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沪教版2020年中考英语模拟试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)You must be to go running in such hot weather! A . enjoyableB . crazyC . excitedD . lonely2. (2分) Its very cold outside! OK. Its good for me to wear_ .A . B . C . 3. (2分) _ is it from here? About twenty minutes ride.A . How longB . How oftenC . How farD . How soon4. (2分)What do you think of soap operas? _ But my mother likes them.A . I cant stand them.B . I dont mind them.C . I love them.D . I think so.5. (2分)_ they come back _ me.A . Some times; to seeB . Sometimes; to seeC . Some time; seeD . Sometimes; see6. (2分)How is your mother? A . She is forty.B . She is tall.C . She is fine.7. (2分)America is a (n) _country. English is the first language there. A . spoke-EnglishB . speaking-EnglishC . English-speakingD . English-spoken8. (2分)My sister is very _. She can work out the difficult math problems. A . funnyB . dirtyC . terribleD . smart9. (2分)The clothes look nice in that store. Lets _ some.A . go and buyB . to go and to buyC . goes and buysD . going and buying10. (2分) Whats up? You look _ right now. Im afraid to take the exam. Ill let my mother _ if I cant pass it.A . pale; inB . pale; downC . excited; inD . excited; down11. (2分)_? My computer doesnt work.A . What should I doB . Whats wrongC . Whats the matterD . both B and C12. (2分)(2013柳州) I come in?Come in, please.A . NeedB . MustC . May13. (2分)_ does your father work?He works in a factory.A . HowB . WhatC . WhereD . Who14. (2分)Do you know _ this iPhone 6s belongs to?Let me see. Oh, its _.A . who; mineB . whose; meC . whose; mineD . who; me15. (2分)Most students like the teachers _ understand them well.A . whichB . whoC . whereD . when二、 完形填空 (共1题;共5分)16. (5分)完形填空。Advertisements are everywhere. We see ads on buses, trucks, taxis, and subways. We hear ads on the radio, in stores, and even on our telephones. There are ads every second on TV. People usually see and listen to 1advertisements every day!What is the 2of advertising? Companies want to give us information about their products. More importantly, they want to sell us their products. Advertisements really 3. So, companies spend billions of dollars on advertising.Businesses have used different advertising methods.4slogans is one of them. The slogan “Impossible Is Nothing” has made one big company very popular around the world.Another advertising method is to use famous people. People want to buy a product that a famous person uses. For example, a shoe-making company has already sold millions of shoes by getting famous sports players 5its products.These days, businesses use new advertising methods through the Internet and mobile phones. So in the future, we will see thousands of more ads daily. There is no escape from the world of advertising.根据短文内容选择最佳答案。(1)A . thousand B . thousand of C . thousands of (2)A . meaning B . sign C . purpose (3)A . work B . use C . useful (4)A . Create B . Creating C . Design (5)A . wear B . to wear C . wearing 三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共20分)17. (10分)阅读理解CHICAGO- Have you ever worked on your laptop computer with it sitting on your lap, heating up your legs? If so, you might want to rethink that habit from now on. Doing it a lot can lead to “toasted skin syndrome (症状)”, an unusual-looking spotted skin condition caused by long-term heat exposure (暴露), according to medical reports.In one recent case, a 12-year-old boy from California developed a skin discoloration on his left lap after playing computer games a few hours every day for several months. “He recognized that the laptop got hot on the left side; however, he did not change its position,” Swiss researches reported in an article published Monday in the journal Pediatrics.Another similar case is a Virginia law student who needed treatment for the spotted darkening on her leg. Dr. Kimberley Salkey, who treated the young woman, learned the student spent about six hours a day working with her computer placed on her lap. As Dr. Salkey later learnt, the temperature under the laptop could reach 51 degrees. That case, from 2007, is one of 10 laptop-related cases reported in medical journals in the past six years.The condition can also be caused by overuse of heating pads (垫子) and other heat sources that usually arent hot enough to cause burns. Its generally harmless but can also cause such permanent (永久的) skin darkening. In very rare cases, it can cause damage leading to skin cancers, said the Swiss researchers, Drs. Andreas Arnold and Peter Itin from University Hospital Basel. They do not mention any skin cancer cases linked to laptop use, but suggest, to be safe, placing a carrying case under the laptop if you have to hold it on your lap.Dr. Kimberley Salkey said that under the microscope, the affected skin is similar to skin damaged by long-term sun exposure.Major producers including Apple and Dell warn against placing laptops on laps or exposed skin for long periods of time because of the risks for burns. In the past, “toasted skin syndrome” has happened to workers whose jobs require being close to a heat source, including bakers and glass blowers, and in people who gathered near hot stoves to stay warm.Dr. Anthony J. Mancini, chief at Childrens Memorial Hospital in Chicago, said that its unlikely that computer use would lead to cancer since its so easy to avoid close skin contact (接触) with laptops.(1)According to the passage, “toasted skin syndrome” can be caused by all the following EXCEPT _. A . being close to a heat source or hot stovesB . long period of direct contact to hot laptopC . using ones laptop with a carrying caseD . overuse of heating pad and other heat sources(2)The underlined word “discoloration” in the 2nd paragraph refers to _. A . spotB . darkeningC . sunburnD . heat(3)It can be learnt from the passage that laptop users _. A . should avoid close skin contact with laptopsB . are likely to develop a certain kind of cancerC . have known much about the harm of laptop heatingD . should go to see the doctor at once(4)Some computer producers warn against placing laptops on laps for long periods of time because of _. A . the risk for burnsB . the risk of droppingC . the risk of breakingD . the protection of back bone(5)Which of the following might be the best title of the passage? _. A . Laptop is DangerousB . Skin Damage is PossibleC . A Bad HabitD . No laps for Warm Laptops18. (10分)Every year landslides cause 25 to 50 deaths and $2 billion in damage in the United States. And in December, a single event killed more than 2000 people in the Philippines. Sending workers to stabilize mountainsides using steel bars can help a lot, but it introduces new difficulties because of dust and loosen heavy, dangerous debris from the work. Its a quite dangerous job, says Giorgio Pezzuto of D Appolonia, working with eight other companies. Now there may be an answer: a three-ton robot called Roboclimber.The idea is to operate a machine far away that can do the stabilizing job without a human being near,says Pezzuto, manager for the project, which is supported by a European organization. Engineers say that the machine will be faster and cheaper than manual labor. The robot, a large radio-controlled four-legged spider, has cost at least $2 million so far. It should be able to climb mountainsides, drill holes and insert steel bars there. Testing should begin in May.(1)The underlined word eventrefers to_A . earthquakeB . debrisC . dustD . landslide(2)The purpose in writing this text is _A . to tell people how serious the damage caused by landslides isB . to tell people that sending workers to stabilize mountainsides is a dangerous jobC . to show people how to use a new robotD . to introduce a new robot that can be used to stabilize mountainsides(3)What does the robot look like?A . human beingB . spiderC . steel barD . a drill(4)A landslides cause _in damage in the United States Every year .A . 25 to 50 deathsB . more than 2000 people diedC . $2 billionD . both A and C(5)The biggest advantage of this product is that_A . it will be faster and cheaper than manual laborB . it can climb mountainsides, drill holes and insert steel bars there.C . it can do the stabilizing job without human beings nearD . it is like a spider四、 七选五 (共1题;共5分)19. (5分)任务型阅读Two men are walking in the park. One is Mr. Brown, a worker, and the other is Mr. Black. Mr. Brown is going to a chair. It is beside the road. Mr. Black is after him. Mr. Brown finds Mr. Black. Now Mr. Black begins to walk faster(更快), because he wants to get to the chair before Mr. Brown. Now Mr. Brown begins to walk faster because he also wants to get to the chair first. Then they both run. Mr. Black runs faster than(比) Mr. Brown. So he gets to the chair first and sits down on it. Mr. Brown runs after Mr. Black. When he gets to the chair, he sees Mr. Black sitting on it. He is sorry to show a notice(通知) with the words “ Wet Paint (油漆未干)” to Mr. Black. Now Mr. Black knows why Mr. Brown is going to the chair.根据短文内容,完成表格。Mr. BrownMr. Brown is going to _. It is beside the road.Mr. Brown is sorry to show a notice with the words “Wet Paint” to Mr.Black.Mr. BlackMr. Black begins to _faster, because he wants to get to the chair before _.Mr. Black runs faster than _. So he gets to theChair first and _on it.五、 翻译 (共1题;共2分)20. (2分)上周日还有谁去公园了? _went to the park last Sunday?六、 书面表达 (共2题;共10分)21. (5分)根据下面提示告诉你的英国笔友Annie你朋友Lu Jing的学习故事。提示:Lu Jing之前学英语很吃力,记单词全凭记一个个字母,老是记了就忘,即使不忘完也往往将字母顺序弄错。通过老师和同学的帮助,他学会了音标(phonetics),能正确拼读单词并且按照读音记忆单词的拼写,英语学习轻松了,成绩提高了。他说注意:1)词数 80左右,文章首尾已给出,不计入总词数。2)文中不得透露个人有关信息。Dear Annie,Hows it going?YoursPingping22. (5分)(2015哈尔滨)书面表达假如你是林动,想邀请即将来你校进行为期三个月学习的英国笔友David到你家来住。根据以下提示,给他写一封电子邮件。2-1-c-n-j-y写作要点:1表达得知他要来你校学习之后你的喜悦之情。2介绍你家的情况。(1)位置:在你的学校旁边,附近有公园。(2)成员:爸爸(喜欢下象棋)、妈妈(擅长做中国食物)和你。3对他到来之后如何尽快适应(get used to)新的生活提出具体建议。来源:21世纪教育网21世纪教育网写作要求:1不得使用真实的姓名和学校名。2,可适当加入细节,使内容充实,行文连贯。3字迹工整、语言精练、表达准确、条理清晰。4至少80词。Dear DavidHow is everything going?_I hope to hear from you soon.YoursLin Dong第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共5分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共20分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、四、 七选五 (共1题;共5分)19-1、五、 翻译 (共1题;共2分)20-1、六、 书面表达 (共2题;共10分)21-1、22-1、

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