初中外研版(新标准)八年级英语下册Module 2 Experiences Unit 1 Ive also entered lots of speaking competitions同步练习A卷.doc

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初中外研版(新标准)八年级英语下册Module 2 Experiences Unit 1 Ive also entered lots of speaking competitions同步练习A卷.doc_第1页
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初中外研版(新标准)八年级英语下册Module 2 Experiences Unit 1 Ive also entered lots of speaking competitions同步练习A卷.doc_第2页
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初中外研版(新标准)八年级英语下册Module 2 Experiences Unit 1 Ive also entered lots of speaking competitions同步练习A卷.doc_第3页
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初中外研版(新标准)八年级英语下册Module 2 Experiences Unit 1 Ive also entered lots of speaking competitions同步练习A卷一、 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 (共1题;共10分)1. (10分) 单词拼写补充句子。(1)The food your mother cooks is t_than that my mother does. (2)We decided to explore that u_area. No one has been there before. (3)Many modern stations have been built, so these old ones will be out of s_in the future. (4)Jacks father passed away in a car accident in his early f_. (5)I have r_that small children are really tiring to deal with (6)You cant remember so many _(科学家) telephone numbers in such a short time. (7)When Mr. Jiang got home, he found his_(私人的) papers were spread all over the floor. (8)To _(满足) his sons curiosity, Father took him to that lonely island by boat. (9)This pair of leather shoes Steven gave you yesterday is_(特别地) made for you. (10)The boy who won the drawing competition is the _(骄傲) of his class. 二、 单项选择。 (共12题;共24分)2. (2分)The Dongying-Hainan airline for about 5 months. I have taken the flights three times.A . is openB . has openedC . has been openD . has been opened3. (2分)There are many people in Europe _ vacation every year.A . atB . forC . onD . in4. (2分)Would you like _ the World Cup?Yes, Id love to.A . watchB . watchingC . to watchD . to look5. (2分)Putin _ the other candidates and was elected president for his fourth time.Yes. Putin is very popular. His votes were far _ the others in the election.A . beat; ahead ofB . defeated; better thanC . won; in front of6. (2分)选择题We have art lesson this morning.Yes. But where is art room, do you know?A . an; aB . an; /C . an; theD . the; a7. (2分)I havent seen you for a long time, Maria. You look different now. Yes, I used short hair. A . to haveB . to havingC . for having8. (2分) Could you tell me _? Yes. He _ to the USA.A . where is he; has beenB . where he is; has goneC . where was he; has beenD . where he was; has gone9. (2分)Where is Mr Green now ? I havent seen him for a few days .He _ to Hong Kong .A . goesB . will goC . is goingD . has gone10. (2分)My favourite fruit is the apple. A . preferB . like betterC . like best11. (2分)-You are relaxing yourself here?-Yes. It feels _ to walk slowly along the river.A . fantasticB . boringC . strangeD . terrible12. (2分)What club _ you want to join? A . areB . doesC . canD . do13. (2分) I am going to Millies birthday party this evening, Mum. , and remember to come back before 10.00 p.m.A . I am glad to hear thatB . I am happyC . Have a good timeD . Have a good trip三、 将下列短语译成英语。 (共1题;共10分)14. (10分)阅读下列对话, 根据首字母提示用适当的单词完成句子, 使对话完整、通顺。A: Excuse me, can you tell me 1 s_ about you and your family?B: No problem.A: When 2 d_ you come to China?B: I came here the year before last. I have been here 3 f_ two years.A: 4 D_ you like Chinese food?B: Yes, I like Chinese food very much. My favorite food is Malatang. I have5 e_ it four times this month.A: 6 D_ your husband live with you?B: Yes, but he has 7 g_ to Shanghai. He likes China, too. He has been8 t_ many famous places in China.A: What do you do?B: I am a teacher. Ive 9 w_ in this school for one and a half years.A: Thank you for 10 t_ me about your things. B: Youre welcome.四、 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。 (共1题;共7分)15. (7分)根据句意和汉语提示,在空格中填入正确的单词。(1)That lovely baby has a small _(鼻子).(2)John looks_(酷的)in the new windbreaker.(3)The tall building is made up of millions of_(石头)(4)Please_(覆盖)the table with this piece of cloth.(5)The restaurant is_(在后面)the bookstore.(6)Be_(小心)when you cross the road(7)We should do something _(代替)of just talking about it.五、 句型转换。 (共1题;共9分)16. (9分)按照要求完成句子改写。 (1)Our English teacher is of medium build. (对画线部分提问)_your English teacher _?(2)Tom is thin. Tom wears glasses. (合并为一句)Tom is thin _.(3)He has short hair. (改为复数句)_short _.六、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)17. (15分) As a single parent of four children, money was always tight .It was Christmas time, and although there wasnt money for a lot of gifts, we planned to celebrate with a family party . But the big excitement for the kids was the fun of Christmas 1.They planned weeks ahead of time , asking2 what they wanted for Christmas. luckily, I have saved $120 for3 to share by all five of us .The big4arrived. I gave each kid a twenty-dollar bill and5them to look for gifts of about four dollars each. Then everyone scattered(散开). We had two hours to shop. Then we would6back at the “Santas Workshop.”Driving home, everyone was in high Christmas spirits7 my younger daughter, Tina, who was unusual8. She had only one small, flat bag with a few candiesfifty-cent candies! I was so angry, but I didnt say anything9we got home. I called her into my bedroom and closed the door,10 to be angry again. This is what he told me.“ I was looking11 thinking of what to buy , and I12to read the title cards on the Giving Trees.One was for a little girl, four years old. And all she 13 for Christmas was a doll .So I took the card off the tree and14 the doll for her. We have so much and she doesnt have anything.”I never felt so 15 as I did that day.(1)A . shopping B . travelling C . parties D . greetings (2)A . the other B . each other C . one by one D . every other one (3)A . toys B . clothes C . presents D . bills (4)A . day B . chance C . times D . tree (5)A . forced B . reminded C . invited D . begged (6)A . draw B . stay C . move D . meet (7)A . including B . besides C . except D . regarding (8)A . quiet B . excited C . happy D . ashamed (9)A . since B . after C . while D . until (10)A . waiting B . ready C . hoping D . afraid (11)A . out B . over C . forward D . around (12)A . forgot B . stopped C . failed D . hated (13)A . wanted B . did C . got D . played (14)A . made B . searched C . bought D . found (15)A . angry B . rich C . patient D . bitter 七、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共10分)18. (10分)阅读下面信息,根据其内容判断下列各小题的正误。 Sun Book Store*20% Off July 5thJuly 15th* Opening hours: 9: 00 a. m.9: 30 p. m. *Address: 66 King Street* For more details, please call us at 8860858.Moon Flower Store* 50% Off July 25thAug 1st*Opening hours: 9: 00 a.m.6: 00 p. m. *Address: 85 Center Street*For more details, please call us at 8765569.Star Clothes Store*60% Off July 19thAug 6th*Opening hours: 9: 00 a m.8: 00 p. m. *Address: 56 Bridge Street*For more details, please call us at 8765998.Earth Toy Store*40% Off July 15thJuly 21st*Opening hours: 9: 00 a.m.5: 00 p.m. *Address: 98 Long Street*For more details, please call us at 8769059.(1)Sun Book Store is on King Street. (2)The books are thirty percent off at Sun Book Store. (3)Lucys father can order some flowers by calling at 8765998. (4)The clothes are on sale at Star Clothes Store at 9:10 a.m. on July 20th. (5)Lucy can buy some toys at good prices at Earth Toy Store on July 16th. 第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 (共1题;共10分)1-1、1-2、1-3、1-4、1-5、1-6、1-7、1-8、1-9、1-10、二、 单项选择。 (共12题;共24分)2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、三、 将下列短语译成英语。 (共1题;共10分)14-1、四、 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。 (共1题;共7分)15-1、五、 句型转换。 (共1题;共9分)16-1、16-2、16-3、六、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)17-1、七、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共10分)18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、

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