上海新世纪版2019-2020学年初中英语九年级上册期中考试模拟试卷(2)(II )卷.doc

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上海新世纪版2019-2020学年初中英语九年级上册期中考试模拟试卷(2)(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)1. (10分)阅读理解 John is thirteen now. He began to study in a middle school two years ago. His home is in a small village and its nearly five kilometers from the school. He has to get up early in the morning.After a quick breakfast he has to run to school and get there on time. His father hopes to borrow some money to buy a bike for him, but he knows his mother is always ill and his father spends much money on medicine. He doesnt agree with his father and keeps running there every day. Now hes very strong. He is never late for class and his teachers often praise him.Last week there was a sports meeting in his school. John ran faster than any other boy and won the boys 800 meters, 1, 500 meters and 3, 000 meters. The whole school knew him. He was very happy. He told his grandma about the good news as soon as he got home.I broke two school records(记录)today, Granny, called out the boy.To his surprise, the old woman wasnt happy. She thought for a while and said, Im sorry to hear that. We have no money to pay for them, you know!(1)John began to study in a middle school at the age of_. A . nineB . elevenC . thirteenD . fifteen(2)John runs to school every day in order to_. A . keep healthyB . win the boys raceC . get to school on timeD . make his teachers happy(3)John doesnt ask his father to buy him a bike because_. A . he doesnt like riding a bikeB . he doesnt like his fatherC . his home is near the schoolD . his family is not rich(4)Johns grandma wasnt happy because_. A . she thought John broke some things in the school and they had to pay for themB . she thought John didnt do well in the school sports meetingC . Johns father was poor and he couldnt buy a bike for himD . Johns mother was ill and they spent much money on medicine2. (10分)阅读理解ADear Liza,I will be ten years old on Friday, 22nd July. To celebrate my birthday, I will invite several friends and I hope that all of you will be able to come to the party on that day.There will be two parts in my party. The first part will be at the swimming pool near our school. Please bring your swimsuit (游泳衣) and a change of clothes. We have planned some pool games. My parents will be at the pool to protect the swimmers. The pool party will be from 2 to 3 p.m.The second part of the party will be at my house. A bus will take us all from the pool to my house. A singer is coming to my house. He will sing popular songs for us. I am sure you will enjoy them. The home party may last till 5 p.m.Please let me know by Friday, 15th July, whether you will come to my party, so that I will know how much food to prepare.Love,Tracy(1)How old will Tracy be? A . Seven.B . Eight.C . Nine.D . Ten.(2)How old will Tracy be? A . Seven.B . Eight.C . Nine.D . Ten.(3)Where will the first part of the party be? A . At Lizas house.B . At Tracys house.C . At the swimming pool.D . At a cinema.(4)Where will the first part of the party be? A . At Lizas house.B . At Tracys house.C . At the swimming pool.D . At a cinema.(5)How long will the pool party last? A . For 1 hour.B . For 2 hours.C . For 3 hours.D . For 4 hours.(6)How long will the pool party last? A . For 1 hour.B . For 2 hours.C . For 3 hours.D . For 4 hours.(7)How will they go to Tracys house from the pool? A . On foot.B . By bus.C . By car.D . By bike.(8)How will they go to Tracys house from the pool? A . On foot.B . By bus.C . By car.D . By bike.(9)Why does Tracy want to know earlier whether her friends will come? A . Her parents can protect the swimmers.B . She will know what games to prepare.C . The singer can prepare the songs.D . She will know how much food to prepare.(10)Why does Tracy want to know earlier whether her friends will come? A . Her parents can protect the swimmers.B . She will know what games to prepare.C . The singer can prepare the songs.D . She will know how much food to prepare.3. (10分)阅读理解 Everyone has his own weaknesses. Do you want to know yours? Lets do this test and find out what our weaknesses are!Suppose you are taking an exam tomorrow. What is the worst thing that could happen to you? Please check it out from the following! A. There are strange questions that you have never seen before.B. An accident happens and makes you miss the exam.C. Without reason, the teacher says you are cheating(作弊).D. You forget everything you have recited(背诵) for the exam.Analysis(分析)A. You are not confident maybe. When facing a problem, you may ask a lot about others ideas, which often makes things complicated(复杂的).B. You can easily hit a dead end(钻牛角尖) while thinking. Youll fail to see the bigger picture. So you should get into the habit of not panicking(惊慌) when things happen.C. You may be a pessimistic person. You are likely to think of the worst things. You worry too much.D. You may be bothered by your failures in the past. You are nervous. This makes it difficult for you to make correct decision.(Ha! Ha! This quiz is just for fun. Please dont take it seriously)(1)The passage mainly tells us_. A . how to take an important test.B . how to find out your weaknesses.C . how to deal with your problem.D . when to make correct decisions.(2)The underlined word pessimistic here means _ in Chinese.A . 兴奋的B . 高兴的C . 无聊的D . 悲观的(3)Which of the following is RIGHT according to the passage? A . One of the worst things must happen before an exam.B . The writer mainly tells us something about an exam.C . You cant take the passage seriously because its just for fun.D . The writer can help us find out weaknesses correctly.二、 完形填空 (共2题;共20分)4. (10分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Brittany Amano wants to make sure every child in the US has enough to eat.Brittany Amano, now 18, knew how it felt to go hungry. Her mother tried to find a 1 in Honolulu, Hawaii to support the family. Her grandmother helped out as much as she could. But the family 2 had to depend on a local food bank to live on, and for that she was 3 .When they lost their home, Amanos family had to live in a friends basement (地下室). “I could feel how hunger and homelessness 4my family.” Amano told a reporter from TFK. “The experience made me want to give 5 to others in the same situation.”In fourth grade, she and some of her friends started a good project. They 6 $ 700 and collected 800 pounds of food. 7 twelve, Amano set up the un profit (非营利的)group Hawaiis Future Isnt Hungry. She hoped to raise $ 10,000 8 she finished high school. She ended up raising more than $ 500,000 in four years.With the 9 collected, the nonprofit group, now called The Future Isnt Hungry, can offer fresh fruits, vegetables, and other 10foods to school kids on Fridays. This is to make sure that the kids and 11families have enough food to get them 12 the weekend. So far, the effort has helped more than 750,000 people.In the fall of this year, Amano will 13 Duck University, in North Carolina on a full scholarship. After that, she plans to return to 14the city that gave her so much. “It doesnt matter if you help one million people 15 just one person,” she says. “The smallest action can make a huge difference.”(1)A . job B . club C . house D . school (2)A . yet B . still C . just D . never (3)A . careful B . helpful C . hopeful D . thankful (4)A . satisfied B . influenced C . developed D . managed (5)A . hope B . choice C . surprise D . pleasure (6)A . paid B . saved C . raised D . borrowed (7)A . By B . At C . Until D . Below (8)A . if B . since C . when D . because (9)A . food B . clothes C . books D . money (10)A . sweet B . healthy C . cheap D . delicious (11)A . his B . her C . their D . our (12)A . into B . across C . along D . through (13)A . enter B . visit C . drop D . leave (14)A . set off B . club C . give back D . come up (15)A . or B . as C . but D . and 5. (10分)完形填空 One day, when Confucius(孔子) and his students were walking through a large forest, they 1an old man standing under a tree, catching cicadas(蝉) with a bamboo stick. Confucius was 2and asked. How could you catch the cicadas so easily? Do you have any special3?Yes. the old man answered. There are many cicadas in this forest. But it is difficult to catch them. The cicada is a4little insect. If they hear the noise of the leaves in the wind, they will fly away5Therefore, people who want to catch cicadas must 6their hands to hold a bamboo stick without shaking. If you can7three pellets (弹珠) on the top of the bamboo stick without falling off, catching cicadas is as8as picking a ball up from the ground. At the same time, I have to say one can 9make it without practicing again and again. He then added, But that is not enough. People must be good at 10themselves. Right now, I am standing under a tree like half of a tree stump(树桩), with my 11reaching out like part of a withered twig(枯萎的树枝). Last, one must be attentive(专注).12I am catching cicadas, I only see the cicadas wings. No matter what happens, 13will distract(使分心) me.Hearing this, Confucius 14his students and said, No matter what you do, you can only succeed if you love what youre doing and 15it. This is what this old man has taught us. (1)A . heard B . saw C . stopped D . kept (2)A . happy B . afraid C . angry D . surprised (3)A . skills B . habits C . reasons D . hobbies (4)A . clever B . crazy C . lazy D . lovely (5)A . angrily B . proudly C . quickly D . happily (6)A . wash B . dry C . train D . touch (7)A . buy B . throw C . place D . collect (8)A . easy B . heavy C . tiring D . interesting (9)A . always B . often C . sometimes D . hardly (10)A . teaching B . Changing C . hiding D . helping (11)A . leg B . arm C . hand D . head (12)A . Although B . When C . Because D . Unless (13)A . nothing B . Something C . everything D . anything (14)A . worried about B . laughed at C . looked for D . turned to (15)A . take pride in B . look forward to C . pay attention to D . think about 三、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共18分)6. (18分)请仔细阅读下面小题中的个人说明,从A 到F的六个选项中,选出符合个人要求的最佳选项,其中一项为多余选项。_Jeff likes sports and travel. He would like something that can help him spend boring time on his journey._ Mrs. Green doesnt like to exercise, but she likes cooking and reading books about foreign places._Mr. Dean wants to improve his garden during summer. So he would like something that could help him to do that._ Lisa , a 22-year-old girl, worries about her weight. She is wondering how to lose weight._Sophia likes to look smart. When she is free, she enjoys listening to the music. Now she plans to learn something about music.A. Learn how to play the guitar. This popular video helps the beginner to become a guitar player in just 200 hours.B. Road trips. A program loved by young people, especially those fat girls. Join in it and make yourself become thin.C. The new pocket MP4. This kind of MP4 fits right into your pocket. It lets you listen to your favorite artist, even when you are on a journey.D. Singapore. The story of a city. This book is about the history. the culture and the favorite dishes of this small country.E. Spanish in 10 Minutes a Day. A fun, 132-page complete language learning work book. Includes 150 sticky labels: flash cards, a crossword puzzle and more. It is one of the best-selling language series in print.F. Special scissors(剪刀). This kind of tools will make it easy to deal with flowers and trees. Anyone can learn to use it quickly.四、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)7. (10分)Look! Bettys sister is _ (take) the school bus to go to school. 五、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共10题;共10分)8. (1分)Tom won first place in the English_(比赛). 9. (1分)What is the _of the word bad? Its good. 10. (1分)Feng Xiaogang is one of the most famous _ (direct) in China.11. (1分)“Could you tell me the way to Suzhou Centre?” he asked the policeman _(有礼貌地). 12. (1分)It was a hard_(决定)but I felt I made the fight one13. (1分)He c_ John to a fight as soon as he saw him. 14. (1分)When I see many poor children in the streets, I want to help and I_(真的)do. 15. (1分)She told me a secret in a low v_. 16. (1分)There are two _(字母) in this word. 17. (1分)The bag is f_of things. You cant put your clothes in it.六、 写作题 (共1题;共5分)18. (5分)书面表达假设你是Tony Li,在英国一所中学就读已大约一年,需要找一位家庭教师。条件要求如下表所示,请你向你的老师Mr Roger Fike写一封邮件,请他帮忙。性别、年龄、外貌女,2025, 漂亮职业中小学英语老师或大学生性格热心助人,有耐心爱好读书,旅游特长说标准英语,熟悉英国历史、地理写作要求:(1)文体格式正确,信息完整,内容合理;(2)句子结构准确,篇章结构连贯,字数不少于80个单词;(3)文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;提示词:家庭教师tutor; 标准英语standard English第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)1-1、1-2、1-3、1-4、2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、2-6、2-7、2-8、2-9、2-10、3-1、3-2、3-3、二、 完形填空 (共2题;共20分)4-1、5-1、三、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共18分)6-1、四、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)7-1、五、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共10题;共10分)8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、六、 写作题 (共1题;共5分)18-1、

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