沪教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期英语期末考试试卷(II )卷.doc

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沪教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期英语期末考试试卷(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Can the boy play _piano?He cant. He can play _ chess.A . the, aB . a, theC . the, 2. (2分)_ get good grades, you should try to study harder. A . So thatB . In order toC . In order thatD . Such that3. (2分) I dont like reading _ watching TV. What about you? I dont like reading all day, _ I like watching TV news.A . and; orB . and; andC . or; andD . or; but4. (2分)Do you like science, Ben? No, I dont. I think it is too _. I like something interesting.A . funB . relaxingC . easyD . boring5. (2分)Teenagers have all kinds of dreams. _, some students would like to go to the moon some day. A . After allB . At onceC . In factD . For example6. (2分)- Where is Mr. Zhao?- He _ to Mount Fanjing. Hell come back _ a week.A . has been, inB . has gone, afterC . has gone, inD . has been, after7. (2分)_ information he offered us! We all thank him!A . What usefulB . What uselessC . How usefulD . How useless8. (2分)Jack has met the famous scientist.A . well-knownB . greatC . good9. (2分)At times, parents find it is difficult _ with their teenage children. A . talkB . talkedC . talksD . to talk10. (2分)The Eighth Beijing International Film Festival _in Huairou on April 15th, 2018. A . heldB . was heldC . holdsD . is held11. (2分)Peter is_ about the world around him and wants to know everything about it.A . curiousB . excitedC . worriedD . crazy12. (2分)This book belong to CarlaHer name is on the book A . mightB . cantC . couldD . must13. (2分)_ the game sound_ ? A . Is; interestingB . Is; interestedC . Does; interestingD . Does; interested14. (2分)Lets watch the popular TV show called Running man after dinner, shall we? Its getting to the end.A . Youre welcome.B . Thats all right.C . Im afraid not.D . Never mind.15. (2分) Welcome to No. Fourteen Middle School!A . Good idea.B . You are welcome.C . Thank you.二、 完形填空 (共1题;共12分)16. (12分)完形填空Dear Laura,I just heard you tell an old story of gift giving and unselfish love in your program. You dont know whether it is true that such unselfish love would happen in todays world. Well, Im here to give you 1.I wanted to do something very 2for my fifteen-year-old son, who has always been the perfect child. He worked all summer to earn enough money to buy a used motorcycle. Then, he spent hours and hours on it 3it looked almost new. I was so proud of him that I bought him the shiniest helmet(头盔)and a riding outfit(全套装备).I could 4wait for him to open up his gift. In fact, I couldnt sleep the night before. Upon awakening, I went to the kitchen to 5the coffee, tea, and morning dishes. In the living room was a beautiful keyboard with a 6” To my wonderful mother, all my love, your son.”I was so surprised. It had been a long-standing joke in our family that I wanted a piano so that I could 7lessons. “Learn to play the piano, and Ill get you one” was my husbands promise.I stood there shocked(震惊的), crying a river, asking myself how my son could 8this expensive gift. Of course, the house awoke, and my son was very pleased with my reaction(反应). Many kisses were exchanged, and I immediately wanted him to 9my gift. As he saw the helmet and outfit, the look on his face was not exactly what I was expecting. Then I 10that he had sold the motorcycle to get me the keyboard.Of course I was the proudest mother ever on that day, and my feet never hit the ground for a month. So I wanted you to know, that kind of love is 11present and lives even in the ever-changing world of me, me, me!I thought .youd love to 12this story.Yours,Hilary(1)A . hope B . advice C . spirit D . courage (2)A . strange B . similar C . special D . private (3)A . after B . before C . unless D . until (4)A . perhaps B . really C . almost D . hardly (5)A . start B . cook C . set D . serve (6)A . sign B . notice C . word D . note (7)A . give B . take C . draw D . teach (8)A . present B . find C . afford D . order (9)A . tear B . open C . check D . receive (10)A . realized B . remembered C . imagined D . supposed (11)A . only B . still C . ever D . even (12)A . send B . publish C . share D . write 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)17. (10分)阅读理解。Chinas air pollution problems are more serious these days. But just try to remember that the air pollution shouldnt stop you from enjoying life in China. Here are some tips for you to keep the smog(雾霾)away.Watch the weather report.As you can see, it will give you an analysis of pollution, but my general rule is: if its above 80, wear a face mask and limit(限制)time to spend outside; if its below 80, go outside and enjoy the day, open all the windows to get some much-needed fresh air and exercise. But do not exercise outside if the pollution is high. I went running once when it was around 120, and I was ill and missed several days of work.Get a house plant that cleans the air.A house plant can make your home beautiful and clean the air. I have some plants and just yesterday, I bought another plant. At that time I didnt know it could clean the air. I just got it because it could make me feel better.Never open the windows.No matter how hot and wet it is inside, just wait until it is a nice day to air your apartment. Just stay at home and do some things you like. (1)How many tips does the passage mention(提及)? A . 2B . 3C . 4D . 5(2)The underlined word “analysis” means _ in Chinese. A . 现实B . 分析C . 例子D . 图谱(3)You can go outside and play football if the pollution is _. A . above 80B . above 100C . above 120D . below 80(4)Getting a house plant can _ and make you feel happy. A . clean the airB . make your house dirtyC . take you calmD . let your heart slow down(5)Whats the best title of the passage? A . Never open your windows.B . Listen to the radio every day.C . Buy as many as trees as you can.D . How to keep yourself safe in the air pollution.18. (10分)Tom saw an advertisement in a newspaper for a beautiful bicycle. It cost 55 pounds. So he went to the shop and asked to see one of the wonderful bicycles.The owner of the shop was harpy to show one to Tom. Tom examined(检查)it carefully, and turned to the owner and said, There isnt a lamp on this bicycle. hut there was one on the bicycle in your advertisement.Yes, Sir, answered the man. But the lamp isnt included(包含)in the price of bicycle.Not included in the price of bicycle? Tom said angrily. But thats not honest. If the lamp is in the advertisement, it should be included in the price.”“Well, Sir,” answered the shop owner coldly. There is also a girl on the bicycle in the advertisement. but we cannot give you a girl with the bicycle, either.(1)In the advertisement, there was a _ and a _ on the bicycle.A . lamp; manB . picture; lampC . lamp; girlD . newspaper; shop owner(2)After he read the advertisement, Tom decided to _.A . see and buy the lampB . examine the bicycleC . see and buy the bikeD . ask the shop owner(3)Tom _ after he looked at the bike carefully.A . returned the bike to the shop ownerB . didnt find a lamp on the bicycleC . showed the bike to the shop ownerD . bought the bicycle at once(4)Tom thought it was _ for the shop owner to sell the bike without a lamp while there was one in the advertisement.A . necessaryB . goodC . rightD . wrong(5)The text gives us a lesson that _.A . sometimes we cant completely (完全地) believe an advertisement.B . we must read the newspaper carefullyC . The price of something is often changedD . we should examine bicycles carefully before we buy them19. (10分) (2011泰安) Foolish(silly) Freddie lived in a small village. The people of the village laughed at him. They liked to show visitors how silly Freddie was. They thought this was a funny thing to do.One day, a visitor came to the village.Watch this, a villager said, and called to Freddie. Come and play a game, Freddie, he shouted. Freddie walked slowly towards him, a silly smile on his face.Look! Freddie, the villager said, Ive got something for you. He showed Freddie a dollar coin and a much larger 50-cent coin.Which would you like? he asked Freddie.Freddie took the 50-cent coin at once.The villager laughed.See how foolish he is, he said.He always does that. Hes too silly to learn anything. He walked away, leaving Freddie with the visitor.The visitor felt sorry for Freddie and said to him, Although the 50-cent coin is bigger than the1 coin, the1 coin is worth(值) much more.Two times as much.I know that, Freddie said.But once I take the1coin, theyll stop playing the game.(1)People laughed at Freddie because_.A . he often made up jokesB . he didnt like moneyC . he looked very funnyD . they thought he was a fool(2)The villagers wanted to show the visitors_.A . how silly Freddie wasB . how clever Freddie wasC . How kind people were to FreddieD . that Freddie had much money(3)The visitor felt sorry for Freddie because he though_.A . Freddie did not know money was usefulB . the villager was not kind enough to the boyC . Freddie did not get along well with the villagersD . Freddie did not know the dollar coin was worth more(4)From the story we know that Freddie was_.A . poorB . kindC . cleverD . silly(5)The best title for the passage should be _.A . Clever VillagersB . Foolish FreddieC . Freddie and a VisitorD . A Visitor and the Villagers四、 词汇检测 (共10题;共25分)20. (1分)Do you m_if I ask you a few questions?Of course not.21. (1分)I felt Id made an incredible _ (发现). 22. (5分)单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)。(1)They are having a meeting in the classroom. They want to _(讨论) what to do for their vacation.(2)No one can _(成功) without hard work.(3)I have a new _(围巾). Do you have one?(4)The _(时装) show held by UNICEF last week was a big success.(5)The shoes he bought yesterday is _(相似的) to mine.23. (1分)Do you know that the elephant is a _(象征) of good luck? 24. (1分)Please give me a hand. Im not tall _(足够地) to reach the books on the top of the bookshelf. 25. (3分)根据句意及首字母或汉语提示填写单词。(1)What did Mike do y_?(2)There are many kinds of _(花) in Mr. Greens garden.(3)His mother always _(担心) about his study.26. (10分)根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母或提示,在答卷上按题号写出各单词的完全形式 。Can I take a m_ for you?.My little sister is a little h_. Because she wants to eat a hamburger.What bad w_! Its raining again.A group of boys are p_ soccer over there.There is a new b_ over the riverIts a good p_ to have fun.T_ right and go straight, you can find the hospital on your left.Zhang Ziyi is an a_. I like her movies very much.Is your friend of medium b_?Look at the photo. The girl has long c_ hair. 27. (1分)The shop in our school _(关门) at 9 p.m. 28. (1分)There is a famous saying,“East or w_,home is the best.(金窝银窝不如自己的狗窝)” 29. (1分)Feng Xiaogang is one of the most famous _ (direct) in China.五、 句子翻译 (共5题;共36分)30. (25分)根据所给汉语完成下列句子,词数不限。(1)这部影片很受年轻人的欢迎。(2)我们可以用零花钱帮助贫困地区的儿童。(3)你能把你的粉红色的连衣裙借给我吗?(4)我计划每天多吃水果和蔬菜。(5)白色能搭配其它任何一种颜色。31. (2分)在你的书包里有什么贵重的物品吗? Do you have _ _ in your schoolbag?32. (3分)博物馆里应该允许拍照。Phototaking _ _ _ in the museum.33. (3分)广州是中国南部一个现代化的城市。Guangzhou is a(n)_in_China34. (3分)你看起来很疲倦。发生什么事了? You look so tired. _ _ _ you?六、 阅读表达 (共1题;共6分)35. (6分)阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。(B)Are you carrying too much on your back at school? Im sure lots of children of your age will, say Yes. Not only the students in China have this problem, but children in the United States also have heavy school bags.Doctors are starting to worry that younger and younger students are having back and neck problems as a result of schools bags being too heavy for them.Its hard for me to go upstairs with my bag because its so heavy, said Rick Hammond, an 11-year-old student in the US.Rick is among students who have common school bags with two straps(带子) to carry them, but many other students choose rolling(有滚轮的)bags.But even with rolling bags, getting up stairs and buses is still a problem for children. Many of them have hurt their backs and necks because of the heavy school bags.But how much is too much? Doctors say students should carry no more than 10% to 15% of their own body weight(重量).Scott Bautch, a back doctor, said children under Grade 4 should stay with 10 % . But it is also important that older children dont stay with over 15 %, because their bodies are still growing. Children are losing their balance(平衡) and falling down with their school bags, he said.Parents and teachers are starting to tell children to only take home library books they will be reading that night. Some teachers are using pieces of paper or thin workbooks for students to take home.One of the best answers is, as some children said, to have no homework at all!(1)From the passage we can know that . A . only children in China carry too heavy school bagsB . children in other countries dont carry too heavy bagsC . both children in China and the US carry too heavy school bagsD . only children in the US carry too heavy school bags(2)Children feel it hard for them to go upstairs because _.A . they are too youngB . their school bags are too heavyC . they dont know how to go upstairsD . their parents dont always go upstairs with them together(3)According to the doctor, Scott Bautch, if a child in Grade 5 weighs(重)about 30 kilos, the school bag he carries should not be over A . 5 kilosB . 3 kilosC . 5. 5 kilosD . 4.5 kilos七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)36. (5分)假如你叫Susan,刚刚收到你的笔友Kate发来的电子邮件:她遇到了一件麻烦事。请你给她回一封电子邮件,提出你认为合理的建议。 Dear Susan, I have a friend. She wants to play outside,so she often tells our teacher that she doesnt feel well and leaves school early. I told her what she did was wrong and asked her not to do that again,but she was angry and argued with me. We havent talked with each other for a week. What should I do?Yours,Kate要求:1)所提建议要合理可行;2)80-100词左右。电子邮件的格式和开头已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:tell a lie 说谎Dear Kate,Im sorry to hear that something unhappy happened between you and your friend. 第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共12分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、四、 词汇检测 (共10题;共25分)20-1、21-1、22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、22-5、23-1、24-1、25-1、25-2、25-3、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、五、 句子翻译 (共5题;共36分)30-1、30-2、30-3、30-4、30-5、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、六、 阅读表达 (共1题;共6分)35-1、35-2、35-3、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)36-1、

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