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Indefinitepronounandadverb 不定代词和不定副词 1 不定代词的种类 someanynoevery body somebody anybody nobody everybody one someone anyone none noone everyone thing something anything nothing everything 2 不定副词的种类 someanynoevery where somewhere anywhere nowhere everywhere 3 用法一 somebodysomeoneanybodyanyonenobodynoone noneeverybodyeveryone 指人 somethinganythingnothingeverything 指物 somewhereanywherenowhereeverywhere 指地方 4 用法二somebody someone something somewhereanybody anyone anything anywherenone nobody nothing nowhereeverybody everyone everything everywhere 一般情况下用于肯定句 一般情况下用于否定句和疑问句 表否定含义 可用于各种句式 somebody something可用于表请求 邀请 预料对方会作肯定回答时的疑问句中 5 Lily wouldyoulike todrink Cindyisverybusynow Sheneeds tohelpher Isthere wrongwithyourcomputer Jimlookedforhispencil box buthedidn tfindit Istayedathomelastweek Ididn tgo something someone somebody anything somewhere anywhere 6 用法三1 不定代词作主语谓语动词要用单数 Everyoneisintheclassroom 2 形容词修饰不定代词和不定副词要放在不定代词 不定副词之后 简称 不形 不副 Thereissomethingwrongwiththemachine 3 不定代词和不定副词与动词连用时 动词前要加不定式符号 to Hewantstosomethingtoeat 7 用所给词的适当形式填空 1 Nobody like listeningtohim 2 Everybody want tobefree 3 Thegirllikestoeat 甜东西 4 Idon thave 重要的事情 告诉 you 5 Couldyougivemesomething drink likes wants somethingsweet anythingimportant totell todrink 8 用法四3 在反义疑问句中 表示人的不定代词作主语时 其反义疑问句的主语通常用they或he 当句子中的主语是指物的不定代词时 其反义疑问句的主语通常是代词it Everyoneishere Everythinggoeswell aren tthey isn the doesn tit 9 完成下列反意疑问句 1 Somethingiswrongwithyoureyes 2 Nothingiswrongwithyoureyes 3 Everybodyhascomehere 4 Nobodywantstogothere 5 Everyoneenjoyedtheparty isn tit isit hasn the haven tthey doesn the don tthey didn tn the didn tthey 10 比较everyone和everyone1 everyone为不定代词 意为 大家 每人 相当于everybody 做主语时 谓语动词用单数Everyoneishere 每个人都到齐了 Everybodyishere 2 everyone表示 人人 每人 时 等于everyone Everyonehasknownthis Everyonehasknownthis 11 3 everyone可以指人也可指物 everyone则只能指人 everyone后可跟of短语 表示 中的每一个 而everyone不可以 Heateeveryoneoftheapples Iknoweveryoneofthestudents 12 1 willbehereexceptPeter becauseheisill 2 ofthechildrenwillgetagift Everyone Everyone Everyone 13 比较noone none与nothing 1 noone只能指人 相当于nobody none既可指人又可指物 nothing只能指物Noone Nobodylikesapersonwithbadmanners Noneofushasseenhim Noneofthesebooksisnew Nothingisinthebox noone与none好分辨 具体人 物把none填 不知何人与何物 noone nothing是一路 noone人 nothing物 保你不会出错误 14 比较noone none与nothing 2 none后可以跟of短语 且谓语动词既可用单数也可用复数 但noone nothing后不能跟of短语Noneofthemoneyonthetableismine Noneofthestudentsare is fromthecity 15 比较noone none与nothing 3 noone用与回答who引导的句子或含anyone anybody的问句 none用与回答howmany或howmuch引导的句子 或含any 名词的句子 nothing用来回答含anything或what引导的句子 Whoisintheclassroom Noone Howmanystudentsarethereintheclassroom None Isthereanythinginthebowl Nothing 16 Howmuchmoneydoyouhaveonyou 2 Canyouseeanythingwithoutglasses 3 Whoisinthenextroom 4 toldusaboutthat 5 ofusenjoygettingupearly None Nothing Noone Nobody Noone Nobody None 17 Let shaveatest 18 1 Thereis onthefloor Pleasepickitup 2 Did gotoplaybasketballwithyou 4 Iphonedyoulastnight but answeredit 5 Idon tthink telephoned something anybody anyone nobody anybody anyone 19 6 Whydon tyouask tohelpyou 7 Ifyouwant pleaseletmeknow 8 Shallweget todrink 9 Don tworry There s wrongwithyourears somebody someone anything something nothing 20

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