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Thepresenttense 功能 1 表示经常性 习惯性的动作或状态 Iwashthedisheseveryday Yousometimestakeabushome Theyusuallyhavelunchat11 30 Healwaysgetsupearly Sheisoftenlateforschool 2 表示表示客观事实 Youare13 Heisastudent YoustudyatZzMiddleSchool 关键词 always 总是 usually 通常 often 经常 sometimes 有时 everyday 每天 everyyear 每年 onMonday 在星期一 inJanuary 在某月 3 表示永恒不变的真理 Thesungoesroundtheearth 常发生 按惯例 摆事实 讲道理 一 be动词的一般现在时 be动词 主语 be 其它 如 Iamaboy 我是一个男孩 Heisaboy 他是一个男孩 am is 单三 are 肯定句 主语 be 其它如 Heisaworker Youarethirteen 否定句 主语 be not 其它如 Heisnotaworker Youaren tthirteen 一般疑问句 Be 主语 其它 如 Isheaworker Yes heis No heisn t Areyouthirteen Yes Iam No Iamnot 特殊疑问句 疑问词 be 主语 其它 如 Whatishe Whatcolouristhatbird Howoldareyou Wherearethey 2 be动词的一般现在时的基本句型 二 实义动词的一般现在时 1 什么叫实义动词 实义动词是指表示有具体意思的动词 也叫行为动词 如 like 喜欢 eat 吃 live 居住 have 有 run 跑 等等 实义动词占英语中动词的绝大多数 我们已学过的be动词可译成 是 有时译成 成为 有时则没有具体意思如 Sheistall 这句译成 她很高 故be动词不属于实义动词 2 一般现在时实义动词作谓语的时侯有两种形式 动词原形 如 like第三人称单数动词形式 如 likes 主语 其它 实义动词原形 实义动词的单数第三人称形式 如 WelikeEnglish 我们学习英语 HelikesFrench 3 实义动词第三人称单数的变化规则 1 肯定句 主语 I We You They 实义动词原形 其他如 IstayathomeonSaturdays Theyhavesportseveryday 主语 He She It 实义动词单三形式 其他如 HestaysathomeonSaturdays Lucyhassportseveryday 4 实义动词的一般现在时的基本句型 2 否定句 主语 I We You They don t 动词原形 其他如 Idon tstayathomeonSaturdays Theydon thavesportseveryday 主语 He She It doesn t 动词原形 其他如 Hedoesn tstayathomeonSaturdays Lucydoesn thavesportseveryday 3 一般疑问句及其肯 否定回答 Do 主语 I we you they 动词原形 其他 如 DoyoustayathomeonSaturdays Yes Ido No Idon t Dotheyhavesportseveryday Yes theydo No theydon t Does 主语 he she it 动词原形 其他 如 DoeshestayathomeonSaturdays Yes hedoes No hedoesn t DoesLucyhavesportseveryday Yes hedoes No hedoesn t 4 特殊疑问句 疑问词 do does 主语 动词原形 其他 如 Whatdoyouwant Whatdoesshewant Whattimedoyouhavelunch Whattimedoesshehavelunch Whatdoyoudo Whatdoesshedo Howdoyouspellit Howdoeshespellit 5 一般现在时的句型变换1 IusuallyplayfootballonFriday 改为一般疑问句 DoyouusuallyplayfootballonFriday 对划线部分提问 WhatdoyouusuallydoonFriday 2 Myfathergoestoworkbybikeeveryday 对划线部分提问 Howdoesyourfathergotoworkeveryday 谓语动词是实义动词时 其一般现在时的谓语动词形式有两种 第三人称单数或原形 其否定句和疑问句要借助于do does don t或doesn t来帮助构成 6 实义动词的一般现在时用法小结 一般现在时 练习 用括号内动词的适当形式填空 1 Heusually have lunchathome 2 DavidandTomusually play footballafterschool 3 Weusually make modelships 4 Nickusually watch TVonMonday has play make watches 5 What theyusually do onSaturdays Theyusually fly kites 6 youruncle water theflowerseveryday 7 yourparents read newspaperseveryday 8 Thegirlusually teach usEnglishonSundays do do fly Does water Do read teaches 9 What youusually do afterschool Iusually grow flowers 10 What yourmotherusually do onSundays Sheusually do houseworkathome 11 Mike have anyhobbies Yes he He like cook 12 They have thesamehobby do do grow does do does Does have likes have cooking does 13 Myaunt like read newspaperseveryevening 14 What Mikeusually do onSundays Heusually help JanewithherMaths 15 What Helenusually do onSundays Sheoften clean thedesk cleans do does helps do does reading likes 16 She go toschoolfromMondaytoFriday 17 LiuTao do notlikePE Hecan t run fast 18 Thechildrenusually watch TVintheevening goes does run watch 19 SuHaiandSuYang have eightsubjectsthisterm 20 What sheusually do intheevening Sheusually study English studies does do have 21 Thegirlis Shedances beautiful 22 Thestudent use acomputerto write music 23 I like makingclothes buthe notlike He like playingfootball beautiful beautifully uses write like doesnotlike likes 24 Weusually dance and play basketballafterclass 25 Mike s hobby is draw pictures drawing hobby play dance 二 改写句子 1 IwanttoplaytabletenniswithGaoShan He to 2 IsurftheInternetonSaturdayevening Myfatherthe 3 TheystudyEnglish MathsScience andArt TomEnglish 4 Iusuallyplaybasketballwithmyfriends WangBing wants surfs studies plays 5 Myauntlikesgrowingflowers Myparentsgrowingflowers 6 WhatdoyouusuallydoonSundays WhatHelenonSundays 7 DoSuHaiandherfamilyhaveanyhobbies SuHai sfatheranyhobbies 8Hegrowsbeautifulflowers Webeautifulflowers like does usuallydo Does have grow


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