上海新世纪版初中毕业生学业考试英语预测卷(二)(II )卷.doc

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上海新世纪版初中毕业生学业考试英语预测卷(二)(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项填空,在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Please draw _ unhappy face under the plans you dont like. A . aB . anC . theD . 2. (2分)Thank you postcards from America.A . for youB . of youC . to yourD . for your3. (2分)In China, people believe the dragon is the _ of good luck and success. A . pictureB . symbolC . hopeD . wish4. (2分)My time in the middle school was one of periods of my life.A . excitingB . more excitingC . the more excitingD . the most exciting5. (2分)Now,everybody,please turn to Page(页) and look at the picture. A . Fifth; fiveB . Five; fifthC . Fifth; fifthD . Five; five6. (2分)-I dont like my life in this school. I sometimes feel so_ and helpless.- I dont think so. You are never_ because all your classmates are ready to help you.A . lonely; aloneB . lonely; lonelyC . alone; aloneD . alone; lonely7. (2分)Nowadays more and more people _ food safety.A . pay attention toB . look afterC . take it easyD . look out8. (2分)Paper cutting looks very easy _ it may be difficult to do.A . orB . soC . butD . for9. (2分)If you a good idea, you keep it to yourself. A . will have, wontB . are having, willC . have, wont10. (2分)The students the Art Festival when I passed by their school. A . celebrateB . were celebratingC . will celebrateD . have celebrated11. (2分)_ good time the children are having in the park!A . WhatB . What aC . HowD . How a12. (2分)If it doesnt rain tomorrow, the sports meet _ in the playground of our school.A . is holdingB . will holdC . will be heldD . is to be holding13. (2分) Could you tell me _? Im of medium build with long hair.A . what you look likeB . what do you look likeC . what you like14. (2分)I hate people _ laugh at others when they make mistakes. A . whichB . whoC . whomD . whose15. (2分)My math teacher said I was too lazy._. You should work harder.A . Good ideaB . Im sorryC . Good luckD . Have a great time二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)阅读下面短文,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。My mom keeps asking whats going on at school, if Im going to audition(试演)for a party, why I didnt try out for the female lead, what my friends are doing, and so on. Its 1 and sometimes its like she doesnt trust me. How can I get her to 2?-Katie Many teenagers have the same 3 as Katie. They think it difficult to 4well with their parents. However, if you try another way, you can make a 5 . Parents seem to like6about your day. If you dont share or talk7with your parents, they might feel the need to ask you questions. It might seem that theyre prying into(打听)your business, but theyre probably just trying to keep your relationship8. In fact, parenting experts often9parents to form a good relationship with their kids by asking about whats going on in their lives. Some parents do this better than 10, of course.(And, unfortunately, some parents do ask questions because they dont trust their kids, especially if their kids have been in 11 .So start by trying to give your parents the benefit of the doubt. Maybe theyre just trying to stay 12 because they love and care about you. That doesnt make the questions any less annoying, 13. If youre tired of so many questions about your day, 14 the tables ask your parents questions and use it as a way to practice your good listening skills. 15 tell them about your day before they ask. If you offer more information, conversations with your parents wont have so many questions.(1)A . surprising B . amazing C . confusing D . annoying (2)A . stop B . choose C . relax D . believe (3)A . hobby B . problem C . habit D . idea (4)A . get in B . get on C . get off D . get up (5)A . noise B . mistake C . change D . note (6)A . finding out B . planning on C . depending on D . concentrating on (7)A . few B . many C . little D . much (8)A . clear B . easy C . strong D . relaxing (9)A . tell B . talk C . say D . speak (10)A . another B . the other C . others D . other (11)A . time B . addition C . safety D . trouble (12)A . away B . close C . far D . quiet (13)A . either B . instead C . however D . though (14)A . turn B . clean C . repair D . cover (15)A . so B . or C . and D . but 三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共20分)17. (10分)根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。Many students take the school bus to school every day. Parents think taking the school bus is usually safe (安全的), but sometimes it is dangerous. Some students dont keep the school bus rules. What are the school bus rules?Arrive at the bus station early.Wait for (等候) the school bus at the bus station.Dont run at the bus station.Dont walk or fight on the bus.Dont get off (下车) the bus when it goes.(1)Parents think taking the school bus is usually _. A . safeB . difficultC . relaxingD . interesting(2)The underlined word “dangerous” means“_” in Chinese.(划线部分单词的汉语意思是) A . 困难的B . 昂贵的C . 惊慌的D . 危险的(3)We can learn _ school bus rules. A . fiveB . sevenC . sixD . eight(4)According to (根据) the school bus rules, students should (应该) _. A . run at the bus stationB . arrive at the bus station earlyC . wait for the school bus at homeD . take the school bus with their parents(5)Which of the following is NOT true? A . Dont run at the bus station.B . Dont fight on the bus.C . Dont talk on the bus.D . Dont get off the bus when it is goes.18. (10分)阅读理解China is a great country with the largest population in the world. In order to solve the population problem, our government carried out onechild policy (政 策)before. When it is carried out for some time, many people not only see its advantages but also disadvantages.From 2016, twochild policy is put into effect. In my opinion, twochild policy is good. First of all, twochild policy is the gift for some only child. For some families, maybe the parents are only child and they also can have only child. Besides the loneliness of their child, when their child grows up and they grow older, their child marry an only child girl, the burden(负担)on their child and his wife is too heavy. Their child and his wife have to take care of two couples. Usually, a young couple looking after an old couple is a little difficult. But if their parents have two children, they can share the burden of taking care of their parents. It would be much better. Secondly, twochild policy can guarantee (保证) the number of Chinese population.All in all, onechild policy has been out of date. And twochild policy is needed and necessary. It can solve the problems of nowadays (现在)and the future.(1)Which country has the largest population in the world? A . AmericaB . BritainC . ChinaD . Japan(2)The underlined phrase “carried out” in Paragraph 1means“ ”in Chinese.A . 携带B . 取消C . 禁止D . 实行(3)Our government carried out onechild policy before in order to A . solve the population problemB . take care of two old couplesC . share the burden of taking care of their pa rentsD . argue that twochild policy should be put into effect(4)According to the passage,which of the following is NOT true? A . Onechild policy has its advantages and disadvantagesB . Its easy for a young couple to look after an old coupleC . China is a great country with the largest population in the worldD . For some families,maybe the parents are only child and they also can have(5)Whats the main idea of this passage? A . Twochild policy is needed and necessaryB . Our government carried out onechild policyC . Twochild policy is the gift for some only childD . Twochild policy can guarantee the number of Chinese population四、 配对阅读 (共1题;共5分)19. (5分)阅读下面一篇文章,完成任务Here are a few ways to motivate (激发) your children to do chores._Children always watch their parents and learn how to act from them, so the parents must set a good example and take the chores seriously. This motivates children to do the chores, too._For younger children, give them easy work, like putting away their toys. As the children get older, make them do more difficult chores._Discuss the importance of doing chores and how they help the whole family. Knowing the importance of chores helps to motivate children to do them._When children finish chores on the list, parents can reward (奖励) them by giving them a prize. A chore list also gives the children a sense of pride (自豪感) when they finish all of their chores._Giving money for more chores can also work. But it is not the best way. You should make your children feel that doing chores is the work that they should do.根据短文内容,从方框中为各段选择小标题。(其中有两个多余选项)A. Make a list of the chores for your childrenB. Tell your children about the importance of doing choresC. Ask your children to do all kinds of choresD. Set good examples in the familyE. Give your children some money to do more choresF. Decide what kinds of chores your children doG. Make your children happy with chores五、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)20. (10分)阅读下面短文,根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式(每空一词)Hi, boys and girls! _(感谢)for your pictures. _(在这里)is a photo of my_(家庭).This is my grandfather ,Barry. _(那个)is my grandmother, Linda. She is 70.Look!What_(颜色)is her jacket? Oh, its red. These are my_(父母).This is my_(母亲),Jane and this is my father, Henry. And this is my _(叔叔),Paul. Hes my fathers brother. The girl is my_(堂妹), Lisa. Look at the boy. He is sad. He _(丢失)his books. He is my brother.六、 读写综合 (共2题;共10分)21. (5分)根据短文内容,完成问题My friend, Dick, has a large police dog. Its name is Jack. Every Saturday afternoon Dick takes Jack for a long walk in the park. Jack likes these long walks very much.One Saturday afternoon, a young man came to visit my friend. He stayed a long time. He talked and talked. Soon it was time for my friend to take Jack for a walk. But the man was still there. Jack became very worried. He walked around the room several times and then sat down in front of the man and looked at him. But the man kept talking. Finally Jack couldnt stand it anymore. He went out of the room and came back a few minutes later. He sat down again in front of the man, but this time he held the mans hat in his mouth.(1)Where does Dick walk with his dog every Saturday afternoon? (2)Jack became very worried one afternoon because he wanted to_. (3)Why did Jack sit down again in front of the man with the hat in his mouth? (4)翻译文中划线的句子。 (5)判断正误Jack put the young mans hat on Dick head.22. (5分)根据下列情况,写一篇介绍你的朋友的文章,还可以适当扩充,字数50个左右。NameLily BrownAge13Class7年级3班Favorite color橘黄色Favorite subject英语电话号码54672389第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 单项填空,在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共20分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、四、 配对阅读 (共1题;共5分)19-1、五、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)20-1、六、 读写综合 (共2题;共10分)21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、22-1、

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