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人教版2020年中考英语试卷A卷一、 选择填空 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)(2015贵州遵义).A: Can I help you, madam? B: I want_ .A . two boxes of appleB . two glass of waterC . two bowls of porridge2. (2分)Life(生活)is _ dictionary,we should learn(学习)directly(直接地)from it. A . weB . usC . ourD . ours3. (2分)Dont make your sister cry any more, Dick!Sorry, Mom, _.A . I willB . I wontC . I doD . I dont4. (2分)You wont pass the exam _ you work harder than ever. A . ifB . whenC . unless5. (2分)Do you often get online? Yes, I _ lots of time on it. Its a good way to kill time.A . costB . spendC . takeD . use6. (2分) What do you _ the game show? I think its interesting.A . think upB . think ofC . think forD . think down7. (2分)Are you good at history, Rose? . But I will try to study it well this term.A . Thats all rightB . Not very goodC . No problemD . Quite well8. (2分)Why not go to see the dolphin show with me?Because I it.A . sawB . will seeC . seeD . have seen9. (2分)Have you ever _ to Tibet?Yes, I have. And the scenery there made me very_.A . been, excitingB . gone, excitedC . been, excitedD . gone, exciting10. (2分)一Eric,you have seen the movie. ?一Its interesting. You can watch it.A . How do you know thatB . What do you think of itC . What does it look likeD . How does it begin11. (2分)English isnt as as Chinese A . easyB . easilyC . easierD . easiest12. (2分)Do you know when _ tomorrow morning? A . leaveB . to leavingC . to leaveD . will leave13. (2分) Why dont you join the English club to improve your spoken English? _A . Sounds like a good idea.B . Its my pleasure.C . Thats all right.14. (2分)(2015四川乐山)The 2016 Olympic Games _in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Im looking forward to it.A . will holdB . is holdingC . will be held15. (2分)Kate knew nothing _ her mother told her.A . becauseB . untilC . sinceD . if二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)16. (15分)完形填空 It was a sunny day yesterday. After a whole days work in my office, I walked home. On the busy street, I saw a young man 1some small toys around the corner. Usually, I would hurry 2such sellers and never buy anything. But when I noticed he was 3, I decided to stand there for some time. I wanted to see 4he sold his toys.Soon, a little girl came with her mother and wanted a toy that could 5a noise. Kids like such toys because the noise sounds really funny. The toy was 18 yuan. The mother 6a 20-yuan note(钞票). She told the young man how much she was giving him and wanted the change(找零) 7. I was wondering what he was going to do next. He told the mother to put the money in his bag and get the change 8. Then she did so.What the young man did shocked me. He chose to 9people even if he couldnt see. He let me know believing in people is a 10thing. It brings us warmth and love. I was so touched that I made a 11to buy a toy although I didnt need it at all. He said it cost 18 yuan and I told him that I had only one 20-yuan note. Again he told me to do the same thing as the mother. I put my 20 yuan in his bag, 12I didnt take any change.As I walked down the street, I saw another little girl with her father and gave her the, 13I bought. She looked at me in surprise and then thanked me 14. I was happy to see the smile on her face.The young man was a good 15to us all. On my way home, I kept thinking the world would be a better place if we all could learn to trust people more, just like the blind street seller.(1)A . using B . buying C . selling D . washing (2)A . with B . past C . across D . towards (3)A . fat B . deaf C . short D . blind (4)A . how B . why C . when D . where (5)A . hear B . make C . avoid D . mind (6)A . cut out B . kept out C . took out D . worked out (7)A . up B . out C . off D . back (8)A . itself B . herself C . myself D . yourself (9)A . hate B . doubt C . trust D . praise (10)A . beautiful B . bad C . silly D . direct (11)A . promise B . mistake C . speech D . decision (12)A . or B . so C . but D . for (13)A . bag B . toy C . note D . change (14)A . politely B . coldly C . proudly D . crazily (15)A . role B . expert C . guard D . example 三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共18分)17. (8分) The city of Yangzhou came into being at the Spring and Autumn Period ( about 500 AC ).As the key transportation link at joint place of the Great Canal(运河)( Beijing-Hangzhou) and Changjiang (Yangtze River), Yangzhou has been from the Sui Dynasty (600 AD.) an economically rich city, and then reached its top in the Tang Dynasty. At that time Yangzhou was a famous port and one of few biggest cities in East Asia.With the improvement of the local economy and easy transportation way, there happened in the history a special local culture, which has an important place in Chinese culture. Many famous men of letters, poets, artists, scholars(学者), statesmen, scientists and national heroes in the history were born in, lived in or had connection with Yangzhou. Li Bai, one of the greatest Chinese poets visited and stayed in Yangzhou several times in his life and one of his famous poems about Yangzhou has been so popular that Chinese of all ages can sing it and has become a symbol of Yangzhou . Zheng Banqiao, a famous Chinese painting painter in the Qing Dynasty heading a group called “Eight Eccentrics”, had strongly influenced Chinese paintings. Wang Zhong and Yuan Yuan and some other scholars formed school of Yangzhou Scholars and achieved great success in the study of classic Chinese and writing. Zhu Ziqing, one of most famous modern Chinese writers and scholars, had always been proud of himself as a native of Yangzhou and thanked the city for being nourished(养育) by its rich culture. Quite a few other names you may come across frequently in the study of Chinese culture and history have connection with Yangzhou.Yangzhou was so attractive and important that many Chinese emperors in history had come specially to visit or check the city. Emperor Suiyang, who ordered to cut the Great Canal so that he could come more easily and quickly, died on his last trip to the city and buried(埋葬) here. Emperor Qianlong had come all the way from the north and visited the city nine times.(1)Which of following sentences is NOT right according to this passage?A . Yangzhou joined the Great Canal (Beijing-Hangzhou) and Changjiang (Yangtze River).B . In the Tang Dynasty Yangzhou was a famous port and one of few biggest cities in Asia.C . Emperor Suiyang was buried in Yangzhou.D . Emperor Qianlong visited Yangzhou nine times.(2)We can infer(推断)the poem mentioned in this passage by Li Bai is _.A . 赠汪伦B . 望庐山瀑布C . 静夜思D . 黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵(3)Who influenced Chinese paintings a lot according to this passage?A . Zheng BanqiaoB . Zhu ZiqingC . Wang ZhongD . Li Bai(4)Whats the best title of the passage?A . Yangzhou:An Economically Rich CityB . Yangzhou:An Easy Transportation CityC . Yangzhou:A Historical Culture CityD . Yangzhou:A Famous Tour City18. (10分) In 1995,Oseola McCarty gave a present of $150 000 to the University of Southern Mississippi. She wanted to help poor students. It was a very generous thing to do. But her friends and neighbors were surprised. McCarty was a good woman. She went to church. She was always friendly and helpful. But everyone in her town knew that McCarty was not rich. In fact,she was poor.How did a poor 86-year-old woman have so much money? Oseola McCarty was born in 1908 in Hattiesburg,Mississippi. She had to leave school when she was eight years old to help her family. She took a job washing clothes. She earned only a few dollars a day. Oseola washed the clothes by hand. Then she hung the clothes to dry. She did this for nearly 80 years. In the 1960s,she bought an automatic washer and dryer. But she gave them away. She did not think they got the clothes clean enough!At that time,many people started to buy their own washers and dryers. McCarty did not have much work, so she started to iron clothes instead.McCarty never married or had children. Her life was very simple. She went to work and to church. She read her Bible (圣经)。She had a black-and-white television. But she did not watch it very much. It had only one channel.McCarty saved money all her life and eventually had about $250 000. When she was 86,a lawyer helped her make a will. She left money to the church,her relatives,and the university. McCarty just wanted to help others. She did not think she was a special person. But then people found out about her present to the university. She received many honors (荣誉)。She even flew in an airplane for the first time!Oseola McCarty died in 1999. She was a shy and ordinary woman who became famous.根据以上短文内容,然后从每题所给的四个选项中选择最佳选项。(1)Oseola McCarty gave $150 000 to the University of Southern Mississippi _.A . to help the poor studentsB . to surprise her friends and neighborsC . to show her generosityD . to be a good and rich woman(2)From the story we know _.A . McCarty was born in a poor family near the University of Southern MississippiB . everyone was surprised because they thought McCarty had no educationC . washers and dryers brought a change in McCartys lifeD . McCarty gave half of her money to the church and her relatives(3)Which of the following is true?A . McCarty had to work to help her family after school every day.B . McCarty learned to read the Bible by herself in the school.C . McCarty made one third of her money by washing and ironing clothesD . McCarty did not have her own family because she had no husband or children.(4)From which of the following can we tell McCarty lived a simple life?A . She worked hard all her lifeB . She didnt think she was specialC . She didnt have many interestsD . She had a TV set with many channels.(5)Which of the following is true?A . McCarty died at the age of eighty-six.B . McCarty did the job of washing for more than eighty years.C . McCarty gave her presents to both universities and churches.D . McCarty was given many honors because of her good deeds.四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)19. (5分)请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺。选项中有两项为多余选项。At present, people use money every day. It is very important in our life_Long ago, people didnt need money_As time passed, people learned to raise home animals and plant crops(庄稼). Sometimes, families produced more than they needed, so they started to trade with other families. Later, people began to use money as a way of exchange(交换)._They used shells, salt and large stones.During the 7th century BC.(公元前), people began using coins as money. They were easier to carry_The Chinese were the first to use paper money, as early as the 11th century. The Italian traveler Marco Polo saw the Chinese using money when he visited China in the 1200s_Today, we have many ways to pay for things. Often, a bank card is used for paying. It is safer and quicker than using a lot of paper money. Besides, proudly, Chinese always use Internet and mobile payment, such as Alipay and WeChat.ADo you know the history of money?BInstead, people still use paper money.CThey were similar to the money at present.DLater, countries began to make their own coins.EHowever, it was not the kind of money we use today.FThey lived on wild animals, fruits and other plants.GEuropean countries started using paper money in the 1600s.五、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)20. (5分)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使对话通顺、正确。每词仅用一次(每空一词)。mean probably fast by readA: Annie, Im a little nervous. I have to finish _a book and give a report next Monday.B: That doesnt sound too bad.A: But Im a very slow reader.B: Just read quickly to get the main ideas at first. Dont read word _word. Read word groups.A: But I dont understand many of the words. I have to use a dictionary.B: Try to guess a words _by reading the sentences before and after it. You _understand more than you think.A: That sounds difficult!B: Well, be patient. It takes time. You can become better by reading something you enjoy every day. The more you read, the _youll be.六、 根据所给汉语和提示词完成下列句子。 (共5题;共14分)21. (5分)她诱使那个小孩去偷那个男人的钱。(trick sb. into doing sth.)22. (2分)这是一台高速电脑。你可以同时运行多达30个程序。 This is a high-speed computer. You can run _ _ 30 programs at the same time.23. (2分)我通常在周二和周五中间是不忙的。 Im usually free_ Tuesday _ Friday.24. (1分)On weekdays, we must _school before 7:30 in the morning.(到达) 25. (4分)这件短裙和你的相同。This skirt is_七、 单词拼写 (共1题;共10分)26. (10分)根据句意及首字母提示完成短文My grandfather died in 2005 at the age of 78.He was b_ in 1927.When he was twentynine,he m _ to Guangzhou,the capital of Guangdong Province.There he first worked in a factory and then in a food company.In 1952,he m_a girl from Hunan Province.They had five daughters and my mother is their s_daughter.When my grandfather was young,he didnt have a bicycle,so he usually_to work every day.In his free time he liked to l_to music on the radio, b_he didnt have a TV at that time.He also liked to p_chess with his friends.When he was sixty,he started w _plays.One of his plays was successful. Many people still see this play and e_it.八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)27. (5分)假如你是Mike,请根据以下信息,用英语写一篇40词左右的短文。提示词: come from(来自)Name: MikeAge: 12Address(地址):YaanSchool: No.1 Middle SchoolThings: a dog, a nice computerFriends: Peter and Wang Hai第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 选择填空 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共18分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)19-1、五、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)20-1、六、 根据所给汉语和提示词完成下列句子。 (共5题;共14分)21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、七、 单词拼写 (共1题;共10分)26-1、八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)27-1、

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