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鲁教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期英语期中考试试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)(2015贵州遵义)Of the three reading rooms, one is near, but _ two are far.A . otherB . the othersC . the other2. (2分)My cousin Simon loves playing_football. Look! He is playing with_football over there. A . the; aB . a, theC . / ; aD . / ; /3. (2分)Its going to rain. Youd better take an umbrella_you may get wet. A . orB . andC . but4. (2分) How was your trip? . I hope I can go there again.A . Nothing specialB . Just so-soC . FantasticD . It serves you right5. (2分)Children, dont speak so . Your grandma is sleeping now. A . quietlyB . easilyC . loudly6. (2分) did you tell them about the event? By e-mail.A . How; sendingB . How; sendC . What; sendingD . What; send7. (2分)animals are in danger and there will be space for them if we dont take any action.A . More and more, more and moreB . Less and less, less and lessC . More and more, less and lessD . Less and less, more and more8. (2分) do you take a trip? Twice a year.A . How muchB . How oftenC . How longD . What9. (2分)Today is Sunday. go to play basketball ?Good idea. Lets go.A . How aboutB . What aboutC . Why notD . Would you like10. (2分)“I wont _ to this place! ”The girl said angrily(生气地).A . returnB . return backC . returnedD . returned back二、 完形填空 (共2题;共20分)11. (15分)完形填空Let me tell you something 1my little dog, Snoopy. Snoopy is a healthy 2dog. He looks 3ugly (丑陋的). He has two small eyes, two big ears, 4short legs and a small tail.Its great fun 5with him. I often teach him 6to play games. Now he can play many kinds of 7. If (如果) I say Go to 8! he 9his bed and lies down (躺下). If I say 10basketball! he goes to catch (接住) a ball and puts it into a 11. If I say Please 12for us!he dances to the music. Can he sing a song? Of course he can. But he does not 13in English or Chinese, When he sings, 14can understand 15. (1)A . for B . to C . at D . about (2)A . China B . America C . American D . England (3)A . kinds of B . kind of C . a little of D . a kind of (4)A . one B . two C . three D . four (5)A . played B . to play C . play D . plays (6)A . what B . where C . how D . when (7)A . game B . games C . a game D . sport (8)A . sleep B . play C . swim D . bring (9)A . goes to B . go to C . went to D . is going to (10)A . Do B . Help C . Run D . Play (11)A . floor B . basket C . bed D . sofa (12)A . write B . cry C . dance D . jump (13)A . sing B . say C . show D . speak (14)A . somebody B . many C . nobody D . some (15)A . he B . his C . him D . them 12. (5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、 B、 C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。AThese days it is found that school students hardly have any sports. It is because they have no 1in sports. It may not be true. They often say they have much 2important things to do.What are these important things? Exams! They have to 3ready for all kinds of exams and tests at school.Because of their parents and teachers, they have to work harder and spend most of their time reading. As for the students themselves, they dont want to 4the lessons because they want to improve(提高) their studies. So it is necessary to give all of their free time to their studies and give up their school sports.Good education cant go without physical training. It is true that students arent able to study well if they are weak. Without a strong body you can 5do anything well. Then how can you make great success in life?(1)A . house B . exam C . interest D . friend (2)A . less B . more C . better D . fewer (3)A . make B . let C . are D . get (4)A . miss B . learn C . take D . have (5)A . always B . never C . ever D . usually 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共28分)13. (10分)阅读理解 When it comes to shopping for clothes, my mother and I have always disagreed on what fits me well. To me, if it zips, it fits. My mom, however, usually tells me I need a bigger size.When I was a teenager, I wanted to dress like my friends, but my body size made it impossible. When mom told me something didnt suit me, or I needed a bigger size, all I heard was that my body was wrong.To avoid arguments, we stopped going shopping together. This continued until I got engaged(订婚) last year and needed to buy some clothes. When I tried on a blouse, my mother looked at me, and I knew what was coming. You need a bigger size, she said.There was no bigger size. I tried to hold back my tears(眼泪). Maybe I could buy it alone, of course, but my mom is my favorite person to hang out with. The idea of looking for a wedding dress without her seemed just as scary as taking her with me.And so the day came. As I tried on a simple white dress, I saw tears in my moms eyes. You look beautiful! she told me. Nothing could have shocked me more.This one didnt zip up at the back and I did actually need a bigger size, but my mother didnt say that. She just told me how beautiful I looked. In that moment, all the arguments in the past ended. We didnt buy a dress that day. We decided to see more.A few weeks later, we found the perfect dress. We both loved it as soon as I put it on.And during those few weeks, mom and I also found the perfect fit for our shopping relationship.(1)What does the writer want to show in the first two paragraphs? A . She likes the clothes with zippers while her mother doesnt agree with her.B . In moms opinion, her body is wrong and she is too fat to wear what she likes.C . She really wants to dress like her friends, but her mom doesnt allow her to do so.D . She and mom always disagree on what clothes fit her because of wrong understanding.(2)Haw did the writer probably feel after she tried on the simple white dress? A . Funny and surprised.B . Shocked and sorry.C . Proud and moved.D . Excited and scary.(3)What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 mainly mean? A . I couldnt shop for a wedding dress myself because my mom disagreed.B . I felt kind of scary when I went shopping with my mother for a wedding dress.C . I felt like shopping for a wedding dress with mom though she thought it was scary.D . I wanted to shop for a wedding dress alone but I couldnt stand shopping without mom.(4)Which is the best word to describe the perfect fit for their shopping relationship? A . Missing.B . Embarrassing,C . Understanding.D . Encouraging.(5)Whats the main idea of the text? A . Praising makes the perfect fit for their shopping relationship.B . Tears sure the best way to end arguments between family members.C . Love is everything in good communication between family members.D . Better communication requires not only love but also a more suitable way.14. (8分) A recent survey of 2000 parents in Britain showed that they are often afraid of science questions asked by their curious children only because they have no idea what the answer is. Here is a list of some simple questions that you can ask your parents to see if they know the answers.Q: Why is the sky blue?A: You probably know white sunlight is made up of seven colors. While it moves in a straight line when going through space, it starts to divide as it hits “raised area” in the atmosphere. The ones with longest wavelengths pass through easily. The blue , however , can be taken in by the gas molecules (分子) because it has a shorter wavelength , which in turn scatters (使分散) it in different directions. Thats why when you look up at the sky, it appears to be blue.Q: Why does the moon sometimes appear during the daytime?A: The simple answer to that is because just like any other object it is being lit by the sun. As long as it is around 45 degrees or even 90 degrees off the sun, it will receive light and be able to be seen. The only time it is not able to be seen during its 28-day orbit (轨道) around the earth is when it is right between the earth and the sun. Thats because its back , which is not lit by the sun, is facing us.Q: Where do birds/ honeybees go in winter?A: While the bird part is quite easy, since a lot of them get together and travel, the honeybee part is likely to puzzle your parents. It turns out that these busy insects stop being that active when the temperature drops below 50F. Instead ,they get together in the lower central area of the hive (蜂巢)and form a ball around their queen. This helps keep both warm enough to survive the cold winter months.(1)The sky looks blue mainly because the color blue in the sunlight_.A . has the longest wavelength among all the colorsB . cannot be taken in by the gas moleculesC . doesnt hit “raised area” in the atmosphereD . cannot pass through space successfully(2)How long cant the moon be seen during the daytime in a month?A . 2B . 28C . 30D . 31(3)What do honeybees choose to do when the temperature drops below 50F?A . They choose to be active in the wildB . They choose to keep themselves warmC . They choose to travel to a warm placeD . They choose to get together in the upper central area of the hive(4)What is NOT explained in the passage?A . Why is the sky blue?B . Why is the moon able to be seen during the daytime?C . Why do birds travel in winter?D . Where do honeybees go in winter?15. (10分) Everyone needs friends. There is an old saying “Friends are Gods way of taking care of us.” But how do you find real friendship and keep it?The American writer Sally Seamans tells young students some smart ways to find friends. Sally says finding friendship is just like planting a tree. You plant the seed (种子) and take care of it to make it grow.First, you should choose a friend. What good friends should you make? Its not because a person has money or good looks. A good friend should be kind and patient. For example, if you have a bad day, a good friend should listen to your complains and do his or her best to help. To make a friend, you can not be too shy. You should make each other happy and share your lives. But things cannot always be happy. Even the best have fights. What should you do when you have a fight with your friend? You have to talk to him or her. When there is no one around, have an honest talk. If he or she doesnt want to talk, you could write a letter.There are three steps to being friends again:Tell him or her how you are feeling ; say what your friend has done wrong, and explain why you did this or that. Remember that friendship is the most important thing in your life.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。(1)The world “patient” in the third paragraph means_.A . 友好B . 大方C . 耐心D . 热情(2)Sally wants to tell students the ways to _.A . find friendsB . plant treesC . get happyD . keep fit(3)What good friends should you make? A good friend should _.A . be lovely and coolB . be kind and patientC . have lots of moneyD . have good looks(4)According to the text, you can _ your friend after a fight.A . buy a present forB . never say a word toC . have dinner withD . write a letter to(5)What is the best title of the text?A . Teenagers and friendshipB . The good friends around youC . The trouble of growing upD . The care and keeping of friends四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)16. (5分)根据对话内容,在每个空白处填入一个恰当的句子使对话完整、合乎情境。A: Hello Sandy This is Mary speaking, _?B. Im XianA. Are you taking a holiday there?B. Yes. _?A: Im writing a report.B: _?A: Its about the population.B: Well, I think you can write about the population of Xi an.A: Good idea. _?B: More than 8 million.A: Is the population of Xian larger than that of Dalian?B: _Let me ask my father. Maybe he knows it.A: All right.五、 短文填空 (共1题;共5分)17. (5分)选择方框内词并用其适当形式填空,使文章意思完整。有两项是多余的。do; give; book; listen; apple; it; herVictor is seven years old and begins to school this fall(秋天). He studies hard and _ to his teachers. He is polite(有礼貌的)and has some friends. They all like him. Its Sunday today. Victor, his sister Tina and his mother stay at home. His mother is _some housework and hes watching TV and the girl is doing her homework. At eight thirty his father comes back with a bag of _. The boy likes _ very much and wants to eat some. His mother _ him four and says, “Which one do you want, Victor?”“The biggest(最大的)one,Mum. ”“What?” says his mother. “You should(应该)be polite and take the smallest one. ”“Should I tell a lie(撒谎)just to be polite, Mum?” says Victor.六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)18. (5分)配对阅读。左栏是五个人的情况描述,右栏是七条信息,请将这五个人与他们相符的信息配对。CBetty is watching a TV show about animals. She loves animals._Karen is reading a newspaper report about students in the United States. She wants to know more about them._Frank is playing soccer with his friends. He also likes watching soccer games on TV._Susan is writing a shopping list(清单). She always does this before she goes shopping._Larry is learning to use his new camera(照相机). He thinks its too difficult._A. Go Around China is a documentary(纪录片) about China. You can learn a lot about this great country and its people.B. Soccer World is on TV show. Its reporting an exciting game between China and Japan.C. To Be Great tells interesting stories about great people. Now its telling the story about a man and his toy factory.D. My pet and I tells stories between animals and people. You can learn about many kinds of animals in it.E. Western Morning is about school life in the United States. Look at the reporter. Shes talking to a boy about his activities at school.F. Taking Beautiful Pictures is on TV now. Its teaching people how to use their cameras from thevery beginning. Its not so difficult.G. Good Buys finds for you all the good things in shops and supermarkets. They are also at a very good price.七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)19. (5分)假如你即将在学校英语兴趣小组的活动中发言,请你用英语写一篇发言稿。提示:1).几个月前,奶奶晚饭后去跳广场舞;2).从那时起,奶奶喜欢上了广场舞;3).现在,奶奶比以前健康了,有了很多朋友;4).有些邻居有意见,认为音乐很吵.5).你认为人们可以跳广场舞,但.要求:1).包含以上信息,符合逻辑;跳广场舞 do square dancing2).80词左右, 开头和结尾已经给出,不计入字数。Boys and girls,Im very happy to speak here and Id like to talk about my grandma.Thats all. Thank you!第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空 (共2题;共20分)11-1、12-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共28分)13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、15-5、四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)16-1、五、 短文填空 (共1题;共5分)17-1、六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)18-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)19-1、

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