gave 17. hoped 18. found 19. had 20. planned 21. stopped 22. went 23. knew 24. got 25. came 26. wrote 27. worried 28. used 29. put 30. nodded二、1. went 2. was; am 3. put 4. visited 5. were 6. is; was 7. practises 8. did 9. is shopping 10. heard 11. went 12. will be 13. enjoyed 14. didnt see 15. Did; go三、1-5 BDACC四、1. took; photos; the day before yesterday 2. met; ago 3. was; in 1990 4. Was; before 5. Did; go; last五、1. city 2. grapes 3. Gary 4. fished 5. fish

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