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Unit 4 Dont eat in class 教学 目标知识与技能:巩固掌握句型:Does she have to be quite in the library?Can he eat in the dining room? Can he wear a hat in the classroom?We dont have to come to school every day.过程与方法:通过小组合作讨论和探究,根据学校的实际情况制定自己的规则。情感态度价值观:通过学习让学生培养自我约束能力,规范自己的言行。教学重难点重点:1.“have to”和“can”的用法。2.谈论规则和制定规则。难点:“have to”和“can”在表述规则中的应用。教学方法根据教学设计各种任务,让学生在完成任务的同时反复训练使用目标语言。学习方法问答法,合作交流,互相探究等多种方法。教学准备教师:录音机、磁带、课本。学生:制定关于规则的表格。教 学 过 程设计意图Step1 RevisionT:What are the rules at our school.S1:Dont arrive late for school.S2:Dont talk in class.S3:.Step 2 Grammar FocusWrite down the sentences on the blackboard:Can we bring music players to school? No, we cant. And ask the students to make up as many sentences as possible to revise the usage of “can”.Then write the sentence on the blackboard:We have to wear the school uniform. And ask them to translate it, pay attention to the underlined words “have to” and make up as many sentences as possible. Then write another sentence on the blackboard:Do you have to wear the school uniform? Ask them to translate and answer the question and then make up new sentences. Then change “you” to “he” and get the students to complete the sentence like this:Does he have to wear the school uniform? Yes, he does. No, he doesnt. And make up as many sentences as possible. Teach “What do you have to do? We have to ” in the same way.Step 3 Writing3a Show a library on the screen. Ask the students to work in group and try to write the rules for the school library. Ask some groups to report their answers.Step 4 Competition3b Ask the students to work in pairs and have a competition. Use the words to make questions about the rules. Then write answers according to your school.The pairs who finish first is the winner and then report their answers to the class.Step 5 PracticeEveryone has a dream. Maybe every student has a dream school. Make up five cool rules for your dream school. Share your rules with the class. Your classmates vote for the Coolest School!Step6 HomeworkListen to the music in the hallways.(否定句)_ _ to the music in the hallways.We can wear hats in school.(一般问句)_ you _ hats in school?We have to be quiet in the library. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ have to do in the library?John has to wear sneakers for gym class.John _ _ _ wear sneakers for gym class.(否定句)让学生用祈使句说出那些rules,可采用小组比赛的形式。 板书设计 Unit 4 Dont eat in class. Section A(Grammar Focus-3c)Dont talk. Dont listen to music.Dont eat.dont take photos. 教后反思

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