2019年春七年级英语下册 Unit 10 I’d like some noodles Section A教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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2019年春七年级英语下册 Unit 10 I’d like some noodles Section A教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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2019年春七年级英语下册 Unit 10 I’d like some noodles Section A教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第2页
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2019年春七年级英语下册 Unit 10 I’d like some noodles Section A教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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Unit 10 Id like some noodlesSection A Step 1Warmingup and leadin1Show some pictures about food, meat and vegetables.2Ask and answer the question: Whats your favorite food/drink/vegetables?Step 2Presentation1Show some pictures of food on the big screen.Present some new words and expressions to the students.2Students learn the new words and expressions by themselves and try to remember them. 3Work on 1a.Read the words on the left and look at the pictures on the right. Write the letters of the food on the line. Then check the answers. 答案 (1)g(2)b(3)c(4)d(5)e(6)f(7)a(8)h Step 3Game: Who is the fastest?(Guess the food)(Show some pictures of food on the big screen.)Let students guess what food it is.Students try to guess the food and learn the words. Step 4Listening Listen and check the noodles that the person orders.Play the recording for the students to listen and check the answers. 答案 Special 1Step 5Pair work 1Present the conversation in 1a on the big screen and ask students to practice it.A: What would you like?B: Im not sure yet. Are there any vegetables in the beef noodles? A: Yes, there are some tomatoes.B: OK. Id like the beef noodles. 2Make their own conversations using the noodles in the picture.3Let some pairs act out their conversations. Step 6Language points(详见P课堂互动探究及PPT课件)special; yet; Id likeStep 7HomeworkReview the words and expressions in this period. Step 1Warmingup and leadin1Pandoras box: The teacher prepares a box and writes these words: food, meat, vegetables and drink on some pieces of paper. Then put them into the box. Students extract a card and say some words according to the card.2Have a dictation about the words in Period 1.Step 2Listening1Work on 2a.(1)Look at the pictures on the right, listen to the conversations and check the names of the foods you hear. (2)Play the recording for the first time, and students only listen carefully.(3)Then listen to the recording again, and check the names of the foods. (4)Check the answers.答案 noddles; beef; chicken; tornatoes; cabbage; potatoes 2Work on 2b.(1)Play the recording again for the students to listen and complete the sentences. (2)Play the recording twice. The first time students just listen. And the second time, students listen and write down the words. (If necessary, use the pause button to help students.)3Check the answers.答案 largechickenpotatocabbagemediumbeeftomato Step 4Pair work 1Ask and answer questions with your partner. Use the information in 2a. 2Show the conversations of 2a on the big screen to the students. 3Make a model for the students. A: What kind of noodles would you like?B: Id like beef noodles, please.4Students work in pairs and practice the conversations.Step 5Roleplay 1Ask students to read the conversation in 2d and find out the answer to this question:What would they like?2Check the answers with the students.答案 They would like one large bowl of beef soup, one gongbao chicken, and one mapo tofu with rice.3Students work with their partners and roleplay the conversation.Step 6Language points(详见P课堂互动探究)Whatwould you like?;May I take your order?Step 7Exercises (详见PPT)Step 8Homework1Roleplay the conversation in 2d. 2Write a short conversation to order some noodles you like in a restaurant. Step 1Warmingup and leadin1Brainstorming: Write down the words as many as possible about food, meat and vegetables.2Check your homeworkStep 2Grammar Focus. 1. Read Grammar Focus and understand the meanings of the sentences.2. Understand the countable and uncountable nouns.3. 探究乐园一、would like意为 “想要”,为常用句式结构1“你想要点什么?”“我想要一杯茶。”What _ you _? 我想要一杯茶。_ _ a cup of tea. 你想要什么面条?What _ of noodles _ you like?你想要多大号的毛衣?What _ of sweater _ you like? (以上为礼貌、委婉地表达征求对方的要求的句型)2“Would you like?”意为“你想要吗?”,这也是礼貌、委婉地征求对方意见的句型。其答语为:Yes, please./OK./No, thanks.“你想要一些牛奶吗?”“是的。/不,谢谢。”_ you _ some milk?Yes./No, _【拓展】“Would you like to do sth.?”意为“你愿意做某事吗?”。是用来有礼貌地向对方提出建议或邀请的句型。答语常为“Yes, Id like to.”和“Sorry”。二、可数名词与不可数名词1可数名词:可数名词有单、复数之分。其复数形式一般要加s或es。如:potato _;tomato _ 2不可数名词没有复数形式,只有单数形式。如:some _ (米饭); a lot of _ (牛肉)(1)不可数名词表示数量的多少时,必须与表示数量的名词连用,即“数词量词of不可数名词”,如: _ _ of juice 两玻璃杯果汁_ _ of rice 三碗米饭(2)不可数名词作主语时,谓语动词只能用单数形式。如:在碗里有一些羊肉汤。There _ _ mutton soup in the bowl. 【拓展】如果不可数名词前有量词修饰时,谓语动词要与量词的单、复数保持一致:房间里有两袋大米。 _ _two bags of rice in the room. 4Give students six more minutes to try to remember the sentences.答案 一、1.would; like; Id; like; kind; would; size; would2Would; like; thanks二、1.potatoes; tomatoes2rice; beef(1)two glasses; three bowls(2)is some【拓展】 There areStep 3PracticeWork on 3a. 1Complete the conversation with the sentences on the right.2Students work by themselves and complete the conversation.3Check the answers with the students.答案 (1)d(2)a(3)f(4)c(5)e(6)b4Let students practice the conversations in pairs. Work on 3b. 1Tell students to write questions and answers using words in the brackets.Give a model to the students. What kind of noodles would you like?2指导:看提示词,确定句子是对什么事情提问,检查句子的语序是否正确。最后,再根据自己的实际情况回答问题。3Practice the conversation with your partners. Step 4Survey (3c)1Look at the pictures. There are four kinds of special foods.Who would like them? Please make a survey of your classmates.2Give students a model:S1: Anna, what would you like to eat?S2: Id like beef noodles with carrots.3Write the result on a piece of paper and write a report. 4Read your report in your group. Step 5Exercises(详见PPT课件)Step 6Homework 1Remember the sentences in Grammar Focus. 2Make some conversations to ask your friends what food they would like. Write a short conversation.

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