外研版(新标准)七年级英语下册Module 3 Making plans 单元测试(I)卷.doc

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外研版(新标准)七年级英语下册Module 3 Making plans 单元测试(I)卷一、 单项选择. (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)Do you have a ruler? . I dont have one. Please ask others. A . SorryB . OKC . OhD . Yes2. (2分) Look! There are two monkeys _ the tree. Oh, yes. They are eating the fruit.A . onB . inC . ofD . to3. (2分)Let me teach _ daughter Japanese.Thanks. If so, she wont have to learn by _.A . you, youB . your, herC . your, herselfD . her, yourself4. (2分)Do you have trouble communicating with your parents? No, I dont. They are like my friends and we often talk about things together.A . difficultyB . luckC . fun5. (2分)She every day.A . do some readingB . does some readingC . did some readD . did some reading6. (2分)Its good to see foxes because they are _during the night, and we can see them walking. A . awakeB . aloneC . asleepD . wake7. (2分)Would you like to eat, dear?Yes, some bread please. Im a little hungry.A . something deliciousB . anything deliciousC . delicious somethingD . delicious anything8. (2分)David cant take care of _when his parents are away from home. Home alone is not always perfect.A . myselfB . himselfC . ourselvesD . themselves9. (2分)In front of the house _a big tree. A . haveB . hasC . isD . are10. (2分)Do you know _ a wonderful football match and two basketball matches on July 15th?Yeah. I am going to watch them on that day.A . there will beB . there will haveC . there have二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11. (10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、c、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。Last night, my mom and I arrived in Shanghai. It is one of the largest cities in China. In summer it is very hot here: The temperature can get up to 40 or even 1winter, however the weather is coldnear 0 .Today we 2Ne Jade Buddha Temple (玉佛禅寺) one of Shanghai s most famous temples. 3we left the temple, we went to the street market. There I found many things made of jade. Jade is very 4in China. A lot of people like it. I bought a beautiful jade necklace (项链). It had a 5carved (雕刻) on it. I got it because I was born (出生) in 1998, the Year of the Tiger. The tiger is one of the 12 animals that go with the Chinese 6 . Both my mom and I laughed when we 7 she was born in the Year of the Pig! At the market, I 8bought a red silk (丝绸) skirt. It was made in a sill factory right here in Shanghai. China is famous 9its sill. The Chinese have quite a long history of making silk clothes.The clock says its already 11:00. Time for bed. I must 10now. Tomorrow were going on a trip down the Yangtze River. I cant wait!(1)A . taller B . higher C . cooler D . colder (2)A . visited B . built C . painted D . broke (3)A . If B . Unless C . After D . Although (4)A . cheap B . popular C . large D . clean (5)A . dog B . horse C . snake D . tiger (6)A . calendar B . medicine C . art D . history (7)A . felt like B . found out C . brought out D . wrote down (8)A . still B . only C . also D . almost (9)A . at B . for C . with D . as (10)A . plan B . wait C . forget D . stop 三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共20分)12. (10分) Last week, 169 students at No.35 Middle School of Shenyang took their first no-teacher exam. After the teacher handed out the exam paper, he left the room and never came back. A student collected in the papers when the exam ended.“That test was not only a test of knowledge, but also a test of moral (道德). We wanted to show students how important honesty is, ” said Mr. Cai, the schools headmaster. The school says no cheating happened in the test. Next year, it wants 80% of its exams to be without teachers. But students have different ideas.“I was happy and excited during the exam because my teachers trusted me,said Lang Yudan, a 13-year-old girl in Class 11.“Schools must trust students a lot not to use invigilators(监考人). But I think it is too early. Some students will cheat if there are no invigilators. And the students will not be able to ask for help when needed,” said Hua Sha.“I dont like having invigilators in exams. When they walk around the classroom, they make me nervous. I would get higher marks without them in the room because I would feel more relaxed, Liu Qingxi said.“I think its very important to have invigilators in exams. Many students want to check their answers with each other after they have finished papers. And they can also keep the classroom in order when something unusual happens. They may make me nervous, but I still think we need them, Shangguan Yan said.Not using invigilators may be a good idea. But before using it, schools must tell students the importance of honesty and try to find ways to solve something unusual in exams.(1)The passage mainly talks about _.A . how to pass an examB . how to make students honestC . whether invigilators are needed in examsD . how to make students clever(2)No.35 Middle School of Shenyang held a no-teacher exam to _.A . let the students have a good restB . teach the students in a better wayC . help all the students pass the examD . find whether the students were honest(3)From what the students have studied, we know _.A . invigilators really help them a lotB . not all of them agree with the headmasterC . something unusual never happens in examsD . they like it very much(4)What does Hua Sha think about no-teacher exams ?A . Its a good idea to have no-teacher exams but something must be done first.B . If there are no invigilators, the students will certainly get lower marks.C . Exams without invigilators will never be held since students are not honest.D . Some parents dont think its fair for everyone to have no-teacher exams.(5)In the sentence And they can also keep the classroom in order when something unusual happensthey refers to _.A . studentsB . headmastersC . teachersD . invigilators13. (10分)阅读理解Going to college means a lot of changes in their lifestyle for most students. Living in a dormitory remains a major challenge as it means learning how to share space with others who are total strangers.While some can live together peacefully, others may face conflicts (矛盾) that need to be worked out. According to a recent survey of students in 12 different universities in Wuhan, only 40 percent of them are satisfied with their dormitory friendships and 35 percent said they kept away from conflicts in the dorm.For those living in a dorm for the first time, sharing things, such as a computer or paper towels, can be a source of conflict. Another common conflict is related to different habits. What they are going to do, such as going to bed, watching movies or studying, will also cause a conflict. Sometimes roommates may also have problems when welcoming guests, especially those of the opposite sex.However, there are more effective methods to solve problems than screaming at each other. The best way is to talk about an issue before it even becomes a problem. You should treat roommates honestly and directly, and try to work out a solution. And you can also set up rules that everyone can obey. These rules can be written down in an agreement and be put up in a visible (看得见的) place. Students can also outline which items to share and which are for personal use. They can regulate cleaning duties, agree on a time to sleep, and decide on how to receive guests.In any discussion it is important to talk with your roommates in a positive way. For example, you can mention your roommates good personality. This can help them understand you better and make them more willing to compromise (妥协).(1) of the students in the survey get on well with their roommates in the dorm. A . 12%B . 40%C . 35%D . 25%(2)For those living in a dorm for the first time, their conflicts may come from sources. A . oneB . twoC . threeD . four(3)The Chinese meaning of the underlined word “effective” is . A . 有效的B . 积极的C . 合理的D . 肯定的(4)In order to solve problems, the best order is . A . issueproblemsolutionrulesB . problemissuesolutionruleC . issueproblemrulessolutionD . problemissuerulessolution(5)According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE? A . The author did a survey of the students in 12 different universities in Hunan.B . The girls in the same dorm may face conflicts when a girl goes to visit them.C . The rules you make can be put up on the door.D . Talking about others bad personality can help them understand you better.四、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共5分)14. (5分)阅读下面材料,从方框中所给的A-D四个选项中选择正确的小标题。将其序号填入-题,并回答题。Are You Ready For High School?If you can do these things by the time you go to high school, youll get on well with others in high school._A little respect(尊重)goes a long way. Dont help yourself to her personal things in the room, and let her know if you plan to treat friends there. If you dont feel like youre being treated fairly, have a talk face to face._The first meeting with someone really does matter. To make an immediate connection, look a person in the eye and give a firm handshake, keep eye contact while youre chatting and mention the persons name when saying goodbye._One study found that holding something in can make you feel lonely and sad. So for your health and friendships, write down the secret in a safe place instead of talking about others in public._If someone did something nice for you-a gift, some help, nows the time to take out your pen! Sending the person a handwritten note card within 48 hours afterward is a sign that you really have it together.A. Keep a secretB. the Best RoommateC. Make a Great First Impression(印象)D. Write a Fantastic Thank-You NotePlease give one more suggestion on how to get on well with others. (回答不多于7个单词)_五、 补全对话。 (共1题;共5分)15. (5分)用句子补全对话。Black: Hi, Tom. Long time no see!Tom: Hi, Black. _?Black: Fine. Thanks for asking.Tom: It must be a new shirt youre wearing. _?Black: Its made of silk. Its very soft.Tom: It looks cool. _?Black: 100 Yuan.Tom: Its not very expensive. I also want to buy one. _?Black: I bought it at Xidan.Tom: OK! I like blue best._?Black: Yes, there is blue shirt at that store.六、 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子。 (共1题;共13分)16. (13分)根据句意,所给单词首字母或汉语提示填空。(1)- Where do your parents l_? - In Hebei.(2)We all know China is a great c_.(3)-What l_ does Tom speak? -French.(4)I have many pen p_. They often write to me.(5)Mrs. Brown is from Canada. She can speak English and F_.(6)Go _(一直) and turn left, and you will see the bookshop in front of you.(7)The zoo is b_ the school and the park.(8)Go down and turn l_. You can find a white building.(9)The school is _ _ (在.对面) my house.(10)Please tell me _ _ _ (去.的路) the post office.七、 根据汉语完成句子。 (共1题;共2分)17. (2分)把你的答案和书后面的答案比较一下,看看你的是否正确。_your answers_those at the back of the book to see if yours are right八、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)18. (5分)如今,很多同学骑共享单车上学,因为它既方便又环保。然而,因骑车引发的交通事故也层出不穷。假如你校的英语论坛正在进行关于安全骑车的大讨论,请你写一篇不少于80词的短文,谈谈怎样骑车才能确保安全,并将其发表在论坛上。第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、 单项选择. (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11-1、三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共20分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、四、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共5分)14-1、五、 补全对话。 (共1题;共5分)15-1、六、 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子。 (共1题;共13分)16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、16-5、16-6、16-7、16-8、16-9、16-10、七、 根据汉语完成句子。 (共1题;共2分)17-1、八、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)18-1、

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