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英语连词 1 2011 03 23 一 并列连词 1 表示对等关系的并列连词 使用该类并列连词时必须保持结构对等 词性统一 在句子中要使用对等成分 不可失之偏颇 常用的该类连词有 and either or neither nor aswellas both and notonly butalso 如 Thisisanoldclockthatisnotonlyveryhandsomebutalsoaccurate 2 表示选择关系的并列连词 常用的该类连词有 or orelse otherwise ratherthan either or 如 Youshouldgetthelicenserightaway oryou llhavetopayafine 3 表示转折和对比关系的并列连词 常用的该类连词有 but while whereas yet however nevertheless ontheotherhand onthecontrary 如 Sheisafunnygirl yetyoucan thelplikingher 4 表示因果关系的并列连词 常用的该类连词有 so for therefore hence thus consequently accordingly 如 Itwasrainingheavily sothesportsmeetingwaspostponed 二 从属连词 1 引导时间状语的从属连词 该类连词除一些常用的外 还包括 assoonas themoment 一 就 theminute theinstant once immediately 一 就 nosooner than 一 就 hardly when 刚 就 如 Hetoldmethenewsimmediatelyhegotit 2 引导地点状语的从属连词 该类连词有两个 where和wherever 如 Wherethereisalife thereisahope 3 引导条件状语的从属连词 该类连词除if unless和ifonly 要是 就好了 还有 provided that providing that supposing that suppose incase that aslongas 只要 onconditionthat 如 IfonlyIhadmoremoney Icouldbuysomenewclothes 4 引导目的状语的从属连词 该类连词主要有 sothat that inorderthat lest forfearthat incase that 例如 Sheworriedforfearthatthechildwouldbehurt 5 引导原因状语的从属连词 该类连词主要有 as because since inthat nowthat 既然 seeingthat 鉴于 例如 Seeingthatitiseighto clock we llwaitnolonger 6 引导比较状语的从属连词 该类连词主要有 as as as less more than themore themore 例如 Themorewecandoforyou thehappierwewillbe 7 引导方式状语的从属连词 该类连词主要有 as asif 好像 asthough 好像 例如 Heatcanflowfromahotbodytoacoolerbodyasifitwereafluid 8 引导结果状语的从属连词 该类连词主要有 so that such that so that 例如 Heissuchanhonestmanthateveryonewouldliketotrusthim 9 引导让步状语的从属连词 该类连词主要有 though although evenif eventhough while as whatever however whoever nomatter 不管 例如 Hardashetried hefailedtopasstheexam 三 连接代词和连接副词 这类词用来引导名词性从句 连接代词有 that which what who whose等 连接副词有 when where how why等 四 关系代词和关系副词 这类词用来引导定语从句 关系代词包括 who that which as whose whom等 关系副词包括 when where why how等 关系代词和关系副词起着三重作用 其一 它们连接着主句和从句 其二 它们代表着主句的一个先行词 which和as还可以代表主句中的一个词组或整个句子 其三 它们又在从句中充当成分 特殊的连词 一 由动词转化成的连词1 suppose 如果 假使 引导条件状语从句 例如 Supposeitrains whatshallwedo 如果天下雨 我们该怎么办 2 save 除了 只是 引导状语从句 表示伴随状况 例如 Asimilartimetablehasbeenused savethatthemorningbreakisshorter 已经采用了差不多相同的时间表 只是早上的休息时间缩短了 二 由分词转化成的连词1 现在分词由现在分词转化成的连词有seeing 考虑到 supposing 假定 providing 如果 的话 considering 考虑到 等 可用来引导条件状语从句 例如 1 Hecanstayhereprovidingheworks 如果他工作的话 他可以留在这儿 2 Supposingthatyou vemadesomeprogress youshouldnotbeproud 假定你有了一些进步 你也不应该骄傲自大 3 Consideringtheyarenewcomers they vedoneverywell 考虑到他们是新来的 他们已经做得很好了 2 过去分词由过去分词转化成的连词有provided 如果 的话 以 为条件 granted 假定 即使 等 可用来引导条件状语从句 例如 1 Youmaygo providedyourworkisdone 如果你的工作做完了 你就可以走了 2 Grantedthathehasenoughmoneytobuythehouse itdoesn tmeanhe sgoingtodoso 即使他有足够的钱来买这栋房子 他也不一定会这么做 三 由副词转化成的连词directly和immediately均表示 一 就 马上 立刻 的意思 可用来引导时间状语从句 例如 1 DirectlyIhaddoneit IknewIhadmadeamistake 我刚做完这件事 就知道出错了 2 IcameimmediatelyI deaten 我一吃完就来了 四 由名词转化成的连词由名词转化过来的连词 前面一般都有定冠词 1 themoment theinstant theminute这几个词组都表示 一 就 马上 立刻 的意思 可用来引导时间状语从句 例如 1 Iwillmeetyoutheinstantyouarrive 你一到我就去见你 2 Themomentyouleave pleasetellme 你一动身就请告诉我 2 thefirst 或second next last time 或moment 表示 在某一次 的时候 可用来引导时间状语从句 例如 IlikedherthefirsttimeImether 第一次见到她时我就喜欢上了她 五 介词短语转化成的关联连词常见的有forfearthat 唯恐 incasethat 假使 inorderthat 为了 onconditionthat 如果 withtheresultthat 结果 等 可用来引导条件 目的或结果状语从句 例如 1 Hehurriedhomeforfearthathemightmisshisguests 他急忙赶回家 唯恐见不到他的客人 2 IncaseI mlate startwithoutme 如果我来晚了 你们不必等我 3 IwasinthebathwiththeresultthatIdidn thearthetelephone 我正在浴室里洗澡 结果没有听见电话铃响 4 Theyflewthereinorderthattheymightbeintimetoattendtheopeningceremony 为了能及时参加开幕典礼 他们乘飞机到了那里 常用的英语连词 1 先后次序关系 atthistime first second atlast next previously simultaneously eventually lastbutnotleast tobeginwith tostartwith toendwith finally seeing sincethen firstofall afterwards followingthis precedingthis 2 因果关系 because becauseofthis beingthat anotherimportantfactor reasonof since as for inthat owingto dueto forthereasonthat inviewof thereasonseemstobeobvious thereareabout forthisreason asaresultofthis therefore andso consequently asaresult thus hence so sothat inconsequence asaconsequence accordingly inevitably undertheseconditions thereupon 3 转折关系 but evenso however though eventhough independentof recklessof despitethat inspiteofthat regardlessof yet andyet but unless 4 并列关系 and also too aswellas either or both and 5 补充 递进关系 furthermore moreover further Inthisway still notonly butalso not but inaddition to additionally muchmoreinteresting morespecifically next besides asfaras isconcerned moreover inotherwords alongthislineofconsideration ontheonehand ontheotherhand even asapoplarsayinggoes inordertodoit meanwhile atthesametime accordingly Inthefirstplace inthesecondplace equallyimportant ofevengreaterappeal 6 比较关系 similarly inlikemanner incomparisonwith whencomparedwith comparedwith wheninfact like likewise similarlyimportant apartfrom doing ratherthan bydoingso both and inthesameway notonly but also 7 对照 不同点 yet still forallofthat notwithstanding rather neither nor although though but however somethingisjusttheotherwayaround yet conversely unlike opposedto asopposedto incontrast to bywayof onthecontrary differentfromthis asopposedtothis nevertheless contraryto whereas while butontheotherhand 8 举例关系 forexample forinstance inthiscase namely asyouknow youmayas say asheexplains like suchas acaseinpointis consider inparticular including foronething foranother putitsimply statedroughly asanillustration Iwillsay agoodexample of wouldbe todetailthis Iwouldliketo Itisinterestingtonotethat inthissituation asproof takethecaseof takeasexample something asfor asregards asto accordingto onthisoccasion 9 强调关系 infact especially particularly moreover naturally whatismoreimportant inreality certainly ofcourse indeed inparticular nottomention believeitornot undeniably otherthingbeingequal itiscertain surethat tobestrict tobetrue bydefinition definitely undoubtedly withoutadoubt intruth inanyevent withoutreservation obviously notonly but also both and 10 条件关系 if unless lest providedthat ifitisthecase inthissense once ifpossible ifnecessary ifso ifnotall ifanything 11 归纳总结类 inotherwords onthewhole insum therefore hence inshort inbrief tosumup inconclusion insummary toconclude theconclusioncanbedrawnthat forthisreason inshort 12 地点关系 beyond oppositeto adjacentto atthesameplace there over inthemiddle around infrontof inthedistance farther hereandthere above below attheright between onthisside 13 目的关系 withthisobject forthispurpose inorderthat inthisway since sothat onthataccount incase withaviewto forthesamereason 14 重申关系 inotherwords thatistosay asIhavesaid again onceagain 15 结果关系 accordingly thus consequently hence therefore thereupon inevitably undertheseconditions asaresult asaconsequence because becauseof sothat notonly but also so asto 16 顺序关系 first second thirdly next then attheoutset 在开始时 followingthis atthistime now atthispoint after afterward afterthis subsequently lastly finally consequently beforethis previously precedingthis simultaneously concurrently 同时 17 时间关系 atonce immediately atlength inthemeantime meanwhile atthesametime intheend then soon notlongafter later atonce atlast finally sometimeago atpresent allofasudden fromthistimeon fromtimetotime sincethen when whenever nextpoint afewminuteslater formerly as once since occasionally inamoment shortly whereupon previously 连词辨析 Idon tknowAandB Idon tknowAorB Idon tknowA butnotB Hehaspromisedtodoit onlyhedoesnotkeephisword Only butShefailed stillshedidnotloseheart Heisnotsuchafoolbutheknowsit but that not Notaskissohardbut butthathecanaccomplishit Idonotdoubt denybutthat There hereisnoboubt denialbutthat Itisnotimpossiblebutthatheisguilty Butthat thatButthatsheaidedme Imighthavegonebankrupt Butthat ifButfor Still yet however nevertheless butOrsomething orsomewhever orso orelseDresswarmly orelseyou llcatchcold Aswellas noless than notonly butalso Heisastatemanaswellasascolar Heisnolessastatemanthanascolar Heisnotonlyascolarbutalsoastateman Notonlywastheroomwelldecorated butalsomealwasready Aswellasbreakingherleg shehurtherarm Aswellas besides inadditiontoHelendecidedtoquitthejobratherthantoaccepttheterm Ratherthanbeginthestreet hewouldprefertodieofhunger That whether ifIwonderwhetherhedidit Iwonderthathedidit Allwhatshesaidistrue X Whatshesaidistrue Allthatshesaidistrue Thatshewillsucceediscertain Itiscertainthatshewillsucceed Shewillsucceediscertain X Thisisthegirlwithwhomheworked Thisisthegirl whom heworkedwith Thebookdoesn tsaymuchthat which amuseschildren All only much anything first bestThefamouswriterandhisworksthattheradiobroadcasthavearousedgreatinterestamongthestudents Thebasketballteam whichisplayingverywell willcomeoutfirst Thebasketballteam whoarehavingarest willbeginanothermatchintwentyminutes MoreAmericantroopsarebeingsenttotheMiddleEast as which Ihavelearntfromthenewspaper Anotherrecessionissettingin asisalreadyoccurring forinstance withthecarindustry Shemarriedhim whichwasunexpected Shemarriedhim asexpected Shemarriedhim asisunexpected X Sheisdead asllive Asiswellknown asisoftenthecase asmaybeimagined asoftenhappens ashasbeensaid aswillbeshownin asishoped asissupposed asisthecustomwith asisusualwithsb As的用法 What惯用语 What swhat knowwhat swhatSowhat whatif Givesb Whatfor Knowwhatone saboutWhat howabout Guesswhat andwhatnotWhatofit Itellyouwhat Whatiscalled Whatoneis was hase g heisnotwhathewas Whatbythreats and whatby entreaties hegainedhispurpose Whatwithcontinualrainand whatwith abadhotel wedidn tenjoyourholidaymuch Otherthan elsethan otherwisethan but exceptBesides aside apartfrom 状语从句连词

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