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Unit1 Makingfriends Doyouknowwh questions Let slearntogether No Objectives Tolearnthewh questionsTolearntheindefinitearticlesaandan Whenweaskquestions weusethequestionswordswhat where when howoldandhowmanyandsoon Thesequestionwordshavedifferentmeanings Wh questions what where when howold howmany Whatreferstothings Wherereferstoplaces Whoreferstopersons Howreferstoways Howoldreferstoages Whenreferstotimes Whyreferstoreasons whichreferstokinds 种类 Howmanyreferstonumbers Let sseesomequestionwords Jasongetsanemailfromanewe friend MandyisaskingJasonsomequestions CompleteMandy squestionsbelow Jason IgotanemailfromaboycalledBruce Mandy doeshelive Jason HelivesinAustralia Where Exercise Mandy ishe Jason He s12 Mandy doeshegotoschool Jason Hegoestoschoolbybus Mandy arehishobbies Jason Swimmingandplayingfootball HelikesanEnglishfootballteam Mandy TherearemanyEnglishfootballteams teamdoeshelike Jason Liverpool Howold How What Which IndefiniteArticlesa an Weuseaoranbeforenounswhenwementionthemforthefirsttime Ilivewithmyfamilyinahouseclosetosomemountains MymumisanArtteacher Butwhenweuseaandwhenweusean 不定冠词有a和an两个 表示 一 的概念 但并不强调数量 只表示名词为不特定者 且仅用在单数可数名词前 a用于发音以辅音音素 不是辅音字母 开头的单词前面 an用于发音以元音音素 不是元音字母 开头的单词前面 不定冠词的用法 例如 apenfriendanhouralittleboyanumbrellaadoctoranappleachild stoyanEnglishbookabeautifulgirlanactorateacheranengineer 元音 20个 辅音 28个 p t k f s b d g v z h ts t tr r dz d dr m n j w Somestudentsaretalkingabouttheirdreams Completethesentencesbelowwithaoran Mydreamistobe Artteacher Mydreamistobe scientist Iwanttobe actorinfilms Iwanttobe engineer Mydreamistobe basketballstar Iwanttobe nurse Exercise an a an an a a Timeforreflection Doyouknowthemeaningsofwhat where who howold when why how whichandhowmany 2 Ifanounstartswithaconsonantsound weuse beforeit 3 Ifanounstartswithavowelsound weuse beforeit I 请对下列各句的划线部分提问 每空一词 1 IwatchTVeverynight doyoudoeverynight 2 Iliketheredonebestamongthethreeskirts onedoyoulikebestamongthethreeskirts What Which 3 Millie sbikeisintheplayground bikeisintheplayground 4 We llmeetattheschoolgateat4 30pm and shallwemeet 5 I mlateforschoolbecauseIgetuplate areyoulateforschool Whose When where Why 6 JennygoestoNewYorkbytrain doesJennygotoNewYork 7 MissYangisourEnglishteacher isyourEnglishteacher 8 Iam14yearsold areyou How Who Howold 9 Thereare48studentsinourclass studentsarethereinyourclass 10 Thereddressis50yuan isthereddress Howmany Howmuch Boys Girls PracticeTime 请用a或an填空 使句子意思完整 1 Myfatheris engineerandmymotheris doctor 2 DoyouknowaboutJayChou Yes heis singer 3 Thereare7daysin week an a a a 4 MrWangis Englishteacher andhiswifeis Chineseteacher 5 Thereis appleonthetable Itis redapple 6 Thisis emptyroom Nobodyishere 7 Judyis naughtyboy andLilyis honestgirl an a an a an a an 8 Itwilltakeyouhalf hourtogettothezoobybus 9 Thereis L and U intheEnglishword uncle 10 Mydreamistobe teacher soIhavetostudyhardnow an an a a 11 Look Thereis signonhisT shirt Yeah itis big M Itlookscool 12 Itisgoingtorain Pleasebring umbrellawithyou 13 Englishis usefullanguage a a an a Preview TopreviewSpeakingonPage10Tolearnthesesounds i e p b Tolearntotalkaboutyourself Homework 复习以下重点语法 1 what where when how等引导的特殊疑问句 2 不定冠词a和an的用法 3 用这些词各写两句话 Thankyou


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