七年级英语上册 Unit 9 My favorite subject is science Section B(2a-2c)同步练习 人教新目标版.doc

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七年级英语上册 Unit 9 My favorite subject is science Section B(2a-2c)同步练习 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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七年级英语上册 Unit 9 My favorite subject is science Section B(2a-2c)同步练习 人教新目标版.doc_第2页
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七年级英语上册 Unit 9 My favorite subject is science Section B(2a-2c)同步练习 人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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Unit 9 My favorite subject is scienceSection B (2a2c). 词汇(A)根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子。1Im really b_ this week.Lets go to the movies next week.2Math is u_, but I think its difficult.3Im f_ now. I have nothing to do.4My afternoon classes f_ at 15:30.5Bob watches TV for an h_ every day.6His trousers look_ (酷的)7My friend doesnt like math because he thinks it is _ (困难的)8How many _ (科目) do you study at school?9I like PE. because its _ (容易的) and fun.10_ (星期三) is the fourth day of a week.(B)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1Sally _ (not have) lunch at school.2_ (be) math and English your favorite subjects?3Ask some students in your class about their favorite _ (subject)4I have four _ (lesson) in the morning.5This English boy can speak _(China) very well.单项填空()1.We usually play sports for _ hour in the morning.Aa Ban Cthe D/()2.When do you finish your classes?_ about 5:00 pm.AAt BIn COn DOf()3.She has geography _ 9:00_ 9:45.Aon; to Bfrom; toCat; to Din; and()4.We have _ art class on Tuesday. _ art class is very interesting.Aa; The Ban; AnCthe; An Dan; The()5.Your history is very good._AJust soso BThank youCYou are right DNot so good()6. Our classes _ at 2:00, _ after that we have an art lesson for two hours.Afinishes; or Bfinish; so Cfinish; but Dfinishes; and.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1谢谢你的电子邮件。_ you _ your email.2星期三你们上什么课?What_ do you_ on Wednesday?3他非常喜欢音乐,因为它使人放松。He likes music very much _ its _.4我星期一很忙。I _ _ _ on Monday.5我想星期五下午和你见面。I want _ _ you _ Friday afternoon. 6我星期四上音乐课。I _ music on _. .单句改错1I music is ._2. is ?_3We this ._4We science ._5 your brother science? it is interesting. _.用方框中所给单词的适当形式完成短文Hi, everybody. My name is Paul. I am American. And I am eleven years 1._Now I study in Shanghai. I like my life here. At 2._, the students and teachers are kind(友好的) to me. They often 3._ me learn Chinese, but I still find it very 4._. Of all my subjects, my 5._ is English 6._ I can speak English very well. I am the 7._ student in English. After school, I like 8._ sports. I usually play basketball with my friends. Sometimes, I go to the 9._ with my mother. I like Chinese action movies(动作片) best, but my mothers favorite movies 10._ comedies(喜剧).完形填空Hi! Im Cheng Ling. Im a_1_ of Class 3, Grade 7.My school life is very_2_We have four classes in the _3_Classes begin at 8 oclock. In the afternoon, we have two classes. We have English, science, history, music and _4_other subjects._5_ is my favorite subject. I often sing and dance with my classmates on weekends. But I_6_ science, because I think its difficult and_7_Do you think so?After school, I often play soccer with_8_ friends.Sometimes I swim in a swimming club, but my favorite sport is volleyball. And I can play it_9_I like my school life very much._10_ you tell me about your school life?()1.A.runner Bstudent Cmusician Dteacher()2.A.scary Bboring Cinteresting Ddifficult()3.A.night Bafternoon Cevening Dmorning()4.A.some Bany Ca lot Da little()5.A.History BMusic CMath DScience()6.A.dont like Bdoesnt like Clike Dlikes()7.A.relaxing Binteresting Cboring Dfun()8.A.our Bher Chis Dmy()9.A.nice Bfine Cwell Dgood()10.A.Can BDo CAre DDoes. 阅读理解Tom is an English boy. Now he is in Beijing with his parents and his two sisters. Every morning he has breakfast at 7:00. Then he goes to school at 7:30. His first class starts at 8:00. In the morning he has four classes and in the afternoon he has two classes. The classes finish at 4:30 pm. After that, he always plays soccer with his classmates for an hour.At school Toms favorite subject is music. His best friend is Gina. Gina is not from England. She is a Chinese girl. Her Chinese name is Liu Yuanyuan. She is a small TV star. You can see her on TV. Why does Tom like Gina? Because they like the same things. They like music and they like blue and white.()1.When does Tom have breakfast?AAt 6:00. BAt 7:00. CAt 7:30. DAt 8:00.()2.Tom always_ with his classmates after school.Aplays soccer Bplays tennisCplays basketball Dplays computer games()3.What is Toms favorite subject?AArt. BMusic. CHistory. DMath.()4.Whos Gina?AToms sister. BToms teacher. CToms cousin. DToms friend.()5.Which of the following is TRUE?AThere are four people in Toms family. BTom has seven classes every day.CTom likes blue and white. DGina doesnt like music.任务型阅读信息匹配:下面是对5个人的基本情况以及所需要的书的描述,右栏是7本书的书名,请你为每个人推荐一本最适合的书。(其中有两本书是多余的)()1.Miss Jiang is an English teacher. She wants to teach her students better.()2.Jenny is very interested in the Internet. She wants to know more about it.()3.Mary is worried about her math. She doesnt know what to do.()4.Kate has a 10yearold son. But her son doesnt like to talk with her. Kate doesnt know what to do.()5.Sandys parents are very busy. She wants to help them do some housework.A.How to Learn MathBHow to Communicate(交流)withChildren CHow to Teach English Well DHow to Make the Waste (废物) UsefulEHow to Cook (做饭)Delicious FoodFHow to Use theInternet GHow to Be Healthy详解详析Section B (2a2c).(A) 1.busy2.useful3.free4.finish5hour6.cool7.difficult8subjects9.easy10.Wednesday(B)1.doesnt have2.Are3.subjects4lessons5.Chinese.1.B2.A3.B4.D5.B6C考查动词及连词的用法。主语classes是复数,后面谓语动词用原形finish,排除A和D;分析句意可知,前后存在一种转折关系,用but连接。故选C。.1.Thank; for2.class; have3because; relaxing4.am very busy5to meet; on6.have; Thursday.1.Drelaxedrelaxing2BLi MingLi Mings3Aarentdont4B去掉in5AHowWhy.1.old2.school3.help4.difficult5favorite6.because7.best8playing/to play9.movies10.are.1.B2.C3.D4.A5.B6A7.C8.D9.C10.A.1.B2.A3.B4.D5.C.1.C2.F3.A4.B5.E

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