八年级英语上册 Units 1-2 测试卷 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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Units 1-2单元测试卷一、单项选择(共25小题;共25分)( )1.My little girl saw outside. Shall we go and have a look?A. strange somethingB. something strangeC. anything strangeD. strange nothing( )2. There are fifty students in our class. 30% of them are girls. _ of them are boys.A. Few B. A few C. Any D. Most( )3. There four teachers and a student in the office.A. have B. has C. is D. are( )4.- Didnt I tell you my new address?- A. Yes, you didnt. B. No, you didnt.C. No, you did. D. Yes, you told.( )5.Where your uncle ten years ago?A. is; workingB. does; workC. did; workD. do; work( )6. -_does he use the Internet a week? -Once. A. How B. How often C. How long D. How many times( )7. -_did you sleep last night? -Nine hours. A. How B. How long C. How many hours D. How often( )8. _11-year-old girl has _one-year-old younger brother. A. A, an B. An, a C. The, a D. The, an( )9. The answers _the questions about watching TV is very interesting. A. to B. of C. for D. at( )10. _junk food tastes very good, _it isnt healthy. A. Although, but B. Although, / C. But, although D. But,/( )11. My mother wants me _milk. A. drink B. drinking C. to drink D. drinks( )12. Eating vegetables _our health. A. are good for B. is good for C. are good at D. is good at( )13.- Youd better keep the secret to , Millie and Lily.- OK, Amy. You should keep it for , too? A. yourself; youB. myself; yourself C. you; ourselvesD. yourselves; us( )14. When I swim in the river, I _ Im a fish.A. look like B. sound likeC. feel like D. am like( )15. -Do you enjoy traveling by air? - No, its expensive.A. too much B. more much C. much D. much too( )16. Kate _ her uncle last week. She did her homework.A. doesnt visit B. dont visit C. didnt visit D. visited( )17. -_? -She is a nurse. A. Where does your mother do? B. What does your mother do?C. What is your mother doing? D. Who is your mother?( )18. We have worked for three hours. Now lets stop a rest.A. had B. have C. to have D. having( )19. Near here is a beautiful park _ a big lake in it.A. of B. with C. on D. from( )20. One of his friends _ from the United Kingdom.A. come B. comes C. coming D. to come( )21.Who helped you clean the bedroom yesterday, Kitty? . I cleaned it all by myself. A. NobodyB. Everybody C. SomebodyD. Anybody( )22.-Did your class go to the mountains yesterday? -No, it was so rainy that _of us did that. A. all B. few C. none D. both( )23.How is Susan?Oh, I _ see her because she lives abroad. A. always B. often C. almost D. hardly( )24. Do you often stay up late _TV? A. watching B. watch C. watched D. to watch( )25. The Greens arrivedNew Yorka sunny day. A. in; inB. at; inC. at; onD. in; on二、完形填空(共10小题;共10分) Now more and more people get to know the importance of doing sports. It can bring fun 1 us and it can also make us 2 . 3 what should we do? First, we should choose(选择) our favorite ones from 4 kinds of sports. The sports must be right for us. Second, we must warm up (热身) before 5 . Third, 6 a beginner, you had better have an exercise plan. For example, 7 are you going to exercise each time? How many 8 a week? If youre a 9 of sports, its important to know this. Last but not least, you had better not exercise if you feel 10 , or it will be very dangerous.( )1.A. for B. toC. withD. on( )2.A. healthB. healthyC. warmD. healthily( )3.A. OrB. AndC. ButD. So( )4.A. sameB. the sameC. differenceD. different( )5.A. exercise B. exercisingC. to exerciseD. exercises( )6.A. asB. thanC. thenD. so( )7.A. how often B. how manyC. how muchD. how long( )8.A. timesB. timeC. peopleD. players( )9.A. loveB. lovingC. lovesD. lover( )10.A. fineB. fitC. illD. well三、 阅读理解(每小题2分,共40分) AVisit Swansea ZooCome and see the Indian elephants and the new tigers from America. The bears are waiting to meet you, and the monkeys from China are waiting to throw things at you. The lovely dogs from Australia are waiting to laugh at you, and the giraffes from Zambia are waiting to look down on you.Tickets Opening timeGrown-ups: $2.00 9:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m.Children: Over 12 $1.00 except(除了)Friday Under 12:Free 10:00 a.m.3:00 p.m.Keep the zoo clean!Do not touch, give food or go near the animals.( )1. How many kinds of animals are talked about in the passage?A. Four. B. Five. C. Six. D. Seven.( )2. Now Mr. Smith is in the zoo with his two sons, one aged 14 and the other 10, how much are the tickets together? A. $ 4.00. B. $ 2.00. C. $ 3.00. D. $ 1.00.( )3. Which of the following is the visiting time?A. 8:30 a.m. Monday. B. 9:30a.m. Friday.C. 3:00 p.m. Sunday. D. 5.00 p.m. Tuesday.( )4. From the passage we can guess the animal “giraffe” must be very _.A. fat B. long C. strong D. tall( )5. Which of the following can we do in the zoo?A. To give some food to the fish. B. To touch the monkey on the head.C. To throw things everywhere. D. To take a few nice photos.B Having an exercise plan is important, but you should always ask your doctor for advice before starting it. Keep in mind that you can have too much of a good thing: overexercising and exercising in a wrong way can hurt your body. The following suggestions can help you avoid(避免) this. Warm up before exercise. This helps to prepare your body for activities. Its especially important in the morning. Cool down after exercise. Rather than stop immediately, do a few light activities to avoid aches and pains later. Exercise with your limits(极限). Build up slowly. Never try to exercise when you feel painful. If you dont listen to your body, you will hurt yourself. Avoid being thirsty. Water is important to keep your normal temperature during exercise and prevent(预防) tiredness. Wear sports shoes. These shoes can keep your feet safe and prevent you from being hurt.( )6. The writer gives us suggestions in the passage.A. threeB. fourC. fiveD. six( )7. Before you start your exercise plan, you should .A. make up these suggestionsB. ask your doctor for adviceC. find your health problemsD. have a careful health exam( )8. is especially important before exercise in the morning.A. Warming up our bodyB. Cooling our body downC. Drinking enough waterD. Putting on sports shoes( )9. The third suggestion can help us to .A. prepare for our activitiesB. avoid aches or pains laterC. keep normal temperatureD. avoid hurting ourselves( )10. This passage mainly tells us .A. to warm up before exerciseB. how to keep healthyC. how to exercise in a right wayD. not to exercise too muchC It was the last day of school. Peter was happy. He liked school, but he liked summer vacation better. He was having a pool party. All his friends were coming. He could hardly(几乎不) wait. After school, he rushed home. He wanted the party to be just right. Mum made sandwiches. She also had a big jug of juice. Peter, make sure your room is clean, she said. Peter nodded(点头). Soon the doorbell rang. Let me answer it! said Peter. Alan and James were there. They were ready to swim. Hi! said Peter. We are almost ready to start. Come in. The two boys came in. They played a game until(直到) the other three came. Then they played in the pool. The pool deck was hot. The water was cold. They had great fun playing in the water. Mum put food and drinks on the table. It was near the pool. She took photos for them. They had a good time.( )11. Peter was having a .A. picnic B. class C. birthday party D. pool party( )12. How many friends came to the party?A. 6. B. 5.C. 4.D. 7.( )13. What did they drink?A. Juice.B. Cola.C. Soda.D. Water.( )14. What did Mum do during the party?A. She made sandwiches.B. She made a jug of juice.C. She took photos for them.D. She cleaned their rooms.( )15. What is the best title for this story? A. Peters Friends. B. Peters Home. C. Peters Pool. D. Peters Party.DDear Scott, Thank you for your letter. I am glad to know that everything is going well with you. Thanks also for the photos. Tina looks healthy and tall. Its very hot here now, but sometimes it rains. We love the rain very much. We are enjoying our stay(逗留) here. I am now studying in a big school. There are more teachers and students in this school than in my school in England. My teachers and classmates are all very friendly to me. Time goes so quickly. I am having new experience(经验) all the time. It is difficult to learn Chinese, but I am making progress(进步) with the help of my teachers and classmates. The summer holiday is coming. Here in Xian we usually have the summer holiday about two months, so Ill be free for about sixty days. l hope you and Tina could come to Xian for a visit. Then I can show you around Xian in China. Best wishes to you and Tina.Yours,Henry 根据短文内容,完成下列小题。16. Who is the letter to? 17. Where is Henry now? 18. What is Henry doing in China? 19. How long is the summer holiday? 20. How often does it rain? 四、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共15小题;共15分)1. -How was the movie? - It was w . I want to see it again.2. I think (没有什么) is impossible if you work hard.3.I was caught in the rain on my way home. As a (结果), I had a bad cold.4. I cant find my ruler (在任何地方).5. He (想知道) where you were last night.6. Lily likes swimming, but Lucy d it.7. How much is this (杂志)?8. He is a policeman and _ are afraid of him. (小偷)9.If you are h , you can have some bread.10. The w_ is sunny. Lets go swimming.11. Its polite for us to w in line at the station.12. Do you like watching TV (节目)?13. Taking exercise every day helps him to keep good (健康).14.Ten (百分之) of the students didnt go to the zoo last Sunday.15. (没有) of them stays out late to play computer games.五、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. A good _ (eat) habit is good for your health.2. Lets do some (activity) today.3. They (go) to Mountain Tai last Sunday.4. His mother often_ (help) him to do his homework.5. There are many_ (different) between you and your twin brother.6. I go to the movies _ (first) a month.7. Hes too young. He can _(hard) ride a bike.8. Our English teacher likes to wear _(color) clothes, because she wants to be young .9. Tom didnt buy anything for (he) last night.10.Tom (read) an interesting book just now.六、句型转换 根据要求完成句子。(20分)1. Mr. Zhang taught him English two years ago. ( 改为一般疑问句 ) _ Mr. Zhang _him English two years ago?2. Lucy put her books on the desk. (对划线部分提问) _ _ Lucy put her books?3. He goes to the park three times a week.(对划线部分提问) _ _ does he go to the park?4.He uses the Internet on Monday, Wednesday and Sunday. (改为同义句) He uses the Internet _ _a week.5. I spent two hours reading the article yesterday. (改为同义句)It _me two hours _read the article yesterday.6. The TV was too expensive for me to buy. (改为同义句)It was _an expensive TV _I couldnt buy it.7. They were in London last week. (改为一般疑问句)_ _ in London last week.8. The child read a book two days ago. (改为否定句)The child _ _ a book two days ago.9. I cleaned my room last weekend.(对画线部分提问)_ _ you do last weekend?10. He watches TV every Sunday evening.(用now 改写) He _ _ TV now .7、 根据汉语意思补全句子(10分)1.我想去暖和的地方度假。Id like to go on vacation.2. 上周因为天气不好,他们没有举行运动会。They didnt hold the sports meeting last week the bad weather.3. 每次乘飞机时, 我感觉我就像一只鸟儿飞翔在天空。I_ _a bird flying in the sky every time when I take a plane. 4. 我几乎不运动。I exercise.5. We have an exam (一月一次).八、情景交际(5分)从方框中选择最佳选项补全对话,其中有两项多余(10分)A. Was it exciting B. How was your vacation C. How was the movieD. Frank helped me study it E. Where did you go on vacationF. What did you do last nightG. Did you go to the movies last nightA: 1 ? B: It was great. I enjoyed it. A: 2 ? B: My family went to the Great Wall. We visited my uncle in Beijing. A: 3 ? B: No, I stayed at home and studied for the math exam, 4 . Did you go? A: Yes, I did. I saw the Rush Hour last night. B: 5 ? A: It was really exciting. 九、书面表达。(15分) 根据以下信息,写一篇60字左右的短文 1. Nelly今年13岁,是一名初中生 2. 她每周运动3-5次,每天喝牛奶 3. 她很少玩电脑游戏从不熬夜 4. 上周末,她和同学去爬山了,玩得很开心 参考答案一、1-5 BDDBC 6-10DCCAB 11-15 CBDCD 16-20 CBCBB 21-25 ACDDD二、1-5 BBCDB 6-10 ADADC三、1-5 CCCDD 6-10 CBADC 11-15 DBACD16.Scott.17. In a big school in Xian.18. She is learning Chinese.19. About two months.20. Sometimes.四、1.wonderful 2. nothing 3. result 4.anywhere 5.wonders 6.dislikes 7. magazine 8.thieves 9.hungry 10.weather 11.wait 12.programs 13. health 14. percent 15.None五、1. eating 2.activities 3.went 4.helps 5. differences 6.once 7.hardly 8.colorful 9.himself 10.read 六、 1.Did, teach 2.Where , did 3.How often 4.three times 5.took, to 6.such, that 7.Were they 8.didnt read 9.What did 10.is watching七、1.somewhere warm 2.because of 3.feel like 4.hardly ever 5.once a month八、BEGDC九、略

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