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2020年初中英语外研(新标准)版七年级下册期末模拟试卷(10)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共20题;共20分)1. (1分)What a pity! Tom didnt win the _ race. A . boys 200-meterB . boys 200-metersC . boy 200-meterD . boys 200 meter2. (1分)Tom can play _ basketball but he cant play _ guitar.A . the; theB . /; theC . /; /D . the; /3. (1分)Some boys _ basketball now. A . playingB . are playingC . is playingD . play4. (1分)I dont mind _back home. I feel like some fresh air.A . walkB . walkingC . to walkD . to walking5. (1分)That was in the early _. A . fiftyB . fiftysC . fiftiesD . fifth6. (1分)David finds _ difficult to communicate with his parents. A . oneB . itC . thisD . that7. (1分)A(n) _ is a reason that you give to explain why you did something wrong. But in fact, it isnt the real reason. A . meaningB . descriptionC . excuse8. (1分) If you want to achieve your dream, its important for you to keep studying hard. I see, William. Maybe I need a long time.A . make come trueB . let come outC . make rush out9. (1分)My grandmother always treats others with _.A . warmB . warmlyC . warmthD . warmer10. (1分) You used to wear T-shirts and jeans, didnt you? _.A . Yes, I didB . Yes, I usedC . No, I dontD . Yes, I do11. (1分)(2016宜昌)- The Chinese scientist Tu Youyou won the 2015 Nobel Prize. Her has saved millions of lives across the world.A . victoryB . storyC . discoveryD . industry12. (1分) Whats your sister like? _.A . She ie wellB . She is thin C . She likes redD . Thats right13. (1分)My grandmother eatsfood, so she is in good.A . health; healthB . healthy; healthyC . health; healthyD . healthy; health14. (1分)(2015.沈阳)Hello,Joyce,you are busy.Can I give you a hand?Thanks very much, _ I can manage.A . andB . orC . soD . but15. (1分)When will you return to your hometown?_.A . Not until the end of this monthB . Until next weekC . A few days agoD . A few weeks before16. (1分)Jack is dishonest. He always some excuses for doing something wrong. A . makes upB . sets upC . takes up17. (1分)does your father ?A . What, doB . What, does C . Where, do18. (1分)Much to our _, Sam wasnt _ at the _ news. A . surprise; surprised; surpriseB . surprise; surprised; surprisingC . surprised; surprising; surprisedD . surprising; surprised; surprise19. (1分)Simon, you look worried. Whats wrong with you?Well, I a test and Im waiting for the result.A . will takeB . tookC . takeD . am taking20. (1分)(2016无锡)My mind wasnt on what he was saying so Im afraid I _ half of it. A . missedB . was missingC . will missD . would miss二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从所给A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项。Hi Jerry,Thank you1your invitation to2your school next week. I am sorry I3come. Im not going to be4next week. On Monday, I have a piano lesson58:00 to 10:00 in the morning, and I have to study for the English test in the afternoon. On Tuesday, I am6a friend from my hometown at the airport. On Wednesday, I am7tennis with my friends. I have to look after my 8grandpa on Thursday. On Friday, Im helping one of my classmates 9his English. I am busy10week.(1)A . with B . to C . for (2)A . visit B . watch C . look (3)A . mustnt B . have to C . cant (4)A . very busy B . free C . happy (5)A . at B . from C . with (6)A . meeting B . phoning C . making (7)A . playing B . joining C . having (8)A . ill B . sick C . healthy (9)A . talk B . for C . with (10)A . whole the B . the all C . the whole 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)22. (10分)阅读理解A March 7, 2016Dear Sirs, I am writing to let you know that I wish to leave my job. It is my plan to leave after working for my 3-month notice period (离职通知期). At first, I planned to move my family to Florida in September. But I have decided to move sooner. I hope his does not cause you too many problems. I am happy to help to train a replacement (接替者) during this time. I have enjoyed my 6 years with the company (公司). I am also thankful for the time you took to train and develop my skills. I am sure you will understand my need to move on. My wife has been offered an excellent job in Florida. We are so happy and we have agreed to move as a family. With two young children, I do not want us to be apart because of . We are planning to start moving into our new house at the start of June. I am happy to discuss this later with you in person. I will return to work next Monday after my vacation in Texas. If you have any questions, please call my phone or feel free to e-mail me. Once again, I would like to thank you for your understanding. I also thank you for the help that you have given me in my job. I hope that our roads cross again in the future.Yours truly,Lucas Dutton(1)Where is Lucas moving? A . To New York.B . To Texas.C . To Florida.(2)How does Lucas feel about his wifes new job? A . Worried.B . Surprised.C . Happy.(3)Which of the following words can be put into the ? A . War.B . Work.C . Illness.(4)What does the underlined sentence mean? A . I hope we will meet again.B . I hope you will excuse me.C . I hope you will remember me.(5)What is the main reason why Lucas wrote the letter? A . To thank his bosses for their help.B . To announce that he is leaving his job.C . To show how much he enjoyed his work.23. (10分)阅读短文,根据短文内容选出最佳选项。 The homestay (寄宿家庭) provides English language students with the good chance to speak English outside the classroom and the experience of being part of an American home.What to ExpectThe host will provide places to live and meals. Rooms will be cleaned every day. And the host is there to offer help and advice on your physical and mental (精神的) health.Living AreaHost families are mainly in Zones 2, 3 and 4. Most hosts dont live in Zone 1 because much of central New York is trading centre. Zones 3 and 4 often offer larger houses in uncrowded areas. But its very convenient to travel to the centre of New York by subway.Meal PlansIts important to know that few American families still provide a traditional cooked breakfast. Your breakfast mainly includes fruit juice, bread and coffee. Cheese, fruit and cold meat are not part of the breakfast. Dinners are usually made up of meat or fish with vegetables followed by dessert, fruit and coffee.FriendsIf you want to invite a friend to visit you, you must ask your host for permission first, because some families feel uncomfortable when there are strangers at their home.(1)Which of the following will the host provide? A . Room cleaning.B . A swimming pool.C . Free transport.D . Travelling guide.(2)We can infer that _ is in central New York. A . Zone 1B . Zone 2C . Zone 3D . Zone 4(3)Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A . The hosts will care for your physical and mental health.B . Few American families offer the traditional cooked breakfast.C . You cant invite any friends to the house without asking the host.D . Most of the houses in Zone 4 are smaller than those in Zone 2.(4)The passage is probably written for _. A . hosts who want to receive foreign studentsB . travellers planning to visit families in New YorkC . English learners who want to live in American homesD . foreigners hoping to study American culture24. (10分)Come to Austria!Soll is a village in the mountains in western Austria, and the Hotel, opened by a local family, is clean and not expensive. From the hotel you can see the whole village, the forest and mountains. Temperature in summer is usually 20 to 25 in the daytime, but much cooler in the evening.Enjoy Thailand!When you visit Bangkok in Thailand, dont miss the early morning river boat trip to the Floating (漂浮的) Market just outside the city. There you sit in your boat. Dont forget your hat: the sun can be strong and it may be as hot as 40 about midday in summer!Visit Hawaii!Maybe the most beautiful place in Hawaii is Kauai. You can visit its long, sandy beaches in the south and west of the island, and mountains and forests in the north. But there are many mosquitoes (蚊子) . Dont be surprised if it rains in the centre of the island. Daytime temperature in summer there is usually around 24 to 26 by the sea, and only a little cooler by late evening.(1)The advertisements are about _.A . shoppingB . foodC . travellingD . hotels(2)If you go to Bangkok, you can _.A . climb mountainsB . enjoy the scenery of the forestsC . live in the Post HotelD . buy fruits while sitting in a boat(3)_ is a better way to prevent the strong sunshine in Bangkok.A . going to the sandy beachesB . Wearing a hatC . Climbing up the mountainsD . Staying in the forests(4)Which place will you choose if you want to visit both mountains and beaches?A . Soll in Austria.B . Bangkok in Thailand.C . The Floating MarketD . Kauai in Hawaii(5)Accroding to the advertisements, we know that _.A . daytime temperature in summer in Soll is the highestB . maybe it often rains in the centre of Kauai in summerC . the Floating Market is in the middle of BangkokD . the Post Hotel in Austria is clean but the price is high四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)25. (5分)补全对话 A: Hi, Jack. _.B: OK, that sounds good. I like animals. A: _B: I like tigers. A: Theyre so scary. _B: Because they are cute and beautiful. A: _B: Yes. Theyre friendly and smart. A: There is a new elephant in the zoo. It can play soccer. B: Really? _A: Yeah. It likes to play with people. B: Great!A. Can I play soccer with it?B. What animals do you like?C. Lets go to the zoo this Sunday.D. Do you like elephants?E. Why do you like them?五、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共1题;共5分)26. (5分)词汇运用。根据汉语、音标、单词或单词首字母的提示,写出正确的单词形式。 (1)What a _terbl day! (2)Its d_to play football in the street because there are so many cars. (3)Shes from New York, a famous city of A .(4)There are sixty m_ in an hour. (5)Dont a_ late for the meeting next time. (6)Doing more _eksrsazz can help you a lot in your study. (7)He is a brave boy and saved three _ (life) in this accident. (8)I like Chaoshan food because its _ (美味的). (9)In China, red is a _ (象征) of good luck. (10)Some of the students go on a ropeway _ (cross) the river to school. 六、 语法填空 (共1题;共15分)27. (15分)阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。A: Are you going to Helens birthday party _Friday evening?B: I wouldnt miss it! Its sure to be fun. Shes _(invite) a lot of people. Do you think everyone will be able to get into her house?A: _everyone turned up, it would be crowded, but a few people said that they couldnt go, so I think it should be OK.B: Are you taking _ (something) to her?A: Ive got her _birthday present and Ill take a bottle of wine, too.B: Thats a good idea. She told me she had bought plenty of food and snacks. I think its going to be a _ (noise) party. I hope her _(neighbor) dont mind too much.A: Helen gets on very _(good) with them. It wouldnt be_(surprise) if they went to the party, too.B: Im really looking forward to _ (take) part in it. This party is going to be fun!A: Well, dont be late. Ill see you on Friday at Helens.七、 翻译 (共5题;共12分)28. (2分)单词翻译。 多少钱_ 长裤 _ 袜子 _ 衬衫 _T恤衫 _ shorts _ 毛衣 _ 鞋_裙子 _ 特价 _29. (2分)他夜以继日地学习以便能够赶上其他同学。He studies _ _ _ _ _ so that he can catch up with other students.30. (3分)广州是中国南部一个现代化的城市。Guangzhou is a(n)_in_China31. (2分)那时我在课堂上表现很好I_that time32. (3分)这是什么国旗? 八、 选词填空(词汇运用) (共1题;共10分)33. (10分)选择合适的短语填空。finish school,around the world,theatre company,in ones life,in English(1)She wants to travel_some dayShe thinks itll be fantastic(2)There are several_in the city(3)He is good at ChineseAnd he can write well .(4)What job do you want after_?(5)He drew one hundred pictures_九、 写作题 (共1题;共13分)34. (13分)随着“阳光体育运动”在全校的开展,校园里出现了可喜的变化:同学们运动时间延长了;运动项目增加了;同学们体质增强了;校园生活丰富了。请以“Sports in our school”为题,根据以下内容提示,给你校校刊的英文版写一篇报道,请适当发挥。词数80左右,文章的开头已给出,不计入总词数。 【内容提示】Time for sports;Kinds of sports;Change of students health and study;Change of school life;Your opinions on sports.Sports in our schoolRecently the Sunny Sports Movement makes sports more popular in our school.第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共20题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、22-5、23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、24-1、24-2、24-3、24-4、24-5、四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)25-1、五、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共1题;共5分)26-1、26-2、26-3、26-4、26-5、26-6、26-7、26-8、26-9、26-10、六、 语法填空 (共1题;共15分)27-1、七、 翻译 (共5题;共12分)28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、八、 选词填空(词汇运用) (共1题;共10分)33-1、33-2、33-3、33-4、33-5、九、 写作题 (共1题;共13分)34-1、


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