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Whoisit BiffandChip MumandKipper Floppyandaspaceman No It sdad MumandDad Mum KipperandDad Mum Kipper DadandChip Biff Mum Kipper Dad Chip andFloppy Thefryingpan theflour theeggs themilk thebutter thepancake thepancakerace DadandMum MumandDad Kipper ChipandBiff Kipper BiffandDad Mum ChipandFloppy Chip BiffandKipper DadandFloppy OhFloppy Arug Asheet Abigbox Alittlebox Kipper Oh Floppy No Floppy Oh Floppy No Floppy FoppyFloppy IsitKipper ItisKipper IsitBiff ItisBiff IsitChip ItisChip IsitFloppy Yes ItisFloppy Geton Geton Biff Biffgoton Geton Chip Chipgoton Geton Kipper Kippergoton Oh no Chipdidthis ItisBiff Biffdidthis ItisKipper Kipperdidthis ItisMum Oh no Floppydidthis Goon Dad GetBiff Goon Dad GetChip Goon Dad GetKipper Goon Mum GetDad Upyougo Kipper Go Upyougo Biff Go go Chip upyougo Go gogo No Dad No no no IseeBiff IseeChip IseeMumandDad WeseeKipper WeseeFloppy IseeBiffandChip Iseeme Everyonewenttothepark Chipwentontheslide Biffwentonthehorse Kipperwentontheswing Mumwentonthesee saw Floppywenttosleep Mumwasascarecrow Biffwasapirate Chipwasapirate Kipperwasanangel Dadwasachicken Everyonewashappy Mumputonabigrednose Mumputonabigpillow Mumputonbigboots Mumputonbigeyebrows Sheputonbbigbeard Ho Ho Ho saidMum Dadhadatrumpet Chiphadadrum Biffhadarecorder Kipperhadaguitar Mumhadaheadache Everyonewantedapet Chipwantedarat Ohno saideveryone Biffwantedaspider Ohno saideveryone Kipperwantedasnake Ohno saideveryone Everyonewantedagoldfish Thecarwasstuck Mumpushedit BiffandChippushedit Mumpulledit Thetractorpulledit Ohno Dadwasfierce Chipwassad Biffwasgood Mumwasfrightened Kipperwashungry Itwasacoldday Everyonegotwet Everyonegotcold Floppygottired Kippergotmiserable Mumgotcross Dadgotagoal I mbored saidKipper I mhungry saidBiff I mthirsty saidChip I mcross saidDad I mlost saidMum Hooray saideveryone Chipwantedsomesugar Hewenttothesupermarket Hegotsomecrisps Hewenttotheshop Hegotacomic Hewenttothemarket Hegotaball Heforgotthesugar Mumwascross Whodidthat shesaid ItwasChip saidBiff ItwasKipper saidChip ItwasFloppy saidKipper ItwasFloppy saidBiff Itwasn tFloppy saidDad Itwasme Mummadeadress Dadmadesomejam Chipmadeascarf Biffmadealorry Kippermadeabirthdaycard Everyonemadeamess Canyouseeus Canyouseeme Yes Icanseeyou Canyouseeme Yes wecanseeyou Canyouseeme Yes wecanseeyou WecanallseeDad Weareallinred Weareallinblue Comeonthereds Comeontheblues Whoisinred Whoisinblue Weareallmuddy Comeandlookatthis Comeandlookatthis Isitabigmonster Comeandlookatthis Isitabigdinosaur Comeandlookatthis Isitabiggiant No itisdad Lookatme Mum Lookatme Mum Lookatmeonmybike Lookatme Mum Lookatmeonmybike Lookatme Mum Oh no Lookatme Goaway Floppy Goaway Floppy Weareskipping Goaway Floppy Wearepainting Comeback Floppy Floppy comeback Wearesorry Itwasawetday Itwasawindyday Iwenttotheshops Itwasasunnyday Iwenttothepool Itwasahotday Iwenttothepark Itwasafunday Dogslikestoplay Theyliketowalk Floppylikestowalk Theyliketosleep Floppylikestosleep Theyliketorun Floppylikestorun Floppyhatesthis Goaway littlecat Goaway littlecat Adogiscoming Goaway littlecat Abigdogiscoming Goaway littlecat Floppyiscoming Oh no Goon Mum saidChip Goon Mum saidBiff Iamgoing saidMum Goon Mum saidKipper Iamgoing shesaid Goon goon saidDad Iamgoing saidMum Iamnotgoingagain ThisisKate Shewentupthenet Ilikethis shesaid Shewentontheslide Ilikethis shesaid Shewentuptheladder Ilikethis shesaid Welikethis saidBiff ThisisforDad Thisisforyou Dad Itisabunchofflowers Thisisforyou Dad Itisaboxofchocolates Thisisforyou Dad Itisabunchofgrapes ThisisforthebestDadofall Lookatallthedogs Welikethisdog Thisisalittledog Welikethisdog Thisisabigdog Wealllikethisdog Thisisthetopdog WelikeFloppybestofall CanIgetanicecream Yes Ican Comeon runtotheicecreamvan Iwantthebigone Lookatthat Lookout Kipper Ohno Splat Canyouseemyteddybear Canyouseemydog Canyouseemypictureofabig redfrog Youcanseemytiger ifyoulookinthetree Areyoulooking Canyouseeme I magooddog Lookatme I mverygood asyoucansee Yousay sit Isit That sit Ifyoucall Igettheball Yousay stay Istay That sthat ButnotifIcanseeacat Biffhasapanandabig redpot Chiphasatin WhathasKippergot Kipperhasacan Dadhasabin Bang crash bang Whatadin Whatadin Seemeskip Thisistheway Iliketodothiseveryday Comeon Dad Canyouskiptoo Yes Ican Iskiplikeyou Lookatme Lookatmego Lookout dad Ohno Ohno Thisismudinmyhand Putinwater Mixinsand Tipitout Patitflat Thisisamudpie notahat Floppyhadabone Adogtookthebone Floppyranafterthedog Comeback saidMum SheranafterFloppy Comeback saidDad HeranafterMum Comeback saidBiffandChip TheyranafterDad Thedogstopped Abigdogtookthebone Thebigdogatethebone Oh no Hookaduck saidMum Chiphadago Hegotapen Haveago saidMum Biffhadago Biffgotacat Goon Hookaduck saidMum Kipperhadago Hegotadog Itwasabigdog Whatabigdog saidkipper Grrr saidFloppy Chiphadabox Thisismyrobot hesaid Canyouseeit Thisisaleg saidChip Canyouseetherobot Thisisanarm saidChip Canyouseetherobot Canyouseeit yet saidChip No saidBiff Thisisthehead saidChip Nowcanyouseemyrobot Wecanseeitnow saidBiff Chiphadabox Heputsandinit Patitflat hesaid Kipperhadabox Heputsandinit Biffhadabucket Sheputsandinit Biffputthebucketontop Good shesaid Itwasasandcastle Itwasagoodsandcastle Itwasthebestsandcastle Dadhadamap Hehidthemapinthesand Bifffoundthemap Itisatreasuremap shesaid Themapsaid Dighere Dighere saidBiff Chipduginthesand Chipfoundabox Isitaboxoftreasure hesaid No Itwasaboxofsweets Onewheel saidChip Look saidChip Onewheel Look saidMum Iamontwowheels Lookatme saidKipper Iamonthreewheels Lookatme saidBiff Iamonfourwheels Lookatdad saidMum Heisononewheel Ohno saidDad Nowheels MumDadBiffChipKipperFloppy Kipperwasfishing Hegotahat Biffwasfishing Shegotacrab Chipwasfishing Hegotanoctopus Mumwasfishing Shegotabucket Dadwasfishing Hegotaboot SPLASH Floppygotafish BiffChipWilmaWilfKipperFloppy Wilmamadeasnowman Ithadarednose Ithadabluescarf Ithadgreengloves Ithadablackhat ThehatfellonFloppy Floppyran Ohno Nosnowman Kipperran Kippergotabanana Mumran Shegotanapple Biffandchipran Theygotanorange Dadran Floppyran Ohno Dadfell Dadgotaduck Picnictime saidDad Biffsatonalog Somesheepcame Run saidKipper Theysatonabridge Someduckscame Run saidChip Theysatonawall Someduckeyscame Run saidBiff Theysatonarock Ohno Theraincame ItwasDad sbirthday Dadhadacake Hehadabike Hegotonthebike Goon dad saidBiff Goon dad saidChip Goon dad saidKipper Dadfelloff Ohno Mumhadanewhat Thewindblew ItblewMum shatoff Getmyhat saidMum Dadran Thewindblew Ohno Getthathat saidDad Kipperran Thewindblew Ohno Getthathat saidKipper Biffran Thewindblew Ohno Lookatmynewhat saidMum

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