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2020年初中英语外研版(新标准)八年级下册期末模拟复习卷(3)(I)卷一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)The education of_ young is always_ hot and serious topic.A . the; theB . the; aC . ;theD . ;2. (2分)_of the money will go to the Red Cross to help those who need help.A . ManyB . MuchC . A littleD . A few3. (2分)My father is kind of . He doesnt do any housework at home. A . shyB . lazyC . quietD . friendly4. (2分)The little cat looks pretty and lovely.It is so _.A . cuteB . sadC . funny5. (2分)People are _ litter _the river. A . throw, toB . throw, intoC . throwing, forD . throwing, into6. (2分)My parents arent at homeso I want to you for lunch A . showB . helpC . buyD . join7. (2分)Have you ever been to Shanghai, Mary?Yes. I _ there three times.A . have goneB . have beenC . wentD . was8. (2分)My brother to the library twice last month A . goesB . wentC . will goD . has gone9. (2分)The plan they are considering improving greatly.A . needingB . neededC . needD . needs10. (2分) Do you mind my smoking here?_. Look at the sign. It says, “No smoking.”A . Never mindB . Of course notC . Youd better not11. (2分)Who is it _?A . forB . byC . ofD . use12. (2分)Did you decide _ a new car?A . to buyB . buyC . buys13. (2分)I dont mind a dog in our house as long as its clean. A . to haveB . havingC . to buyD . buying14. (2分)_ is it from our college to the underground station? About half an hours bus ride. Shall we go there by taxi?A . How longB . How oftenC . How farD . How much15. (2分) _ good time we had during our stay in Hainan last year! Yes, _ fun we had playing some water sports there!A . What a; whatB . How; howC . What; howD . How a; what二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)(2015四川成都)完形填空。通读下面的短文,根据短文内容,从 A、B、C 三个选 项中选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。All around the world, everyone has to eat. But people in different areas eat different things. Sometimes, people use the same ingredients1cook them differently.What people eat has something to do with where they live. People lookat the local 2to decide what to grow in the fields. For example, the 3weather near the North Pole(北极) means that4plants can grow there. Therefore, the local people, the Inuit, live only by fishing and5animals.In Northern China, corn and wheat(小麦) grow well in the dry weather.So the local people make steamed bread(馒头) and noodles from6or wheat. However, it is different in the7. There, lots of rain and land near the lakes and rivers mean that people can grow and eat rice.The land and weather in Central America is8for growing cocoa trees. Chocolate is made from the seeds(种子) in the fruit of thesetrees. Almost every home in Central America has its own wa y of9chocolate. Chocolate has become a 10that people cannot live without.(1)A . and B . but C . or (2)A . weather B . animals C . plants (3)A . warm B . hot C . cold (4)A . few B . a few C . quit e a few (5)A . training B . feeding C . catching (6)A . rice B . chocolate C . corn (7)A . north B . south C . northwest (8)A . good B . bad C . difficult (9)A . picking B . planting C . making (10)A . drink B . food C . tree 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)17. (10分)Dear Peter,My name is FrankI am from(来自)AmericaHere is a picture of my class(班)We are in Class One, Grade SevenYou can see my friends in the pictureJimmy likes to play basketballHe likes to eat apples and French friesHelen likes mathHer favorite food is hamburgersSandra doesnt like mathBut she can speak French(法语)She likes ping-pongSally is a black(黑人的) girlShe likes to swim(游泳)She likes to eat ice creamI like math tooCan you find(寻找) me? I like to eat bananasMaria likes computer very muchShe plays computer games very wellNick is funHe can play footballHe likes strawberries bestCan you send(发送)me a picture of your class?Yours,Frank(1)Frank hasfriendsA . sevenB . sixC . five(2)like sportsA . Jimmy, Sandra and SallyB . Maria, Nick and JimmyC . Sally, Nick, Jimmy and Sandra(3)and like mathA . Helen; FrankB . Sandra; PeterC . Helen; Sandra(4) andlike fruitA . Nick, Maria; JimmyB . Nick, Frank; PeterC . Jimmy, Nick; Frank(5)is the e-friend of FrankA . SallyB . SandraC . Peter18. (10分)Wonderful Activities for Teenagers in Summer Vacation A New Animal Star Is Coming!An elephant from Thailand is waiting for you atCuiping Zoo from July 10 to August 25. The elephant canride bikes, play basketball, dance and play the harmonica(口琴)He gives two shows a day at 9:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.Address: Mount CuipingTicket: ¥20Welcome to Our Free Exhibition! There is going to be an exhibition at Daguanlou fromJuly 5 to July 19. Wang Gang is one of the best-knownphotographers in Sichuan Province. There will be many greatphotos of people in Yibin and Yibin city.Open Time: 9:00 a.m.5:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday9:00 a.m.3:00 p.m. on Saturday and SundayJoin Us for a Day at Tianchi Amusement Park!Children aged 12 to 15 are invited to take part inthe Event of the Summer at Tianchi Amusement Park.Its in Yibin County(县), next to Tianchi Park. Youwont want to miss this day of fun. Join us at Tianchi Amusement Park on July 14. Register(登记)early.TEL: 555-7267(1)Who can take part in the Event of the Summer? _A . Children under 5B . Children aged 5-9C . Children under 10.D . Children aged 12-15.(2)How long is the elephant staying at Cuiping Zoo? _A . 45 daysB . 46 days.C . 47 daysD . 48 days.(3)What can the elephant do? _A . Ride bikes, play basketball and play the harmonicaB . Ride bikes, dance and play the harmonica.C . Ride bikes, play basketball, dance and play the harmonicaD . Ride bikes, dance and play the harmonica.(4)What are the photos about? _A . People and city.B . People in Yibin.C . Yibin city.D . People in Yibin and Yibin city.(5)Which of the following is RIGHT?_A . You can only register the Event of the Summer on July 14B . The elephant gives 2 shows a day from July 10 to August 25.C . Wang Gang is one of the best-known photographers in Yibin.D . You can see the exhibition at 4:30 p.m. on Saturday from July 5 to July 19.19. (10分)根据短文内容,故答案选择正确答案。Im a boy. My name is Tom. This is my family. There are 8 people in my family. Tony White is my grandfather. Anna White is my grandmother. Paul White is my father. Emma White is my mother. Dave White is my uncle. Jane White is my aunt. Mary White is my little sister. She is a student(学生).(1)There are _ people in Toms family. A . 9B . 8C . 7D . 6(2)Toms grandfather is _. A . Tony WhiteB . Paul WhiteC . Dave WhiteD . Dale White(3)Anna White is Toms _. A . motherB . auntC . grandmotherD . sister(4)Toms last name is _. A . TomB . WhiteC . TonyD . Green(5)Who is a student? A . Anna.B . Emma.C . Jane.D . Mary.四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)20. (5分)补全对话A: What were you doing yesterday morning?B: _ What about you?_A: No, I wasnt. I went to the park with my family._B: What did you do there?A: I climbed the mountain and my mother took some photos.B:_A: He was lying(躺) under the tree and reading a book.B: Was your sister climbing the mountain, too?A: No, she wasnt. _B: How exciting! I think I will go there next week.A. She was playing with some children.B. Were they swimming in the river?C. I was helping my father water the flowers.D. What was your father doing while you were climbing the mountain?E. Was your sister drawing in the park?F. Were you playing computer games at home?G. When we got there, lots of people were having a good time.五、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共1题;共5分)21. (5分)请根据中文提示,完成下列句子,每空一词。_You must _ _ (照看)your things._My classmates are _ _ (谈论) the Great Wall ._Dont _ _ for school.(迟到)_She usually _ _(看电视) on Saturday evening._You must go to school _ _. (按时)六、 语法填空 (共1题;共5分)22. (5分)阅读下面短文,根据中文、首字母、音标、所给词或语境提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的单词,要求所填的单词意义准确、拼写正确。Many earthquakes h_every year. Some of these earthquakes are very s_(强烈). When they happen in cities, they can be very serious. Many people will be h_or die in the earthquakes. Knowing some ways to p_(保护) yourself will help to keep you safe in the earthquakes.If you are i_(室内) when the earthquake happens, the s_place is under a strong table or desk. Sitting on the floor in a doorway or close to a wall is safer than s_in the middle of a room. Remember to protect your head and neck with your a_. Stay away from windows, tall furniture and pictures or anything that may fall _you. Do not try to r_out of the building.七、 翻译 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。(1)新年快乐!也祝你新年快乐! _ New Year! _ _ to you!(2)你的朋友有一个幸福的家庭吗?_ your friend _ _ _ family?(3)我很高兴帮助你。Im very _ _ _ you.八、 写作题 (共1题;共10分)24. (10分)以My 为题写一篇60词左右的短文。要求:1).补全题目。2).书写整洁,语句、标点运用、单词拼写正确。3).若写人物文中不得出现真名。第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)20-1、五、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共1题;共5分)21-1、六、 语法填空 (共1题;共5分)22-1、七、 翻译 (共1题;共5分)23-1、23-2、23-3、八、 写作题 (共1题;共10分)24-1、

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