四川省广安市2019中考英语二轮复习 阅读理解编习题(10).doc

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2019伏龙初中中考英语阅读理解编习题(十)附答案Passage A(2019中考日常生活类训练)Could your best friend make you fat?Researchers who have studied“networks”of obesity(肥胖) think so:they found that if someones friend becomes obese, that persons chances of becoming obese increase by more than half.Brothers or sisters and a husband or a wife also have an influence, although reduced_people whose brothers or sisters became obese were 40 percent more likely to grow obese, while people whose husband or wife became obese were 37 percent more likely to.“This is the first study to show how obesity spreads through the social network from person to person,”James Fowler of the University of California, San Diego, who worked on the study, told in a telephone interviewing.The researchers said their findings show that obesity is contagiousnot like a virus which is contagious, but in a social sense.It may help explain why obesity is worsening across the United States, with twothirds of Americans overweight and almost a third technically obese.“It has become very popular to speak of the obesity epidemic.We began to wonder if it is truly an epidemic,”Dr.Nicholas Christakis, a professor of medical sociology at Harvard Medical School in Boston, told the briefing.“We think that these findings reinforce(加强) the idea that obesity is not just an individual problem but a collective problem,”Christakis said.“People look around them and see people gaining weight and it might change their attitude about what constitutes an acceptable body size,”he added.“You might say its OK to be heavier.”1The underlined phrase“reduced people”refers to_.Athe influence of people is smaller and smallerBfat persons are having less and less friendsCthe number of fat persons is decreasing largelyDpersons are becoming thinner and thinner2Whats the new finding of researchers in the passage?AObesity is popular with Americans.BObesity spreads from person to person.CObesity can be spread like a virus.DObesity is becoming an epidemic.3In what aspect do your fat friends have an impact on you?AThey may influence you how to choose a lover.BThey may assist you in forming a life value.CThey may change your attitudes towards obesity.DThey may help you understand what obesity is.4From the passage,we can infer that_.Aits better not to make friends with fat personsBobesity is a kind of disease that can spreadCmost Americans think obesity is a kind of beautyDit needs a collective effort to deal with obesity参考答案1A 2B 3C 4DPassage B【*真题】Prana was a beautiful dog, whose name means “breath of life”. Although he died several years ago, I can still remember the days we spent together and what he has taught me about love.I have two apple trees in the garden. Prana loved apples. When he went outside, hed catch an apple and take it into the house to eat later. The apples had been on the ground and were often dirty so I wasnt always happy that Prana had brought them into the house.When I called him back, he had his usual one apple in his mouth. About five minutes later, I looked outside. The garden was completely covered with birds. Prana had dug up all those apples for his bird friends to eat. He knew that they wouldnt have stored enough food for the coming winter!44. Prana was .A. the writerB. a boyC. a birdD. a dog45. On the snowy day, Prana .A. ate up all the applesB. dug holes to put the apples in themC. brought the apples under the snow to the groundD. left the house and died46. The topic of the story is about .A. applesB. animalsC. loveD. life参考答案 44-46、D C C Passage C【*真题】In 1975,Junko Tabei became the first woman to reach the top of Mount Everest in the Himalaya Mountains, the highest mountain in the world at 29,035 feet. Junko was born in 1939 and grew up in a small town in Japan. During her childhood, she was thin and weak. At age 10, Junko went on a school trip. The students climbed two mountains, and Junko loved it. She could climb in her own time and ability.After Junko graduated from university in 1962, she joined several climbing clubs. But they had mostly men members. Some refused to climb with a woman. In 1965, Junko married a well-known Japanese climber. Over the years, they climbed all the highest mountains of Japan.Meanwhile Junko started a womans climbing club. By 1972, she was chosen to lead a team of women to climb Mount Everest. It took three years for the 15 women to train and raise money for their climb.47. When Junko was 10, she _.A. didnt like sports or games B. often went on school tripsC. realized that she loved to climb D. climbed mountains by herself48. In 1972, Junko _. A. started a womans climbing club B. trained 15 women for their climb C. raised enough money for a climb to Mount Everest D. became a leader of a woman team to climb Mount Everest49. During their climb to Mount Everest, Junko and her team _. A. got little help from the guides B. went on climbing after they had injuries C. had to stop climbing because of their injuries D. spent nearly a month the whole way to the top50. What does the author mainly want to tell us? A. Mountain climbing is dangerous. B. Women can do the same things as men. C. Junko was the greatest climber in the world.D. Junko had a very hard time before she succeeded.参考答案 47-50、CDBB Passage DCome to get books at a great price and support a charity(慈善机构)* Youre welcomed to give away books for all ages.* Buy used books (including some best sellers) as follows.Absolutely Almost by Lisa Graff, US$2.99 (used) Albie has always been an “almost”. Hes almost good at sports. Hes almost smart enough to pass his spelling test. He almost makes his parents proud. In fact, Albie has a long list of the things hes not very good at. However, things begin to change when Albie gets a new babysitter, Calista. What will happen to this “almost” boy?This One Summer by Jillian Tamaki & Mariko Tamaki, Canada$5.83 (used) Every summer, Rose goes with her mum and dad to a lake house in Awago Beach. Roses friend Windy is always there, too. But this summer is different. Roses mum and dad keep fighting. Rose and Windy want to run away from it, but they find themselves with a whole new set of problems. Its really a summer of sadness and growing up.The Fourteenth Goldfish by Jennifer L. Holm, US$1.06 (used)Elevenyearold Ellie has never liked change. She misses fifth grade. She misses her old best friend. She even misses her dearly dead goldfish. Then one day a strange boy shows up. He looks a lot like Ellies grandfather, a scientist whos always been crazy about immortality (永生). Could this strange boy really be Ellies grandpa? Has he finally found the secret to immortality with Ellie?()1. The three best sellers mentioned above _.A. are sold at the same priceB. are all secondhand booksC. were written by American writersD. will be given away for free()2. The writer of the book Absolutely Almost is _. A. Lisa Graff B. Mariko TamakiC. Jillian Tamaki D. Jennifer L. Holm()3. Rose wants to run away from her life because _. A. she doesnt have a holidayB. she is looking forward to growing upC. she cannot meet her friendD. the relationship between her parents goes bad()4. Ellie misses everything in the past because _. A. she wants her life to stay the sameB. her goldfish and her old friends diedC. her present life is out of order and terribleD. the strange boy used to be her best friend()5. Which of the following is TRUE? A. The book fair will last two days and a half. B. The book fair will be held at the City Hall.C. Buying books at this fair may help a charity. D. Books that are given away must be for teenagers.参考答案15 B A D A CPassage E 话题体裁词数难度建议用时魔术说明文2225分钟下图1、2是一个“魔术绳”的表演,另外五张图是该魔术的解密步骤。请参照解密图,将阅读材料AE正确排序,完成15小题。A. Now pick up the scissors(剪刀). Hold the paper carefully and cut it through. Keep the small piece of string between you and the scissors, so you do not cut the string. B. “Magic string” is a popular magic trick. You can do this trick for your friends or family. You just need a piece of paper, a piece of string and a pair of scissors. Thats all. C. Pick up the paper and fold side A down. Now your friends can see side B, but they cant see side A. Side A is shorter than side B, so it does not cover the string. Push the middle of the string up, and fold C up over A. Now most of the string is inside the paper, but a small piece of the string is outside. You can see it but your friends cant. D. Put one hand over the paper, and then pull the string out slowly with your other hand. The string is still in one long piece! E. First, fold the paper so that it is like the paper in the picture. Side A is shorter than side B, but not much shorter. Side C is much shorter than side B. Show the long piece of string so that people can look at it. Put this piece of string on the paper. 1._ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 答案解析1. 【解析】选B。从解密图一可知只是说明所需材料,故选B。2. 【解析】选E。由E中的First便可知与解密图二匹配。3. 【解析】选C。C主要说明折叠方法,故与解密图三匹配。4. 【解析】选A。A主要说明如何剪开纸,故与解密图四匹配。5. 【解析】选D。D主要说明如何把绳子抽出,故与解密图五匹配。

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