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xx年初中学业水平模拟考试英语试题(二)参考答案一、听力测试(共25小题;每小题1分,满分25分)1-5 BACCB 6-8 ACB 9-14 BCAABB 15-17 BCC 18-20 ACC听力第五题:1. traditional 2. Tuesday 3. excited 4. history 5. food二、单项选择(共8小题;每小题1分,满分8分) 21-25 CDBAB 26-28 DCA三、完形填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)29-33 ACBCD 34-38 ABCBA四、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)39-41 DAB 42-45 CBCD 46-49 ABDC 50-53 BACE五、词汇应用(共12小题;每小题1分,满分12分)1. dancer 2. its 3. to get 4. holds 5. is 6. preparing 7. practiced 8. times 9. well 10. to sing 11. was chosen/ had been chosen 12. work 六、阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)1. Parents choose to teach their children at home instead of sending them to school.(意思对即可得分)2. Why do some parents choose homeschool for their children?/The reasons why parents choose homeschool for their children. (意思对即可得分)3. (A) Some parents do not feel their children are safe in school. (B) Other parentswant their childs educationto be based on their personal religious (宗教的)or moral (道德的)beliefs.(C) Some parents feel that public schools are not good enough. (任意两条即可)4. create a portfolio (答案基本唯一)5. 家庭学校也被那些居住在乡村地区或频繁搬家的家庭视为一种选择。(意思对即可得分)七、翻译句子(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)1. He has finished/eaten (up) allthevegetablesexceptthepotatoes.2. Eating too much meat is no good for our health.3. Lily cant wait to have a try.4. I dont want to depend too much on my parents./depend on my parents too much.5. I didnt tell my father the truth until he came back. 八、写作(满分15分)One possible version(仅供参考)Last week, I went to Beijing with my classmates. We went there by train. It took us about 3 hours, but its very comfortable. We spent two days visiting Beijing. On the first day, we went to Tianan Men Square. It is so big. There were lots of people taking photos. Then we went to the Palace Museum. We saw thousands of old buildings where Kings have lived before. Im very interested in the culture. It was cloudy the next day, so we went to the museums. We saw many old things. We should protect them. Except travelling, we also ate the famous Beijing Roast Duck .It is very delicious. Finally I bought nice gifts for my parents. I enjoyed this trip very much.评分标准:满分档(15分):文本长度符合要求、书写规范,涵盖所有要点、结构规范、条理清楚、逻辑严密,词汇丰富、没有任何语法错误。第四档(10-14分):文本长度符合要求、书写规范,涵盖所有要点、结构规范、条理清楚、逻辑严密,词汇比较丰富、有少量语法错误。第三档(7-9分):文本长度符合要求、书写规范,部分涵盖要点、行为基本连贯,词汇不够丰富、有一些语法错误。第二档(4-6分)文本长度与要求有明显距离、书写不规范,要点不完整、行文不连贯,词汇量不足、错误较多,勉强能看出作文意图。第一档(0-3分)能用句子表达,错误百出,只能勉强猜测出作文意图;白卷0分。

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