沪教版2020届中考英语模拟试卷(十二)(II )卷.doc

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沪教版2020届中考英语模拟试卷(十二)(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 语法选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) (共1题;共15分)1. (15分)完形填空Philip is the bravest boy I know. His friends and family are all very 1him.Ten-year-old Philip was born with an 2which means that he is always breaking his bones(骨头). Although he has such a serious illness, Philip 3playing sports. In January last year he 4wheelchair racing. He came second in his first 5, and since then Philip has won every other race!In order to look for a new challenge(挑战),Philip 6to take part in the London Wheelchair Marathon(马拉松). 7, five days before the race Philip got sick. He didnt want to 8. He finally made up his mind to take part. Philip was given medicine by his doctor and guess what? He not only 9it, but he also got the first place!Philip is very 10and never gives up. Thats why he has been chosen to be the Bravest Child of the Month.(1)A . strict with B . afraid of C . angry with D . proud of (2)A . effort B . ability C . illness D . interest (3)A . minds B . avoids C . loves D . stops (4)A . watched B . held C . canceled D . started (5)A . journey B . race C . class D . interview (6)A . decided B . hated C . failed D . regretted (7)A . Instead B . However C . Also D . First (8)A . go out B . sit down C . set off D . give up (9)A . refused B . left C . finished D . invented (10)A . brave B . honest C . polite D . fair 二、 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) (共1题;共10分)2. (10分)完形填空 An old woman had two large pots(罐) one on each end of a pole(扁担). She carried the pole with the pots on her shoulder. One of the pots had a crack(裂缝) in it, while the other pot was 1and was always full of water. At the 2of the long walk from the local well(井) to the womans house, the cracked pot arrived only half-full.This 3daily for two years, with the woman bringing home only 4pot(s) of water. Of course, the perfect pot was 5. But the poor cracked pot was 6of its own imperfection.One day, the cracked pot spoke to the 7while they were on the way back. I am ashamed of myself 8this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your house, it said. The old woman smiled and said, Did you 9that there are flowers on your side of the path, but not on the other pots side? Thats because I 10know you were cracked. I planted flower seeds on 11side of the path. And every day while we walk back, you 12them.For two years, I have been able to 13these beautiful flowers to decorate(装饰) my dining table. 14you being just the way you are, I would not have this beauty. Hearing these words, the cracked pot 15.Each of us has our own cracks. But its these cracks that make our lives so interesting and meaningful. (1)A . broken B . perfect C . lovely D . small (2)A . end B . beginning C . back D . middle (3)A . changed B . succeeded C . happened D . appeared (4)A . one B . one and a half C . two D . two and a half (5)A . sad B . interested C . angry D . proud (6)A . glad B . excited C . ashamed D . bored (7)A . woman B . well C . house D . pole (8)A . because B . before C . though D . while (9)A . hear B . expect C . notice D . suggest (10)A . even B . still C . already D . always (11)A . my B . your C . its D . his (12)A . see B . care C . pass D . water (13)A . accept B . plant C . pick D . help (14)A . With B . Without C . For D . Upon (15)A . walked B . worried C . refused D . smiled 三、 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) (共4题;共40分)3. (10分)阅读理解 Emily St. Denny is fifteen years old. She was born in Beijing, China, where her mother worked as a French teacher and her father taught English. When she was five years old, Emily and her family moved to Belgrade, Serbia. When she was seven years old, they moved to Nairobi, Kenya, where her little sister was born. Two years later, her family moved to Hong Kong, where she attended a French international school. After five years, the family moved to France.Emilys mother was born in France. Emilys father is American. Emily says her little sister is very French, like her mother. However, after living in so many places, Emily does not really know who she is. She says she feels more American than anything else, as English is her first language, but she has never lived there! Emily is a Third Culture Kid.This term (shortened to TCK)was made up in the 1960s by doctors Ruth and John Useem. They used it to talk about the experience of mainly immigrant(移民)children growing up between two cultures: their culture of origin(or that of their parents),and the place they are presently living.Today, TCK also refers to children who have travelled a lot and who are culturally blended. These are children who are familiar with many cultures, but not as familiar with their parents.(1)In what way might Emily be different from her classmates in France? A . She can speak good French.B . She is open to different cultures.C . She is likely to enjoy French food.D . She has visited many places of France.(2)What does the word blended mean in the last paragraph? A . 排斥B . 优先C . 推广D . 融合(3)What is the best title for this passage?. A . Children abroadB . Third Culture KidC . International kidD . Immigrant Culture4. (10分)阅读理解 Young people and old people do not always agree with each other. They sometimes have different ideas about living, working and playing. But in one program in New York State, adults and teenagers live together in a friendly way.Each summer 200 teenagers and 50 adults are invited to join the program. They live together for eight weeks as members of a special work group. Everyone works for seven hours a day. They do so not only to keep busy, but also to find meaning and happiness in work. Some teenagers work in the woods or on the farms near the village. Some of them learn to make things like tables, chairs and something like that and to build houses. It is the adults who teach them to do those.There are a few free hours each day and weekends are free, too. During the free hours some of the teenagers learn to take photos or paint pictures, others sit around and talk, sing or dance. Each teenagers has its own way to spend his free time.When people live together, rules are necessary. In this program the teenagers and the adults make the rules together. If someone breaks a rule, the problem goes before the whole group. They talk about it and ask, What should we do about it?One of the teenagers talks about his experience, You stop thinking only about yourself. You learn to think about the group.(1)In one program in New York State, young and old people . A . teach one another new ways of building housesB . are friendly to one anotherC . do not work togetherD . spend a long time together, working as farmers(2)All the members spend some time together every day mainly to .A . learn new skills of farmingB . lead a busy lifeC . get used to the life on the farmsD . find value and pleasure in work(3)The last paragraph shows that teenager thinks his experience in the program is . A . tiringB . unpleasantC . helpfulD . boring(4)The best title for the passage is . A . The Rules of Living TogetherB . Life in New York StateC . Teenagers in the Special GroupD . Free Hours in the Special Work Group5. (10分)阅读理解To save time, many Americans buy foods which can be quickly made ready for the table. On holidays, families enjoy delicious meals. For example, on Thanksgiving Day, the fourth Thursday in November, family members get together for a turkey dinner with pumpkin pie(南瓜派).People can easily find fast food chains(连锁店),such as McDonalds and KFC, in most of the big cities in the world.These years, many people have taken more and more care of their health while eating. They come to know eating too much meat will make them overweight. Many of them are also worried about food addictives(添加剂). Some of them may be harmful to the body.(1)Many Americans buy _ to save time. A . ready-made foodB . food to cook at homeC . inexpensive foodD . foreign food(2)Thanksgiving Day is on _. A . November 4thB . every the 4th Tuesday in NovemberC . the fourth Thursday in NovemberD . every November the 4th(3)Pizza is a kind of _ food. A . take-awayB . home-cookingC . fastD . Chinese(4)What does the underlined word overweight mean? It means_ A . thinnerB . fatterC . worseD . better(5)People are worried about_. Which is NOT true? A . overweightB . their healthC . food addictivesD . fast food6. (10分)阅读材料,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。 Its 8: 00 in the morning. Mr. White goes into the classroom and finds Tom isnt in. Then he begins his lesson. He asks the students to read their English books.May I come in, sir? a boy asks at the door.Come in, please, says Mr. White. Youre twenty minutes (分钟) late, Tom.The boy is often late and every time he makes an excuse. I am sorry, sir, says Tom. Im late because the traffic is bad, and I have to wait for (等待) the lights to turn green.But why dont you catch an earlier (更早的) bus? asks Mr. White.I just take the earlier bus. But the later (晚点的) bus often overtakes (超过) the earlier one! answers Tom.(1)What time does Tom get to the classroom? A . At 8: 00 a. m.B . At 7: 40 a. m.C . 8: 20 a. m.D . At 8: 40 a. m.(2)What does make an excuse mean in Chinese? A . 找借口B . 请假C . 在意D . 旷课(3)Tom comes to school _. A . by carB . on foodC . by busD . by bike(4)Is Tom often late for school? A . No. He is never late for school.B . Yes, he is.C . No, he isnt.D . Yes, he does.四、 任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) (共1题;共5分)7. (5分)阅读下面短文,从下面的方框内选出能填人短文空白处的最佳选项。 A. The Fact.B. Dont Wait!C. Start Today!D. The Dream.E. How Could You Do It?_It is everyones dream to work at home. You can plan your own hours and work when you want to. There is no more rush hour and no hours that people waste when they get to and from a job every day._You can stay at home, work when you want to and make money when you need to. There are many chances(机会) for you to make money at home, just by using your computer and the Internet. The fact is that this dream can come true._Educate yourself, look closely into all the chances and decide on what works best for you, It will not happen during one night, but you can make a decision(决定) today and start to make it happen today._Do you have a blog or a personal website like millions of other people? Are you using it to make money? Most of these blog and website owners are not. But you can do that! When you have your computer and the Internet working for you, you will make money while you sleep, travel or do whatever you want to do all day long._There are many ways you can make money with your computer. And you can begin your stay-at- home businesses with just a little money. What are you waiting for?五、 单词拼写(共6小题;每小题1分,满分6分) (共6题;共6分)8. (1分)The sofa feels _(软的) and comfortable. 9. (1分)How many l_(图书馆) are there in your school? 10. (1分)根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出正确的单词,每空词。 Nice to _ (遇见) you. My _ (名字) is Mary. There are _ (四) people in my family (家庭). Look at this boy. _ (他的) name is Bill We are in the same(相同的) _ (学校). He likes _ (黄色). This girl is me. My telephone _ (号码) is 678-5204. I have a good _.Her name is Bella, We are in _ (中国). Do you want to know more about _ (我)?11. (1分)These two pictures are different. Can you find the _(差别)between them? 12. (1分)His father_(死亡) three years ago. 13. (1分)I like the colour of the dress, but I dont like the _ (款式). 六、 根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成下列句子(每格限填一词)(共7 (共7题;共14分)14. (2分)你什么时候上英语课? _ _ you have English?15. (2分)他的父亲是国际自行车联合会的头。His father is a leader of _.16. (2分)根据汉语意思完成句子。(1)我现在习惯住在这里。Im _ _ _ here now.(2)我用刀于割掉了那块肉。I used a_ _ _ off the meat.(3)这个婴儿呼吸有问题。The baby _ _ _.(4)加油,不要放弃!Come on and dont _ _!(5)我们现在知道学游泳的重要性。We know the _ _ learning swimming now.17. (2分)我妈妈不允许我晚上出去。 My mum doesnt _ out at night.18. (2分)我们应该关心老人和儿童。 We should _ _the old and children.19. (2分)我昨天在那个店里买了一些特别的东西。 20. (2分)我不知道接下来做什么。 (what to do)_七、 书面表达(共1小题,满分15分) (共1题;共15分)21. (15分)下面是某报刊登出的一封读者来信,请你以编者Cathy的身份给这位同学回信,并针对她的问题给出合理的建议。 Dear Cathy,Sherry and I are in the same class and she sits next to me. She is an excellent student and I can learn a lot from her. However, she talks so much that sometimes I cant pay attention to my studies. I want to change a seat with another girl, but Im afraid it will hurt Sherrys feelings. What should I do?Yours,Winnie要求:词数90110 Dear Winnie,Yours,Cathy第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 语法选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) (共1题;共15分)1-1、二、 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) (共1题;共10分)2-1、三、 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) (共4题;共40分)3-1、3-2、3-3、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、5-5、6-1、6-2、6-3、6-4、四、 任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) (共1题;共5分)7-1、五、 单词拼写(共6小题;每小题1分,满分6分) (共6题;共6分)8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、六、 根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成下列句子(每格限填一词)(共7 (共7题;共14分)14-1、15-1、16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、16-5、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、七、 书面表达(共1小题,满分15分) (共1题;共15分)21-1、

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