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专题二语法填空一、根据句意,用适当的词语填空或用所给词语的适当形式填空。Group 11In the future, people will live up _to_be_ (be) 200 years old.2We make promises _to_ other people. However, promises you make to yourself are resolutions.3I want to be a _scientist_ (science) and Im going to study science harder.4Whats your _prediction_ (predict) about the future?5Mom, how much _corn_ (corn) do we need today?6Here is one way _to_make_ (make)turkey for a Thanksgiving dinner.7My friend _from_ Xian is coming here to visit my family.8We are very sad that shes leaving _because_ she is a fun teacher.9Bring your daughter here without _telling_ (tell)her so that she can be surprised.10How should people reply _to_ this invitation?Group 21After the long trip, no one seemed _to_be_ (be)bored.2How did you _like_ it?Everything was really interesting.3I have piano lessons _once_ (one) a week, every Wednesday evening.4Our questions are _about_ doing homework, using the Internet and watching TV.5Tina sang _more_loudly_ (loud)than Tara.6Its necessary for us _to_keep_ (keep) the pets clean at home.7Whats the best movie theater to go _to_?8There are shows _like_ American Idol and American Got Talent.9Most of the classmates love _watching_ (watch) games shows.10We all know and love the black mouse _with_ two large round earsMickey Mourse.二、阅读短文,用括号中所给词的适当形式或根据上下文完成短文。AThere are three photos of my good friends on my desk. In the 1._first_ (one) photo you can see Jerry. He is a tall and cool boy 2._with_ short and straight hair. He is the captain of our basketball team. He is very popular. All my 3._classmates_ (classmate) like him very much. In the second photo, you can see the boy with glasses. His name is Jack. He is short and a little bit heavy. 4._But_ he is very smart and funny. He often tells us funny stories and makes us 5._happy_ (happy). In the third photo, you can see two girls. They are 6._drinking_ (drink) water. The girl on the left is Lucy. She is a beautiful girl 7._from_ London. She has long blonde hair and big eyes. She can sing very well, and she can 8._also_ speak a little Chinese. The girl on the right is Li Xiaoyun. She is a Chinese girl with beautiful black hair. She studies very 9._hard_ (hard). She says she wants to be a scientist 10._when_ she grows up.BWhen youre busy or stressed, dont forget your hobbies, such as 1._listening_ to music, reading and playing ball games. 2._If_ eating makes you feel better, you can go to your favorite restaurant to have a delicious meal.Parents may not think that it is 3._useful_ (use) to watch TV. 4._However_, if you are worried 5._about_ your English and dont know how to improve it, why not watch some English TV programs?If youre feeling bad about your weight and dont know what to do, why not go 6._walking_ (walk) or jogging?Finally, trying to keep your 7._worries_ (worry) to yourself can make them worse. I like 8._to_share/sharing_ (share) my problems with my friends. They always give me useful 9._advice_ (advice). If you dont know who to talk to, you can always write 10._to_ me. Youre never alone.CIm going to do what I want to do 1._when_ I grow up. Im going to move 2._somewhere_ (anywhere) interesting. Paris 3._sounds_ (sound) like a city that I could enjoy.There are 4._lots_ (lot) of art exhibitions there. I want to be an 5._artist_ (art)So how am I going to do that?First, Im going to find a parttime job to save 6._much_ (many) money. And Im going to learn French in a school 7._in_ Paris.8_Next/Then_, Im going to open art exhibitions because I want 9._to_be_ rich and have a big house for my parents. I 10._also_ want to travel all over the world.I wish my dream would come true one day.DThe giant panda is one of the most popular 1._animals_(animal) in the world. A giant panda can grow up to 11.5 meters long and weigh up to 160 kg. People think the giant panda is very lovely. So it is not surprising that the World Wide Fund for Nature chose the giant panda 2._as_its symbol. The WWF tells people about animals that they are in danger and raises money 3._to_save_(save) them. The giant panda only lives in the wild in 4._China_(China). In the early 1980s, there 5._were_(be)only l,000 left in the wild. The main reason why pandas are endangered is that the area where pandas can live has become smaller.The WWF works to help giant pandas in the wild in many 6._ways_(way). One of the ways that help them is to enlarge the size of panda reserves (保护区). Some reserves need to be joined by 7._planting_(plant) bamboo between them to makes“corridors”. These are paths that lead pandas 8._from_ one reserve to another. No one may harm the pandas in these areas. The“corridors” let pandas 9._move_(move) from one reserve to another to look for food. People 10._are_working_(work) very hard to make sure the giant panda does not die out.EWhen I was in Chengdu, I saw teahouses on the streets. There is a 1._saying_ (say): China has the 2._best_ (good) teahouse in the world and Chengdu has the best teahouse 3._in_ China.The 4._service_ (serve) in the teahouses is really friendly. When you go 5._into/in_ a teahouse, the waiters or waitresses greet you with 6._smiles_ (smile) on their faces and with teapots and cups in their hands. People who go to a teahouse are not 7._really_(real) thirsty. They pay 20 yuan to go to a teahouse and sit there all day long 8._to_talk_(talk)with each other. These days, more and 9._more_ (many)people go to teahouses for business talks. Some teahouses 10._also/even_ have performances, such as storytelling and Sichuan Opera.FOnce there was a farmer. He had three sons. They were all lazy boys. One day he 1._felt_ (feel) that he was going to die. He called them together and told them that there was a treasure hidden in the fields. “If you turn the earth over for it,”he said,“you 2._will_find_ (find) it.”3_After_ their father died, the lazy boys began to turn the earth in the fields. They 4._dug_ (dig) for many days, but they couldnt find the treasure. They used a plough. Though they ploughed 5._as_ deep as they could, still they didnt find the treasure. Then spring came, and it was time for sowing(种)“Lets sow rice in these fields,”one of 6._them_ (they) said.“Since the earth is turned.”“Thats fine,”the others replied, and they began to sow.When 7._autumn_ (autumn)arrived, they were 8._surprised_ (surprise) to see the golden rice in the fields. Their harvest(收成) was 9._better_ (good) than that in any of their neighbors fields. Then the boys understood 10._what_ their father said. The fields gave treasure to those who worked hard.GOnce Effendi(阿凡提)had a joke with the prime minister(宰相). He said the minister would 1._die_ (dead) the next day. The next day it 2._really_ (real) happened that the Minister 3._fell_ (fall) off his horse and died. 4._When_ the king heard this, he got angry and 5._sent_ (send) his men to catch Effendi at once. After Effendi had been brought to him, the king shouted 6._angrily_ (angry),“Effendi, since you knew my Minister would die, you must also know the date of your own death. Say it out, or youll die today!”Looking at the king, Effendi answered,“Ill die two days 7._earlier_ (early) than you.”Fearing that 8._his_ (he) own death would follow if Effendi 9._was_ (be) killed, the king thought he must keep Effendi alive as long as possible, 10._so_ he let him go.HI usually take a long walk in the nature park far from the city center. I think it is a great way to start the day. I 1._usually_ (usual) walk on a nice long road to the woods. The air there is so 2._fresh_ (fresh). It is usually so quiet that it 3._makes_ (make) me forget the noisy city.This morning 4._when_ I walked back to my car from the woods, I met an old man sitting on the grass by the roadside. He looked very 5._tired_ (tiring). I asked,“6._Are_ (be) you all right?”He said,“Im OK. I just want to explore(探索) the woods, but Im too tired to walk now. I need a good rest. Im a little thirsty.”However, there werent any 7._places_ (place) to get water in the nature park. Then I remembered I left a bottle of water 8._in_ my car. 9._Though_ I was not thirsty, I decided to give my water to him. He was so thankful. He said I was very kind. He also said he was surprised that someone he didnt know would help 10._him_ (he) when he was in trouble.IWhat will we be without food? Where will we be without fresh air? We cant live on 1._without_ these things. And do you know without 2._plants_(plant), there will be no food or fresh air? All the food that we eat comes from plants, or from 3._animals_(animal) that eat plants.Vegetables, fruit, grains, seeds and nuts are some of the foods that come from plants. 4._We_(I)eat some plants freshstraight from the garden or farm. We cook some plants 5._before_eating. Some plants are made into food. Bread is made from flour. In different 6._countries_(country), people 7._make_(make)different kinds of bread. As technology develops, people start 8._growing_(grow) food plants together in the same place, on farms. This makes it 9._easy/easier_(easy) to collect or harvest plants. Plants provide us with many different 10._kinds_(kind) of food. Food can come from different parts of plants.JAnna comes from Russia. She is seventeen years old. Shes going to stay with the Black family 1._for_a year. Anna comes to England 2._because_ she wants to study English. She 3._helps_ (help) Mrs. Black do housework and goes to English 4._classes_(class) every Wednesday and Friday afternoons. Anna is now in London. Everything is new to her. She finds life is 5._different_(difference) from that in Moscow. Some things are nice in London, 6._but_ many things are not so nice. The shops are 7._bigger_(big) in London than those in Moscow. So its expensive to enjoy 8._yourself_(you) in London. Its expensive to have a meal at a restaurant or go to a cinema.Now Anna has got used to(习惯于) 9._more_ (much) things than before, but she cant get used to the breakfast in England.“ You English eat so much in the morning,” she often says. “Fruit, porridge, eggs, tea and bread. how can you face(面对) all that food 10._so_early in the day? 三、阅读短文并根据括号所给汉语完成短文。AHi, Im Claire. I often go 1._online_ (在线)to read some stories. Last week I read 2._such_ (这样的)an interesting story.Theres an old man called Joe. 3._Although_ (尽管) hes not rich, he is fun. As a backpacker(背包客), Joe visited many interesting places at 4._least_ (至少)eighteen countries. One day he had an idea. Why not make a house under the ground? He told his family about it. 5._Almost_ (几乎)all his family members thought he was crazy. 6._However_(然而), Joe started to work by 7._himself_(他自己). His family 8._hardly_ (几乎不)ever helped him. Twelve years later, there was a beautiful 9._building_(建筑物)therehis house.Joes house has three bedrooms, a living room and a bathroom. Joe often plays cards or drinks 10._coffee_ (咖啡)with his family in his living room.BWe dont go to school on weekends. And we have little homework to do. So we can 1._choose_ (选择)to do what we want on Saturday. On Saturday morning, we stay in our 2._comfortable_ (舒服的)beds. We get up late. When do we get up? That is 3._up_ (取决于)to us. Maybe at 9:00 or at 10:00. And maybe we have no breakfast. We only eat two 4._meals_ (餐), lunch and dinner. On Saturday afternoon, the supermarket becomes more 5._crowded_ (拥挤的) than usual, but we shop there. And you can see us choosing things 6._carefully_ (小心地,谨慎地). On Saturday evening, the 7._theater_ (剧院)becomes the most popular place for us. We go there with our 8._tickets_ (票)in our hands. We sit on the comfortable 9._seats_ (座位), enjoy a 10._fantastic_(极好的,了不起的) movie and eat delicious food. CSam is Sallys brother. His 1._hobby_ (业余爱好) is playing the violin. And his dream is to go to 2._university_ (大学)to learn music and to become a great 3._violinist_ (小提琴家)Unluckily, Sam hurt his arm 4._seriously_(严重地). 5.The _doctor_ (医生)said he couldnt play the violin anymore and that made him 6._sad_(悲哀的). When Sally learned the bad news, she told Sam to be positive and 7._promised_ (承诺) to help him out.When Sam got home, he could not wait to pick up his violin. He tried to play it, but he couldnt play it at all. Sam became 8._upset_(失望的). Then Sally said to him,“I can teach you to play. Let me make your dream come true.”Sam 9._agreed_ (同意) and said,“Thank you, Sally.” After that Sally taught Sam to play the violin every day and they enjoyed 10._themselves_(他们自己)Now, Sams violin playing is getting better and better.DIts time for our stories. This story happened on a cool 1._autumn_ (秋天) day when I was visiting my friend Pete in 2._England_ (英国)One day, he and I walked into a local (当地的) restaurant. Pete ordered four 3._sandwiches_ (三明治) and two cups of milk 4._shake_ (奶昔). I thought that was enough, but he ordered some 5._pieces_ (块) of bread.“Why have you ordered so much bread?”I asked him after the waiter 6._served_ (招待)all the food to us.Pete didnt answer my question. He only told me to wait and see.After a few minutes, a(n) 7._traveler_ (游客) from the USA came to the restaurant. He was hungry but he had lost his 8._wallet_(钱包). Pete gave him some bread. After that, a little boy came. He didnt have any money with him. Pete gave him the bread on the 9._plate_ (盘子). At that moment, I knew why Pete had ordered so many 10._pieces_(片) of bread.EDear Mr. and Mrs. Smith, How are you? Im writing to thank you for 1._looking_ (照顾)after me so well when I stayed with you in England. Thank you for 2._preparing_ (准备)nice food for me. Thank you for taking me to the 3._concert_ (音乐会). And thank you for doing many other things for me. When staying with you, I was 4._glad_ (高兴的). You always made me feel 5._like_(像) part of your family. The journey home was very relaxing. I was 6._surprised_ (令人惊讶的) that you got my favorite book Harry Potter ready for me. We are moving to Beijing next month. My parents are planning a(n) 7._housewarming_ (乔迁聚会)party. And they are going to 8._invite_ (邀请)you. Of course, I hope you wont 9._refuse_ (拒绝)the invitation. Im looking 10._forward_ (期待)to your reply. Yours,MillieFIn one hundred years, our life will be different from what it is now. Well have 1._robots_ (机器人) in our homes. They can help us do 2._everything_ (每件事)They can cook for us. After we 3._dress_ (穿衣服) ourselves, they will bring us the breakfast. They will help us do 4._housework_ (家务活), such as washing clothes and sweeping the floor. They can also work in 5._factories_ (工厂)They can do 6._unenjoyable/unpleasant_ (使人不愉快的) and hard work for us.The way students do homework will be different from now, too. They will do their homework on computers but not on 7._paper_ (纸)People will spend their vacations on the 8._moon_ (月球) and have a great time. They will 9._fly_ (飞) there by rocket. And they will be very excited. 10._Scientists_ (科学家) say these dreams will come true easily.GThe su mmer vacation is the best time for students. They can go outdoors to do some great 1._activities_(活动). They can go to big cities to go sightseeing to enjoy different 2._cultures_(文化)Peter is an 3._American_ (美国) middle school student and he loves traveling very much. This summer vacation he 4._decided_ (决定) to do 5._something_ (某事) different. He is interested in Chinese 6._history_ (历史). So he is flying to Beijing and Xian for the summer vacation. He is leaving on July 12th and getting back to New York on the last day of the month. He plans to have a 7._wonderful_ (绝妙的) vacation. 8._During_ (在期间) the day, he visits places of interest and eats delicious food when he is 9._hungry_ (饥饿的). At night, he takes walks to enjoy the night views or keeps 10._diaries_ (日记). He is sure he will have a great time.


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