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仁爱版2020届九年级上学期英语期中考试试卷(I)卷一、 单项选择。 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)_ did you tell him about the good news?By _ an e-mail.A . How; sendingB . How; sendC . How; sentD . What; sending2. (2分) I want to go to school early tomorrow, Mum.OK. Dont worry. I can _ at 6:00 in the morning.A . wakes you upB . wake you upC . wake up youD . wake up to you3. (2分)Sun Wukong is _ unusual monkey.A . aB . anC . theD . /4. (2分)When I was a child, I a manager in a big company in the future. A . dreamed of beingB . dream of beingC . dream aboutD . dream to be5. (2分)The shoes dont fit me. Would you please show me _?Sure. Here you are.A . the other oneB . the othersC . another pairD . another one6. (2分)Lucy said she _ cook meals when she was five.A . canB . is able toC . couldD . Would7. (2分)Its time for lunch, Mum! I am hungry._A . Im sorry to hear that.B . OK. Lets make some sandwiches.C . Thats all right.D . Never mind.8. (2分)Everyone was amazed at how he solved this problem. A . was interested inB . was surprised atC . was pleased with9. (2分)- Are you going to Sams birthday party the day after tomorrow? - Im not sure. I will go with you if I _.A . will inviteB . inviteC . will be invitedD . am invited10. (2分) Would you like to lend me some money? Id love to, _ I left my purse at home.A . soB . andC . orD . but11. (2分)_ good work she does! She is really a clever girl. A . WhatB . HowC . What aD . How a12. (2分)Can you spell it? _A . p-e-n.B . P-E-NC . Yes. p-e-n.D . Yes. P-E-N.13. (2分)I made the same mistake in the experiment.You need to be more _.A . hard-workingB . impatientC . careful14. (2分)- Show me the map, please. I wonder _.- Look, its here, in the east of China, near Taiwan Province. ( )A . where is Diaoyu IslandB . where Diaoyu Island isC . what is Diaoyu Island likeD . when Diaoyu Island is15. (2分)You must make sure your tea is not too hot you drink it. A . beforeB . afterC . sinceD . while二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分) A woman saw three old men sitting outside .She said, I dont think I know you ,but you must be very hungry .Please come in and have something to 1.We dont go into a house 2. they answered .Why is that ? she asked .One of the old men said ,His name is Wealth(财富),this is Success, and I am Love ,Now go in and 3with your family which one of us you want in your house .The woman went in and told her family all that happened .She said, Lets invite Wealth .We have been so 4 . Her husband disagreed. My dear ,why dont we invite Success ? Dont you want me to be a successful man ? Then her daughter asked .Would it be 5 to invite Love ? Our life will then be filled with love! In the end ,the family decided to take the 6 advice.So the woman went out and asked ,Which one of you is 7? Please come in and be our guest. Love got up and started walking to the house. The other two also got up and 8 him. Surprised ,the lady asked Wealth and Success, I 9invite love .Why are you coming along ? The two old men answered . If you invited Wealth or Success, the other two would have to 10, but as you invite Love ,wherever he goes ,we go with him. Where there is Love ,there is Wealth and Success.(1)A . say B . eat C . use (2)A . together B . alone C . crowdedly (3)A . play B . exercise C . discuss (4)A . poor B . rich C . lucky (5)A . worse B . better C . less (6)A . fathers B . mothers C . daughters (7)A . Love B . Wealth C . Success (8)A . left B . followed C . stopped (9)A . only B . hardly C . never (10)A . join in B . go along with C . stay out 三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共31分)17. (10分)根据表格信息,选择最佳的答案。 FOR RENT(租)Small apartment (公寓) for students¥600 a monthCall Ms ZhangTel: 0586-523455555FOUNDA black walletPlease call the Lost and FoundTel: 0586 5334525PING-PONG GAMEThere is a ping-pong game at 3:30pm on Saturday in the gym (体育馆).Come and play with us!Tel: 0586- 5434505ROOM WANTEDLook for a quiet room for two people under¥500 a mothCall Sam at 0586 5534505(1)How much will you pay for a month if you want to rent a small apartment ? A . ¥300B . ¥400C . ¥600(2)If you have a quiet room for two people,¥480 a month, you can call _. A . Ms ZhangB . SamC . Mr Zhang(3)You can watch a ping-pong game at _ on Saturday. A . 3: 30 amB . 3: 00 amC . 3: 30 pm(4)You cant find your wallet. You can call _. A . 0586- 5234555B . 0586- 5434505C . 0586-5334525(5)The four ads(广告) dont have _. A . nameB . priceC . website (网站)18. (10分)阅读理解Barbara McClintock was one of the most important scientists of the twentieth century. She made important discoveries about genes(基因)and chromosomes(染色体).Barbara McClintock was born in 1902 in Hartford, Connecticut. Her family moved to the Brooklyn area of New York City in 1908. Barbara was an active child with interests in sports and music. She also developed an interest in science.She studied science at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. Barbara was among a small number of undergraduate students to receive training in genetics in 1921. Years later, she noted that few college students wanted to study genetics.Barbara McClintock decided to study botany, the scientific study of plants, at Cornell University. She completed her undergraduate studies in 1923. McClintock decided to continue her education at Cornell. She completed a masters degree in 1925. Two years later, she finished all her requirements for a doctorate degree.McClintock stayed at Cornell after she completed her education. She taught students botany. The 1930s was not a good time to be a young scientist in the United States. The country was in the middle of the great economic Depression. Millions of Americans were unemployed. Male scientists were offered jobs. But female geneticists were not much in demand.An old friend from Cornell, Marcus Rhoades, invited McClintock to spend the summer of 1941 working at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. It is a research center on Long Island, near New York City. McClintock started a temporary(临时的)job with the genetics department. A short time later, she accepted a permanent(永久的)position in the laboratory. This gave her the freedom to continue her research without having to teach or repeatedly ask for financial aid.By the 1970s, her discoveries had had an effect on everything from genetic engineering to cancer research. McClintock won the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1983 for her discovery of the ability of genes to change positions on chromosomes. She was the first American woman to win an unshared Nobel Prize.(1)When did McClintock get a doctorate degree? A . In 1921B . In 1923C . In 1925D . In 1927(2)During the great economic depression in the US, _. A . young scientists had trouble finding a jobB . female geneticists were not wanted at allC . male geneticists were in great demandD . male scientists were out of work(3)Which of the following jobs may be most beneficial to I McClintocks research? A . The job as a botany teacher.B . The temporary job in the genetics department.C . The permanent position in the laboratory.D . The job of cancer research.(4)McClintock was awarded a Nobel Prize because of _. A . her research in botanyB . her contribution to genetic engineeringC . her discoveries about genes and chromosomesD . her unshared work in the laboratory(5)The text is likely to appear in _. A . a biographyB . a history paperC . a comic stripD . a science fiction19. (6分)阅读理解The secret of happinessAn old man walked slowly with a cane(手杖)into the restaurant .His old jacket, worn-out shoes and warm personality made him stand out from the usual crowd.A young waitress watched him move toward a table by the window. She ran over to him, and said: “Here, sirlet me help you with that chair.”Without saying a word, he smiled and nodded(点头)a thank you. She pulled the chair away from the table and helped him sit. Then she put his came against the table.“Thank you, miss.”he said, kindly.“Youre welcome, sir.”she said.After he had finished his breakfast, the waitress brought him the change(零钱)from his bill. He left it on the table. She helped him up and walked with him to the front door.When she went to clean his table, she found a business card under his plate and note on a napkin(纸巾). Under the napkin was a 100-dollar bill.The note on the napkin read: “Dear miss, I respect you very much and I can see you respect yourself, too. It shows by the way you treat others. (3)You have found the secret of happiness. Your kindness will shine through to all those who meet you.”The man she had waited on was the owner of the restaurant where she worked. This was the first time that she or any of the other workers had ever seen him in person.By Steve Brunkhorst(1)The old man left100 under the napkin because he A . had a habit of giving tips to waitressesB . thought the meal was deliciousC . wanted to thank the waitress for her good attitudeD . learned the secret of happiness from the waitress(2)What do we know about the waitress and the old man?A . The waitress knew who the old man was from the note.B . The waitress knew the old man before she served him.C . The old man wanted to have the waitress as his secretary.D . It was the first time that the waitress had ever seen her boss.(3)We can tell from the story that the old man went to the restaurant to .A . have a good mealB . enjoy good serviceC . see the restaurant for himselfD . show his love for common people20. (5分)阅读下面的短文,按要求回答问题。In the town of Lampang in northern Thailand, there is an unusual group of musicians. They play many different kinds of musiceverything from traditional Thai songs to music by Beethoven. Both children and adults love this group. What makes them so popular? Is it their music? Their looks7 Yes, its both of the things, but its also something else: theyre elephants.These musical elephants started at the TECC in Lampang. The TECC protects elephants. It teaches people to understand and love them. And, like many zoos around the world, the TECC encourages elephants to paint.Richard Lair works for the TECC. He loves his job there and knows a lot about elephants. He says some of the animals paintings are very good. But, in fact, elephants hear better than they see. And so he had an idea: if elephants are smart and they have good hearing, maybe they can play music. To test his idea, Lair and a friend started the Thai Elephant Orchestra. During a performance, the elephants play a number of instruments, including the drums and the xylophone (木琴).But can elephants really make music properly? Yes, says Lair. They are very creative. Human encourage the animals to play, but the elephants make their own songs; they dont just copy their trainers or other people. There are now CDs of the groups music which make money for the TECC. And the music these artists create is pretty amazing(1)Where are the unusual group of musical elephants from?_(2)What kinds of music do the elephants play?_(3)What do workers at the TECC encourage elephants to do?_(4)Is Richard Lair fit for his job? Why?_(5)Who are these artists mentioned in the last sentence?_四、 补全对话。 (共1题;共5分)21. (5分)补全对话。A:Hi, Sonia._B:Sure, shes my English teacher Mrs. Hunt.A:Oh? Does she have any children?B:Yes. She has two children,one son and one daughter.A:_B:Hes short with brown hair.A:What does her daughter look like?B:_By the way(顺便问一下), could you come to my party this Saturday?A:_Is Mrs. Hunt going to your party, too?B:Yes. She will come to my party with her children._A:Geat! Help me to know them, OK?B:No problem.AWhat does her son look like?BHows it going?CSure, d love to.DDo you know the woman?EWhat are you doing now?FShes tall with curly hair.GThen youll meet them at the party.五、 翻译。 (共2题;共3分)22. (2分)毛利人见面时碰鼻子。Maori people_when they meet23. (1分)中国人常说:“礼(貌)多人不怪。”Chinese people often say, “You can _.”六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)24. (5分)书面表达作为即将毕业的九年级学生,你还经常沉迷于玩手机或电脑之类的电子设备吗?针对这个问题,你们学校计划于6月1日到6月7日举行“一周无屏幕时间”( A week without Screen time)的活动,请你写一份策划书。内容包括:1)谈谈你一周使用屏幕的时间以及过长的屏幕时间会带来什么危害;2)列举我们中学生减少屏幕时间的方法;(至少两点)3)说明活动举行的时间,呼吁同学们一同加入。作文要求:1)不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称、老师和同学的真实姓名;2)语句连贯,词数80个左右。第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 单项选择。 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共31分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、四、 补全对话。 (共1题;共5分)21-1、五、 翻译。 (共2题;共3分)22-1、23-1、六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)24-1、

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