四川省南充市2019中考英语二轮复习 第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 八下 Units 7-8知识梳理+精练 人教新目标版.doc

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四川省南充市2019中考英语二轮复习 第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 八下 Units 7-8知识梳理+精练 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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四川省南充市2019中考英语二轮复习 第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 八下 Units 7-8知识梳理+精练 人教新目标版.doc_第2页
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四川省南充市2019中考英语二轮复习 第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 八下 Units 7-8知识梳理+精练 人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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人教八年级(下)Units 78单元重点回顾类别课标考点要求重点单词1.deep(adj.)深的;纵深的2.desert(n.)沙漠3.population(n.)人口;人口数量4.Asia(n.)亚洲5.tour(n.& v.) 旅行;旅游6.tourist(n.)旅行者;观光者7.wall(n.)墙8.ancient(adj.)古代的;古老的9.protect(v.)保护;防护10.wide(adj.)宽的;宽阔的11.achievement(n.)成就;成绩12.thick(adj.)厚的;浓的13.include(v.)包括;包含14.condition(n.)条件;状况15.succeed(v.)实现目标;成功16.achieve(v.)达到;完成;成功17.nature(n.)自然界;大自然18.ocean(n.)大海;海洋19.weigh(v.)重量是;称的重量20.birth(n.)出生;诞生21.adult(adj.)成年的;成人的 (n.)成人;成年动物22.bamboo(n.)竹子23.research(n.& v.)研究;调查24.keeper(n.)饲养员;保管人25.awake(adj.)醒着26.excitement(n.)激动;兴奋27.illness(n.)疾病;病28.wild(adj.)野生的29.government(n.) 政府;内阁30.oil(n.)油;食用油;石油31.protection(n.)保护;保卫32.huge(adj.)巨大的;极多的33.treasure(n.)珠宝;财富34.island(n.)岛35.hurry(v.)匆忙;赶快36.ship(n.)船37.tool(n.)工具38.mark(n.)迹象;记号;分数(v.) 做记号;打分39.sand(n.)沙滩;沙40.towards(prep.)朝;向;对着41.land(n.)陆地;大地42.fiction(n.)小说43.technology(n.)科技;工艺44.French(n.)法语45.rock(n.)摇滚乐46.forever(adv.)永远47.abroad(adv.)在国外;到国外48.southern(adj.)南方的49.modern(adj.)现代的;当代的50.success(n.)成功51.belong(v.)属于;归属52.laughter(n.)笑;笑声53.beauty(n.)美;美丽54.record(n.)唱片;记录;录制;录(音)55.introduce(v.)介绍;引见56.line(n.)行;排词性转换1.Asia(n.)亚洲Asian(adj.& n.)亚洲的;亚洲人2.tour(v.& n.)旅行;旅游tourist(n.)旅行者;观光者3.protect(v.)保护protection(n.)保护4.wide(adj.)宽的;宽阔的widely(adv.)广泛地5.achieve(v.)达到;完成achievement(n.)成就6.thick(adj.)厚thin(adj.)薄(反义词)7.include(v.)包括;包含including(prep.)包括;包含8.succeed(v.)实现目标;成功success(n.)成功successful(adj.)成功的9.nature(n.)自然natural(adj.)天然的10.weigh(v.)重量是;称的重量weight(n.)重量11.birth(n.)出生;诞生birthday(n.)生日12.keep(v.)保管;保持keeper(n.)饲养员;保管人13.ill(adj.)有病;不舒服illness(n.)疾病14.south(n.)南方southern(adj.)南方的15.laugh(v.)大笑laughter(n.)笑声16.beauty(n.)美beautiful(adj.)美丽的17.introduce(v.)介绍introduction(n.)介绍重点短语 1.(可以)随便(做某事)feel free2.就我所知as far as I know3.吸入;吞入(体内) take in 4.冒着生命危险 risk ones life5.面对(问题;困难等) in the face of6.实现梦想 achieve ones dream7.即使;虽然even though/if8.在出生时 at birth9.到达(某数量、程度等);至多有;不多于up to10.醒了 be awake11.兴奋地 with excitementin excitement12.走路时撞着 walk into13.绊倒fall over 14.大约or so15.满是的;(有)大量的;(有)丰富的full of 16.赶快;急忙(做某事)hurry up17.留学study abroad 18.自从ever since19.属于 belong to20.互相each other one another 21.做关于的研究do some research on22.把介绍给introduceto 重点句子1.The Sahara is about 9,600,000 _square_kilometers_in_size_.撒哈拉沙漠面积9 600 000平方千米。 2._Whats_the_population_of_ China? _How_many_people_ are there in China?中国的人口是多少?3.China has _the_biggest_population_ in the world.中国有世界上最多的人口。4.China _has_a_much_longer_history_than_ the US.中国有比美国长得多的历史。5._Feel_free_to_ ask me anything _on_ todays Great Wall tour.随便问我任何有关今天长城游览的事情。6.The main reason was _to_protect_ their part of the country.主要原因是为了保护这个国家的部分(领土)。7._As_far_as_I_know_,there are _no_other_manmade_objects_as_big_as_ this.据我所知,没有人造的物体和这个一样大。8._One_of_ the worlds _most_dangerous_sports_ is mountain climbing.世界上最危险的运动之一就是登山。续表类别课标考点要求重点句子9.The spirit of these climbers shows us that we should never _give_up_trying_to_achieve_our_dreams_.这些登山者的精神向我们表明:我们决不应该放弃努力去实现自己梦想的尝试。10._Whats_the_highest_mountain_ in the world? 世界上最高的山是什么? Qomolangma.珠穆朗玛峰。 11._How_high_ is Qomolangma? 珠穆朗玛峰有多高? It is 8,844.43 _meters_high_.It is _higher_than_any_other_ mountain.它8 844.43米高。它比其他任何山都高。12.No ocean in the world _is_as_big_as_ the Pacific Ocean.世界上没有和太平洋一样大的海洋。 13.This elephant is _200_cm_taller_than_ this panda.这头大象比这头熊猫高200厘米。 14.This elephant weighs _many_times_more_than_ this panda.这头大象比这头熊猫重很多倍。15.Scientists say there _are_ now _fewer_than_2,000_pandas_living_ in the forests.科学家说现在有少于2 000只熊猫生活在森林里。16.Adult pandas _spend_ more than 12 hours a day _eating_ about 10 kilos of bamboo.成年熊猫每天花12多个小时吃大约10公斤竹子。17.We all hope that in the future _there_will_be_a_lot_more_ pandas.我们都希望未来将有多得更多的熊猫。 18.We should _protect_ whales _from_ killing.我们应该保护鲸鱼免受杀戮。 19._Have_ you _read_ Little Women yet?你已经读过小妇人了吗?Yes,_I_have_.是的,我读过了。No,_I_havent_.不,我没读过了。20.Have you _at_least_ read _the_back_of_the_book_ to see what its about?至少你已经读过书的背面,了解它的大致内容了吧?21.The book report _is_due_in_two_weeks_.读书报告预期两周后交。22._Who_else_ is on my island?还有谁在我的岛上?23._One_ of them _died_ but _the_other_ ran towards my house.他们中的一个死了,但另一个朝我的房子跑来。24.She _is_interested_in_ science and technology and loves to _imagine_ what the world _will_be_like_in_50_years_.她对科学技术感兴趣,喜欢想象50年后世界会是什么样子。25.She _cant_wait_to_ read them.她迫不及待要读它们。语法1.形容词、副词比较级和最高级(详见第二编P129P130)2.数词的表达(详见第二编P125)3.现在完成时(详见第二编P136)话题Unit 7 Facts about the world(关于世界的事实)Unit 8 Literature and music(文学和音乐)单元重难点突破对于物体长、宽、高、深度、面积的表达 (八下Unit 7 P49) 【举例透析】20米长 20 meters long/in length 10米宽 10 meters wide15米深 15 meters deep/in depth 150平方米 150 square meters (对于物体长、宽、高、深度、面积的表达:数词单位名词adj.或inn.) This is a 160meterhigh tower.这是一座160米高的塔。(也可用“数词单位名词形容词”,常用作定语。)1.珠穆朗玛峰高8 844.43米。Qomolangma is 8,844.43 _meters_ _high_.2.我在动物园看到一条长2米的蛇。I saw a _twometerlong_ snake in the zoo.population (八下Unit 7 P50)【举例透析】China has the biggest population in the world.中国有世界上最多的人口。China has a large/big population but Singapore has a small population.中国人口多但新加坡人口少。(population作名词,意为人口;修饰人口多少用:large/big或small)How large/What is the population of China? 中国的人口有多少?It has a population of over 1.3 billion.它有超过13亿的人口。(询问人口多少时用:How large?/Whats?)The worlds population is increasing faster and faster.全世界的人口增长越来越快。About 70% of the population in China are farmers.大约中国人口的70%都是农民。(population 是一个集合名词,视为整体,做主语时谓语动词用三单形式,但主语是表示人口的几分之几的时候谓语动词要用复数形式。)New York is a big city with a population of over 10 million.纽约是一个有着超过一千万人口的大城市。(population可作可数名词,前面加不定冠词。) (A)1.The population of China _ large.About four fifths of the population _ farmers.A.is;are B.are;is C.are;are D.is;is2.(xx眉山中考)中国是世界上人口最多的国家。The_population_ of China is the _largest_ in the world.succeed (八下Unit 7 P51)【举例透析】You wont succeed if you dont put your mind to your work.如果你不把心放在工作上,你将不会成功。He is certain to succeed in doing his experiment.他确信他的实验会成功。(succeed作动词,意为“成功”,不能用于被动语态。常见搭配: succeed in sth./doing sth.成功做成某事;名词:success;形容词:successful;副词:successfully。)1.He _succeeded_(success) in passing the final exam with Mr.Lis help.(C)2.After three days hard work,he succeeded in _ planting those trees.A.finished B.finishes C.finishing D.to finish(A)3.(xx盐城中考改编)Work hard and youll have a big_.A.success B.problem C.pride D.troubleachieve (八下Unit 7 P51)【举例透析】He achieved his dream of becoming an engineer.他实现了当工程师的梦想。(achieve作动词;achieve our dreams make our dreams come true,其中achieve表示“通过努力实现;取得;获取”,主语一般为人。) As a famous player,he has many remarkable achievements.作为一名著名的运动员,他有很多非凡的成就。(achievement作名词,意为“成就”。)1.China has made great _achievements_(achieve) in the last 30 years.(B)2.If you never give up,you will _ dreams.A.come true B.achieve C.came true D.achieved倍数表达法 (八下Unit 7 P53)【举例透析】once 一倍twice两倍数词 times 三倍及以上The hall is five times bigger than our classroom.这个大厅比我们的教室大四倍(是我们教室的五倍)。(“A谓语倍数形容词或副词的比较级thanB”表示 “A比B大(长、高、宽等)多少倍”)This table is three times as long as that one.这张桌子是那张桌子的三倍长。(“A谓语倍数as形容词或副词的原级asB”表示 “A是B的多少倍”)His father is twice the height of him.他父亲的身高是他的两倍。(“A谓语倍数the height/weight/lenghtofB”表示“A的高度/重量/长度是B的多少倍”)(C)Adult tigers weigh _ than baby tigers.A.much lighter B.a lot heavy C.three times heavier D.three times moreweigh (八下Unit 7 P53)【举例透析】Mr.Wang weighs 60 kilos.王先生体重60千克。(表示“重(多少)”,是连系动词)He weighed the fish.他称了这条鱼。(表示“称的重量”,是及物动词。)It is about 20 kilos in weight.这东西重约20千克。 My sister is trying to lose weight.我姐姐正在设法减肥。(weight作名词,意为重量;常见短语:lose weight 减肥;put on weight增肥)Whats the weight of the sheep? 这只羊的重量是多少?(问重量:Whats the wight of?) 选用weigh,weight填空。1.Can you guess the _weight_ of the panda?2.The little bear _weighs_ 70 kilos now.辨析already 与 yet (八下Unit 8 P57)【举例透析】I have already read the book.我已经读了这本书。Some visitors have come already.一些参观者已经来了。(already 已经;通常用于完成时的肯定句中,放在助动词have/has之后,过去分词之前或句尾。)He is already a middle school student.他已经是一名中学生了。(在陈述客观事实的情况下,already也可用于一般现在时或一般过去时。)Have you found your ruler yet?你已经找到你的尺子了吗?(yet用于完成时的疑问句中,意为“已经”,用来询问说话人期望发生的事情是否已经发生。通常放在句末。) I havent found my bracelet yet.我还没有找到我的手链。(yet也可用于完成时的否定句中,意为“还”,表示说话人期望发生的事情尚未发生。通常放于句末。)He studied hard,yet he failed.他学习努力,可是考试仍未及格。(yet还可用作连词,意为“然而”,通常位于并列句的后一个分句的句首。)(C)Tom has read Robinson Crusoe _,but he hasnt read Tom Sawyer _.A.already;already B.yet;yet C.already;yet D.yet;already辨析full of与fill with (八下Unit 8 P58)【举例透析】He received several baskets full of cards,letters of congratulations.他收到几个装满贺卡和贺信的篮子。(后置定语)Robinson Crusoe stared at the footprint,full of fear.鲁滨逊盯着那个脚印,满怀恐惧。(状语)As we returned home,everything seemed to be full of life.当我们回到家时,一切似乎洋溢着生气。(表语)(full of 此处是形容词短语,意为“充满;装满”,在句中作后置定语。此外在句中充当状语或表语。)He filled the glass with water.他把杯子装满了水。The basket is filled with apples by the old man.篮子被这个老人装满了苹果。(fill with为动词短语,意为“装满”, fill为及物动词, be filled with be full of。)(D)1.If we work hard,our future will be _ hope.A.filled in B.fill in C.fill with D.full of2.(xx兰州中考)生活充满了出乎意料。Life is_full/filled_ _of/with_ the unexpected.onethe other (八下Unit 8,P59)【举例透析】One of them died but the other ran towards my house.其中一个人死了,但另外一个人朝我的房子跑来。(onethe other用于两者之间,意为“一个另一个”。)onethe otherI dont like this one.Show me another,please.我不喜欢这一个。请给我看看另一个。(oneanother表示不定数目中的“一个”与“另一个”。)oneanotherOf the six students,one is going home,and the others are going to the cinema.六个学生中,有一个回家了,其他的去电影院了。(onethe others表示确定数目中的“一个”与“其余”(剩下所有)。 )onethe others There are lots of people in the park on Sunday.Some are walking and others are climbing the hill.周日公园里有许多人,一些人在散步,其余人在爬山。(someothers表示许多人或物中的“一部分”和“另一部分(并非全部)”。)someothersIn P.E.class,the boys are playing sports.Some are playing basketball,the others are playing pingpong.体育课上,男孩们都在运动,一些在打篮球,其余的所有的人都在打乒乓球。(somethe others表示许多人或物中的“一部分”和“另一部分(包括剩余全部)”。)somethe others1.She has two sisters._One_ is a nurse, _the_other_ is a student.2.Students are busy cleaning the classroom after school._Some_ are cleaning the windows, _(the)others_ are sweeping the floor. 3.He finished _one_cup of tea and then asked for _another_ cup.belong to (八下Unit 8 P62)【举例透析】That bike belongs to me.那辆自行车是我的。(代词用宾格。)These dictionaries belong to the library.这些词典是图书馆的。(belong 不及物动词,常与介词to连用, belong to属于,其主语通常是物。)It must belong to Carla. It must be Carlas.它一定是卡拉的。(belong to 常与物主代词或名词所有格转换。)(B)1.Are these books _?No,they are not mine.They belong to _.A.your;her B.yours;her C.you;hers D.yours;hers2.没有人能改变钓鱼岛属于中国这个事实。Nobody can change the fact that Diaoyu Island _belongs_ _to_ China.直 击 中 考一、单项选择。(D)1.(xx北京中考)Tony is _ of the three boys,but he is the tallest.A.young B.youngerC.youngest D.the youngest(A)2.(xx连云港中考)Have you heard about Zhangjiajie Glass Footbridge?Of course, its built over a _ canyon in the Zhangjiajie National Forest Park.A.300meterdeep B.300metersdeepC.300 meter deep D.300meters deep(D)3.(xx云南中考)What do you think of your junior high school life?I think it is one of _ periods in my life.A.wonderful B.more wonderfulC.much wonderful D.the most wonderful(C)4.(xx滨州中考)Nowadays,_ farmers leave their hometown to search for work in the cities.A.million of B.two millionsC.millions of D.two millions of二、(xx滨州中考改编)阅读理解。Four years ago,Chinese skater Wu Dajing introduced himself to the skating world by winning a silver medal at the Sochi Olympic Winter Games.At this years Pyeong Chang Olympics,Wu not only returned,but also made history.On Feb.22th,xx,Wu won the gold medal in the mens shorttrack 500meter race.He set a new world record with a time of 39.584 seconds.He also became the first Chinese man to take home an Olympic shorttrack gold medal.BBC said Wus win was “flawless”,because he was much faster than all of the other skaters.“I didnt give them a chance and I kept my speed from the start.” he told the reporter after the match.But Chinas shorttrack teams didnt do well in general at the Games.Chinese skaters in the womens 500 meters,3000meter relay and mens 1,500 meters all failed to take home the gold.Wu was Chinas biggest hope,which put a lot of pressure on him.But he proved himself with his great performance.Wu is now known as a highly talented skater.But things were not always that way.When Wu joined the national team in xx,he was seen as almost “nothing” compared to gifted skaters like Zhou Yang and Fan Kexin,as his coaches said at the time.Their words made him quite upset.But Wu didnt want to give up and worked as hard as he could.He practiced skating all year round.He even didnt return to his hometown for the holidays for 10 years.“I believe in myself.” he told the reporter after his match at the Olympics.(C)1.What does the underlined word “flawless” mean?A.Ordinary. B.Common.C.Perfect. D.Difficult.(B)2.According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE?A.Wu won a gold medal at the Sochi Olympic Winter Games four years ago.B.Wu set the world record with a time of 39.584 seconds and made history.C.Wus coaches placed great hope on him when he joined the national team.D.Chinese skaters in the womens 500 meters,3000meter relay took home the gold.(B)3.What does the last paragraph mainly tell us?A.The national team and coaches regarded Wu as a talented skater all the way.B.Wu kept on practicing skating all year round even in the holidays for 10 years.C.Zhou Yang and Fan Kexin were more hardworking on skating than Wu Dajing.D.Because of Wus hard work,confidence and strong will,he finally succeeded.(A)4.Which one might be the best title of this passage?A.From Zero to Skating HeroB.Shorttrack 500meter RaceC.Pyeong Chang Winter OlympicsD.Rising of Chinas Bright Skiing Star三、还原句子。阅读短文,根据短文内容,从方框中选择五个选项分别填入空白处,使其文理通顺。The Internet is shaping our lives.We already have online shopping services and mobile payment.However,this is just a start.The worlds leading tech companies are planning to build smarter online communities.1._B_ It was held in Wuzhen,Zhejiang last year.The development of artificial intelligence(AI,人工智能) was a hot topic at the conference.If a machine can learn and solve problems as humans do,it can be called AI.The company Alibaba uses AI technology in its unmanned supermarket in Wuzhen.There is no salesperson in the supermarket,just a tablet on a desk that says “please smile”.2._C_The bigger you smile,the more discounts(折扣) you get.Payment is done automatically through your Alipay account.When you first enter the supermarket,the supermarkets AI recognizes your face and your account.There is also AI that can read lips.3._D_ It recognizes your mouths movements and turns them into voice or text messages.This could be very useful when you are trying to talk to someone on your phone in a noisy place.Police could also use the technology to help them find criminal suspects by lipreading recordings from video cameras.Another type of AI focuses on understanding human emotions.Microsofts chatbot XiaoIce can not only provide useful information,but also chat with people like a real friend.XiaoIce has a WeChat account.After following the account,users can start talking with her.4._A_ She keeps improving herself by talking with users.These technologies are being put into wider use.We may see a smarter world and better lives in the near future.A.She knows when to comfort you or tell jokes.B.They discussed this at the World Internet Conference.C.If you smile,it will give you a special discount for your goods.D.Sougou brought its lipreading system to the conference.四、(xx舟山中考改编)综合填空。阅读下面短文,根据单词、首字母、汉语和语境提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的单词,要求意义准确、拼写正确。Have you ever heard of friendship among animals?At a zoo in Germany,an unusual friendship developed 1._between_ a cat and a bear.No one is quite sure how the friendship first began.One day,some 2._workers_(worker) in the zoo noticed a black cat was in the bears cage(笼子),and the two animals were playing together peacefully.They were 3._surprised_(surprise) how well the small cat seemed to get along with the larger bear.The bear keeper allowed the cat to stay with the bear.And later the pair and their unusual friendship 4._became_(become) a hot topic at the zoo.After several years,a new cage was 5._built_(build) for the bear.However,the cat was still in the same cage,so it walked around 6._angrily_(生气地) and cried to be with the bear.The bear keeper finally took pity on the cat 7.and_ let it stay with the bear.The cat and the bear got 8._closer_(close) than before.They often sat together and 9._shared_(分享) meals in the sun.Sometimes it may be 10._natural_(nature) for animals to have their own ideas about who would make a good friend.These may surprise humans,who usually expect animals to form relationship with others of the same species.五、(xx河北中考改编)完成句子。阅读下面短文,根据题后要求完成句子。“Volunteering makes you look at the world differently.You see how little things can change a persons life for the better,which makes everyone a better person.” Mason,a volunteer said.(A)National Volunteer Week started in_1974 and is held every April.It is a time to thank volunteers for their achievements.It is also a perfect opportunity(机会) to encourage others to take their first step toward becoming a volunteer.Making the decision to take the first step can be the biggest problem,because they often wonder if they will be able to meet the organizations expectations(期望).Some people fear not knowing anyone else in the group.(B)没有足够的时间也阻碍了一些人分享他们的能力。The following tips can help if you have some of these worries: Start out slowly,dont add too much pressure.Even a few hours a month can make a big difference in someones life. Choose an organization with the same interests and common values. Take part in a training meeting for new volunteers,even if it is not asked.(C)Work with a veteran volunteer.He volunteered a lot.He can help you increase the confidence and completely understand the organizations expectations. Invite a friend or family member to serve.(D)volunteer,is,a,good,it,experience,to,with,them. Finally,it is most important to enjoy the volunteer experience and to remember that not all volunteer experiences are perfect.(E)If_one_experience_doesnt_work,dont_give_up_and_ youll_surely_find_the_right_opportunity.Spend some time on volunteer work and you will see great changes in peoples lives.As Mason discovered during his volunteer experience,“little things can change a persons life.”1.句子提问。请就(A)句的画线部分提问。_When_ _did_National Volunteer Week start?2.汉译英。请根据(B)处中文提示写出英语句子。(每空一词)Not having_enough_ time also prevents some from _sharing_ their abilities.3.根据文章,请就(C)处画线部分,选出与其意义相同的选项。(C)The underlined word “veteran” in the passage means “_ ”.A.polite B.humorousC.experienced D.famous4.连词成句。请将(D)处的单词连成意义完整的句子。_It_is_a_good_experience_to_volunteer_with_them._5.英译汉。请将(E) 句译成


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