山东省菏泽市2019年初中英语学业水平考试总复习 第12课时 八下 Units 9-10练习.doc

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山东省菏泽市2019年初中英语学业水平考试总复习 第12课时 八下 Units 9-10练习.doc_第1页
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山东省菏泽市2019年初中英语学业水平考试总复习 第12课时 八下 Units 9-10练习.doc_第2页
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山东省菏泽市2019年初中英语学业水平考试总复习 第12课时 八下 Units 9-10练习.doc_第3页
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第12课时 八年级下册Units 910一、单项填空1(xx河南郑州外国语中学模拟改编)Dear children, this is unusual exam. exam is very important to you. Wish you good results.Aan; The Ba; The Can; An 2(2019预测)In China it is a custom to give kids lucky money during the Spring Festival.Aespecially Bluckily Csimply3How long can a person a shared bike for free in Heze?For an hour.Aget Bkeep Cborrow 4Bell the telephone which is still being used today.Ainvented Bdiscovered Cfound 5(xx湖南湘西土家族苗族自治州中考)Can you tell me ?Sure. He lives on Center Street.AWhere does he liveBWhere he liveCWhere he lives6(xx重庆模拟改编)Try to spend more time talking with your parents, they may understand you well.Aor Bbut Cand7I have to my room. Its really a mess.Alook after Btake in Cclear out 8(xx山东菏泽东明二模)A number of visitors Heze many times because of her beautiful flowers.Ahas been to Bhave gone Chave been to9(2019原创) have you been studying English?Since last year. AHow far BHow soon CHow long 10I have never been to Disneyland. How about you? .AMe, too BSo do I CMe, neither二、完形填空(2019原创)There was once a bad king. All the people hated him. One day in a summer he was swimming alone 1 a river.The king was 2 swimming, but while he was in the middle of the river, he suddenly felt ill. He cried out, “Help! Help!” At that time two farmers were working nearby. They 3 ran over, jumped into the water 4 saved him. They didnt know that he was the king before he was pulled out of the water.The king was 5 , so he said to the farmers, “You have saved my life. Now you may 6 anything, and Ill give it to you.”One of the farmers said, “My son is ill. Please send him to a good 7 ” The king promised to do so. Then he spoke to the old farmer. “And 8 can I do for you, old man?” The old man 9 for some minutes and then he answered, “You can do a very important thing for me.” “What is that?” asked the king. “Dont tell 10 that we have saved you.” The old man answered.1A.at Bin Con 2A.good at Bharmful to Cbad at3A.clearly Bquickly Chardly 4A.but Bor Cand 5A.happy Bangry Cupset 6A.ask for Bthank for Ccare for7A.teacher Bdoctor Cdriver 8A.when Bwhat Cwhere 9A.heard Bsaid Cthought 10A.someone Beveryone Canyone三、阅读理解(xx山东菏泽中考改编)In life, everyone once struggles for a dream, whether its successful or not. I still clearly remember one day when I was in high school. I saw on a website that Chinas Got Talents masselection(海选) for the best singer was going on. I was very excited and decided to go and try out. But it wasnt as easy as I had thought. When I got there, I saw at least 100 people already waiting in line. My hands started to sweat and shake as my turn got close. I got up and started singing, but I sang so badly that I stopped before I even finished the song. Afterwards I quickly said goodbye to my friends and walked home crying. I thought that I would never be able to show my face in public again.However, after about a year, that terrible experience became a funny memory. I realized that I didnt need to care about losing that dream, because I made a new and more realistic one. Im good at English, as well as other subjects. I made it my goal to get accepted into Columbia University. Columbia is hard to get into, and about 1,300 students from all over the world are accepted every year. Though it is hard to get into, I think my dream will come true someday by working hard. 1As a student, the writer took part in Chinas Got Talents masselection.Aprimary schoolBuniversityChigh school2As the writers turn got close, Ahe felt very nervous and uneasyBhe got up and started singingCmore than 100 people were waiting in line3When the writer went back home, Aall his friends were with himBhe thought it was a shame to have sung so badlyChe was very excited and decided to try out again4What does the underlined word “realistic” mean in the second paragraph?A有意义的 B现实的 C有创新的 四、任务型阅读阅读下面短文,完成相关任务。(xx山东菏泽牡丹期末)In our life, we may meet person with different personalities(性格). What is your personality type? Read about the following and find out!Dreamer thinks there is a “right” way to do things. They want to live in the “perfect world”. Many of them are good listeners and like to help others. Many Dreamers work as teachers, and often lead others. Famous Dreamers: Mohandas Gandhi, Angelina Jolie. Partners want to be in a group. For this person, rules are important. They consider tradition to be valuable. Partners are often serious and careful people. Many work as teachers, managers and police officers. Famous Partners: Queen Elizabeth, Mother Teresa. Thinkers believe its very important to understand things. They like to deal with problems and make new things. They also like to win. They have very strong opinions(主张). Many Thinkers work as scientists, inventors and engineers. Famous Thinkers: Bill Gates, Stephen Hawking. Artists want to be free. They dont want to follow the rules all the time. They also like trying new things. Like Thinkers, many Artists have strong opinions. They are creative and usually work as musicians and actors. Famous Artists: Cristiano Ronaldo, Madonna. 1How many personality types are mentioned in the passage? 2Do Partners think its important to have rules? 3What do Thinkers like to do according to the passage? 4把短文第四自然段中画线句子翻译成汉语。 5给短文拟一个恰当的标题。 五、综合填空阅读下面短文,用方框内所给词汇的适当形式填空,使短文语义完整。(2019预测)later expensiveresultnamegivein they so big thinkIn history, there are many people who set a good example to us. In the Han Dynasty, there was a farmers child 1. Kuang Heng. He wanted to read books very much. At that time, the book was very 2. . He couldnt afford books and had to borrow books. Rich people had books, but they didnt lend 3. to others easily. He took any chance to borrow books to read.Kuang Heng spent all his time working in the fields in the day, 4. he had to read in the evening. But his family was too poor to buy the oil lamp(灯)One night, he wanted to read a book. He was 5. how to do it when he suddenly saw a little light from the crack(裂缝) 6. the wall. It must be his neighbors light. As a 7. , he thought of a good way: he made the crack become 8. than before. In this way, he could read more books.Kuang Heng was so keen to(渴望) learn that he became a learned man 9. . We should learn the spirit of his hard working and perseverance(坚持不懈). We shouldnt 10. up no matter what kind of difficulties we meet.六、书面表达(xx湖北宜昌中考)为了更好地开展八年级学生的研学旅行(study travel),学校现面向全年级征集活动意向。假如你是李华,请谈谈你建议的时间和地点并陈述理由,简要介绍打算开展的活动。要求:1.语言规范,语句通顺,内容充实;2字数:不少于100词;开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear leaders,I am Li Hua from Class 3, Grade 8. We can discuss the details(细节) later.Yours,Li Hua参考答案一、15 AABAC610 CCCCC二、15 BABCA610 ABBCC三、CABB四、1Four.2.Yes.3Thinkers like to deal with problems and make new things.4他们不想一直都遵守规则。5Different Personality Types五、1.named2.expensive3.them4.so 5thinking6.in7.result8.bigger 9later10.give六、Dear leaders,I am Li Hua from Class 3, Grade 8. Here is my advice about our study travel.I suggest going to Wufeng Houhe Forest Park. It is a beautiful park with green water and mountains. There are many different kinds of plants, birds and other animals. We can get closer to the nature. I think June is the best time to get there. Because there is not too much rain at this time of year and the weather in the forest park is much cooler.We will have lots of activities, such as climbing the mountains and studying about plants. Im sure the travel will be both pleasant and educational.We can discuss the details(细节) later.YoursLi Hua

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