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人教精通版备战2020年小升初专题复习(题型专练)排序(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 填空题 (共10题;共54分)1. (6分)给下面句子排成通顺的对话(_) Whats wrong with you?(_) You should have a rest.(_) I played football, but I hurt my leg.(_) Im sorry to hear that.(_) What should I do?(_) Thank you, doctor.2. (6分)将下列句子重新排序,组成完整的对话_I play football in the morning._No, I dont._Do you watch TV on Sundays ?_And I ride my bike in the afternoon._What do you do on Sundays ?3. (8分)句子排序。A. My birthday is on January 1st.B. Hello, Mary. My birthday is in September.C. Hello, Amy. When is your birthday?D. No, its in March. What about you, Mary?E. Is your brothers birthday in September, too?F. Oh, its New Years Day!正确顺序是: C_4. (5分)句子排序。My favourite! May I have one?Thanks.Whats your favourite food, Danny?Look,Danny. Donuts!Sure.Youre welcome!My favourite food is hot dogs.正确顺序:_5. (6分)句子排序。(_) Good morning, Lisa. How do you go to school?(_) I go to school by bus, too.(_) Lets go together(一起).(_) I go to school by bus. And you?(_) Great.6. (6分)句子排序。(_)A. Me, too. Lets go and eat something.(_)B. Salad. Its fresh and healthy. What would you like to eat?(_)C. I dont like ice cream. Its too sweet. I am hungry now.(_)D. Id like some ice cream. Its delicious.(_)E. Hi, John. Whats your favourite food?7. (6分)给下面的句子重新排顺序,使其成为完整的对话。(_)I dont know.(_)Where is my pencil?(_)Li Hua, Wheres your pencil?(_)There it is.(_)Danny, where is my pencil? Can you see it?(你看见它了吗?)8. (4分)给下列句子重新排序_Hes my father._Nice to meet you, too._Hi, Dad. This is my friend, Amy._Whos that man?_Nice to meet you.9. (1分)句子排序。(_)We can shop online.(_)I want to buy a new coat.(_)Great! Shopping online is fun and easy.(_)Lets go to the clothes shop.(_)Lets take this red coat.10. (6分)给句子排序。(_)Nice to meet you.(_)Good morning, Sarah. This is my friend, Amy.(_)Im from the USA.(_)Nice to meet you, too.(_)Where are you from? 第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、 填空题 (共10题;共54分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、


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